What Stands Out the Most About Last Weeks Tornado Disaster

Not the immediate politicalization of the disaster by Brandon and his handlers to push their ‘we can control the weather if we spend enough of your money’ agenda, but the way the people of the Bible Belt reacted to it.
Their first thoughts were what can I do to help others?
Their first actions was helping others.

Looting not an issue, people are finding things and returning them to their owners if known.

Watch any video of a survivor. Almost always they are more concerned about others than themselves. They are thankful to God to be alive and now what can I do to help with no focus on the fact they’ve just lost all of their material possessions.

Progressives hate all mankind
According to the DementocRats..............

Tornado switch ON

Tornado switch OFF
I haven't seen any State Farm insurance adjusters in any of the coverage.From their ads they say they are there immediately after a disaster handing out checks like Santa Claus.
Not true, if it were not for man made climate change we would have no natural disasters.

In fact, before man walked the earth it was a virtual utopia of perfectness.
In fact, before man walked the earth it was a virtual utopia of perfectness.


there just wasn't anyone to record the bad things
It's always been like that (folks helping each other) till something happens in a "entitled" community. Then they expect the .gov to do the lifting for them, hardly lifting a finger (except the middle one) to help themselves.

I never will forget a pic posted in the aftermath of the hurricane in PR a couple of years back. A roughly 8' X 8' boulder had blocked a road preventing relief supplies from going down the road and it just sat there for days.....I bet if it happened in say Mexico the citizens there would have been out there with hammers and chisels and would have reduced it to rubble in a few hours.

What Stands Out the Most About Last Weeks Tornado Disaster​

Jeff Bezos is NOWHERE to be found........as usual.

Not even ONE fake, phony show of concern in the media from him.

Long, LONG gone......are the days when company owners/CEO's and "magnates of business" were among the FIRST to be on the scene of any disaster that touched any part of their company and employees, and throwing their mega bucks at doctors, emergency services, and insurance companies to help their employees out.

What Stands Out the Most About Last Weeks Tornado Disaster​

Jeff Bezos is NOWHERE to be found........as usual.

Not even ONE fake, phony show of concern in the media from him.

All these filthy ass Libtards that were so much in solidarity with the destructive agenda of the BLM movement are nowhere to be found in this disaster.
The Left will always use every natural disaster to blame the people, propagandize, blame the GOP, and try to increase control over people.
Dumbass Liberals: "Lets raise taxes to prevent climate change."

But only in America because China and India emit 3 times our CO2 but lower on a per capita basis and every climate "scientist" agrees that per capita CO2 is the most powerful, er, or something. I don't speak Stupid Language so I don't understand the point they try to make

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