What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

Difficult to say because Biden doesn't know either. Dementia doesn't allow him to remember. When asked again, he will say, "Tuesday tastes of purple".
Putting Joe Biden in the White House, is like putting a flame thrower in the hands of a 6 year old.
You or any teabagger hasn't got any proof, except hearsay, innuendo and a snippet of a video, you're trying to pass off as "proof".
Over and over and over, on several topics. They can never prove any of it.

Such is life in a cult. Just create your own reality as you go.
I was as commenting on Biden, and anybody who thinks he has an ounce of loyalty to America and the American people, is a grade A DUPE, to whom I am willing to sell my Brooklyn Bridge at a low price.
Sure has a LOT more loyalty to the US, than the orange traitor and his cult.........ever has.


Grade A dupes.
He's your President, chimp. Better get used to it.
I'm not a chimp, chump. And Biden is nobody's president., He is a highjacker, who has robbed the American people of their office of the presidency. But he's not the only one. There are others pulling the strings of this difficult to control puppet.
You or any teabagger hasn't got any proof, except hearsay, innuendo and a snippet of a video, you're trying to pass off as "proof".
Video (Ukraine prosecutor) after video voter fraud organization), after video (sold state secrets) + dozens of still pictures of hands-on sex battery, and what response comes from the looney left ? > "hasn't got any proof". Pheeeew!

But let some looney tune like EJ Carroll come along accusing Trump of whatever, without a shred of proof, and they're all in on it. These guys dont know what a clown show they're puttin on.
It didn't go far in Trumplandia, because Trump and his cult only hear and see what they want to.
It didnt go far because, after 1.5 years of watching Joe Biden, we all know that he is a globalist opportunist, too scrambled in his brain to watch his words, and cover his many misdeed tracks.

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