What the 1/6 folks want us to believe about Jacob Chansley Q-anon SHEmon

isn't representative of Trump voters


Most registered Libertarians did not vote for Trump...

Sorry, not a SUB like you, MORON.

The real world isn't like this.

We are still waiting for your explanation. Why are there NO PHOTOS of SHEmon outside the Capitol, and like a SUB with the question Why are there NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi, you expose your own intellectual cowardice by not answering...

The Atlantean Conspiracy: A History of the C.I.A.

Don't Taz actually did something useful...

Posted the "video" of SHEmon entering the Capitol...

The problem with this account is multi-faceted. First, was Chansley ever outside on 1/6? He was on the terrace doing selfies with the Pelosi klan, but that's not OUTSIDE... If Chansley was never outside, well, that means he did not come in through a broken window. Be certain we will get PHOTOSHOPed images of Chansley outside very soon... but he was never outside. He stands out as a sore thumb. You cannot miss him. Nobody saw him because he wasn't outside....

The second is that the version of Chansley entering through a broken window in a stream of other "invaders" really REALLY clashes with what we observe with the Capitol Police. Every person who entered the Capitol on 1/6 was trespassing at least, grounds to be immediately arrested and prosecuted. Indeed, the Capitol Police traditionally have a ZERO TOLERANCE for such folks. Guns come out quickly given the sensitivity and "value" we place on Congress. So, a group of trespassers invades, and .... suddenly.... one, just one, and only one is being ESCORTED like a foreign dignitary TO THE SENATE where he is let loose.... Explain that one. Capitol Police should have IMMEDIATELY arrested Chansley. Someone told the Capitol Police to NOT ARREST Chansley. Who? Who instructed the Capitol Police to take Chansley to the Senate? Why?

The simple truth is that Capitol Police have a standard way of handling expected guests like foreign dignitaries and the Prez. The motorcade goes under the Capitol. The important guest then appears walking around escorted by Capitol Police in the EXACT WAY Chansley was escorted. There really is no other explanation for Chansley other than he arrived in the underground garage and was escorted as a GUEST OF HONOR.

a GUEST OF HONOR leading an "insurrection?"

Explain that one...

I will. Chansley is a fraud, a left wing homosexual failed actor who lives at home with left wing mommy. He is part of the 1/6 hate hoax. He was brought in by Pelosi and everyone else. Pelosi likely told the Capitol Police to escort Chansley.

He plead guilty because he did not want discovery.

He got solitary because nobody observes him there - HE WASN'T there until Tucker got the film, and then woosh, he's back in the jail and mommy is on Fox pretending to be not a left wing activist. Jacob Chansley isn't anyone who deserves any sympathy or exoneration. He isn't a Republican, MAGA, or conservative. He is a FRAUD and a TRAITOR. He deserves to be prosecuted for the treason of actively framing those who were arrested.... and a lot more.

In Tucker Carlson's recent video propaganda, he shows Qtard Shaman standing outside the Capitol doors. He then jump cuts to the Shaman wandering the halls of the Capitol as he is watched by the police. Carlson deliberately left out the video of the Shaman breaking in with the mob.

Here is the video of the Shaman breaking in with the rest of the violent mob:


You can see the QAnon Shaman enter with the violent mob at 1:05.

Tucker Carlson DELIBERATELY jump cut from the scene with the Shaman waiting with the mob outside the doors to the Shaman walking in a hallway. He DELIBERATELY edited out the part where they violently busted their way into the Capitol.

You creduloids totally fell for his hoax "they were invited in".

Man, that is fucking sad.
As you can see, poster CS, it ain't bean-bag around here.
Some of the MAGA-QLoons can be sour-noted.
Still, having said that.....there is a certain amount of whimsy and comedic relief mixed in.

For example, has your avatar ever been awarded the honorific of:
"FemiNazi Dyke Left Wing Taxpayer Funded Hate Hoaxer" ?

That's fun stuff. Really, it is.

Do you think it is too esoteric for a T-shirt?
Surely it must be too long for a bumper sticker?

WHO ordered the Capitol Police to escort SHEmon to the Senate and let him loose there???

Can you answer ONE question, because if you do, it will be the FIRST TIME...
he shows Qtard Shaman standing outside the Capitol doors.

Same question as above

WHO ordered the Capitol Police to escort Chansley to the Senate and let him loose there???

Your fudged videos and photos do not explain the TRUTH of the video, that the SHEmon was Capitol Hill's GUEST OF HONOR on 1/6...
. If Chansley was never outside, well, that means he did not come in through a broken window. Be certain we will get PHOTOSHOPed images of Chansley outside very soon... but he was never outside. He stands out as a sore thumb. You cannot miss him. Nobody saw him because he wasn't outside
Obviously, he was beamed into that doorway by Scotty.....
Chansley is a fraud, a left wing homosexual failed actor who lives at home with left wing mommy.

You are confirming what I have been saying for a while now. Rather than face the truth and the facts, you tards dive deeper and deeper into mental illness.
Tucker Carlson DELIBERATELY j


You assume I trust Tucker. I actually am not a supporter of Officer Chauvin and his Zionist Fascist GOON SQUAD in left wing Minneapolis ruled for decades by just Dems...
WHO ordered the Capitol Police to escort SHEmon to the Senate and let him loose there???

Can you answer ONE question, because if you do, it will be the FIRST TIME...
A tour! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

"Escorted". :lol:

I've answered this question multiple times. But once more, just for YOU.

The police behaved exactly how you should behave with a wild animal. You speak calmly to it, you make no sudden moves, and you keep a watchful eye on it until help arrives.

Unfortunately, the leader of the free world chose to jerk off for over three hours instead, rather than send help.

All the blood spilled that day is on his hands.
Obviously, he was beamed into that doorway by Scotty.....

It is the best they got. The truth of the video is quite clear.

Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell were all on board. Chansley arrived in the garage and was Capitol Hill's GUEST OF HONOR on 1/6.

There is no other explanation even close to explaining his "escort."
The police behaved exactly how you should behave with a wild animal.

by escorting him to the Senate past 8-9 officers who let him loose?


The Capitol Police were ordered to escort Chansley to the Senate and let him loose there. WHO ORDERED THAT?

You are confirming what I have been saying for a while now. Rather than face the truth and the facts, you tards dive deeper and deeper into mental illness.

Show 911 videos

Ask for photos of "Osama" in Saudi

Ask how Co2 melted North America while at the same time froze Greenland

Always this is the same answer, not an answer, but a cowardly dodge plus cards and insults....
Lol. Ok. You make a claim and I prove you wrong so you claim Photoshop.

At least try to put some effort into your trolling.

We were warned in the OP for fresh PHOTOSHOPed Chansley outside photos.

Still waiting for someone to answer

We were warned in the OP for fresh PHOTOSHOPed Chansley outside photos.

Still waiting for someone to answer

Trump did.
Trump did.


And that is where we are. Tucker Carlson showed the world that Chansley was Capitol Hill's GUEST OF HONOR on 1/6 and then the narrative switched to

oh, poor Jake Chansley he should be released...

Who else does Tucker want released?

Officer Chauvin

Wonderful guy, this Tucker....

Yeah, after further examination of the recording, Old Scotty must have set up a Trans-portal-beam for all those double agent aliens to move on Congress, because none of them were shown "Outside" either.

The ability to fudge photo and video today is awesome.

To have Chanlsey on 1/7 walk through that forced entry point and superimpose him amonst the "invaders" is actually pretty easy...

Still can't explain the GUEST OF HONOR behavior of the Capitol Police, but KEEP TRYING....

And that is where we are. Tucker Carlson showed the world that Chansley was Capitol Hill's GUEST OF HONOR on 1/6 and then the narrative switched to

oh, poor Jake Chansley he should be released...

Who else does Tucker want released?

Officer Chauvin

Wonderful guy, this Tucker....
Tucker wasn't in the know. Trump had the shaman escorted into the parking garage to be an inside spy for his takeover of the government. Chancey was in constant communication with Trump which is why Trump did nothing for 3 hours; he had the shaman their to make sure things went Trump's way.

The problem is, the shaman was also in league with Xi who was pissed that Trump turned on him after he granted Ivanka's parents. So the shaman turned on Trump which pissed off Saudi Arabia.

Trump contacted Saudi Arabia and asked if their was anything they could do. The Saudis were like fuck yeah, we will give 2 billion to Jared and he can use the money to create photoshops of the shaman outside so people won't connect him to Trump.

This worked well until Ukraine caught on. They tried to call Biden to let him know but Trump intercepted the call and said if you don't claim the shaman is a Democrat I will let Russia take over your country. Sort of a quid pro quo thing I guess but it was a perfect phone call.

At this point the deep state had no choice but to pretend to arrest chancey but the person who is in jail isn't even chancey. It is a body double.

Chancey is now dressed as a witch doctor and is conspiring with mexico to send more illegals over so Trump has more workers for his hotels.

Duh. If you don't know this then you have your head in the sand.

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