What the Biden administration will do-

Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
This is your America, tramp?

No, its tramps America!!
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
This is your America, tramp?

No, its tramps America!!
And, by definition, you are a tramp!

Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
This is your America, tramp?

No, its tramps America!!
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
This is your America, tramp?

No, its tramps America!!
And, by definition, you are a tramp!

No he is tho, all his life he was a tramp.
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.

Tramp? Are you a four year old? The Democrats and Media created this Virus panic and are now propping up violence from Marxist BLM and Antifa. Get real.
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
This is your America, tramp?

No, its tramps America!!
Moronic post. In spite of the Democrat/MEDIA Virus scam and the BLM/Antifa chaos, Trump will win in larger margins than before. People are fed up with this crap and lawlessness.

What you see, is tramp's America now.
This is your America, tramp?

No, its tramps America!!
And, by definition, you are a tramp!

No he is tho, all his life he was a tramp.
I think we all know who the tramp is here.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:

You forgot to mention these things, Bill!

Biden will raise taxes...something that will further affect an already depressed economy.

Biden will attempt to implement the Green New Deal...something that will raise every American's energy costs substantially! So get ready for much higher gas prices and higher electricity prices. Oh, and that will ALSO negatively affect our already depressed economy!

When Biden implements that mandatory Federal lockdown for Covid? He'll drive the final nails into the coffins of tens of thousands of American businesses...something that will devastate an already depressed economy!

You can elect Biden in November! Just know what that really MEANS come January!
2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

This would be ridiculously stupid and terribly damaging for millions of Americans. So yeah, Joe just might do that. It would benefit his wealthy donors though.
Amazon sales jump, Facebook profits up & Apple posts $11b in last quarter
Mostly, I just want to see a return to a normal news cycle

The mainstream media will turn on dime if Biden is elected. It isn't as if bad things won't happening, they just won't be reported to shield Biden and the Democrats. Similarly, it isn't as if there aren't a lot of good things happening now, but they aren't reported because they don't want to give Trump or Republicans any credit. The media(CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, websites, many newspapers, podcasts, etc.) has completely duped and brainwashed a large portion of this country by spinning, misquoting and flat out lying.
Mostly, I just want to see a return to a normal news cycle

The mainstream media will turn on dime if Biden is elected. It isn't as if bad things won't happening, they just won't be reported to shield Biden and the Democrats. Similarly, it isn't as if there aren't a lot of good things happening now, but they aren't reported because they don't want to give Trump or Republicans any credit. The media(CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, websites, many newspapers, podcasts, etc.) has completely duped and brainwashed a large portion of this country by spinning, misquoting and flat out lying.

I doubt that will happen in the slightest. If things don't get better, it's Priority #1 for the new President to deal with. This isn't something you can just sweep under the carpet...while hundreds of people are dying each day.
What credit can I give any Republican in the House or Senate? They've been completely absent during this pandemic and have been compliant and subservient to Trump. The Senate Republicans are bound and determined to see that the economy goes in the tank one way or the other. I can only think of two Republican governors to laud because they took the response to the virus seriously (Larry Hogan-MD and Charlie Baker-MA). In every other Republican state, the virus infection and death rates are headed up...or their state is too sparsely populated to make a dent in the numbers.

There are no lies, no spin, it's not a hoax, it's not the flu. And the longer people keep screaming about minor inconveniences being an infringement on personal liberty...the longer we are going to be mired in this mess.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
You forgot.....


And the oceans still.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
I wonder if you understand that when they quarentined people for things like measles, Small Pox, etc., They quarentined the sick people, not the healthy ones?

When it started looking like the H1N1 was getting out of control, the Obama Administration stopped testing after they reached 60 million positive tests. Their statement was, "We don't need to test anymore, we already know we have an epidemic."

The same people who are having kittens when Trump wanted to stop testing are the same ones who were okay with Obama stopping.

This isn't a public health issue.

Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
What will the Biden administration do? Anything Pelosi and Schumer say.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:

Sorry Bill,

But we've been down this road before. Maybe you are not aware of the skads of Youtube clips and moronic threads on this board claiming that Hillary would "cruise" to victory.

But we'll take them in order:

1. You obviously don't talk to Border Patrol agents. Try it. You'll learn something about all these new techniques and how they don't work along our southern or northern border (you might be surprized to learn how many mexicans actually enter the U.S. through the northern border.

2. Good luck with that. First, we'll show you what a real riot is. Second, after you've destroyed the rest of the economy we'll hang that around your neck for decades. You already own the current fuck up. Listen to who ? Fauci. That bastard hasn't been right yet. And you asskissers have no idea what works and what does not. This has been explained 1000 times and you thicked headed morons still don't get it.

3. Which NATO allies ? And why do we care ?

4. ???

5. Yes, we need more red tape in D.C. Why not include the EPA. You've been screaming about clean air since Trump took office. When challenged to show where it got dirty you usually find another thread to go to.

6. There is no voter approved immigration system that works. And please show us where these kids in cages are being abused (as you imply). Nobody talks about it anymore, except you and AOC (you are in fine company there if you like the company of ignorant assholes).

7. What the fuck ?

There is no normalcy anymore Bill, If you haven't figured that out, get out of your fucking basement and look around. And if you think all the shit you've pulled in the last four years won't come back to haunt you, you better damn well hope that the GOP does not win the house. Because if they do, Biden will be impeached (for any fucking reason we want) within six months. And we'll be rioting in a way that WILL leave bodies in our wake and you won't have the support of law enforcement to stop them.

Speaking of which, normalcy includes police which you are fast trying to eliminate.

You have a good day.

Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:

1. What happened to abolish ICE? Border patrol has made it clear that wall/fencing are necessary...

2. Fauci has said we don't need to lock down, but he will breath in Biden's nose...

3. Pander to NATO by bailing them out...

4. Politicize the state department and the IG...

5. Um, dems are attacking the feds, so I guess Biden will fix that by hiring ANTIF/BLM rioters...

6. Restore sex trafficking...

7. Hire people based on victimhood status...
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:

1. What happened to abolish ICE? Border patrol has made it clear that wall/fencing are necessary...

2. Fauci has said we don't need to lock down, but he will breath in Biden's nose...

3. Pander to NATO by bailing them out...

4. Politicize the state department and the IG...

5. Um, dems are attacking the feds, so I guess Biden will fix that by hiring ANTIF/BLM rioters...

6. Restore sex trafficking...

7. Hire people based on victimhood status...

Excellent points.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
Yawn.............they quarantined the sick not those not sick Moron........

In 1957 and 1968 the country didn't shut down..............a bunch died..........and the cure wasn't worse than the dang virus................which we have done this time.........PURE STUPIDITY.........

They isolated everyone in contact until they were proven to not to be affected. First you isolate then you test. Since people like you won't self isolate then it becomes Mandatory for a 14 days stint. And the best tests today are NOT 100% for detection. So some states have gone to the Mandatory 1
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
So you're saying that people illegally entering the USA need to be quarantined?

In case you haven't noticed, the illegal entries are way down. Not because of the falling down walls but because the US is the World's Distributor of Covid 19. Face the most important problem first and then we go after the petty ones. Rump's Illegal Entry scare has been sidelined. But you keep on going. It's entertaining.
They isolated everyone in contact until they were proven to not to be affected. First you isolate then you test. Since people like you won't self isolate then it becomes Mandatory for a 14 days stint. And the best tests today are NOT 100% for detection. So some states have gone to the Mandatory 1
If people don't test then they don't know........now do they.........

Most of the infected have never been tested........and that number is VERY LARGE IN MY OPINION.............

I can neither confirm or deny any cases at work Senator.........plausable deniability..............Nobody is gonna say shit...........and the thermal scans mean nothing in reality.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:

You forgot to mention these things, Bill!

Biden will raise taxes...something that will further affect an already depressed economy.

Biden will attempt to implement the Green New Deal...something that will raise every American's energy costs substantially! So get ready for much higher gas prices and higher electricity prices. Oh, and that will ALSO negatively affect our already depressed economy!

When Biden implements that mandatory Federal lockdown for Covid? He'll drive the final nails into the coffins of tens of thousands of American businesses...something that will devastate an already depressed economy!

You can elect Biden in November! Just know what that really MEANS come January!

After Rump allowed the Genie to get out of the bottle, these methods are about the only thing left to get a handle on it. The Pandemic is real and we topped over 150,000 in just 5 months. We were getting off lucky in this country with zero deaths. In the last 2 weeks, we have had two. Either we isolate from the Pandemic or we end up with that Million Mark Death rate very soon.
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
Yawn.............they quarantined the sick not those not sick Moron........

In 1957 and 1968 the country didn't shut down..............a bunch died..........and the cure wasn't worse than the dang virus................which we have done this time.........PURE STUPIDITY.........

They isolated everyone in contact until they were proven to not to be affected. First you isolate then you test. Since people like you won't self isolate then it becomes Mandatory for a 14 days stint. And the best tests today are NOT 100% for detection. So some states have gone to the Mandatory 1
Sorry Trump supporters, but barring a miracle, your golden boy in the White House will be a one (1) term president. So....

What will the incoming Biden administration do? Here is a short list-

1. Stop the lies about Mexico paying for that border wall, and use 21st century surveillance and patrols along the Rio Grande to secure our southern border.

2. Mandate a Federal lockdown until the COVID 19 crisis is under control, then listen to doctors, rather than politicians for guidance in reopening. OH...and stop telling people this virus will just "disappear"

3. Repair our relationships with our NATO allies

4. Rehire the employees at the state department, and inspector general's

5. Properly vett incoming Federal employees for experience and qualifications, rather than hiring his family and friends

6. Release the little children locked in cages along the southern border to their parents, and restore our voter approved immigration system

7. Hire people based on qualifications rather than just white males and ex models

The return to normalcy will begin in January :bye1:
So, looking at number 2, you are going to support the Biden admin in tearing up the Constitution. After all, it is you fucking clowns who said that the President does not have the authority to institute a nation wide mandate. You know, if you can't open up the country, you sure as hell cannot close it.

let's look at the years that the Federal Government did what is proposed in #2.

From Day One for the United States for diseases like Measles, Small Pox, etc.. Quarantining has always been done and it was not generally left to Volunteering. It was Mandatory. You could walk down a street and see Quarantine signs on doorways by order of either the Health Department of the Country Doctor. Before the cure, Polio was on that list as well.

1918. The Spanish Flu was allowed to almost get out of hand due to the needs of WWI. There are pictures of people wearing surgical masks from then. When an area was found that had cases, it was isolated until it ran it's course.

2008. H1N1 was handled the same way. It was allowed to go for 11 days until the Feds started locking it down. I'll bet you weren't even aware it was going on. It probably didn't effect your life. It didn't mine.

These isolation's have not been voluntary. They were Mandatory. Most of what I listed (short of Measles) were a lot more deadly than Covid. IF the Adults had been in charge, the mandatory lockdowns would have happened when there were 15 cases. And then every case after that cropped it's head up, there would have been isolations done for anyone that were in contract of possible contacts with the person or persons that tested positive. But it wasn't done until the death rate was in the Thousands. It's already exceeded all of the others all put together in deaths. Even Polio from the first day of the Nation to 1959 when the last case was detected (and cured).

Your rights end at the end of your nose.
So you're saying that people illegally entering the USA need to be quarantined?

In case you haven't noticed, the illegal entries are way down. Not because of the falling down walls but because the US is the World's Distributor of Covid 19. Face the most important problem first and then we go after the petty ones. Rump's Illegal Entry scare has been sidelined. But you keep on going. It's entertaining.
Lord, you get funnier with every post.

No, and no.

You do not isolate the health and those not at risk.

You may have an argument on isolating those who are at risk, such as the elderly and those with compromised health

THOSE are the people you isolate. YOU DO NOT isolate or quarantine healthy people.

Not ever, not for any reason.

When you have the not at risk group of people getting immune to the virus through exposure, they become a non-factor to those who are at risk.

The entire policy we have been following is foolhardy and a fools game.

This is NOT about public health. It is about politics and the Left are playing it to harm the greatest number of Americans in a hope that it will win them an election.

That is morally and ethically reprehensible.

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