What the big deal with this "memo"?

Watch them, the "Right" can do nothing right.
The "Left" can do nothing wrong.
You're talking about Left wing partisans right? Isn't the same true for Right wing partisans? Thats not a revelation, partisan wing nuts are dishonest and counterproductive on both sides...

Don't put words in my mouth. MY problem is that the United States still by and large buys the false two party paradigm. There NOT two parties. There is the Political Class and then there are us.

NOTHING will ever change until we reject them all.
There are two parties that dominate our politics and both parties are dominated by the "Political Class" That you speak of. I agree there is way too much corruption and bureaucracy in our politics. I'd love to see the two parties get dismantled and major campaign reform happen in the near future. And for Christ sake we need to somehow get some class, integrity, honesty and transparency back in our political discourse.
This memo is going to single-handedly end the Mueller investigation and send Obama, Biden, The Clinton's, Comey, Lynch, Wasserman-Schultz, Schumer, and, Pelosi to jail.
I see you've been drinking the Kool aid.
Leftwing Undeniable truths. ;)
umm ok :dunno:

Watch them, the "Right" can do nothing right.
The "Left" can do nothing wrong.
You're talking about Left wing partisans right? Isn't the same true for Right wing partisans? Thats not a revelation, partisan wing nuts are dishonest and counterproductive on both sides...

Don't put words in my mouth. MY problem is that the United States still by and large buys the false two party paradigm. There NOT two parties. There is the Political Class and then there are us.

NOTHING will ever change until we reject them all.
There are two parties that dominate our politics and both parties are dominated by the "Political Class" That you speak of. I agree there is way too much corruption and bureaucracy in our politics. I'd love to see the two parties get dismantled and major campaign reform happen in the near future. And for Christ sake we need to somehow get some class, integrity, honesty and transparency back in our political discourse.

Nope. They aren't real to the Political Class.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused

Then why are they and the (Pubs) wanting to do it?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused
Have you seen the number of immigrant and refugees we have settled? That is not a partisan narrative it is the truth.
I'm not sure, apparently the memo shows how corrupt the FBI is in it, There is some classified material, which is why they cant share it unless it's declassified and voted on in congress to release it.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused

Then why are they and the (Pubs) wanting to do it?
RINOs who cave to lobbyists and special interests. Next.
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused

Then why are they and the (Pubs) wanting to do it?
RINOs who cave to lobbyists and special interests. Next.

LOL, get over yourself. They are ALL RINO's.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused

Then why are they and the (Pubs) wanting to do it?
They don’t
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused
Have you seen the number of immigrant and refugees we have settled? That is not a partisan narrative it is the truth.
Being pro immigration doesn’t mean looking for welfare voters... that’s ridiculous. I’m pro immigration and I don’t want to promote a welfare state or a political party
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
maybe. lot of that going on. but there's been a lot of smoke here for a long time and if this is based off FISA already saying obama camp went too far, and we have a memo that mentions they don't care or the like - wouldn't that be huge?

if you honestly think russia, if true, is bad - how bad is it, if true, that our own FBI and president spied on "opponents" breaking their own rules to do so? you don't even know what it is and yet, here you are saying it's all a pack of lies.

maybe. but i'm ok with waiting til it comes out before i pass judgement. every time i've done that i had to work hard to get by my own bias because i kept trying to prove i was right when all the while i should be just looking for what is true.

any of this bother you - on it's own. don't defend or attack - just does our gov doing this bother you?
NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds

New report reveals NSA's past decade of unlawful surveillance

Obama’s NSA rebuked for snooping on Americans; journo says it proves wide pattern

Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts

Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands

this isn't picking on obama - this is getting pissed at our government for continuing to invade deeper and deeper into our lives and due process is dying along the way. we need to care 100% what our government as a whole is doing and stop this they suck no they suck shit.

that's how they keep getting away with it.

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