What the big deal with this "memo"?

I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio.

I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative

the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple.

You have seen the memo with your own eyes? Wait, you have not so :eusa_hand:
I have not... I've heard the Author and his buddy's talking about it along with other BS hyped up conspiracy theories, so it's not a new song they are singing. Their credibility is in the dumpster as far as i'm concerned.

Like I asked earlier. If you heard that Schumer and Pelosi had excluded Republicans to author a secret memo exposing Trumps collusion with Russia, would you assume it credible or partisan hype? Add to that accounts from Republicans that read the memo and said it was full of misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Really think about that...

I'll make this simple for you, you know jack shit about this memo hence you are in no position to declare it partisan spin or anything of the sort. Even more ridiculous you base your personal opinions on what you have heard on tv and radio wow. :eusa_hand:
I base my opinions on what I hear the authors of this "memo" say on TV and radio. These are their words and opinions. The memo is their words and opinions. Do you not see the correlation?

Why did you ignore answering my question about Schumer and Pelosi. If they had a memo would you be assuming it was partisan or would you be defending the "wait and see" position that you are doing now. Be honest

I cannot comment on a memo I have not seen. I can comment on known facts that suggest the memo may be factual, like these two trump hating clowns at the FBI who both worked for Mueller I suppose that's just a coincidence. The DOJ and FBI using burner phones, just another coincidence. The FBI failing to capture records for 5 months due to a 'glitch' riiiiiiiight.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio.

I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative

the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple.

You have seen the memo with your own eyes? Wait, you have not so :eusa_hand:
I have not... I've heard the Author and his buddy's talking about it along with other BS hyped up conspiracy theories, so it's not a new song they are singing. Their credibility is in the dumpster as far as i'm concerned.

Like I asked earlier. If you heard that Schumer and Pelosi had excluded Republicans to author a secret memo exposing Trumps collusion with Russia, would you assume it credible or partisan hype? Add to that accounts from Republicans that read the memo and said it was full of misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Really think about that...

I'll make this simple for you, you know jack shit about this memo hence you are in no position to declare it partisan spin or anything of the sort. Even more ridiculous you base your personal opinions on what you have heard on tv and radio wow. :eusa_hand:

Well, that's not true. We know a bunch of things about "the memo".

1. We know it was written by Nunes - a politician.
2. We know that he won't share it with the FBI or the DOJ.
3. We know the Democrats on the committee don't agree with its conclusions.

All of those factors point directly to it being a pile of partisan nonsense. As for basing your personal opinions on "what you heard on tv and the radio" - that's how you formed your opinion of "the memo" too. I know how desperately you guys are hoping this memo is something amazing - but where do you think that hope came from?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Sounds like one predetermined vote, no matter the facts.
I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!
I think what is happening is pretty obvious. Trump is still trying to back up his "Obama wire tapped me" claim. It started when Nunes snuck over to the white house and got the scoop of how Trump wanted to push this story and then tried to push that narrative to light. He had to recuse himself from leading the investigation and his conduct was sent to the ethics committee. He laid low for a while but this memo is him resurfacing with that same narrative. Corrupt agents in the FBI, illegal FISA warrants, Obama wiretapped Trump, Russia investigation is a fake witch hunt... Its all pretty transparent what he's pushing.

As I said, if there is no national security implications then release the memo. I don't give a shit, i'm not trying to shut it down. I just think its funny that people are making such a big deal out of observations that an ethically challenged partisan is making about an investigation he had to recuse himself from last year. Its a joke.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
maybe. lot of that going on. but there's been a lot of smoke here for a long time and if this is based off FISA already saying obama camp went too far, and we have a memo that mentions they don't care or the like - wouldn't that be huge?

if you honestly think russia, if true, is bad - how bad is it, if true, that our own FBI and president spied on "opponents" breaking their own rules to do so? you don't even know what it is and yet, here you are saying it's all a pack of lies.

maybe. but i'm ok with waiting til it comes out before i pass judgement. every time i've done that i had to work hard to get by my own bias because i kept trying to prove i was right when all the while i should be just looking for what is true.

any of this bother you - on it's own. don't defend or attack - just does our gov doing this bother you?
NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds

New report reveals NSA's past decade of unlawful surveillance

Obama’s NSA rebuked for snooping on Americans; journo says it proves wide pattern

Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts

Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands

this isn't picking on obama - this is getting pissed at our government for continuing to invade deeper and deeper into our lives and due process is dying along the way. we need to care 100% what our government as a whole is doing and stop this they suck no they suck shit.

that's how they keep getting away with it.
The “memo” isn’t some secret document, it is a partisan narrative of what a group of fringe republicans are spinning from the investigation. If Chuck Schumer and pelosi wrote a “memo” of Russia collusion with Trump, how much weight would you give it??

There was a very in depth investigation from a congressional committee. The findings of that investigation should be reported by that committee. Not a handful of members that have shown complete bias partisanship throughout this situation. The damn author of the “memo” had to recuse himelself from leading this investigation!!!! Come on people.

When did you get to read it?
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
Nothing is burning but the Democratic plan to flood the nation with immigrants dependent on the government.
Any plan like that should be burnt down however I think thats another one of those bullshit partisan narratives aimed to discredit the opposition. That stuff is getting so tired and overused
Have you seen the number of immigrant and refugees we have settled? That is not a partisan narrative it is the truth.
Being pro immigration doesn’t mean looking for welfare voters... that’s ridiculous. I’m pro immigration and I don’t want to promote a welfare state or a political party
When it is amnesty for illegal immigrants it is.
So when Trump signs the DACA deal is that him promoting welfare loving democrats? How does that work?
I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!

The Russian Trump dossier totally factual, this memo totally false, the left's spin is more crazy with each passing day.
Did I say that? Are you just making shit up again?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio.

I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative

the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple.

You have seen the memo with your own eyes? Wait, you have not so :eusa_hand:
I have not... I've heard the Author and his buddy's talking about it along with other BS hyped up conspiracy theories, so it's not a new song they are singing. Their credibility is in the dumpster as far as i'm concerned.

Like I asked earlier. If you heard that Schumer and Pelosi had excluded Republicans to author a secret memo exposing Trumps collusion with Russia, would you assume it credible or partisan hype? Add to that accounts from Republicans that read the memo and said it was full of misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Really think about that...

I'll make this simple for you, you know jack shit about this memo hence you are in no position to declare it partisan spin or anything of the sort. Even more ridiculous you base your personal opinions on what you have heard on tv and radio wow. :eusa_hand:
I base my opinions on what I hear the authors of this "memo" say on TV and radio. These are their words and opinions. The memo is their words and opinions. Do you not see the correlation?

Why did you ignore answering my question about Schumer and Pelosi. If they had a memo would you be assuming it was partisan or would you be defending the "wait and see" position that you are doing now. Be honest

I cannot comment on a memo I have not seen. I can comment on known facts that suggest the memo may be factual, like these two trump hating clowns at the FBI who both worked for Mueller I suppose that's just a coincidence. The DOJ and FBI using burner phones, just another coincidence. The FBI failing to capture records for 5 months due to a 'glitch' riiiiiiiight.
The "trump haters" where removed, who gives a shit if FBI agents use burner phones, and the lost records have been found. Strike 3
I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!
I think what is happening is pretty obvious. Trump is still trying to back up his "Obama wire tapped me" claim. It started when Nunes snuck over to the white house and got the scoop of how Trump wanted to push this story and then tried to push that narrative to light. He had to recuse himself from leading the investigation and his conduct was sent to the ethics committee. He laid low for a while but this memo is him resurfacing with that same narrative. Corrupt agents in the FBI, illegal FISA warrants, Obama wiretapped Trump, Russia investigation is a fake witch hunt... Its all pretty transparent what he's pushing.

As I said, if there is no national security implications then release the memo. I don't give a shit, i'm not trying to shut it down. I just think its funny that people are making such a big deal out of observations that an ethically challenged partisan is making about an investigation he had to recuse himself from last year. Its a joke.

What is a joke is wasting time and promoting division when Trump was elected president. The economy is booming and people insist Trump has to go because they dislike him? Grow up and help unite America not tear it down and using the president to do it.
It is just the latest shiny object to keep the faithful busy and riled up. In the end it will be one more nothing burger
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Sounds like one predetermined vote, no matter the facts.
Im fine with facts. They should be presented by the Investigating body in coordination with the FBI and DOJ to make sure national security info is not compromised. Not in secret and through vague leaks by a couple rogue politicians who are proven partisans. This is an obvious tactic and yall are falling for it.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
maybe. lot of that going on. but there's been a lot of smoke here for a long time and if this is based off FISA already saying obama camp went too far, and we have a memo that mentions they don't care or the like - wouldn't that be huge?

if you honestly think russia, if true, is bad - how bad is it, if true, that our own FBI and president spied on "opponents" breaking their own rules to do so? you don't even know what it is and yet, here you are saying it's all a pack of lies.

maybe. but i'm ok with waiting til it comes out before i pass judgement. every time i've done that i had to work hard to get by my own bias because i kept trying to prove i was right when all the while i should be just looking for what is true.

any of this bother you - on it's own. don't defend or attack - just does our gov doing this bother you?
NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds

New report reveals NSA's past decade of unlawful surveillance

Obama’s NSA rebuked for snooping on Americans; journo says it proves wide pattern

Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts

Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands

this isn't picking on obama - this is getting pissed at our government for continuing to invade deeper and deeper into our lives and due process is dying along the way. we need to care 100% what our government as a whole is doing and stop this they suck no they suck shit.

that's how they keep getting away with it.
The “memo” isn’t some secret document, it is a partisan narrative of what a group of fringe republicans are spinning from the investigation. If Chuck Schumer and pelosi wrote a “memo” of Russia collusion with Trump, how much weight would you give it??

There was a very in depth investigation from a congressional committee. The findings of that investigation should be reported by that committee. Not a handful of members that have shown complete bias partisanship throughout this situation. The damn author of the “memo” had to recuse himelself from leading this investigation!!!! Come on people.

When did you get to read it?
I didn't read it, I explained where my opinions came from... did you not understand?
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!
I think what is happening is pretty obvious. Trump is still trying to back up his "Obama wire tapped me" claim. It started when Nunes snuck over to the white house and got the scoop of how Trump wanted to push this story and then tried to push that narrative to light. He had to recuse himself from leading the investigation and his conduct was sent to the ethics committee. He laid low for a while but this memo is him resurfacing with that same narrative. Corrupt agents in the FBI, illegal FISA warrants, Obama wiretapped Trump, Russia investigation is a fake witch hunt... Its all pretty transparent what he's pushing.

As I said, if there is no national security implications then release the memo. I don't give a shit, i'm not trying to shut it down. I just think its funny that people are making such a big deal out of observations that an ethically challenged partisan is making about an investigation he had to recuse himself from last year. Its a joke.

What is a joke is wasting time and promoting division when Trump was elected president. The economy is booming and people insist Trump has to go because they dislike him? Grow up and help unite America not tear it down and using the president to do it.
Nice diversion. I started threads after the election speaking out agains the resisters calling form dems to give Trump a chance and show how to be a productive minority party. For the most part they haven't done that, but that is a different subject than this thread.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!

The Russian Trump dossier totally factual, this memo totally false, the left's spin is more crazy with each passing day.
Did I say that? Are you just making shit up again?

I wasn't talking to you, work on your reading comprehension. :itsok:
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio.

I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative

the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple.

You have seen the memo with your own eyes? Wait, you have not so :eusa_hand:
I have not... I've heard the Author and his buddy's talking about it along with other BS hyped up conspiracy theories, so it's not a new song they are singing. Their credibility is in the dumpster as far as i'm concerned.

Like I asked earlier. If you heard that Schumer and Pelosi had excluded Republicans to author a secret memo exposing Trumps collusion with Russia, would you assume it credible or partisan hype? Add to that accounts from Republicans that read the memo and said it was full of misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Really think about that...

I'll make this simple for you, you know jack shit about this memo hence you are in no position to declare it partisan spin or anything of the sort. Even more ridiculous you base your personal opinions on what you have heard on tv and radio wow. :eusa_hand:

Well, that's not true. We know a bunch of things about "the memo".

1. We know it was written by Nunes - a politician.
2. We know that he won't share it with the FBI or the DOJ.
3. We know the Democrats on the committee don't agree with its conclusions.

All of those factors point directly to it being a pile of partisan nonsense. As for basing your personal opinions on "what you heard on tv and the radio" - that's how you formed your opinion of "the memo" too. I know how desperately you guys are hoping this memo is something amazing - but where do you think that hope came from?

I don’t know what is in the memo I would like to see it and everything else released. It might be something big it might be nothing but I would rather see it and make up my own mind than getting bits and pieces released by both sides to push their narrative and agenda.
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!
I think what is happening is pretty obvious. Trump is still trying to back up his "Obama wire tapped me" claim. It started when Nunes snuck over to the white house and got the scoop of how Trump wanted to push this story and then tried to push that narrative to light. He had to recuse himself from leading the investigation and his conduct was sent to the ethics committee. He laid low for a while but this memo is him resurfacing with that same narrative. Corrupt agents in the FBI, illegal FISA warrants, Obama wiretapped Trump, Russia investigation is a fake witch hunt... Its all pretty transparent what he's pushing.

As I said, if there is no national security implications then release the memo. I don't give a shit, i'm not trying to shut it down. I just think its funny that people are making such a big deal out of observations that an ethically challenged partisan is making about an investigation he had to recuse himself from last year. Its a joke.

Well, spin is good, lol..............so let me not only spin a little for you, but tell you some truth---------->

Did you know that Muller had Sessions in to testify? Bet you did, didn't you-)

Did you know that he also had Coats in? Well, did you!

Did you know, he also had Rogers in? Well?

What does that mean?

Here is what it means--------------> Muller now knows what they all know, and knows EXACTLY what happened! He knows 100%, absotively, posolutely, no doubt about it.........if he was made a fool out of also. He also knows if they have anything on him if he was involved-)

So again, what does that mean?

Well, we shall see very shortly; unless of course your peeps can block the release of these, and many others coming out.

Maybe you Leftists are right, who knows. But America deserves to know what happened, and let the chips fall where they may.

So won't all of you join us in demanding the release of the answers we deserve!
Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!
I think what is happening is pretty obvious. Trump is still trying to back up his "Obama wire tapped me" claim. It started when Nunes snuck over to the white house and got the scoop of how Trump wanted to push this story and then tried to push that narrative to light. He had to recuse himself from leading the investigation and his conduct was sent to the ethics committee. He laid low for a while but this memo is him resurfacing with that same narrative. Corrupt agents in the FBI, illegal FISA warrants, Obama wiretapped Trump, Russia investigation is a fake witch hunt... Its all pretty transparent what he's pushing.

As I said, if there is no national security implications then release the memo. I don't give a shit, i'm not trying to shut it down. I just think its funny that people are making such a big deal out of observations that an ethically challenged partisan is making about an investigation he had to recuse himself from last year. Its a joke.

What is a joke is wasting time and promoting division when Trump was elected president. The economy is booming and people insist Trump has to go because they dislike him? Grow up and help unite America not tear it down and using the president to do it.
Nice diversion. I started threads after the election speaking out agains the resisters calling form dems to give Trump a chance and show how to be a productive minority party. For the most part they haven't done that, but that is a different subject than this thread.
I have to check with you before I post?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
maybe. lot of that going on. but there's been a lot of smoke here for a long time and if this is based off FISA already saying obama camp went too far, and we have a memo that mentions they don't care or the like - wouldn't that be huge?

if you honestly think russia, if true, is bad - how bad is it, if true, that our own FBI and president spied on "opponents" breaking their own rules to do so? you don't even know what it is and yet, here you are saying it's all a pack of lies.

maybe. but i'm ok with waiting til it comes out before i pass judgement. every time i've done that i had to work hard to get by my own bias because i kept trying to prove i was right when all the while i should be just looking for what is true.

any of this bother you - on it's own. don't defend or attack - just does our gov doing this bother you?
NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds

New report reveals NSA's past decade of unlawful surveillance

Obama’s NSA rebuked for snooping on Americans; journo says it proves wide pattern

Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts

Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands

this isn't picking on obama - this is getting pissed at our government for continuing to invade deeper and deeper into our lives and due process is dying along the way. we need to care 100% what our government as a whole is doing and stop this they suck no they suck shit.

that's how they keep getting away with it.
The “memo” isn’t some secret document, it is a partisan narrative of what a group of fringe republicans are spinning from the investigation. If Chuck Schumer and pelosi wrote a “memo” of Russia collusion with Trump, how much weight would you give it??

There was a very in depth investigation from a congressional committee. The findings of that investigation should be reported by that committee. Not a handful of members that have shown complete bias partisanship throughout this situation. The damn author of the “memo” had to recuse himelself from leading this investigation!!!! Come on people.

When did you get to read it?
I didn't read it, I explained where my opinions came from... did you not understand?
I'm just sad that yet another partisan has already pre-judged and decided to not accept a document (no matter what the facts say) before having any knowledge whatsoever of its contents.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Sounds like one predetermined vote, no matter the facts.
Im fine with facts. They should be presented by the Investigating body in coordination with the FBI and DOJ to make sure national security info is not compromised. Not in secret and through vague leaks by a couple rogue politicians who are proven partisans. This is an obvious tactic and yall are falling for it.
If they present no facts, than there's nothing to be gained. The reality, though, that classified information is involved tells me that there probably is corroborating evidence to back up the memo (unlike, of course, the infamous dossier).
Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!

The Russian Trump dossier totally factual, this memo totally false, the left's spin is more crazy with each passing day.
Did I say that? Are you just making shit up again?

I wasn't talking to you, work on your reading comprehension. :itsok:
You jumped right in the middle of a conversation I was having to talk about arbitrary lefties? Whats the point of that?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio.

I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative

the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple.

You have seen the memo with your own eyes? Wait, you have not so :eusa_hand:
I have not... I've heard the Author and his buddy's talking about it along with other BS hyped up conspiracy theories, so it's not a new song they are singing. Their credibility is in the dumpster as far as i'm concerned.

Like I asked earlier. If you heard that Schumer and Pelosi had excluded Republicans to author a secret memo exposing Trumps collusion with Russia, would you assume it credible or partisan hype? Add to that accounts from Republicans that read the memo and said it was full of misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Really think about that...

I'll make this simple for you, you know jack shit about this memo hence you are in no position to declare it partisan spin or anything of the sort. Even more ridiculous you base your personal opinions on what you have heard on tv and radio wow. :eusa_hand:

Well, that's not true. We know a bunch of things about "the memo".

1. We know it was written by Nunes - a politician.
2. We know that he won't share it with the FBI or the DOJ.
3. We know the Democrats on the committee don't agree with its conclusions.

All of those factors point directly to it being a pile of partisan nonsense. As for basing your personal opinions on "what you heard on tv and the radio" - that's how you formed your opinion of "the memo" too. I know how desperately you guys are hoping this memo is something amazing - but where do you think that hope came from?

The memo is partisan hype, plain and simple. The findings of the investigation should be objectively compiled and released for public view, stick to the facts. Getting a partisan Rep memo and a partisan Dem memo is embarrassing. Is this a joke?

Well, if it was just partisan hype without truth supported by facts, then I suppose the Left wouldn't be crying so hard about stopping it!
I haven't seen any crying but if you are talking about opposition then it is probably because Democrats who have read it say it is an incomplete and misrepresentation of the facts. So of course, if that is true then there should be objections.

Oh gee, we as Americans are to dumb to figure out that 2 + 2 = 4. Ummmmmmm, I am sorry, but even an illegal alien can probably figure that out.

Tell you what, and I am being sincere..........................no matter what the facts they supposedly release, if their is no evidence with it, I will be right there with you. I don't want an opinion piece, that doesn't cut it. It brings everything back to right where we are now.

But I am confident that not only will there be evidence, more things will come out as it goes along.

Why do I think this?

Because no political party is going to shoot its cannon this far in advance of the midterms. They had all this in late October, so they could have done it any time from there, forward.

Nope, this is just the start. Republicans are old and slow, and usually kind of lazy as you can see by the fact they very seldom picket, or riot. But dumb, they aren't. They know their asses are on the line in this election, and starting some nonsensical crap like this to activate their base is not enough. Their base will not keep the House and Senate. They need independents, and to do that, they have to reform the Trump Russian delusion, and show that Democrats are crooks. This will do both!
I think what is happening is pretty obvious. Trump is still trying to back up his "Obama wire tapped me" claim. It started when Nunes snuck over to the white house and got the scoop of how Trump wanted to push this story and then tried to push that narrative to light. He had to recuse himself from leading the investigation and his conduct was sent to the ethics committee. He laid low for a while but this memo is him resurfacing with that same narrative. Corrupt agents in the FBI, illegal FISA warrants, Obama wiretapped Trump, Russia investigation is a fake witch hunt... Its all pretty transparent what he's pushing.

As I said, if there is no national security implications then release the memo. I don't give a shit, i'm not trying to shut it down. I just think its funny that people are making such a big deal out of observations that an ethically challenged partisan is making about an investigation he had to recuse himself from last year. Its a joke.

Well, spin is good, lol..............so let me not only spin a little for you, but tell you some truth---------->

Did you know that Muller had Sessions in to testify? Bet you did, didn't you-)

Did you know that he also had Coats in? Well, did you!

Did you know, he also had Rogers in? Well?

What does that mean?

Here is what it means--------------> Muller now knows what they all know, and knows EXACTLY what happened! He knows 100%, absotively, posolutely, no doubt about it.........if he was made a fool out of also. He also knows if they have anything on him if he was involved-)

So again, what does that mean?

Well, we shall see very shortly; unless of course your peeps can block the release of these, and many others coming out.

Maybe you Leftists are right, who knows. But America deserves to know what happened, and let the chips fall where they may.

So won't all of you join us in demanding the release of the answers we deserve!
Of course, I don't think i've said otherwise. Releasing the facts is exactly what i've said. They should be released in an honest and objective way. Not by a secret partisan memo. The whole committee should get together and report their findings without the opinion, distortion and spin from either side. Just the facts.

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