What The Candidates Aren't Telling The Stupid Voters.We Have A Doctor Shortage.But Free Health-Care!

. We have lack of access to healthcare because of high deductibles. It was better before Obamacare.
Deductibles were HIGHER before the ACA
. Insurance companies decide costs because covering pre-existing conditions is so expensive. Someone needs to pay for covering those conditions
Not true. That was accounted for in the set up of the ACA (including adding more people to the pool)...but Republicans screwed with various parts of it meant to mitigate that issue

Yes there is a shortage of doctors, they borrow to pay for school, insurance, taxes, and then get less pay from Medicaid

That shortage would exist with or without Medicare for all. So WHO are you saying should be "rationed out" of having access to a doctor?
We have a lack of access to health care. The insurance companies decide. It is cost prohibitive for many to even become a doctor.

So, the answer is to continue with H1B visas and being fully aware that the current scam is being used to drop wages in the nursing fields.

There has to be a better way.
The drop in nursing wages has more to do with a glut of nurses right now than anything else. What is needed is more primary care givers which is why we're seeing a lot of PAs and Nurse Practitioners, much cheaper than becoming a full fledged MD.
In Europe they have to import doctors from India and such because there is such a shortage and they have free education

Are you kidding?

We don't have large numbers of Indian doctors?

How stupid ARE you people...
. We have lack of access to healthcare because of high deductibles. It was better before Obamacare.
Deductibles were HIGHER before the ACA
. Insurance companies decide costs because covering pre-existing conditions is so expensive. Someone needs to pay for covering those conditions
Not true. That was accounted for in the set up of the ACA (including adding more people to the pool)...but Republicans screwed with various parts of it meant to mitigate that issue

Yes there is a shortage of doctors, they borrow to pay for school, insurance, taxes, and then get less pay from Medicaid

That shortage would exist with or without Medicare for all. So WHO are you saying should be "rationed out" of having access to a doctor?

In regards to doctor shortages, you do understand that that this shortgage is being created by Big Medicine to inflate their prices. The American Medical Assosciation sets strict limits on how many students will be admitted to medical school each year, and how many new doctors are licensed in the USA every year. Each year, thousands of highly qualified and motivated American medical students are turned away, while many foreign born students are allowed to come to the USA and train instead of American students, in large part because those foreign students are wealthy and pay full tuition to the schools they attend.

The American medical association fears that too many doctors will lead to price cutting, and actual competition, and they won't make enough money. By keeping medical school admissions low, they prevent that from happening. Anyone who wants to become a lawyer can go to school and do so. The medical establishment learned from this mistake and keeps the number of American doctors so low that virtually anyone with a medical license is pretty much guaranteed of ending up wealthy.
I've long thought of a good national health plan would be to pay for the education of qualified medical students and have them serve 1 day a week at a community health center for a number of years. I'd favor the same for dentist.
i have that severe terminal farting disorder,,u know,,,the one where u have to pass gas, loud, every 5 to 10 minutes?,,,will my regular treatments be free someday?
You should see an oral surgeon for that. You little freakazoid.
First Medicare is NOT free

Second, a doctors' shortage and access to health insurance are NOT related

Third, medical schools have increased their student population by over 30%

This is why too many doctors are leaving the profession and too few new ones are joining it

Oh, very "true".......Tons of doctors are leaving the profession and working as greeters at WalMart

I didn't read that anywhere. If you have evidence to dispute the article you're free to present it. If you have to engage in hyperbole perhaps it's because you can't.
That's an easy fix that the government already uses in IT and engineering...H1B Visas...
View attachment 251419

They already import through the H1B!
Well see then! Nothing to worry Bruce! Our boomers can continue to shit their diapers taking solace in the fact that there will always be someone there.
God bless America and the foresight of our great government to approve Doctor Sanjeet.

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That's an easy fix that the government already uses in IT and engineering...H1B Visas...
View attachment 251419

What the hell is wrong with you?
The H1B program has proven to be a very cost effective method. True the educational standards may not be first world quality in many nations but these individuals are coming in and filling the gaps. Better to have a doctor or engineer graduate from Third World State University that none at all...right?
Shortage of doctors?????.................Simple answer

Donate the same amount of what Trump wants for his "wall" to the top 20 medical schools to have 10 years of FREE tuition for students..................You know who would object to such a plan????

The AMA and a few other associations that want to keep shortages and keep existing doctors' salaries high.
First Medicare is NOT free

Second, a doctors' shortage and access to health insurance are NOT related

Third, medical schools have increased their student population by over 30%

This is why too many doctors are leaving the profession and too few new ones are joining it

Oh, very "true".......Tons of doctors are leaving the profession and working as greeters at WalMart

I didn't read that anywhere. If you have evidence to dispute the article you're free to present it. If you have to engage in hyperbole perhaps it's because you can't.

I simply want to know WHERE "doctors who are leaving the profession" wind up working; surely they are not all migrating to Venezuela.
3. Yes there is a shortage of doctors, they borrow to pay for school, insurance, taxes, and then get less pay from Medicaid

Nonsense.........Compare doctora' average salary to that of someone else earning a doctoral degree.

Separate data from Medscape's 8th Physician Compensation Report for 2018 states that the average U.S. primary care physician earns $223,000 annually. Meanwhile, medical specialists earn an average of $329,000, as of 2018. Across all specialties, Medscape found that the average salary for physicians is $299,000

You state opinions, but I'm putting up verified facts with links, So please keep up...

The doctor is out? Why physicians are leaving their practices to pursue other careers
"So why is there waning interest in being a physician? A recent report from the Association of American Medical Colleges projected a shortage of 42,600 to 121,300 physicians by 2030, up from its 2017 projected shortage of 40,800 to 104,900 doctors.

There appear to be two main factors driving this anticipated doctor drought: First, young people are becoming less interested in pursuing medical careers with the rise of STEM jobs, a shift that Craig Fowler, regional VP of The Medicus Firm, a national physician search and consulting agency based in Dallas, has noticed."
First Medicare is NOT free

Second, a doctors' shortage and access to health insurance are NOT related

Third, medical schools have increased their student population by over 30%

This is why too many doctors are leaving the profession and too few new ones are joining it

Oh, very "true".......Tons of doctors are leaving the profession and working as greeters at WalMart

I didn't read that anywhere. If you have evidence to dispute the article you're free to present it. If you have to engage in hyperbole perhaps it's because you can't.

I simply want to know WHERE "doctors who are leaving the profession" wind up working; surely they are not all migrating to Venezuela.
Possibly because the link that is titled docs leaving the profession simply doesn't say what's its advertised as. What the link says, and what's true, is that medical school and lengthy residencies, and the cost, are causing kids to choose other careers. However, more people than ever are applying to medical school.

Survey: More People Than Ever Want to Be Doctors

But the entire thread is based on a misconception. The dems versions of increasing the number of people with access to regular care pretty much depends on MDs being more efficient and using Nurse Practioners and Physician Assts .... and those really are good careers if you like seeing sick people.
We have a Doctor shortage because the AMA is keeping the number of doctors artificially low. The AMA is a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization, IMO.

Not only that, but with the advent of allowing/encouraging so mant women into the field, they are creating a shortage.

Before all the women in here get their tits in a tangle, let me tell you -- I prefer female Doctors. I just like them better all around as a rule.

But here's the thing -- Ladies go to school and take up one the spots the AMA controls and then become Doctors. Cool. We need more female Doctors.

But women tend to have children. Imagine that. :auiqs.jpg:

And any Mother will gladly tell you that the most thing in their life is their children. Not even close. Husbands? Something to be tolerated, at best.

Careers? Yeah, fine. As long as it doesn't interfere with their child-rearing.

So what happens is, the female doctors leave the field.

Not all. Certainly not all. But a lot. Really a lot. a SIGNIFICANT minority. Enough to help create the shortage we're speaking of.

What the AMA needs to do (besides disappear) is start allowing more people into Medical School.

People, you don't know....... You really don't. Medical Schools..... They really are corrupt. I've seen people with twice the IQ, ten times the dedication and willing to work 50 times as hard get pushed aside by some Doctor's kid because -- It isn't who you blow, it's who you know.

The AMA (along with many other things in this Country) has become a 12th Century Guild.

And, in case you missed reading about it (Surprise!), it is widely believed that Guilds kept Western Europe in the Dark Ages for almost 700 years longer than they should have been
i wonder how many doctors are willing to wait 2/3 months to be reimbursed while not having the money to pay his/her staff?
How can we have a dollar shortage when we can throw a couple of TRILLION dollars to needy billionaires?

The GOP is sending a "mixed message".

Doncha think?

Can you ever just SHUT THE FUCK UP with your Class Warfare bullshit??
3. Yes there is a shortage of doctors, they borrow to pay for school, insurance, taxes, and then get less pay from Medicaid

Nonsense.........Compare doctora' average salary to that of someone else earning a doctoral degree.

Separate data from Medscape's 8th Physician Compensation Report for 2018 states that the average U.S. primary care physician earns $223,000 annually. Meanwhile, medical specialists earn an average of $329,000, as of 2018. Across all specialties, Medscape found that the average salary for physicians is $299,000

You state opinions, but I'm putting up verified facts with links, So please keep up...

The doctor is out? Why physicians are leaving their practices to pursue other careers
"So why is there waning interest in being a physician? A recent report from the Association of American Medical Colleges projected a shortage of 42,600 to 121,300 physicians by 2030, up from its 2017 projected shortage of 40,800 to 104,900 doctors.

There appear to be two main factors driving this anticipated doctor drought: First, young people are becoming less interested in pursuing medical careers with the rise of STEM jobs, a shift that Craig Fowler, regional VP of The Medicus Firm, a national physician search and consulting agency based in Dallas, has noticed."

Later in the article, there was this interesting quote....pointing to one important reason that could be easily "fixed" under the right leadership eschewing bureaucratic bullshit.

“We are burdened more by non-medical business or insurance professionals without any medical training. It's disheartening. I have transitioned to more part-time clinical work [so as to focus more on] speaking, writing and consulting."
there is strong evidence that we are thinking about this the wrong way. In 2014, the Institute of Medicine released a thorough analysis on graduate medical education that argued there was no doctor shortage, and that we didn’t really need to invest more in new physicians.

The system isn’t undermanned, it said: It’s inefficient. We rely too heavily on physicians and not enough on midlevel practitioners, like physician assistants and nurse practitioners, especially because evidence supports they are just as effective in primary care settings. We don’t account for advances in technology, like telehealth and new drugs and devices that lessen the burden on physician visits to maintain health.

We fail to recognize that what we really have is a distribution problem. Parts of this country have lots of doctors, perhaps too many. These are mostly in cities, especially in cities where it seems desirable to live. The problem is made worse by the ways we reimburse for care. Medicare, for instance, pays more to doctors who live in places that are more expensive. The argument for this is that the cost of living is higher, so reimbursements must be, too. But that also means that doctors can earn more in places where they already might want to live. A result is that many rural areas, and less popular cities, experience more of a doctor shortage than others.

A Doctor Shortage? Let’s Take a Closer Look

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