What the CBO really says about ObamaCare

you got a lot of nerve ... please show us here where it says any where in the cbo report that the ACA will cause job loss ??? or are you going to weasel out of that too ??? we know you will... its your nature

here is the PDF file so now you can show us where it says it caused job loss
From your link...


Page not found

The requested page could not be found.

CBO | The Slow Recovery of the Labor Market


Two links for ya Billy.
Read up!

do yourself a favor here read it yourself ...its you who has no Idea in whats in it ... you keep rambling about jobs being lost ... try this in the search engine type the phrase JOBS lost... guess what ??? it never comes up ... I would say in your pdf file and my pdf file which at one time were the same one, because I down loaded a pdf file when it was posted by Antares ... neither one has the phrase Jobs lost in it ...so one could come to the conclusion there aren't any jobs lost now wouldn't ya...
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Blah, anyone else tired of the spin from these Obamabot stooges?

they have nothing else so lying to the Amercian people isn't beneath them as we've already live through

from the washingtoncompost:
If somebody comes to you and says, “I’ve decided to retire” or “I’ve decided to stay home and spend more time with my family” and “I’ve decided to spend more time doing my hobby,” they don’t feel bad about it, they feel good about it, and we don’t sympathize. We say congratulations. And we don’t say they’ve lost their job because they have chosen to leave that job.

glad you get it stephoney ...if some one wants to do what you have suggested then so be it .... they can now thanks to obama care ... the reality of it is well how can I say reaaaaaaaaaaal stupid ... but you did post it and you are reaaaaaaaaal stupid ... case closed...
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Blah, anyone else tired of the spin from these Obamabot stooges?

they have nothing else so lying to the Amercian people isn't beneath them as we've already live through

from the washingtoncompost:
If somebody comes to you and says, “I’ve decided to retire” or “I’ve decided to stay home and spend more time with my family” and “I’ve decided to spend more time doing my hobby,” they don’t feel bad about it, they feel good about it, and we don’t sympathize. We say congratulations. And we don’t say they’ve lost their job because they have chosen to leave that job.

glad you get it stephoney ...if some one wants to do what you have suggested then so be it .... they can now thanks to obama care ... the reality of it is well how can I say reaaaaaaaaaaal stupid ... but you did post it and you are reaaaaaaaaal stupid ... case closed...

DAMN, they can thank ObamaCare? what the taxpayers they are sucking off of don't get any thanks?
gawd you're a sheep and what's scary is you vote
So we have gone from pretending that we are in a recovery, pretending the President is focused on job creation to now saying “fewer jobs is a good thing”
So we have gone from pretending that we are in a recovery, pretending the President is focused on job creation to now saying “fewer jobs is a good thing”

you don't have to pretend that there is a recovery.

After a frustratingly slow recovery from the severe recession
of 2007 to 2009, the economy will grow at a solid
pace in 2014 and for the next few years, CBO projects.
Real GDP (output adjusted to remove the effects of inflation)
is expected to increase by roughly 3 percent between
the fourth quarter of 2013 and the fourth quarter of
2014—the largest rise in nearly a decade. Similar annual
growth rates are projected through 2017.
CBO estimates that the economy will continue to have
considerable unused labor and capital resources (or
“slack”) for the next few years. Although the unemployment
rate is expected to decline, CBO projects that it
will remain above 6.0 percent until late 2016. Moreover,
the rate of participation in the labor force—which has
been pushed down by the unusually large number of
people who have decided not to look for work because
of a lack of job opportunities—is projected to move only
slowly back toward what it would be without the cyclical
weakness in the economy.

but you do pretend that you read even one paragraph of the CBO report and you certainly pretend that you have any sort of informed opinion.
So we have gone from pretending that we are in a recovery, pretending the President is focused on job creation to now saying “fewer jobs is a good thing”

you don't have to pretend that there is a recovery.

After a frustratingly slow recovery from the severe recession
of 2007 to 2009, the economy will grow at a solid
pace in 2014 and for the next few years, CBO projects.
Real GDP (output adjusted to remove the effects of inflation)
is expected to increase by roughly 3 percent between
the fourth quarter of 2013 and the fourth quarter of
2014—the largest rise in nearly a decade. Similar annual
growth rates are projected through 2017.
CBO estimates that the economy will continue to have
considerable unused labor and capital resources (or
“slack”) for the next few years. Although the unemployment
rate is expected to decline, CBO projects that it
will remain above 6.0 percent until late 2016. Moreover,
the rate of participation in the labor force—which has
been pushed down by the unusually large number of
people who have decided not to look for work because
of a lack of job opportunities—is projected to move only
slowly back toward what it would be without the cyclical
weakness in the economy.

but you do pretend that you read even one paragraph of the CBO report and you certainly pretend that you have any sort of informed opinion.

ummmhumm, but lets pretend you're the most informed

Will economy ever recover to full stride?

Published: 09 February 2014 11:20 PM

Updated: 09 February 2014 11:20 PM

WASHINGTON — In the 41/2 years since the recession ended, millions of Americans who have gone without jobs or raises have found themselves wondering something about the economic recovery: Is this as good as it gets?

It increasingly looks that way.

Two straight weak job reports have raised doubts about economists’ predictions of breakout growth in 2014. The global economy is showing signs of slowing — again. Manufacturing has slumped. Fewer people are signing contracts to buy homes. Global stock markets have sunk as anxiety has gripped developing nations.

Some long-term trends are equally dispiriting.

The Congressional Budget Office foresees growth picking up through 2016, only to weaken starting in 2017. By the CBO’s reckoning, the economy will soon slam into a demographic wall: The vast baby boom generation will retire. Their exodus will shrink the share of Americans who are working, which will hamper the economy’s ability to accelerate.

ALL of it here
Will economy ever recover to full stride? | Dallas Morning News
Townhall |
Columnists |
Debra J. Saunders

Affordable Care Act -- Paying More to Work Less
Debra J. Saunders | Feb 09, 2014

In 2010, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi touted the Affordable Care Act as a bill "not only about the health security of America; it's about jobs. In its life, it will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately."

A newly released Congressional Budget Office analysis reported that Obamacare is expected to shrink the workforce by 2.5 million full-time jobs by 2024. So you can stow that Pelosi quote in the warehouse of discarded Obamacare promises. Grab a forklift, and you can park it behind President Barack Obama's pledge, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."

House Speaker John Boehner seized on the CBO report to bolster his assertion that Obamacare is a "job killer." After he tweeted that Obamacare is "expected to destroy 2.3 million jobs," PolitiFact rated the tweet "mostly false" because employers won't kill the jobs; workers will.

The CBO determined that "workers will choose to supply less labor -- given the new taxes and other incentives they will face and the financial benefits some will receive."

To many Democrats, apparently, that's all good.

Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., marveled that parents who work three part-time jobs now could afford to work two: "They might be able to tuck their child in bed at night ... or go to an activity, which means they're better off."

(To my mind, they'd be better off in an economy that offers more full-time jobs with benefits.)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hailed Obamacare for ending "job lock" -- the term for people sticking with a job they don't like in order to retain employer-based health care.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, however, sees a different kind of job lock. The CBO predicted that the "largest declines in labor supply will probably occur among lower-wage workers." To Ryan, that means the government is dangling incentives for young people not to work or to work fewer hours so that they can continue to receive subsidies; he fears young people will lock themselves from job opportunities that let them "join the middle class."

At a hearing Wednesday, Ryan stipulated that the problem with Obamacare is "not that employers are laying people off" but that when the workforce isn't supplying labor to the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs, that "lowers economic growth."

CBO Director Doug Elmendorf replied, "Yes, that's right, Mr. Chairman." He actually admitted that Obamacare hurts economic growth.

ALL of it here
Affordable Care Act -- Paying More to Work Less - Debra J. Saunders - Page 1
you got a lot of nerve ... please show us here where it says any where in the cbo report that the ACA will cause job loss ??? or are you going to weasel out of that too ??? we know you will... its your nature

here is the PDF file so now you can show us where it says it caused job loss
From your link...


Page not found

The requested page could not be found.

CBO | The Slow Recovery of the Labor Market


Two links for ya Billy.
Read up!

so you're saying my source is bogus ... thanks it came from one of your republican morons here ...
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; Just for you po lil folk.....LL all of that is from your section C.....


^^^^^^^^^^link doesn't work^^^^^^^^^^​

You didn't quote Antares' post. Your link still doesn't work!

; Just for you po lil folk.....LL all of that is from your section C.....


^^^^^quoted link from actual post works^^^^^^

do yourself a favor here read it yourself ...its you who has no Idea in whats in it ... you keep rambling about jobs being lost ... try this in the search engine type the phrase JOBS lost... guess what ??? it never comes up ... I would say in your pdf file and my pdf file which at one time were the same one, because I down loaded a pdf file when it was posted by Antares ... neither one has the phrase Jobs lost in it ...so one could come to the conclusion there aren't any jobs lost now wouldn't ya...


Don't need to follow your suggestions there, Billy.

I know what the CBO report states.

I'm also refusing to play your game of semantics.

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