What the F Obama , He wants to raise the debt ceiling again

It's the new bubble. The last of the bubbles. This one is the currency. When it goes pop, I hope you all have put your savings into commodity. Of course, the paper can be handing for igniting fires once the bust comes. A year or two away....
It's the new bubble. The last of the bubbles. This one is the currency. When it goes pop, I hope you all have put your savings into commodity. Of course, the paper can be handing for igniting fires once the bust comes. A year or two away....

Ammo Water and food.
It's the new bubble. The last of the bubbles. This one is the currency. When it goes pop, I hope you all have put your savings into commodity. Of course, the paper can be handy for igniting fires once the bust comes. A year or two away....

What on earth is this supposed to mean? A "currency bubble"...?
By the end of his Presidency we will have over $20 trillion...at least.

what surreal is the shit the gop takes for wanting to cut, , now we are borrowing 40 cents on every dollar now, so any meaningful cut has to at least arrest that figure, and it will hurt, becasue we have given it out, and made it part of the baseline any cut is now seen as either pushing grannie over a cliff, robbing defense ( which actually saw a REAL cut) or education being shortchanged ( despite record spending on each).

its almost exactly the way a drug dealer operates, first taste is free, they get you hooked and then even to get back to any semblance of normalcy becomes an effort that is beyond most addicts, they need a substitute ala more drugs ( money) to bring them down....

what the real crime here is, the msm is willfully oblivious, they will castigate any effort to trim the spending ( aside from defense spending) , not mentioning that any cuts at all will eat into the borrowing first as we don't have the money to sppt. 40% of our obligations, they never make that delineation,nor do they explain the differences between discretionary and non discretionary spending either, they are either to lazy, to stupid or .....have taken sides and don't want to.
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I guess 5 trillion he has added to the debt was not enough. Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again - Yahoo! News

Hypocrite that he is:

Four year ago, however, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., voted the exact way President Obama is now cautioning senators not to do.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”

The debt limit was raised by a vote of 52-48.
It's the new bubble. The last of the bubbles. This one is the currency. When it goes pop, I hope you all have put your savings into commodity. Of course, the paper can be handy for igniting fires once the bust comes. A year or two away....

What on earth is this supposed to mean? A "currency bubble"...?

Where the fed is bumping out worthless paper money, the more paper money printed the less it's worth more paper makes a bigger bubble.
How many times did Bush abnd team up the DC?

And this makes it OK for Obama to do it?
That is your best shot?

If the economy was doing well, then we would have revenue. Only Republicans trashed the economy. They helped China and the Chamber of Commerce send jobs to China so billionaires in America could have even more billions but fight tooth and nail to keep from taxing those billionaires.

Their entire scam is to "stop spending". Ask them about "growing the economy" and they don't hear you.

Greater demand for their goods and services would lead to new hiring.

When Business Owners Say "Lack of Demand," Republicans Hear "Too Many Regulations"
I guess 5 trillion he has added to the debt was not enough. Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again - Yahoo! News

Bush Jr. did it 7 times and nobody bitched then.

Why now? Oh yeah.......it's because Obama did it.

Why now? Oh yeah.......it's because Obama did it.

Why now?....because this country is on the verge of destruction... :eusa_shhh:

And Republicans will make sure it's destroyed to keep from having a black president for another four years.

I like their "simple" solutions. To them, everything is "simple". Like Iraq. That was simple. All of their policies have worked equally well. Due to their "simplicity".
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Reagan's debt was trivial, happened during the greatest period of growth in US history, and Reagan was a small government conservative.

All you need to do is look at any chart that shows the history of the debt and deficit spending and it's easy to see that this problem started with Reagan.

"We were having a good economy" is no reason to borrow money. That's a reason to pay down debt. This is exactly the warped mentality that got us into this mess. In Reagan's second term we had serious economic woes including double-digit unemployment and a stock market crash.

We just kept on a-borrowing. There seems to be no economic climate in which borrowing money is not a good thing. YOu have Ronald Reagan to thank for that mentality.

I'm sure that you think that daring to write about these facts must make me some kind of liberal, don'cha?
I guess 5 trillion he has added to the debt was not enough. Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again - Yahoo! News

Hypocrite that he is:

Four year ago, however, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., voted the exact way President Obama is now cautioning senators not to do.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”

The debt limit was raised by a vote of 52-48.
Yep. Failed Leader knows and does lead in failure.
I guess 5 trillion he has added to the debt was not enough. Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again - Yahoo! News

Hypocrite that he is:

Four year ago, however, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., voted the exact way President Obama is now cautioning senators not to do.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”

The debt limit was raised by a vote of 52-48.
Yep. Failed Leader knows and does lead in failure.

Too bad Republicans don't "get out of the way" and let him lead. They had their shot. And left the country in shambles. Thousands of Americans dead. Tens of thousands wounded for life costing the country possibly even a couple of trillion dollars that hasn't even been realized. How much money does it cost to replace the military. How much does it cost to take care of a paraplegic or a quadriplegic for 50 years each. All of those costs Republicans will assign to Obama. ALL OF THEM!!!!

Republicans take no responsibilities for any of their failures. In fact, they blame the Democrats for not stopping them.

Bain suffers from tinnitus, post-traumatic stress disorder and serious injuries to his arms. He receives a check each month for $2,618 that helps the former Army staff sergeant pay the mortgage, food and clothing costs for his family of five in Williamsport, Pa.

Bain is one of about 755,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Of that group, the VA says more than 181,000 are collecting disability benefits.

Number Of Disabled Vets Up With Iraq, Afghan Wars
Hypocrite that he is:

Four year ago, however, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., voted the exact way President Obama is now cautioning senators not to do.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”

The debt limit was raised by a vote of 52-48.
Yep. Failed Leader knows and does lead in failure.

Too bad Republicans don't "get out of the way" and let him lead. They had their shot. And left the country in shambles. Thousands of Americans dead. Tens of thousands wounded for life costing the country possibly even a couple of trillion dollars that hasn't even been realized. How much money does it cost to replace the military. How much does it cost to take care of a paraplegic or a quadriplegic for 50 years each. All of those costs Republicans will assign to Obama. ALL OF THEM!!!!

Republicans take no responsibilities for any of their failures. In fact, they blame the Democrats for not stopping them.

Bain suffers from tinnitus, post-traumatic stress disorder and serious injuries to his arms. He receives a check each month for $2,618 that helps the former Army staff sergeant pay the mortgage, food and clothing costs for his family of five in Williamsport, Pa.

Bain is one of about 755,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Of that group, the VA says more than 181,000 are collecting disability benefits.

Number Of Disabled Vets Up With Iraq, Afghan Wars
Same can be said for Reagan, H.W. Bush AND W for half his term with the bullshit pulled by the libs there. Now you give a shit about obstructionism?

You piss and moan more than a 2 dollar whore with the clap.
I guess 5 trillion he has added to the debt was not enough. Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again - Yahoo! News

Bush Jr. did it 7 times and nobody bitched then.

Why now? Oh yeah.......it's because Obama did it.


Funny... I personally spoke out against Bush's increased spending and stupid economic policies...

But don't let facts get in your way, you hyper-partisan nitwit

when they made the deal last time, they knew it was temporary. the debt ceiling, right or wrong has always been something addressed as a pro forma matter since it is for debt we've already incurred.

or would the teanut gallery like to go for another reduction in our credit rating?
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Yep. Failed Leader knows and does lead in failure.

Too bad Republicans don't "get out of the way" and let him lead. They had their shot. And left the country in shambles. Thousands of Americans dead. Tens of thousands wounded for life costing the country possibly even a couple of trillion dollars that hasn't even been realized. How much money does it cost to replace the military. How much does it cost to take care of a paraplegic or a quadriplegic for 50 years each. All of those costs Republicans will assign to Obama. ALL OF THEM!!!!

Republicans take no responsibilities for any of their failures. In fact, they blame the Democrats for not stopping them.

Bain suffers from tinnitus, post-traumatic stress disorder and serious injuries to his arms. He receives a check each month for $2,618 that helps the former Army staff sergeant pay the mortgage, food and clothing costs for his family of five in Williamsport, Pa.

Bain is one of about 755,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Of that group, the VA says more than 181,000 are collecting disability benefits.

Number Of Disabled Vets Up With Iraq, Afghan Wars
Same can be said for Reagan, H.W. Bush AND W for half his term with the bullshit pulled by the libs there. Now you give a shit about obstructionism?

You piss and moan more than a 2 dollar whore with the clap.

I'm sure you wouldn't mind providing examples. I have lots.
Bush Jr. did it 7 times and nobody bitched then.

Why now? Oh yeah.......it's because Obama did it.


Funny... I personally spoke out against Bush's increased spending and stupid economic policies...

But don't let facts get in your way, you hyper-partisan nitwit

when they made the deal last time, they knew it was temporary. the debt ceiling, right or wrong has always been something addressed as a pro forma matter since it is for debt we've already incurred.

or would the teanut gallery like to go for another reduction in our credit rating?

The "Teanut gallery". I like that.
Too bad Republicans don't "get out of the way" and let him lead. They had their shot. And left the country in shambles. Thousands of Americans dead. Tens of thousands wounded for life costing the country possibly even a couple of trillion dollars that hasn't even been realized. How much money does it cost to replace the military. How much does it cost to take care of a paraplegic or a quadriplegic for 50 years each. All of those costs Republicans will assign to Obama. ALL OF THEM!!!!

Republicans take no responsibilities for any of their failures. In fact, they blame the Democrats for not stopping them.

Bain suffers from tinnitus, post-traumatic stress disorder and serious injuries to his arms. He receives a check each month for $2,618 that helps the former Army staff sergeant pay the mortgage, food and clothing costs for his family of five in Williamsport, Pa.

Bain is one of about 755,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Of that group, the VA says more than 181,000 are collecting disability benefits.

Number Of Disabled Vets Up With Iraq, Afghan Wars
Same can be said for Reagan, H.W. Bush AND W for half his term with the bullshit pulled by the libs there. Now you give a shit about obstructionism?

You piss and moan more than a 2 dollar whore with the clap.

I'm sure you wouldn't mind providing examples. I have lots.
Hairnet, you have been worth rebutting in over a year now. If it wasn't so fun to just throw rotten tomatoes at you, I'd have thrown your stupid ass on ignore long since.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzciR8cDX3g]Harry Reid HYPOCRTIE on Debt Ceiling in 2006!.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

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