What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

FL does everything the gun nuts say will save lives. They also have a higher than average homicide rate and own the worst mass shooting in US history.
Libturds have no problem letting terrorists flood the country and blaming the problem on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Lies, distortions and smears is all the left wing has to offer America. At our peril!
The shooters father immigrated here in 1980. Who was president then?

You're losing contact with reality. Seriously, shut down the browser and go outside until your brain cells start functioning again.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Grow up. You lost that one a long time ago.
You need to grow up. I am talking reality and you are fantasy. Real examples.
Like I said, if you have to have it proven to you that women living alone in bad neighborhoods face the potential of thugs invading their homes, you need more help than I can give you. You lost the argument and now you're desperately flailing, trying to find some way to avoid having to admit you're wrong.

Yet you don't know of a single example of one ever needing a hi cap magazine. Because of that fantasy you choose to well arm terrorists that are really killing people. Grow up.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Grow up. You lost that one a long time ago.
You need to grow up. I am talking reality and you are fantasy. Real examples.
Like I said, if you have to have it proven to you that women living alone in bad neighborhoods face the potential of thugs invading their homes, you need more help than I can give you. You lost the argument and now you're desperately flailing, trying to find some way to avoid having to admit you're wrong.

Yet you don't know of a single example of one ever needing a hi cap magazine. Because of that fantasy you choose to well are terrorists that are really killing people. Grow up.
You don't believe that women living alone in bad neighborhoods face house invaders, because to admit so is to admit they have a good reason to want a lot of bullets on hand. You've lost touch with reality.
Victims are not shooting as many people as they can. They have no need for a hi cap magazine. Give examples of people needing them.
Can you translate that into something coherent?

Defenders don't need hi cap magazines.
Need has nothing to do with it.
Yes only mass killers need them.
Need has nothing to do with a person exercising a Constitutional right.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Grow up. You lost that one a long time ago.
You need to grow up. I am talking reality and you are fantasy. Real examples.
Like I said, if you have to have it proven to you that women living alone in bad neighborhoods face the potential of thugs invading their homes, you need more help than I can give you. You lost the argument and now you're desperately flailing, trying to find some way to avoid having to admit you're wrong.

Yet you don't know of a single example of one ever needing a hi cap magazine. Because of that fantasy you choose to well are terrorists that are really killing people. Grow up.
You don't believe that women living alone in bad neighborhoods face house invaders, because to admit so is to admit they have a good reason to want a lot of bullets on hand. You've lost touch with reality.
Facts are defenses with guns are very rare. Defenses that require shooting are extremely rare. Of those most are shooting at fleeing unarmed criminals. You have no examples because it doesn't happen. But mass killers are real and so are the dead.
Victims are not shooting as many people as they can. They have no need for a hi cap magazine. Give examples of people needing them.
Can you translate that into something coherent?

Defenders don't need hi cap magazines.
Repeating stupid shit doesn't make it look smarter. You have no clue what someone may need and it isn't your call. You've done the gun grabbers a disservice.

We sure know the mass killers use them. They thank you.

Child Abuse.... And yuo are worried about a few dozen deaths a year???????

The probability of 'needing' a firearm for the vast majority of people in daily life is so low that carrying one all the time is tantamount to paranoia. The danger of losing it or having it taken away, in fact, is much greater; ever lose keys?
I'm not interested in being limited to your probabilities or personal opinions. My life matters to me more than your opinion does, I guess that's simply too difficult to grasp. Aren't you the same one saying truth is relative to the individual? So I don't have a right to my views and rights because your opinion differs? You aren't terribly consistent.

So you are scared and paranoid.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.

Police: Woman Tortured In Oxford Circle Home Invasion

I bet she wished she had a gun
And they stack up at the exits making it easier to shoot them

Or they run around corners to exits. 20 seconds would save a lot of lives. Meanwhile I've never heard of a defender needing a high cap magazine. Please link to some.

I thought people never use guns in self defense

Saving lives is rare. Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.
A woman living alone faces multiple invaders in the middle of the night and you want to limit how many bullets she can fire? Perhaps give the invaders time to tackle her while she reloads?

Give examples where anyone ever needed a hi cap mag for defense. Criminals are cowards, 99.989% of defenses don't even involve shooting.

You need as many rounds as it takes to stop your attacker(s)

How do you know that will be 1 round or 20?

You don't

It is unhealthy to well arm mass killers. Why do you support terrorists?

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.
When was the last mass killing with a car that could go over 200?

The point is, who are you to decide who wants a hi cap mag? Most don't buy them for defense, they buy them to own them. It's called collecting. People collect things for their own reasons, again, who are you to decide what a person has or should have? Heck, you can't wrap your mind around why a person would own a hi cap mag.

The fact you own a gun and dictate what kinds of guns others should own is pretty hypocritical. I won't own a gun, I don't believe I need one, but it is the right of others, to decide on their own what they want. Not me or the government.[/QUOTE]

The point is mass killers are using them. Are you ok with Iran getting nukes?[/QUOTE]

What does Iran have to do with people in the United States owing guns?
FL does everything the gun nuts say will save lives. They also have a higher than average homicide rate and own the worst mass shooting in US history.
Libturds have no problem letting terrorists flood the country and blaming the problem on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Lies, distortions and smears is all the left wing has to offer America. At our peril!
The shooters father immigrated here in 1980. Who was president then?


Reagan wasn't President until the middle of January 1981. It was Carter, deal with it,
Or they run around corners to exits. 20 seconds would save a lot of lives. Meanwhile I've never heard of a defender needing a high cap magazine. Please link to some.

I thought people never use guns in self defense

Saving lives is rare. Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.
A woman living alone faces multiple invaders in the middle of the night and you want to limit how many bullets she can fire? Perhaps give the invaders time to tackle her while she reloads?

Give examples where anyone ever needed a hi cap mag for defense. Criminals are cowards, 99.989% of defenses don't even involve shooting.

You need as many rounds as it takes to stop your attacker(s)

How do you know that will be 1 round or 20?

You don't
If we have no examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag then we can assume they are not needed. And like I said, shooting in defense is extremely rare.
Victims are not shooting as many people as they can. They have no need for a hi cap magazine. Give examples of people needing them.
Can you translate that into something coherent?

Defenders don't need hi cap magazines.

It is only your opinion. You seem to think you know more than anyone else and all you have is an opinion, no facts.

Yes I do have facts. Fact is anyone with a gun defense is very rare. 99.99% of gun defenses don't even involve shooting. Most the accounts that include shooting the defender is shooting at an unarmed and fleeing criminal. Nobody has a single example of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense.

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