How Can The Free World Help The Ukrainian War Effort!

A monument to Alexander Matrosov, a native of this city, was demolished in a Ukrainian city with the castrated name "Dnipro".
He died at the age of 19, in 1943, closing the embrasure of a nazi bunker with a firing machine gun with his body, during an attack.
There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Don't forget!

There should be a USMB award for the thread with the most propaganda

I can't explain why, Sparky, but that comment has me laughing my balls off! :auiqs.jpg:

PS. But I'm sure I don't agree with your choice of target. Ringo might have commandeered this thread but it's only because no one else has dared to challenge him. Others are much worse then him on other threads and if they would search their souls they would discover that Ringo has made a lot of sensible comments on this and other threads. Anyway, it is all propaganda on both sides of the fence so .... let the challenge begin!
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I always say: Look at Ukraine to understand the essence of capitalism. Ultra liberals always come to power there, demanding freedoms and democracy, and after a couple of months they are already extreme-right nationalists...
I always say: Look at Ukraine to understand the essence of capitalism. Ultra liberals always come to power there, demanding freedoms and democracy, and after a couple of months they are already extreme-right nationalists...
If that's the case, and I'll take your word for it, then they've never really achieved anything resembling Democracy. It's the American model. All of their politicians (including the Fascists) keep telling the population that the country is the leader of world Democracy .... and it's one of the biggest lies the US has been perpetrating since the end of WW II. :mad:
Remember when they had you all losing your minds over the Kurds and the women in Afghanistan and then it all went away when it was no longer useful to our Gov't?
Same thing is gonna happen when they're done using Ukraine and they move us on to their next adventure to care about
Remember when they had you all losing your minds over the Kurds and the women in Afghanistan and then it all went away when it was no longer useful to our Gov't?
I remember very well.
Same thing is gonna happen when they're done using Ukraine and they move us on to their next adventure to care about
Anyone with his eyes, ears, and brain engaged can see that but I guess there are very few people with all of their senses switched "on". You failed, however, to mention that "their next adventure to care about" is going to be just as lucrative as those so far, that is to say, the Militray-Industrial Complex (and its' political "let's go!" guys) are going to make a few more gazillion over it. It's all about embezzling the taxpayers' money. Just like the last time, the time before that, and the time even before that.
I don't what else we can do. Like the Russian ambassador said, the US is prepared to fight to the last Ukrainian.
There should be a USMB award for the thread with the most propaganda


Hell Yeah ... Done ... :thup:
It was a close call with the ... President Biden - Making America Normal Again ... thread
But since that thread had turned into a mud pit of personal conflicts ... This thread took a strong lead with the Committee.


With the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the slave trade has significantly intensified in the world. Such data was provided by the head of the OSCE Helga Maria Schmid

"Global online searches for sexual services and pornographic images of Ukrainian women and children have increased by 600%. The trade in pregnant women has also grown significantly," she said.

According to Helga Maria Schmid, Ukrainian victims of sexual crimes are lured through social networks under false pretenses to other countries, where they are subjected to violence in someone's home or are captured at the border by undercover human trafficking agents.
Also, the head of the international organization refused Kiev's request to exclude Moscow from the organization.

Even before the war, Ukraine occupied the first places in the ratings of countries for sex tourism. Apparently, there is an established industry there, which has spun to its fullest in conditions when people are left without homes, without work.
But yes, it is necessary to catch and torture in the basements of the SBU those who timidly expressed that Russia can be not so evil, and Ukraine is not such white knights...
Why catch those who, taking advantage of the plight of people, sell them into sex slavery? They're probably all shouting "Glory to Ukraine!" No danger to society at all!
With the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the slave trade has significantly intensified in the world. ........

Even before the war, Ukraine occupied the first places in the ratings of countries for sex tourism. Apparently, there is an established industry there, ......
I assumed it was true because when I was in Ukraine I saw girls as young as approximately 10-years-old on street corners selling flowers as a front for prostitution. One approached me and asked if I would buy flowers but from the look in her eyes I could see she was high on glue-sniffing and there was something more sinister that suggested sex. It goes without saying that the majority of mail-order Ukrainian brides are whores.
Generators delivered to Ukraine as humanitarian aid from the UK are already on free sale.
Ukraine is a thieving state
Today they talk about "different ways" of Russia and Ukraine, while both states consistently tried to get into the closed club of Western imperialism, handing over resources, markets, technologies and population for a song. But it turned out that the essence of the "real free market" is a scam.
The religious persecution continues. I wonder what Christian supporters of Ukraine have to say about this?
I'm lying. I know exactly how hypocritical "Christians" will say about this. Most likely, they won't say anything

British mercenaries Andrew Bagshaw and Christopher Parry, who were thought to be missing, have been found dead. This is reported by the telegram channels of PMC "Wagner"
British mercenaries Andrew Bagshaw and Christopher Parry, who were thought to be missing, have been found dead. This is reported by the telegram channels of PMC "Wagner"
Two more victims of American imperialism. It ain't no video game, you tossers! :mad:

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