What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Exactly. Now, a woman has just woken up and realized that there are intruders in her house. She grabs her gun just as the door to her bedroom bursts open and three figures lurch into her room. It's dark and she's terrified. You give her 5 bullets to stop all three intruders.

Call the coroner, there's no need for an ambulance. She's dead.
More fantasy. Not a single one of those 3 want to be shot. They see a gun and flee.
Good thing she had a big, black, scary looking gun then. I take it you have no idea how people on these kinds of drugs behave then?

Ah they are all on drugs now. Cute. What next, aliens attack? Pack of Bigfoot break in? I don't care about fantasy. Real people are being slaughtered.
See, now that you're wondering off into the lala land of extreme exaggeration, you've lost the argument. "All on drugs"? "Aliens"? "Bigfoot"? Good lord, you're not even functioning at a high school level.
No you headed in that direction. I showed how silly it is. Give real examples. I have many mass killing examples.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Many exist. However, the media rarely EVER reports on self defense gun uses by private citizens. And when they do, they do not go into the tech details of the firearms used. However, all handguns sold today come with standard capacity magazines. The vast majority of those magazines hold more than 10 rounds, with some holding as many 17 or so. Depending on the design of the gun, it may not hold more then 10. My 2 .45's only hold 7. But if you read about any police shootings nearly all of those are in defense and most all police have mags that hold more then 10 rounds. The Glock model 19 I used to own carried 17.
Any self defense with that many shots fired would obviously be covered. Now share some examples.

Your on the verge of spinning. Just because you have 17 shots available in no way means that you use all 17. Besides, unless the shooter was charged, the media would not cover it.
Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

The answer is only mass killers need these things. Stop arming killers.

So you are conceding that mass killers should have superior weapons to their intended victims because. . .


How does taking a law abiding member of society's weapons away affect those carried by criminals?

It doesn't and you just admitted as much when you conceded that criminals will still have them.

So, again. . Why are you going after the intended victims and OUR rights and our CHOICE on the weapons we want to defend ourselves?

Aren't you pro CHOICE?
The victims are not mass killing moron. Give an example of a defender ever needing a hi cap mag for defense.

How about reading what I wrote, moron? Maybe then you can form an answer to my questions. Until then, how about having yourself a nice steamy cup of shut the fuck up.

Victims are not shooting as many people as they can. They have no need for a hi cap magazine. Give examples of people needing them.[/QUOTE]
And that is where the wheels fall off your tricycle. I've stated that "need" doesn't enter into a person exercising a Constitutional right. I've also given you real life scenarios where a large capacity magazine would be very helpful to a potential victim. You've chosen to ignore both, because you have no good response to either one.
More fantasy. Not a single one of those 3 want to be shot. They see a gun and flee.
Good thing she had a big, black, scary looking gun then. I take it you have no idea how people on these kinds of drugs behave then?

Ah they are all on drugs now. Cute. What next, aliens attack? Pack of Bigfoot break in? I don't care about fantasy. Real people are being slaughtered.
See, now that you're wondering off into the lala land of extreme exaggeration, you've lost the argument. "All on drugs"? "Aliens"? "Bigfoot"? Good lord, you're not even functioning at a high school level.
No you headed in that direction. I showed how silly it is. Give real examples. I have many mass killing examples.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.

It is unhealthy to well arm mass killers. Why do you support terrorists?

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.
When was the last mass killing with a car that could go over 200?[/QUOTE]

The point is, who are you to decide who wants a hi cap mag? Most don't buy them for defense, they buy them to own them. It's called collecting. People collect things for their own reasons, again, who are you to decide what a person has or should have? Heck, you can't wrap your mind around why a person would own a hi cap mag.

The fact you own a gun and dictate what kinds of guns others should own is pretty hypocritical. I won't own a gun, I don't believe I need one, but it is the right of others, to decide on their own what they want. Not me or the government.[/QUOTE]

Thank you.

The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is for one reason only. It is to secure the right of the people to defend themselves not only from common crimials but from the government itself. It is unreasonable (and I think unconstitutional) to conclude that the founders would have ever intended for small arms to ever be limited in their capacity for use as a defensive weapon.
Good thing she had a big, black, scary looking gun then. I take it you have no idea how people on these kinds of drugs behave then?

Ah they are all on drugs now. Cute. What next, aliens attack? Pack of Bigfoot break in? I don't care about fantasy. Real people are being slaughtered.
See, now that you're wondering off into the lala land of extreme exaggeration, you've lost the argument. "All on drugs"? "Aliens"? "Bigfoot"? Good lord, you're not even functioning at a high school level.
No you headed in that direction. I showed how silly it is. Give real examples. I have many mass killing examples.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
Anyone providing you an example would only encourage you to smoke spin and troll more. All you is make up crap and lie about guns.
Many exist. However, the media rarely EVER reports on self defense gun uses by private citizens. And when they do, they do not go into the tech details of the firearms used. However, all handguns sold today come with standard capacity magazines. The vast majority of those magazines hold more than 10 rounds, with some holding as many 17 or so. Depending on the design of the gun, it may not hold more then 10. My 2 .45's only hold 7. But if you read about any police shootings nearly all of those are in defense and most all police have mags that hold more then 10 rounds. The Glock model 19 I used to own carried 17.
Any self defense with that many shots fired would obviously be covered. Now share some examples.

Your on the verge of spinning. Just because you have 17 shots available in no way means that you use all 17. Besides, unless the shooter was charged, the media would not cover it.
My point is that nobody needs to use all 17. Mass killers sure do though.
Ah they are all on drugs now. Cute. What next, aliens attack? Pack of Bigfoot break in? I don't care about fantasy. Real people are being slaughtered.
See, now that you're wondering off into the lala land of extreme exaggeration, you've lost the argument. "All on drugs"? "Aliens"? "Bigfoot"? Good lord, you're not even functioning at a high school level.
No you headed in that direction. I showed how silly it is. Give real examples. I have many mass killing examples.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Your point is sadly mistaken. You don't know what you are talking about. All you people are doing is trolling bullshit. I'm done with the lot of you scum.
See, now that you're wondering off into the lala land of extreme exaggeration, you've lost the argument. "All on drugs"? "Aliens"? "Bigfoot"? Good lord, you're not even functioning at a high school level.
No you headed in that direction. I showed how silly it is. Give real examples. I have many mass killing examples.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Grow up. You lost that one a long time ago.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Soda Pop kills far-far-far more people every year than ALL guns put together...we should clearly ban that first
FL does everything the gun nuts say will save lives. They also have a higher than average homicide rate and own the worst mass shooting in US history.
Libturds have no problem letting terrorists flood the country and blaming the problem on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Lies, distortions and smears is all the left wing has to offer America. At our peril!
The shooters father immigrated here in 1980. Who was president then?

No you headed in that direction. I showed how silly it is. Give real examples. I have many mass killing examples.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Grow up. You lost that one a long time ago.
You need to grow up. I am talking reality and you are fantasy. Real examples.
FL does everything the gun nuts say will save lives. They also have a higher than average homicide rate and own the worst mass shooting in US history.
Libturds have no problem letting terrorists flood the country and blaming the problem on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Lies, distortions and smears is all the left wing has to offer America. At our peril!
The shooters father immigrated here in 1980. Who was president then?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Soda Pop kills far-far-far more people every year than ALL guns put together...we should clearly ban that first

When was the last mass soda killing?
FL does everything the gun nuts say will save lives. They also have a higher than average homicide rate and own the worst mass shooting in US history.
Libturds have no problem letting terrorists flood the country and blaming the problem on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Lies, distortions and smears is all the left wing has to offer America. At our peril!
The shooters father immigrated here in 1980. Who was president then?


Reagan was elected in Nov. of 1980, assumed office Jan. 1981.
If you seriously need real life examples of women living alone who faced intruders in their homes, you need more help than I can give you.
Examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag for defense. Let's hear them.
Already gave you one. Deal with that one first.
You provide fantasy. Real examples. Stop being scared of the boogy man.
Grow up. You lost that one a long time ago.
You need to grow up. I am talking reality and you are fantasy. Real examples.
Like I said, if you have to have it proven to you that women living alone in bad neighborhoods face the potential of thugs invading their homes, you need more help than I can give you. You lost the argument and now you're desperately flailing, trying to find some way to avoid having to admit you're wrong.

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