What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Finally, an admission that the vast majority of defensive gun uses don't involve shooting anyone. Thank you.

Duh. People don't want to be shot which is why hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
There are substances popular with some people that render them unusually immune to rational thought and particularly hard to stop once they embark on a violent course of action. Let the woman living alone have a 15 round magazine if she lives in a neighborhood where she's likely to face criminals on PCP who can only be stopped by extreme measures.

Nice to hear, though, that guns are a strong deterrent to violent crime. Guess we need more of them in the hands of the victims.

They are rarely used in defense by the lawful. The few times they actually fire in defense it is typically at a fleeing, unarmed criminal.

Give real examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag. You are providing fantasy.
What difference does it make to you if a woman living alone has 7 or 15 bullets in a gun she uses to protect herself in her house? You keep yammering on about need so I've provided you a very plausible scenario in which having a lot of bullets in a gun could be very useful and save someone from assault and worse. Again, what difference does it make to you how many bullets a woman living alone wants to have available if she lives in a bad neighborhood?

You provide fantasy. Real people are actually being killed in mass shootings. You have no real examples.
Do you deny that women live alone in bad neighborhoods?
Do you deny that they sometimes face intruders on drugs like PCP that make them incredibly hard to stop?

Deal with those questions honestly before ranting about fantasy. If the answer to them is 'yes', then we can talk about magazine size and why it's ludicrous to restrict such a woman to an artificially small size.

It is unhealthy to well arm mass killers. Why do you support terrorists?

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...[/QUOTE]

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.[/QUOTE]

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.
FL does everything the gun nuts say will save lives. They also have a higher than average homicide rate and own the worst mass shooting in US history.
Libturds have no problem letting terrorists flood the country and blaming the problem on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Lies, distortions and smears is all the left wing has to offer America. At our peril!
The shooters father immigrated here in 1980. Who was president then?

It is unhealthy to well arm mass killers. Why do you support terrorists?

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.[/QUOTE]

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.[/QUOTE]
When was the last mass killing with a car that could go over 200?
Duh. People don't want to be shot which is why hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
There are substances popular with some people that render them unusually immune to rational thought and particularly hard to stop once they embark on a violent course of action. Let the woman living alone have a 15 round magazine if she lives in a neighborhood where she's likely to face criminals on PCP who can only be stopped by extreme measures.

Nice to hear, though, that guns are a strong deterrent to violent crime. Guess we need more of them in the hands of the victims.

They are rarely used in defense by the lawful. The few times they actually fire in defense it is typically at a fleeing, unarmed criminal.

Give real examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag. You are providing fantasy.
What difference does it make to you if a woman living alone has 7 or 15 bullets in a gun she uses to protect herself in her house? You keep yammering on about need so I've provided you a very plausible scenario in which having a lot of bullets in a gun could be very useful and save someone from assault and worse. Again, what difference does it make to you how many bullets a woman living alone wants to have available if she lives in a bad neighborhood?

You provide fantasy. Real people are actually being killed in mass shootings. You have no real examples.
Do you deny that women live alone in bad neighborhoods?
Do you deny that they sometimes face intruders on drugs like PCP that make them incredibly hard to stop?

Deal with those questions honestly before ranting about fantasy. If the answer to them is 'yes', then we can talk about magazine size and why it's ludicrous to restrict such a woman to an artificially small size.

Give a real example of anyone needing a hi cap mag. Pcp or not, after a few holes that person will not be committing a crime. Blood loss stops everyone, drugs or not.
The probability of 'needing' a firearm for the vast majority of people in daily life is so low that carrying one all the time is tantamount to paranoia. The danger of losing it or having it taken away, in fact, is much greater; ever lose keys?
I'm not interested in being limited to your probabilities or personal opinions. My life matters to me more than your opinion does, I guess that's simply too difficult to grasp. Aren't you the same one saying truth is relative to the individual? So I don't have a right to my views and rights because your opinion differs? You aren't terribly consistent.

So you are scared and paranoid.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.
And if she is raped one time, would she not rightly be scared and paranoid? Would you find ways to protect her or would you counsel her to forego protection because, well, guns?

It is unhealthy to well arm mass killers. Why do you support terrorists?

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.
When was the last mass killing with a car that could go over 200?
They happened before they put up stronger barriers around race tracks. But you knew that.
The probability of 'needing' a firearm for the vast majority of people in daily life is so low that carrying one all the time is tantamount to paranoia. The danger of losing it or having it taken away, in fact, is much greater; ever lose keys?
I'm not interested in being limited to your probabilities or personal opinions. My life matters to me more than your opinion does, I guess that's simply too difficult to grasp. Aren't you the same one saying truth is relative to the individual? So I don't have a right to my views and rights because your opinion differs? You aren't terribly consistent.

So you are scared and paranoid.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.
And if she is raped one time, would she not rightly be scared and paranoid? Would you find ways to protect her or would you counsel her to forego protection because, well, guns?
I own guns and she is welcome to. But the fact remains defenses are extremely rare for the lawful. Of those very rare events, shooting in defense is extremely rare. And of those extremely rare events most are shooing at a fleeing unarmed criminal. Hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
There are substances popular with some people that render them unusually immune to rational thought and particularly hard to stop once they embark on a violent course of action. Let the woman living alone have a 15 round magazine if she lives in a neighborhood where she's likely to face criminals on PCP who can only be stopped by extreme measures.

Nice to hear, though, that guns are a strong deterrent to violent crime. Guess we need more of them in the hands of the victims.

They are rarely used in defense by the lawful. The few times they actually fire in defense it is typically at a fleeing, unarmed criminal.

Give real examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag. You are providing fantasy.
What difference does it make to you if a woman living alone has 7 or 15 bullets in a gun she uses to protect herself in her house? You keep yammering on about need so I've provided you a very plausible scenario in which having a lot of bullets in a gun could be very useful and save someone from assault and worse. Again, what difference does it make to you how many bullets a woman living alone wants to have available if she lives in a bad neighborhood?

You provide fantasy. Real people are actually being killed in mass shootings. You have no real examples.
Do you deny that women live alone in bad neighborhoods?
Do you deny that they sometimes face intruders on drugs like PCP that make them incredibly hard to stop?

Deal with those questions honestly before ranting about fantasy. If the answer to them is 'yes', then we can talk about magazine size and why it's ludicrous to restrict such a woman to an artificially small size.

Give a real example of anyone needing a hi cap mag. Pcp or not, after a few holes that person will not be committing a crime. Blood loss stops everyone, drugs or not.
Exactly. Now, a woman has just woken up and realized that there are intruders in her house. She grabs her gun just as the door to her bedroom bursts open and three figures lurch into her room. It's dark and she's terrified. You give her 5 bullets to stop all three intruders.

Call the coroner, there's no need for an ambulance. She's dead.

You know how police are often criticized because they empty their clip into an attacker? They do that because they miss some shots or the attacker isn't stopping because he has a few holes in him. They shoot until the threat is terminated. This isn't Hollywood, where the hero points his gun off to the side and pops a bad guy without even looking. This is real life, where sometimes bullets miss and don't kill even when they hit.
I'm not interested in being limited to your probabilities or personal opinions. My life matters to me more than your opinion does, I guess that's simply too difficult to grasp. Aren't you the same one saying truth is relative to the individual? So I don't have a right to my views and rights because your opinion differs? You aren't terribly consistent.

So you are scared and paranoid.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.
And if she is raped one time, would she not rightly be scared and paranoid? Would you find ways to protect her or would you counsel her to forego protection because, well, guns?
I own guns and she is welcome to. But the fact remains defenses are extremely rare for the lawful. Of those very rare events, shooting in defense is extremely rare. And of those extremely rare events most are shooing at a fleeing unarmed criminal. Hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
It's simply not up to you to decide that fact.
It is unhealthy to well arm mass killers. Why do you support terrorists?

Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.
When was the last mass killing with a car that could go over 200?
They happened before they put up stronger barriers around race tracks. But you knew that.
Racetracks? So cars that are not legal on the road?
So you are scared and paranoid.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.
And if she is raped one time, would she not rightly be scared and paranoid? Would you find ways to protect her or would you counsel her to forego protection because, well, guns?
I own guns and she is welcome to. But the fact remains defenses are extremely rare for the lawful. Of those very rare events, shooting in defense is extremely rare. And of those extremely rare events most are shooing at a fleeing unarmed criminal. Hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
It's simply not up to you to decide that fact.
Glad you admit it is a fact. Now why do you want well armed mass killers?
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

'Army Assault' rifle? Really?

What The Hell Does A Normal American Need....

More than a million dollars for?
- The govt should take everything over that amount.

What The Hell Does A Normal American Need more than 1 home for?
- The govt should take every additional home you have and give it to the Illegals and 'refugees' coming in'.

What The Hell Does A Normal American Need bows and arrows / crossbows for?
- They should be banned.

What The Hell Does A Normal American Need more than 1 car per family for?
- Ban it.

What The Hell Does A Normal American Need more than 1 child for?
- Limit it like China does.

What The Hell Does A Normal American Need....

When 1 party or 1 person elevates themselves to a position where THEY get to decide what everyone should and should not have you no longer have freedom.
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They are rarely used in defense by the lawful. The few times they actually fire in defense it is typically at a fleeing, unarmed criminal.

Give real examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag. You are providing fantasy.
What difference does it make to you if a woman living alone has 7 or 15 bullets in a gun she uses to protect herself in her house? You keep yammering on about need so I've provided you a very plausible scenario in which having a lot of bullets in a gun could be very useful and save someone from assault and worse. Again, what difference does it make to you how many bullets a woman living alone wants to have available if she lives in a bad neighborhood?

You provide fantasy. Real people are actually being killed in mass shootings. You have no real examples.
Do you deny that women live alone in bad neighborhoods?
Do you deny that they sometimes face intruders on drugs like PCP that make them incredibly hard to stop?

Deal with those questions honestly before ranting about fantasy. If the answer to them is 'yes', then we can talk about magazine size and why it's ludicrous to restrict such a woman to an artificially small size.

Give a real example of anyone needing a hi cap mag. Pcp or not, after a few holes that person will not be committing a crime. Blood loss stops everyone, drugs or not.
Exactly. Now, a woman has just woken up and realized that there are intruders in her house. She grabs her gun just as the door to her bedroom bursts open and three figures lurch into her room. It's dark and she's terrified. You give her 5 bullets to stop all three intruders.

Call the coroner, there's no need for an ambulance. She's dead.
More fantasy. Not a single one of those 3 want to be shot. They see a gun and flee.
Smoke spin lie...rinse...reword...repeat...

Who other than mass killers need them? Nobody needs hi cap mags for defense. You are arming killers.

Again, who are you to decide why anyone needs anything? Cars that go over 200 mph, absolutely no need for a car to go over 70 mph. Why do people need boats, RVs, more than one TV. A TV screen over 36 inches.

This obsession of people deciding what others need is just plain stupid.
When was the last mass killing with a car that could go over 200?
They happened before they put up stronger barriers around race tracks. But you knew that.
Racetracks? So cars that are not legal on the road?
That wasn't part of your original statement.
I'm not interested in being limited to your probabilities or personal opinions. My life matters to me more than your opinion does, I guess that's simply too difficult to grasp. Aren't you the same one saying truth is relative to the individual? So I don't have a right to my views and rights because your opinion differs? You aren't terribly consistent.

So you are scared and paranoid.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.
And if she is raped one time, would she not rightly be scared and paranoid? Would you find ways to protect her or would you counsel her to forego protection because, well, guns?
I own guns and she is welcome to. But the fact remains defenses are extremely rare for the lawful. Of those very rare events, shooting in defense is extremely rare. And of those extremely rare events most are shooing at a fleeing unarmed criminal. Hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
Sometimes they are. I've seen it posted to you so you're simply lying. I've never needed a seat belt or a fire extinguisher but I own them and don't care if you approve or not. Your dumb ass can get tossed through a windshield or your house burnt down, not my problem.
Says who?

Me obviously. My old mother has gone every day of her life without a gun and yet you are scared and paranoid. Sad really.
And if she is raped one time, would she not rightly be scared and paranoid? Would you find ways to protect her or would you counsel her to forego protection because, well, guns?
I own guns and she is welcome to. But the fact remains defenses are extremely rare for the lawful. Of those very rare events, shooting in defense is extremely rare. And of those extremely rare events most are shooing at a fleeing unarmed criminal. Hi cap mags are not needed for defense.
It's simply not up to you to decide that fact.
Glad you admit it is a fact. Now why do you want well armed mass killers?
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say. Not worth a dignified response.

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