What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

I agree, he should have insisted on a formal declaration of war.

First of all, it was not a "war". We did not invade Iraq, plant the American flag in their soil, and placed their citizens under U.S. rule. We conducted military operations to remove a dictator and immediately handed the country over to the Iraqi people.

Second, Bush did get Congressional approval to conduct the military operations. Something Barack Obama has never done (of course - because Dumbocrats believe president = dictator).

Third, not only did Bush get Congressional approval, he then went before the UN and got UN approval.
Oh, he certainly got approval, and needed it. After Japan was defeated in WWII, we helped them rebuild and regain their sovereignty, just as we did in Iraq. My bottom line is that the president should not have the authority to unilaterally send troops into offensive combat. That power is far too easily abused.

He had a use of force decree from majorities in the House and Senate......
The price of freedom is high. Live with it because you have no choice.

So, the "price of freedom" is the cost we must then bear to have terrorists within our shores, easily and readily buy military style, assault weapons........."Live with it"......????

in 34 years....rifles with detachabale magazines killed 149 people in mass shootings...

out of 8,000,000 rifles of that type in this country......

8,000,000 to 149 ....over 34 years... in a country of over 320,000,000 people.....

And to you that is a problem.....and you claim to be a rational human being?

Cars kill over 33,000 people every year.....
Can't fix stupidity, hate filled ideology or simple ignorance on a forum such as this......(Especially on one that is PREDOMINANTLY right wing as this one surely is).........So, my dear conservatives, stay as dumb as you are now and good luck ever winning the WH in the next couple of decades.
Can't fix stupidity, hate filled ideology or simple ignorance on a forum such as this......(Especially on one that is PREDOMINANTLY right wing as this one surely is).........So, my dear conservatives, stay as dumb as you are now and good luck ever winning the WH in the next couple of decades.

You just described yourself.......do you even realize it?
Who are you to decide why or what a person buys? It was a sarcastic comment based on liberals trying to control things that are not their business. It seems that when you got nothing you jump to name calling, which is often.

Fine.......Just know that it is YOUR ilk that is making the purchase of military weapons to would be terrorists both LEGAL and READILY available............Live with it.

No.....you can't sell any gun to a convicted felon...which an actual terrorist would be....but an American put on a no fly list because the U.S. air Marshals are required to put a specific number of names on the list each month....yeah...not an actual terrorist.....

And you know this how??
Every American should be required to be armed because gun control only take guns away from those capable of using them safely and defensively. Gun control do not apply to criminals because criminals will always have access to guns. If every one in the gay club had guns someone would have brought him down before he killed 50 people. Criminals knows we are not armed and we do not know the criminal until he starts shooting.
Who are you to decide why or what a person buys? It was a sarcastic comment based on liberals trying to control things that are not their business. It seems that when you got nothing you jump to name calling, which is often.

Fine.......Just know that it is YOUR ilk that is making the purchase of military weapons to would be terrorists both LEGAL and READILY available............Live with it.

No.....you can't sell any gun to a convicted felon...which an actual terrorist would be....but an American put on a no fly list because the U.S. air Marshals are required to put a specific number of names on the list each month....yeah...not an actual terrorist.....

And you know this how??
Who are you to decide why or what a person buys? It was a sarcastic comment based on liberals trying to control things that are not their business. It seems that when you got nothing you jump to name calling, which is often.

Fine.......Just know that it is YOUR ilk that is making the purchase of military weapons to would be terrorists both LEGAL and READILY available............Live with it.

No.....you can't sell any gun to a convicted felon...which an actual terrorist would be....but an American put on a no fly list because the U.S. air Marshals are required to put a specific number of names on the list each month....yeah...not an actual terrorist.....

And you know this how??

Here you go....ABC news Denver.......yeah.......put on a list because Air Marshals have a quota to fill......

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.
Can't fix stupidity, hate filled ideology or simple ignorance on a forum such as this......(Especially on one that is PREDOMINANTLY right wing as this one surely is).........So, my dear conservatives, stay as dumb as you are now and good luck ever winning the WH in the next couple of decades.

So someone doesn't agree with your opinion and instead of being tolerant of others as real liberals are, you call them ignorant and dumb to minimize their opinion, so you can justify your narrow minded opinion.

Your response is not real progressive, it is regressive.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.
Why does anyone NEED an assault rifle? Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit in the front of the bus?

Because the constitution says so.

End of story, end of thread.
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

Go play with yourself in some corner....You're not fit to hand out with normal people...Build a bunker, hug your guns and remain the fucked up moron that you are now. Hopefully, you don't breed other fucked up morons.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

Do you realize that Bush's 4500 dead in his unnecessary war with Saddam Hussein rings a damn site more clear to me.
Why does anyone NEED an assault rifle? Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit in the front of the bus?

Because the constitution says so.

End of story, end of thread.

So, Parks wanting to sit on the front of the bus.....is, in your fucked up mind.....the same as YOUR ILK helping terrorists to legally purchase weapons of war......

You're dumber than usual or already drunk.
Why does anyone NEED an assault rifle? Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit in the front of the bus?

Because the constitution says so.

End of story, end of thread.

So, Parks wanting to sit on the front of the bus.....is, in your fucked up mind.....the same as YOUR ILK helping terrorists to legally purchase weapons of war......

You're dumber than usual or already drunk.

Would-be terrorists will get guns, bombs, knives and vehicles to commit murder whether or not law abiding citizens are allowed to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

Tell me fool, how would gun laws have prevented the murders in Istanbul or Boston?

We have background checks that prevent known criminals from buying guns, the gun dealer in Orlando called the FBI about the shooter and the FBI did nothing.

The problem is not guns, the problems are radical muslims and an incompetent US government.
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

Go play with yourself in some corner....You're not fit to hand out with normal people...Build a bunker, hug your guns and remain the fucked up moron that you are now. Hopefully, you don't breed other fucked up morons.
I must of really hit a nerve on pointing out Obama being a Muslim. You better hope that the WAR doesn't show up at your front door, moron, for you like the Gays in Orlando will be another statistic on the failures of Obama's Admin. Stupid people will end up dead, as we keep seeing while your president golfs.

Would-be terrorists will get guns, bombs, knives and vehicles to commit murder whether or not law abiding citizens are allowed to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

True......But KNOW, that YOU and your fellow morons have made it EASIER and LEGAL for terrorists to get those guns.....and these terrorists should be sending YOU a "thank you" note......
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

Do you realize that Bush's 4500 dead in his unnecessary war with Saddam Hussein rings a damn site more clear to me.
Did you know that 10'000s of people died in Kennedy's unnecessary war with Viet Cong, rings a damn site more clear to me? You keep bringing up Bush who has been out of office for over 7 2/3 years now, yet Gays in Orlando died while Obama, just sat idly by, allowing more Muslims to enter the country? You guys are the stupidest people on the planet...
I must of really hit a nerve on pointing out Obama being a Muslim. You better hope that the WAR doesn't show up at your front door, moron,

NO, you didn't hit any nerve....All you did is point out that you're a fucked up racist and a fool......and probably a "birther" to boot........(what an :ahole-1: )

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