What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Would-be terrorists will get guns, bombs, knives and vehicles to commit murder whether or not law abiding citizens are allowed to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

True......But KNOW, that YOU and your fellow morons have made it EASIER and LEGAL for terrorists to get those guns.....and these terrorists should be sending YOU a "thank you" note......
NO, Obama's FBI made it easier for Muslims to get guns easier. Every time I have to purchase a weapon, and I just did 2 weeks ago, I had to go through a FBI background check, and was cleared by them again. If they clear the Muslim to buy a weapon that is their fault not mine, you stupid liberal dipshit(I know a redundant statement).
I must of really hit a nerve on pointing out Obama being a Muslim. You better hope that the WAR doesn't show up at your front door, moron,

NO, you didn't hit any nerve....All you did is point out that you're a fucked up racist and a fool......and probably a "birther" to boot........(what an :ahole-1: )
I knew it was a matter of time....
Obama, just sat idly by, allowing more Muslims to enter the country?

Then go hide in your basement, fuckhead......LOL
Are you still in your parents basement, smoking dope, getting welfare, bringing over your slut girlfriend so you can watch Netflix on your parents account? Seems to me that you have an infatuation with basements.
Oh and one more thing Nitwit4900, I don't have to hide in my basement or cower in fear, like your loser Obama does whenever a real man accosts him. When Syria used WMD's on their own people, Obama drew a line in the sand and the Syrian President stepped right over it, and Obama backtracked like the pussy all you liberals are. You guys talk pretty tough, but like all the liberals I know, when I get in your face, and threaten to beat you like a spoiled little brat that you are, you run like a whipped dog with your tail between your legs. Such pussies liberals are.

Syria: Regretting the 'red line'
At least twice since the president made the remark in August 2012 that the use of poison gas in the Syrian civil war would be a game-changer in the U.S. decision on whether to intervene militarily, Bashar Assad's forces appear to have crossed that line. So far, no U.S. missiles have been lobbed toward Damascus.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.
Nitwit4900 thought what I posted was funny. Seems to me that with women, children and Gays being butchered, why would Nittywit find this humorous?
If you honestly believe that to be so after having re-read post #1449, well, there's nothing for me to say. That's not what the post says and that post is the start of the discussion between us.

Because the above is what you perceive to be the assertion I made, and I and everyone on the planet can see it is not the assertion I made, I have clear evidence that you don't read what I write and interpret it precisely/accurately as I wrote it, but rather that you read what I write, and take from it whatever it is you want it to mean. I don't have time to engage with folks who do that. So, I wish you well and good luck.

Your words;

Last weekend, I hung out with a friend who is a target shooter. He uses a single bolt action rifle. I asked him if an AR-15 would be a good gun to use for that. He laughed and said, "No. You can shoot things with it, but it's not a gun a target shooter would choose."

Yes, those are my words. They are the first words I offered in our conversation and they are the words that commenced the conversation.

And how have you most recently interpreted them? You wrote:

Your claim was that an AR-15 is not used in target shooting and supported this by pointing to professional match shooters who preferred other rifles.

I rarely shoot distances greater than 100 yards.
Re: the emboldened text:
You and I both know that this is your first time/effort in which you provided any contextual basis for your remarks, having only until now shared little but a lot of "colored" accusations and "flavored" descriptions that really didn't do much of anything except paint you as biased rather than objectively insightful.

Your emboldened statement above would have been a helpful and conversation altering thing to share right after my post of multiple sources I looked at to get a sense of whether AR-15s are often used for "target shooting." Even better, pointing out after my post in which I related my friend's remarks that you had in mind shooting activity pertaining to targets out about 100 yards, give or take, would have also provided sufficient and conversationally critical/helpful context. But instead of that, or something like it that provided perspective, you chose to write:
I'm a grown man, a fairly serious one, and a pretty smart one too. I'm also fair. I have no problem with "calling a spade a spade," but what is not a "spade," I won't call one or pretend it is. I can't read people's minds at all, but I'm quite good at reading and understanding all of what is written in accordance with the conventions of basic to very advanced modern English. (I'm also decent with "legacy" forms of English.) I can "make heads or tails" of pretty much anything when I have factual and contextual information that allows me to do so accurately.

The accusatory and personally derisive/accusatory BS, however, is not something in which I care to engage. I don't care whether a stance is advocated by the left or right. I care about the facts and context of a matter. I care whether the problems and issues discussed deserve to be discussed with the aim of identifying solutions for them. I think actionable solutions are worth considering/discussing if they offer some hope of achieving a specific objective that is worth achieving. As go guns, the only thing that strikes me as important is whether fewer people, ideally none, die or are harmed from being shot, and I don't' care whether the left or right comes up with ideas and approaches for making that happen. Anything else is just "noise" as far as I'm concerned.

If you have the time and actually want to know what I think about the "gun debate," you'll find a good deal of it here: Libtard Remedial Education 103; What a Freaking Assault Weapon Actually Is . If there's something you see there that you want to know more about, ask, but don't tell me what I think. I can tell you what I think, and I know better what I think that does anyone else on the planet. Is what I think a left or right wing position? I don't know. I don't care. It's my position that accrues from what I understand about the matter and from what I think we should thus do to resolve the problems we face regarding gun use/abuse.

No. You can shoot things with it, but it's not a gun a target shooter would choose."

That is a false statement and the crux of the argument. An AR-15 is a fine target rifle, and one of the most popular in the nation. In fact is a gun far more shooters choose than whatever your friend has.

The anti-liberty left is intent on demonizing inanimate objects. particularly this rifle. Your claim feeds into that demonetization.

As I said earlier. Goodday.

Are you mad, Fes?


Poor little lefties, when exposed they get so irate.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

It's a goddam shame if we missed a chance to have another Republican war in the middle east. Prick Cheney cleared $25,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton in the last one. You know....that's the company which houses and feeds our troops when they're on foreign soil. That would have been well and good if we hadn't lost 4500 young Americans there.....another 35,000 seriously wounded:

935 lies about war with Iraq

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com
Last edited:
Do you realize that Bush's 4500 dead in his unnecessary war with Saddam Hussein rings a damn site more clear to me.
You left Hillary out of that for some odd reason.

Hillary wasn't in a position to declare war.....you evidently missed the thing About Bush and his cohorts making 935 pro war statements.

The Bush family was after Saddam Hussein from the day he tried to assassinate GHW Bush in Qatar circa 1993. The Democrats didn't have a goddam thing to do with that.
What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

That's not to say there aren't plenty of weeds. In 2008, the Center for Public Integrity completed a project in which they went over the public statements by eight top Bush administration officials on the topic of Iraq, and found that no fewer than 935 were false, including 260 statements by President Bush himself. But the theory on which the White House operated was that whether or not you could fool all of the people some of the time, you could certainly scare them out of their wits. That's what was truly diabolical about their campaign.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

It's a goddam shame if we missed a chance to have another Republican war in the middle east. Prick Cheney cleared $25,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton in the last one. You know....that's the company which houses and feeds our troops when they're on foreign soil. That would have been well and good if we hadn't lost 4500 young Americans there.....another 35,000 seriously wounded:

935 lies about war with Iraq

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com
Even after 7 and 2/3 years of Obama fucking up the middle east, the liberals just cant move on. Same old playbook, once again.

Do you realize that Bush's 4500 dead in his unnecessary war with Saddam Hussein rings a damn site more clear to me.
You left Hillary out of that for some odd reason.
Hillary wasn't in a position to declare war....
Liar. She voted for the invasion.

After the administration telling 935 lies there were a bunch of people who voted for it.....that was the plan.

The Bush family are war mongering assholes......that's no plan, that's the truth.
Do you realize that Bush's 4500 dead in his unnecessary war with Saddam Hussein rings a damn site more clear to me.
You left Hillary out of that for some odd reason.
Hillary wasn't in a position to declare war....
Liar. She voted for the invasion.

After the administration telling 935 lies there were a bunch of people who voted for it.....that was the plan.

The Bush family are war mongering assholes......that's no plan, that's the truth.
Does your pussy hurt?
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

It's a goddam shame if we missed a chance to have another Republican war in the middle east. Prick Cheney cleared $25,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton in the last one. You know....that's the company which houses and feeds our troops when they're on foreign soil. That would have been well and good if we hadn't lost 4500 young Americans there.....another 35,000 seriously wounded:

935 lies about war with Iraq

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com
Even after 7 and 2/3 years of Obama fucking up the middle east, the liberals just cant move on. Same old playbook, once again.

View attachment 80019

After Obama cooled off the hot wars left to him by Bush....how many young Americans have died in combat?

I wore the uniform for seven years and was a sgt E-6 tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank when I hung it up. What exactly have you done.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

It's a goddam shame if we missed a chance to have another Republican war in the middle east. Prick Cheney cleared $25,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton in the last one. You know....that's the company which houses and feeds our troops when they're on foreign soil. That would have been well and good if we hadn't lost 4500 young Americans there.....another 35,000 seriously wounded:

935 lies about war with Iraq

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com
Even after 7 and 2/3 years of Obama fucking up the middle east, the liberals just cant move on. Same old playbook, once again.

View attachment 80019

After Obama cooled off the hot wars left to him by Bush....how many young Americans have died in combat?

I wore the uniform for seven years and was a sgt E-6 tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank when I hung it up. What exactly have you done.
So what is going on in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, are not hot wars? Seems to me that being a A-10 and F-15 avionics technician, had a requirement for more intelligence. I mean , point and shoot, has a whole different meaning between tanks and jets.
Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

It's a goddam shame if we missed a chance to have another Republican war in the middle east. Prick Cheney cleared $25,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton in the last one. You know....that's the company which houses and feeds our troops when they're on foreign soil. That would have been well and good if we hadn't lost 4500 young Americans there.....another 35,000 seriously wounded:

935 lies about war with Iraq

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com
Even after 7 and 2/3 years of Obama fucking up the middle east, the liberals just cant move on. Same old playbook, once again.

View attachment 80019

After Obama cooled off the hot wars left to him by Bush....how many young Americans have died in combat?

I wore the uniform for seven years and was a sgt E-6 tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank when I hung it up. What exactly have you done.
So what is going on in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, are not hot wars? Seems to me that being a A-10 and F-15 avionics technician, had a requirement for more intelligence. I mean , point and shoot, has a whole different meaning between tanks and jets.
Now back to the point, that not only is the middle east on fire, but we are constantly seeing how feckless leadership is having innocent US citizens butchered on the homeland that Obama SWORE to defend. Even some of your own soldiers who were in the custody of a Muslim were shot, while HE (Nadal) was yelling Allah ooh Akbar, shooting them with a pistol he purchased, with the blessing of Obama's FBI. He had been investigated and still allowed to buy the weapon. The guy in Orlando had been investigate and still allowed to buy a weapon. The Boston Brothers were investigated and still were allowed to buy crockpots. Do you see a pattern of the Obama government?
Do you realize that Bush's 4500 dead in his unnecessary war with Saddam Hussein rings a damn site more clear to me.
You left Hillary out of that for some odd reason.
Hillary wasn't in a position to declare war....
Liar. She voted for the invasion.

After the administration telling 935 lies there were a bunch of people who voted for it.....that was the plan.

The Bush family are war mongering assholes......that's no plan, that's the truth.
You're a liar. Intel has to be bipartisan by law. You simply lie to further the left wing agenda, that isn't exactly a secret.
Sweetie...I already documented that. We found thousands of them. Thousands. Cache after cache after cache of chemical weapons. Now, when you're ready to be a big girl, calm down, and admit you were wrong, I will answer your questions (which will educate you - and you desperately need that if you're going to be discussing this stuff). I'm here for you, Natalie.

Besides the many reasons why you're a MORON......Add the fact that you're trying to debate a 70 year old MALE who fought in Vietnam....but who has NOT lost his fucking head like you morons have, LOL

(we found THOUSANDS of WMDs and that was well worth 4500 American lives, fuckhead???)
Taliban suicide bombers kill 27 in attack on Afghan police cadets
The latest suicide bombings, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, come 10 days after an attack on a bus carrying Nepali security guards working for the Canadian embassy in Kabul that killed 14 people.
Turkey and the Islamic State appear to be headed toward outright war
There has been no claim of responsibility for Tuesday’s carnage, but Turkish officials blamed the Sunni extremists for the attack, which killed 41 people and injured at least 239.
14 killed in San Bernardino shooting; suspect ID'd - CNN.com
At least 14 people killed in shooting in San Bernardino; suspect identified
Orlando: Scores dead in gay nightclub shooting
In 2014, authorities interrogated Mateen anew for possible ties to an American suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI closed the investigations as they turned out to be "inconclusive" at that time, Hopper said.
Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
As U.S. Army psychiatrist turned jihadi Nidal Hasan finally goes on trial for shooting 13 fellow soldiers to death at Fort Hood, here is what the government continues to classify the 2009 attack:
“Workplace violence.”
In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.”
Fired Oklahoma Food Plant Employee Beheads Woman, Attacks Another
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement
Nitwit4900 doesn't understand that America is at war. Since Jimmy(the Peanut) Carter did nothing to the Liberal, Fanatical, Religious, Left Wing, Muslims who overthrew the US Embassy and allowed the Mullahs, to keep power, the fanaticism just escalated to the point we are seeing weekly acts of TERROR on the world. So the last resort of the US citizen is to ARM up, to be able to defend themselves and their families. We see how much the FECKLESS Muslim President is towards his fellow Muslims, so those who most depend on him, Gays and women and children, are being butchered , and all the libidiots can blame is the AR-15. So more beheadings will happen, shooting from pistols, bombings from crockpots and pipebombs, but like Nitwit4900, it is the weapon at fault, not the person committing the crime.

It's a goddam shame if we missed a chance to have another Republican war in the middle east. Prick Cheney cleared $25,000,000 on his holdings in Halliburton in the last one. You know....that's the company which houses and feeds our troops when they're on foreign soil. That would have been well and good if we hadn't lost 4500 young Americans there.....another 35,000 seriously wounded:

935 lies about war with Iraq

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com
Even after 7 and 2/3 years of Obama fucking up the middle east, the liberals just cant move on. Same old playbook, once again.

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After Obama cooled off the hot wars left to him by Bush....how many young Americans have died in combat?

I wore the uniform for seven years and was a sgt E-6 tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank when I hung it up. What exactly have you done.
9 1/2 years served in the U.S Air Force, as I said working avionics on A-10 Tank busters, and F-15s , at the time the Supreme Air Superiority aircraft known to man. So your little patton tank would be just another burned out husk if it went up against the A-10. So back again, how many young Americans died under Kennedy's war while you were a tank driver? Hmm? 10x what Bush's war did?
What percentage of United States is Muslim?
About 2 percent
At the highest estimates, the percentage of Muslims in the United States would represent about 2 percent of the population. A Pew survey from January 2011 on the future of the global Muslim population shows the Americas have the lowest population of Muslims globally.
Muslims in the United States - Council on Foreign Relations
Now lets say 1 percent of the population of Muslims in America are radicalized, do you know how many murderers are out their waiting for the day when US Citizens are disarmed by the feckless leaders in the White House?

Approximately 330,000,000 people live in the US.
2 % of them are Muslims equaling 6,600,000.
1% of them are Terrorist equaling 66,000 waiting to attack US.

So be a victim, sure, you deserve to be a victim, but people like the Gays in Orlando didn't deserve to be murdered(unless they voted for the Hope and Change guy twice) because they THOUGHT, that the Obama Administration had their backs. Like the Vagina Candidate had Chris Stevens back in Benghazi. "At this point what difference does it make that 66,000 terrorists are in the US". I don't have to worry about it, I am legally armed and willingly will defend my family and myself. You can cower in your parents basement, smoke dope, eat government cheese, watch Netflix on your parents account, and kiss your ass goodbye when the Muslims do what is happening in Europe.

Obama not at fault.jpeg
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