What the hell is going on at Fox News?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Did ownership change hands? Is the CEO being blackmailed?

Hiring hack leftists like Donna Brazil and shitting on their bread and butter.

I am confused.
She's a loud mouthed beotch who's angry because she wishes she were a man.
I was in fox and friends live show, and the ceo came out I forgot her name, but with a little research came back a big time lefty.
Roger Ailes' boys are running it now. They're Progressives. They've let the Democrats come out of the closet, but they've been wise enough to leave the night crew alone, because that's where they get their ratings.
If she doesn’t like the way Fox is controlling her then why doesn’t she just quit? I am sure there are plenty of places where she would be a good fit.
If she doesn’t like the way Fox is controlling her then why doesn’t she just quit? I am sure there are plenty of places where she would be a good fit.

I hear National Inquirer is hiring... they need a little more sensationalizing.
Roger Ailes' boys are running it now. They're Progressives. They've let the Democrats come out of the closet, but they've been wise enough to leave the night crew alone, because that's where they get their ratings.

Actually it's Murdock's sons that took over when the old man gave up the reins... I think Shepard Smith has black mail photos on someone and is using them...
Roger Ailes' boys are running it now. They're Progressives. They've let the Democrats come out of the closet, but they've been wise enough to leave the night crew alone, because that's where they get their ratings.

Actually it's Murdock's sons that took over when the old man gave up the reins... I think Shepard Smith has black mail photos on someone and is using them...

Murdock. Ailes. I get them confused. :auiqs.jpg:
Roger Ailes' boys are running it now. They're Progressives. They've let the Democrats come out of the closet, but they've been wise enough to leave the night crew alone, because that's where they get their ratings.

Actually it's Murdock's sons that took over when the old man gave up the reins... I think Shepard Smith has black mail photos on someone and is using them...
Shep has changed dramatically. I quit all cable news 3 or 4 years ago. Reminds me of what the church was to the old European kings.... crowd control.
Anyway... Shepherd 6 years ago was pretty much middle of the road, a slight right lean. Today...he is well to the left and is only slightly less anti-Trump than CNN.
The old Fox news wouldn't pander to the liberal loons like they are doing today.

Clearly management has caved for some reason?? ... :dunno:

I pointed this out about a year ago.....most people didn't believe it
Definitely swinging Left
The goal is to deny anyone non in lock step with Globalism and the Left agenda any voice, anywhere.

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If she doesn’t like the way Fox is controlling her then why doesn’t she just quit? I am sure there are plenty of places where she would be a good fit.

I hear National Inquirer is hiring... they need a little more sensationalizing.

I miss the rag that used to run the Batboy stories. My sister and I grab one and crack up while my mom yelled at us about the queue not being a library. lol
And it's not just FoxNews.....
It's ALL media, all Social Media, all school campuses......

Next comes throttling and censoring the Internet....remember the big Obama push for "Net Neutrality"? Prediction: (I'm batting pretty good on past predictions) Forums like this one are going to be required to add software (via upgrades) that allow remote identification of users (may already have happened)....but eventually these forums will be censored as to who can say what and what they can say. Don't believe it? lol....just wait.....just wait.

If people aren't puttin 2 and 2 together yet......they never will, until the cargo doors are slammed shut and locked behind them on the cattle cars. Leftist pawns right along with the RW's

All the while....the drum beat to disarm everyone gets louder and louder......
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