What the hell is "very safe teargas"?

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?


Border Patrol needs to protect themselves but the protocol should be capture & release. Especially with families and children.

You have no problem gassing children & giving soldiers the OK to use lethal force.

These are people seeking help & you & your orange buddy want to gas them & steal their kids.

Capturing someone takes force. What level of force would you support?

Answer clearly. Any dodge will be taken as an admission that you are just spewing shit from your face anus.

This is a rhetorical question. We both know that you do not support any level of force to control the border, because you hate America.

Capturing does not necessarily require force. police arrest people all the time without force.

The level of force depends on the person being apprehended. If the person is armed & shooting then lethal force is needed.

I guess you support shoot on sight? Gas children on sight?

But hey, I don't support wasting billions on a 40' wall & I don't think we need to tear gas children, I guess I hate America. Well dipshit, those are American values.

Well Dave it seem you are alright with rock throwers using human shields but get upset when our LEO uses no lethal options to deal with the rock throwers.

You must believe a rock being thrown can not injure or kill someone and believe the rock throwers are the innocent victims.

As you keep on trying to switch the subject from the OP subject maybe you should start your own thread about the wall and in this thread focus on the OP or don't and just troll.

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