What the hell is "very safe teargas"?

You voted for Clinton, so let be factual you are as bright as a burnt out bulb...

Now about the wall the fact is it is a waste of money, so I am against it.

Now propose your ideas to fix the system so no kids will be used as human shields from illegals throwing rocks...

I voted for the most qualified candidate.

The Trump 40' all does not extend the entire border, so those evil brown people can just go where the wall isn't & throw stones.

And, you are a ling fuck when you claim children were used as human shields.

Using a child for political gain is Trump's game.

The only way to solve illegal immigration to to take away the reason to come here in such desperation. Help the Central America countries battle these drug lords ( who gained strength because of our war on drugs) and help improve their economies.

Other than that, more border patrol. We must consider asylum cases. If we know thousands are coming, how fucking dumb is it not to be ready to process them?

So why didn't Obama get all that done in his first two years as President?

Do you actually believe Hillary Clinton was qualified?

Also do you believe Hillary Clinton would have fixed the immigration issue?

Your answer also did not address the reality those like you enjoy the abuse of employers that hire illegals for lesser wages so they can have a form of slave labor.

Also why the racist comments with me seeing I am not anti-Mexican nor do I hate Hispanics\Latinos?

Also were there not stone throwers mentioned in the OP and if so then yes they were using children as Human shields but alas you do not care about the child and use them for your political gain if you can!?!

The only reason why you care about the border is because you hate Trump but forgot all about it during Obama eight years.

Those like you have never put a damn foot into Hispanic\Latino or Mexican, Central American, or South American neighborhoods like the ones here in Houston that are on our East End near the Ship Channels that are off Telephone Road and Griggs area because if you ever did you would realize how dumb you truly are.

You also did not address how you will combat the Cartels that are funded not only by our Government but by the Chinese Government and the Bravta with the blessing of Putin!

Instead you wrote more border patrol which is just a small part of the damn solution and what need to be address is the Sex Slave trafficking that goes on within this border and forcing employers that you ignore into complying with e-verify and if they hire illegals they should be fined harshly the first time and the second time jailed while losing their right to operate a business for five years for hiring illegals.

Now of course you discovered I do not support Trump but keep on lying like usual and know I never supported the wall idea because you can tunnel under it like they do in California but hell you are a known lying partisan that voted for Clinton, so I expect you will stay blind as usual.

So to recap:

1. Rock throwers should not use women and children to hide behind.

2. You are more like Trump than me with your lies and using women and children for political gain.

3. Obama failed to do what you wanted with combating Cartels but now you believe your weak ass solution will be the answer.

4. You ignored the reality of Sex Slavery in America and abuse by employers.

5. You also ignored the reality of Russia and China involvement in regions like Mexico and El Salvador.


So as you call everyone liars and stupid while accusing them of being racist and using women and children for political gain, well pot you are fucking black!

Obama, in his first two years, was busy fixing the worst recession in 80 years, losing 800,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars & the trillion plus deficit that George W Bush left him.

Republicans love cheap labor.

You LOVE the Trumpster. You do nothing but defend him.

Trump is pulling back from the global scene ( as you assfucks cheer) and letting the door open for China & Russia,,

I defend Trump?


From 2007 to 2009 Democrats were in control of the House and Senate and were part of the collapse that happen under Bush watch.

Then Senator Barack Obama was part of the U.S. Senate, so can you tell me what Obama introduced in the Senate to help slow the oncoming recession?

From 2007 until 2011 House Democrats that were lead by Nancy Pelosi could have passed some form of Immigration Reform Bill that could have won support in the Senate and would have been signed by either Bush or Obama, so can you explain why she refused to kill this wedge issue?

As you proclaim Republicans love cheap labor it seem Democrats also love it seeing they had the chance to pass reforms on Immigration.

Now that the House is back in Democrats hands and if Immigration Reform is not passed in the next two years in the House who will you blame?

A. Nancy Pelosi

B. Trump

C. Me because you are nuts

Now let get to the part of your claim I support and defend Trump, well I also defended Obama when right version of you was attacking his status.

So when I defend Trump there is a damn good reason. Now I know you do not care about the illegal alien because had you, well you would be outraged at the reality your own political party does not want to fix this damn issue because it remove the one wedge issue you can use to cause hatred across this Nation.

As for Trump I do not agree with him on the wall at all and believe he should request Congress to pass laws to force those like you to comply with e-verify or be fined and jailed for hiring illegals to work for you.

I also mentioned the fact about Russia and China and even Iran and you will be damn to find any response from me saying I support Trump removal of us from the World Stage but you know this already but will spew your typical lies as you do.

The reality is you do not care about the illegal migrant because if you did you would hold your own political party accountable and not pass the buck to the GOP and Trump.

So now the Democrats have the House and two years to pass some type of reform and if not then you need to blame them.

With that written note if they do pass it and the GOP Senate fails to pass something to Trump and Trump fails to sign it then that is on them ( Trump and GOP ) but first thing first and let see if Democrats pass anything in the House.

I know how dare I just not view this damn country as a damn dictatorship like you view it!

List the shit the Democrats did in the first 9 months of 2007 that created the Bush recession.

The fucking nerve & ignorance to blame any of that recession on Democrats prove you are nothing but a fool.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (full name: Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. Passed among the Democrats. Failed among Republicans. The Democrats tried it & I guesxs you wrreed too stupid to know this???

I am not a Democrat. Just because I don't want the fucking with less Trump wall does NOT mean I don't care about immigration.

So shove your lies up your ass, Trump boy.
I agree You can’t create a recession like In a couple of months.
Safe as in not going to cause lasting harm, or death.
It's the kind that doesn't kill you. You know, like sarin or mustard.
So it’s the same tear gas we always use. He made it sound like they used a safer gas.

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.
And this is why this is the two nation country. You’re kind sees no problem with teargassing women and children. My kind is against that.
That's just straw man bullshit and you should know better but you probably as so twisted up you believe your own lies.
The mob has no business demanding entry into the U.S. and storming fences set up to obviously turn these people away and throwing rocks and other missiles.
If a woman drags her diaper wearing children into that melee whose fault is that? Your kind are idiots who believe we are responsible for the stupidity of others. We are not!

Your kind sees the solution in violence again and again for just about every problem.
More straw man lies. Just pathetic.

My kind wants solutions that we can figure out and work with.
More of the same. Just bullshit.
What is the solution to thousands of people that demand entry to our nation? And the waves that follow them?

His solution is to let them in, because he wants to see this country flooded with fellow lefties.

He sides with them, over his fellow Americans.
Yup. There are different types of tear gas.

CS gas - Wikipedia

Some are worse then others. Good story on tear gas.

CS gas is not tear gas.

Border patrol says there is just one strength of tear gas.

Trump lied & you defend him.
Prove what you say about the Border Patrol. and tear gas. It's okay, I know you can't.

The mob from Central America is everything the left said they are not: They have been violent, tearing down fences, clashing with police, throwing rocks and other projectiles which can be very dangerous.
Mexico has deported many already for criminal violations. Young aggressive men make up the vast majority of the mob
though the talking point was these people were mainly women and children looking for relief.
Supposedly these people just want asylum yet when Mexico offered it to them they rejected the offer without
a second thought. Women and children are being used as public relations fodder (like in Palestine) trying to garner sympathy from the weak minded for this mob of angry violent protesters demanding their golden ticket from Uncle Scam.
And this is why this is the two nation country. You’re kind sees no problem with teargassing women and children. My kind is against that.

Your kind sees the solution in violence again and again for just about every problem.

My kind wants solutions that we can figure out and work with.

What is your solution to the fact that outsiders want in, without regard to our wishes or ability to absorb them?
Wow, three suppositions not backed up by any facts or thought.

Solutions to complex problems are never simple. That’s why Republicans find that violence works so well because it’s really simple. kill them, gas them, soot them. In their minds that means problem solved. Only we find out that that only leads to more violence and worse violence.

I asked you what your solution to the problem was, and you did not answer.

"Never simple" is not a solution. lt is another dodge.

What does it say about you, that you cannot admit what your real position is?
Safe as in not going to cause lasting harm, or death.
It's the kind that doesn't kill you. You know, like sarin or mustard.
So it’s the same tear gas we always use. He made it sound like they used a safer gas.

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?
Safe as in not going to cause lasting harm, or death.
It's the kind that doesn't kill you. You know, like sarin or mustard.
So it’s the same tear gas we always use. He made it sound like they used a safer gas.

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?


Border Patrol needs to protect themselves but the protocol should be capture & release. Especially with families and children.

You have no problem gassing children & giving soldiers the OK to use lethal force.

These are people seeking help & you & your orange buddy want to gas them & steal their kids.
Safe as in not going to cause lasting harm, or death.

Yup. There are different types of tear gas.

CS gas - Wikipedia

Some are worse then others. Good story on tear gas.

CS gas is not tear gas.

Border patrol says there is just one strength of tear gas.

Trump lied & you defend him.
Prove what you say about the Border Patrol. and tear gas. It's okay, I know you can't.

The mob from Central America is everything the left said they are not: They have been violent, tearing down fences, clashing with police, throwing rocks and other projectiles which can be very dangerous.
Mexico has deported many already for criminal violations. Young aggressive men make up the vast majority of the mob
though the talking point was these people were mainly women and children looking for relief.
Supposedly these people just want asylum yet when Mexico offered it to them they rejected the offer without
a second thought. Women and children are being used as public relations fodder (like in Palestine) trying to garner sympathy from the weak minded for this mob of angry violent protesters demanding their golden ticket from Uncle Scam.
And this is why this is the two nation country. You’re kind sees no problem with teargassing women and children. My kind is against that.

Your kind sees the solution in violence again and again for just about every problem.

My kind wants solutions that we can figure out and work with.

You’re kind sees no problem with teargassing women and children.

I have no problem with teargassing anyone trying to cross the border illegally.

Teargas the shit out of them.

My kind wants solutions that we can figure out and work with.

What is your solution to deport 10 million illegal aliens and prevent more from sneaking across our borders?
It's the kind that doesn't kill you. You know, like sarin or mustard.
So it’s the same tear gas we always use. He made it sound like they used a safer gas.

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?


Border Patrol needs to protect themselves but the protocol should be capture & release. Especially with families and children.

You have no problem gassing children & giving soldiers the OK to use lethal force.

These are people seeking help & you & your orange buddy want to gas them & steal their kids.

Capturing someone takes force. What level of force would you support?

Answer clearly. Any dodge will be taken as an admission that you are just spewing shit from your face anus.

This is a rhetorical question. We both know that you do not support any level of force to control the border, because you hate America.
Trump was asked today about the use of teargas on the migrants at the southern border, including those with children.

Trump's response? That they are using "very safe teargas" on the migrants.

Now, I was in the military for 20 years, and when I was with the Security Force, we had to go through teargas training for riot control. And, as far as I'm aware, they don't have "safe" and "unsafe" teargas. It's all the same strength, and it all works the same way.

Trump is a f**king idiot. He's trying to downplay what happened because the optics of women and children getting gassed is kinda bad. But, saying that they were using "safe teargas" on them is even worse, because in addition to looking like he doesn't have a heart, he also looks like an idiot, trying to claim it's "safe".

Trump defends use of 'very safe' tear gas on migrant children

President Donald Trump is strongly defending the U.S. use of tear gas at the Mexican border to repel a crowd of migrants that included angry rock-throwers but also barefoot, crying children.

Critics denounced the border agents' action as overkill, but Trump kept to a hard line.

"They were being rushed by some very tough people and they used tear gas," Trump said Monday of the previous day's encounter. "Here's the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally."

At a roundtable in Mississippi later Monday, Trump seemed to acknowledge that children were affected, asking, "Why is a parent running up into an area where they know the tear gas is forming and it's going to be formed and they were running up with a child?"

He said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe."

Without offering evidence, he also claimed that some of the women are not really parents but are instead "grabbers" who steal children so they have a better chance of being granted asylum in the U.S.

Trumps must be correct because the TDSers are going bonkers.
It's the kind that doesn't kill you. You know, like sarin or mustard.
So it’s the same tear gas we always use. He made it sound like they used a safer gas.

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?


Border Patrol needs to protect themselves but the protocol should be capture & release. Especially with families and children.

You have no problem gassing children & giving soldiers the OK to use lethal force.

These are people seeking help & you & your orange buddy want to gas them & steal their kids.

tear gas is benign crowd dispersal
So it’s the same tear gas we always use. He made it sound like they used a safer gas.

A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?


Border Patrol needs to protect themselves but the protocol should be capture & release. Especially with families and children.

You have no problem gassing children & giving soldiers the OK to use lethal force.

These are people seeking help & you & your orange buddy want to gas them & steal their kids.

Capturing someone takes force. What level of force would you support?

Answer clearly. Any dodge will be taken as an admission that you are just spewing shit from your face anus.

This is a rhetorical question. We both know that you do not support any level of force to control the border, because you hate America.

Capturing does not necessarily require force. police arrest people all the time without force.

The level of force depends on the person being apprehended. If the person is armed & shooting then lethal force is needed.

I guess you support shoot on sight? Gas children on sight?

But hey, I don't support wasting billions on a 40' wall & I don't think we need to tear gas children, I guess I hate America. Well dipshit, those are American values.
Capturing does not necessarily require force. police arrest people all the time without force.

The level of force depends on the person being apprehended. If the person is armed & shooting then lethal force is needed.

I guess you support shoot on sight? Gas children on sight?

But hey, I don't support wasting billions on a 40' wall & I don't think we need to tear gas children, I guess I hate America. Well dipshit, those are American values.

Using children as shields is reprehensible yet somehow the idiotic TDSers are so blinded by their own hatred they can no longer see the truth. They make up scenarios that don't exist and never happened. Children weren't 'gassed' and none of this would happen if we had adequate border security. All in all, those making such ridiculous claims really do hate America.
A case could be made that you libs are pretending that tear gas is dangerous.

Is that your intent?

We just think it should be used on children like you do.

I made a point about the point that sealy was making. If you don't want to address it, then don't hit the reply button.

BUt since you did, what level of force would you support to control our border?


Border Patrol needs to protect themselves but the protocol should be capture & release. Especially with families and children.

You have no problem gassing children & giving soldiers the OK to use lethal force.

These are people seeking help & you & your orange buddy want to gas them & steal their kids.

Capturing someone takes force. What level of force would you support?

Answer clearly. Any dodge will be taken as an admission that you are just spewing shit from your face anus.

This is a rhetorical question. We both know that you do not support any level of force to control the border, because you hate America.

Capturing does not necessarily require force. police arrest people all the time without force.

The level of force depends on the person being apprehended. If the person is armed & shooting then lethal force is needed.

I guess you support shoot on sight? Gas children on sight?

But hey, I don't support wasting billions on a 40' wall & I don't think we need to tear gas children, I guess I hate America. Well dipshit, those are American values.

You did not give an answer to what level you would support, as we all knew you would not.

THus, your admission that all you are doing is spewing shit from your face anus, is accepted.

To the rest of the world, tear gas is a very restrained response to a fucking invasion.
Trump was asked today about the use of teargas on the migrants at the southern border, including those with children.

Trump's response? That they are using "very safe teargas" on the migrants.

Now, I was in the military for 20 years, and when I was with the Security Force, we had to go through teargas training for riot control. And, as far as I'm aware, they don't have "safe" and "unsafe" teargas. It's all the same strength, and it all works the same way.

Trump is a f**king idiot. He's trying to downplay what happened because the optics of women and children getting gassed is kinda bad. But, saying that they were using "safe teargas" on them is even worse, because in addition to looking like he doesn't have a heart, he also looks like an idiot, trying to claim it's "safe".

Trump defends use of 'very safe' tear gas on migrant children

President Donald Trump is strongly defending the U.S. use of tear gas at the Mexican border to repel a crowd of migrants that included angry rock-throwers but also barefoot, crying children.

Critics denounced the border agents' action as overkill, but Trump kept to a hard line.

"They were being rushed by some very tough people and they used tear gas," Trump said Monday of the previous day's encounter. "Here's the bottom line: Nobody is coming into our country unless they come in legally."

At a roundtable in Mississippi later Monday, Trump seemed to acknowledge that children were affected, asking, "Why is a parent running up into an area where they know the tear gas is forming and it's going to be formed and they were running up with a child?"

He said it was "a very minor form of the tear gas itself" that he assured was "very safe."

Without offering evidence, he also claimed that some of the women are not really parents but are instead "grabbers" who steal children so they have a better chance of being granted asylum in the U.S.
So, what's the problem-o? Color me cynical, but by this point, if soothing bath crystals were used, it would still be an issue with some of you folks. I don't have a problem with using tear gas. Way better alternative than bullets.
News flash....'Trump stops Southern border invasion of the U.S.' The MSM reports 'Trump is acting like Hitler.' What a bunch of flaming idiots.
You voted for Clinton, so let be factual you are as bright as a burnt out bulb...

Now about the wall the fact is it is a waste of money, so I am against it.

Now propose your ideas to fix the system so no kids will be used as human shields from illegals throwing rocks...

I voted for the most qualified candidate.

The Trump 40' all does not extend the entire border, so those evil brown people can just go where the wall isn't & throw stones.

And, you are a ling fuck when you claim children were used as human shields.

Using a child for political gain is Trump's game.

The only way to solve illegal immigration to to take away the reason to come here in such desperation. Help the Central America countries battle these drug lords ( who gained strength because of our war on drugs) and help improve their economies.

Other than that, more border patrol. We must consider asylum cases. If we know thousands are coming, how fucking dumb is it not to be ready to process them?

So why didn't Obama get all that done in his first two years as President?

Do you actually believe Hillary Clinton was qualified?

Also do you believe Hillary Clinton would have fixed the immigration issue?

Your answer also did not address the reality those like you enjoy the abuse of employers that hire illegals for lesser wages so they can have a form of slave labor.

Also why the racist comments with me seeing I am not anti-Mexican nor do I hate Hispanics\Latinos?

Also were there not stone throwers mentioned in the OP and if so then yes they were using children as Human shields but alas you do not care about the child and use them for your political gain if you can!?!

The only reason why you care about the border is because you hate Trump but forgot all about it during Obama eight years.

Those like you have never put a damn foot into Hispanic\Latino or Mexican, Central American, or South American neighborhoods like the ones here in Houston that are on our East End near the Ship Channels that are off Telephone Road and Griggs area because if you ever did you would realize how dumb you truly are.

You also did not address how you will combat the Cartels that are funded not only by our Government but by the Chinese Government and the Bravta with the blessing of Putin!

Instead you wrote more border patrol which is just a small part of the damn solution and what need to be address is the Sex Slave trafficking that goes on within this border and forcing employers that you ignore into complying with e-verify and if they hire illegals they should be fined harshly the first time and the second time jailed while losing their right to operate a business for five years for hiring illegals.

Now of course you discovered I do not support Trump but keep on lying like usual and know I never supported the wall idea because you can tunnel under it like they do in California but hell you are a known lying partisan that voted for Clinton, so I expect you will stay blind as usual.

So to recap:

1. Rock throwers should not use women and children to hide behind.

2. You are more like Trump than me with your lies and using women and children for political gain.

3. Obama failed to do what you wanted with combating Cartels but now you believe your weak ass solution will be the answer.

4. You ignored the reality of Sex Slavery in America and abuse by employers.

5. You also ignored the reality of Russia and China involvement in regions like Mexico and El Salvador.


So as you call everyone liars and stupid while accusing them of being racist and using women and children for political gain, well pot you are fucking black!

Obama, in his first two years, was busy fixing the worst recession in 80 years, losing 800,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars & the trillion plus deficit that George W Bush left him.

Republicans love cheap labor.

You LOVE the Trumpster. You do nothing but defend him.

Trump is pulling back from the global scene ( as you assfucks cheer) and letting the door open for China & Russia,,

I defend Trump?


From 2007 to 2009 Democrats were in control of the House and Senate and were part of the collapse that happen under Bush watch.

Then Senator Barack Obama was part of the U.S. Senate, so can you tell me what Obama introduced in the Senate to help slow the oncoming recession?

From 2007 until 2011 House Democrats that were lead by Nancy Pelosi could have passed some form of Immigration Reform Bill that could have won support in the Senate and would have been signed by either Bush or Obama, so can you explain why she refused to kill this wedge issue?

As you proclaim Republicans love cheap labor it seem Democrats also love it seeing they had the chance to pass reforms on Immigration.

Now that the House is back in Democrats hands and if Immigration Reform is not passed in the next two years in the House who will you blame?

A. Nancy Pelosi

B. Trump

C. Me because you are nuts

Now let get to the part of your claim I support and defend Trump, well I also defended Obama when right version of you was attacking his status.

So when I defend Trump there is a damn good reason. Now I know you do not care about the illegal alien because had you, well you would be outraged at the reality your own political party does not want to fix this damn issue because it remove the one wedge issue you can use to cause hatred across this Nation.

As for Trump I do not agree with him on the wall at all and believe he should request Congress to pass laws to force those like you to comply with e-verify or be fined and jailed for hiring illegals to work for you.

I also mentioned the fact about Russia and China and even Iran and you will be damn to find any response from me saying I support Trump removal of us from the World Stage but you know this already but will spew your typical lies as you do.

The reality is you do not care about the illegal migrant because if you did you would hold your own political party accountable and not pass the buck to the GOP and Trump.

So now the Democrats have the House and two years to pass some type of reform and if not then you need to blame them.

With that written note if they do pass it and the GOP Senate fails to pass something to Trump and Trump fails to sign it then that is on them ( Trump and GOP ) but first thing first and let see if Democrats pass anything in the House.

I know how dare I just not view this damn country as a damn dictatorship like you view it!

List the shit the Democrats did in the first 9 months of 2007 that created the Bush recession.

The fucking nerve & ignorance to blame any of that recession on Democrats prove you are nothing but a fool.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (full name: Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. Passed among the Democrats. Failed among Republicans. The Democrats tried it & I guesxs you wrreed too stupid to know this???

I am not a Democrat. Just because I don't want the fucking with less Trump wall does NOT mean I don't care about immigration.

So shove your lies up your ass, Trump boy.

What a liar you are and boy did I triggered you!

As anyone can see you are unable to list the Bills that were passed by Pelosi to help ease the recession in 2007 is not my fault.

Also can you explain to the board why you keep on telling me I support the Wall idea when I have clearly stated I am against it just not in this thread but for years now?

Why are you being so daft?

Also you stated you voted for what you consider the most qualified candidate which in your own words was Hillary but you are not Democrat according to you but defend the Democrats failures daily on here.

Also why did Harry Reid fail to get something Compromised in the Senate in 2007?

See what you forget is your political party does not want Immigration Reform because if it did, well Obama or even Bush would have signed a bill.

I know how dare I write the facts!

Also this thread is about the usage of tear gas and not Trump wish to waste billions of dollars on a worthless wall.

I did noticed you got angry over my words and could it be I am aiming at what will actually stop illegal immigration which is go after those like you that hire them at slave wages while using their status to silence them?

Now why do you support illegal immigration into this country?

Why do you support Russia, China and Iran attack on our borders through using Cartels and gangs like MS-13?

As you sit there lying and melting tell me when will you call me a Nazi for not supporting your right to hurt innocent people that have to stay in the shadow because your political party did nothing after they got control of the House, Senate and Oval office when it came to immigration reform and waited until after the 2010 election to demand reform knowing the GOP would never pass that bill!?!
So Macron is lobbing tear gas at French citizens protesting his inane Climate Change Gas Taxes and other SOCIALIST programs...and the Lefties are crickets.

Why is it okay for Macron to tear gas his own people but it's EVUL for Trump to continue Obabble's policy of using tear gas to stop invaders at our borders?
So Macron is lobbing tear gas at French citizens protesting his inane Climate Change Gas Taxes and other SOCIALIST programs...and the Lefties are crickets.

Why is it okay for Macron to tear gas his own people but it's EVUL for Trump to continue Obabble's policy of using tear gas to stop invaders at our borders?

Libs just say shit. It don't mean nothing.

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