What The Hell: Obama Administration Halts BP Oil Cap Tests. Want's Outside Analysis


May 29, 2010
So the Obama Administration that did nothing to regulate the original drilling of the well, who waived Environmental Impact studies wants to regulate everything involved in stopping and cleaning up the spill to the point where they postponed Louisiana from building protective berms, and sending out cleanup barges. People can you see now that this president wants to systematically harm the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico where it can do the most harm against one of his adversaries state called Louisiana. Don't forget Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who are all Republican controlled. There is no reason for this delay and the OIL STILL FLOWS.

BP Testing Delayed on Gulf Oil Fix - CBS News

CBS/AP) BP is delaying critical tests on a new well cap designed to finally stop the flow of oil in the Gulf of Mexico after government officials said more analysis was needed on the plan.

BP engineers were scheduled to start slowly shutting off valves on the 75-ton metal stack of pipes and valves, aiming to stop the flow of oil for the first time in three months. A series of preliminary steps were completed, including mapping the seafloor.

National Incident Commander Thad Allen said in a statement Tuesday night the process "may benefit from additional analysis" that would be performed overnight and Wednesday. He did not say when the tests would start.

The decision was reached after Allen met with federal officials, scientists and geologists.

And Also, way to go Stephen Chu, Obamas Sec of Energy:

Oil Still Spilling as Rig Test Is Delayed:


On its Web site, BP said in a statement that the test had been postponed after a meeting with Energy Secretary Stephen Chu “and his team of scientific and industry experts.”
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So the Obama Administration that did nothing to regulate the original drilling of the well, who waived Environmental Impact studies wants to regulate everything involved in stopping and cleaning up the spill to the point where they postponed Louisiana from building protective berms, and sending out cleanup barges. People can you see now that this president wants to systematically harm the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico where it can do the most harm against one of his adversaries state called Louisiana. Don't forget Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who are all Republican controlled. There is no reason for this delay and the OIL STILL FLOWS.

BP Testing Delayed on Gulf Oil Fix - CBS News

CBS/AP) BP is delaying critical tests on a new well cap designed to finally stop the flow of oil in the Gulf of Mexico after government officials said more analysis was needed on the plan.

BP engineers were scheduled to start slowly shutting off valves on the 75-ton metal stack of pipes and valves, aiming to stop the flow of oil for the first time in three months. A series of preliminary steps were completed, including mapping the seafloor.

National Incident Commander Thad Allen said in a statement Tuesday night the process "may benefit from additional analysis" that would be performed overnight and Wednesday. He did not say when the tests would start.

The decision was reached after Allen met with federal officials, scientists and geologists.

And Also, way to go Stephen Chu, Obamas Sec of Energy:

Oil Still Spilling as Rig Test Is Delayed:


On its Web site, BP said in a statement that the test had been postponed after a meeting with Energy Secretary Stephen Chu “and his team of scientific and industry experts.”

So what units did you serve with in the 25th ID?

I mean, by now you've at least had enough time to research an adequate lie.
So the Obama Administration that did nothing to regulate the original drilling of the well, who waived Environmental Impact studies wants to regulate everything involved in stopping and cleaning up the spill to the point where they postponed Louisiana from building protective berms, and sending out cleanup barges. People can you see now that this president wants to systematically harm the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico where it can do the most harm against one of his adversaries state called Louisiana. Don't forget Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who are all Republican controlled. There is no reason for this delay and the OIL STILL FLOWS.

BP Testing Delayed on Gulf Oil Fix - CBS News

CBS/AP) BP is delaying critical tests on a new well cap designed to finally stop the flow of oil in the Gulf of Mexico after government officials said more analysis was needed on the plan.

BP engineers were scheduled to start slowly shutting off valves on the 75-ton metal stack of pipes and valves, aiming to stop the flow of oil for the first time in three months. A series of preliminary steps were completed, including mapping the seafloor.

National Incident Commander Thad Allen said in a statement Tuesday night the process "may benefit from additional analysis" that would be performed overnight and Wednesday. He did not say when the tests would start.

The decision was reached after Allen met with federal officials, scientists and geologists.

And Also, way to go Stephen Chu, Obamas Sec of Energy:

Oil Still Spilling as Rig Test Is Delayed:


On its Web site, BP said in a statement that the test had been postponed after a meeting with Energy Secretary Stephen Chu “and his team of scientific and industry experts.”

So what units did you serve with in the 25th ID?

I mean, by now you've at least had enough time to research an adequate lie.

Are you claiming he never served in the military, if so what does that have to do with this thread? And while we are on the subject what branch did YOU serve in?
So the Obama Administration that did nothing to regulate the original drilling of the well, who waived Environmental Impact studies wants to regulate everything involved in stopping and cleaning up the spill to the point where they postponed Louisiana from building protective berms, and sending out cleanup barges. People can you see now that this president wants to systematically harm the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico where it can do the most harm against one of his adversaries state called Louisiana. Don't forget Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who are all Republican controlled. There is no reason for this delay and the OIL STILL FLOWS.

BP Testing Delayed on Gulf Oil Fix - CBS News

CBS/AP) BP is delaying critical tests on a new well cap designed to finally stop the flow of oil in the Gulf of Mexico after government officials said more analysis was needed on the plan.

BP engineers were scheduled to start slowly shutting off valves on the 75-ton metal stack of pipes and valves, aiming to stop the flow of oil for the first time in three months. A series of preliminary steps were completed, including mapping the seafloor.

National Incident Commander Thad Allen said in a statement Tuesday night the process "may benefit from additional analysis" that would be performed overnight and Wednesday. He did not say when the tests would start.

The decision was reached after Allen met with federal officials, scientists and geologists.

And Also, way to go Stephen Chu, Obamas Sec of Energy:

Oil Still Spilling as Rig Test Is Delayed:


On its Web site, BP said in a statement that the test had been postponed after a meeting with Energy Secretary Stephen Chu “and his team of scientific and industry experts.”

Has it now become clear that the Obama Administration wants oil leaking all over the Gulf.

His folks have been the biggest roadblock to progress in cleaning up the spill all along.

I'm horrified, and I mean that, Literally.

Just when you think that SOMETHING is FINALLY being done,

something that could be a workable solution,

it's brought to a screeching halt,

and, you're right ~

I am now CONVINCED, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that THIS is a DOWNRIGHT Attack on America by the very people we PAY to protect us.

My God, how can this be allowed to continue???
Yeah, caution is treason. I mean, what could go wrong?

A series of methodical, preliminary steps were completed before progress stalled. Engineers spent hours on a seismic survey, creating a map of the rock under the sea floor to spot potential dangers, like gas pockets. It also provides a baseline to compare with later surveys during and after the test to see if the pressure on the well is causing underground problems.

An unstable area around the wellbore could create bigger problems if the leak continued elsewhere in the well after the cap valves were shut, experts said.

"It's an incredibly big concern," said Don Van Nieuwenhuise, director of Professional Geoscience Programs at the University of Houston. "They need to get a scan of where things are, that way when they do pressure testing, they know to look out for ruptures or changes."

It was unclear whether there was something in the results of the mapping that prompted officials to delay. Earlier, BP Vice President Kent Wells said he hadn't heard what the results were, but he felt "comfortable that they were good."

National Incident Commander Thad Allen met with the federal energy secretary and the head of the U.S. Geological Survey as well as BP officials and other scientists after the mapping was done.

"As a result of these discussions, we decided that the process may benefit from additional analysis," Allen said in a statement. He didn't specify what type of analysis would be done, but said work would continue until Wednesday.
Remember....this was merely an exploratory well....it wasn't intended to be a big producer.

Maybe they ignored the dangers and drilled anyway.

I don't trust BP and I especially don't trust the Obama Administration in this one single bit.
No matter what happens, Retired is going to find fault with it, and it will be our President's fault.

He, and many others on this board are completely bent that this administration forced BP to put money in escrow so the Gulf residents that are adversely affected by this can be sure to get timely compensation. Unlike those whose lives and livelyhoods were damaged by the Exxon Valdez spill.

They seem to believe that a more equitable solution would be to charge them for the oil that washes up on their beaches.
it plays into the Obama's and his comrades in arms political AGENDA.

wake up folks.
BP & BO administration have been lying to us all along. Terrel & I knew this months ago. I knew they cut the riser increasing the leak to relieve pressure on the well bore. How many times are you going to set back & take the lies you are being spoon fed & play politics with them. This country is full of fools.

They knew all along they would not be able to shut this well in from the top, but there is no reason they can't connect a new insulated full sized riser & let this oil flow unrestricted into tankers.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du2O8MY5CrI]YouTube - THE BP BLUES www.dirtycajuns.com[/ame]
Remember....this was merely an exploratory well....it wasn't intended to be a big producer.

Maybe they ignored the dangers and drilled anyway.

I don't trust BP and I especially don't trust the Obama Administration in this one single bit.

that's exactly what they did, fyi an exploration well in an unkown area is almost always done with more safety precautions not less.

I'm horrified, and I mean that, Literally.

Just when you think that SOMETHING is FINALLY being done,

something that could be a workable solution,

it's brought to a screeching halt,

and, you're right ~

I am now CONVINCED, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that THIS is a DOWNRIGHT Attack on America by the very people we PAY to protect us.

My God, how can this be allowed to continue???
First off. Ask the tooth fairy.It at least left you some coins when you were a child.
Second. Nobody is protecting you from anything.
Third." They" attack you over and over again to keep you scared and blame it on others to keep you rabidly violent against non Murkins.
Until you people wake up and understand that, you are nothing more than slaves and cannon fodder for the corporate globalists.

The vast majority of the worlds destruction and bloodshed is caused by you.
You vote for it. You pay for it and you believe the lies.:cuckoo:
Given how badly BP fucked up, trusting them without reservation does seem a bit foolish.
Heard a Florida minor league baseball team no longer holds batting practice(BP). They now run "hitting rehearsals"!!!
BP & BO administration have been lying to us all along. Terrel & I knew this months ago. I knew they cut the riser increasing the leak to relieve pressure on the well bore. How many times are you going to set back & take the lies you are being spoon fed & play politics with them. This country is full of fools.

They knew all along they would not be able to shut this well in from the top, but there is no reason they can't connect a new insulated full sized riser & let this oil flow unrestricted into tankers.

If BP attachs a new marine riser they should be able to open the old BOP & pull out the drill pipe, insert a new drill pipe extending to the bottom of the well & fill it with heavy mud to kill the well from the bottom.

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