What the Iranian warning to America means


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
I do not think the Iranian warning should be taken lightly.....what they are capable of and perhaps primed for is terrorist attacks on .....countless Iranian operatives are set in place to launch attacks here in our homeland whenever the Ayatolla sends them the signal.
January 8, 2020Iran and the Sleeper Threat to North AmericaDr. Shannon NashNAADSN Manager and Trent Postdoctoral FellowDuring a bristling confrontation between Iran and the U.S. in recent months, fears have mounted about Iran’scapability and intention to retaliate with a strike on the U.S. homeland. A tit-for-tat escalation of attacks—particularly the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, in response to his involvement developingplans for an alleged imminent attack on Americans, and retribution after the death of an American contractorat an Iraqi military base— has emboldened the perception that America is vulnerable to an Iranian-backedattack on North American soil. Dr. Bessma Momani explains that “Iran knows it cannot win a head-to-headconventional war against the U.S., so it will use asymmetric warfare on its allies that can give the cloud ofdeniability and yet deliver the message of war.”1According to Momani, a proxy war would “continue to come at the expense of civilians in and fragiledemocratic politics of Iraq and Lebanon, and to a lesser extent Syria and Yemen.”2 The consensus amonganalysts is that Iran would continue to target American military infrastructure and personnel in the region.Iran did just that when it launched ballistic missiles at two military bases in Iraq that house American troops.The strikes resulted in no deaths and some believe it could have been a show of force that was carefullycrafted not to provoke the U.S. and provide an off-ramp for both sides.Nevertheless, #IranVSAmerica trends on Twitter, news headlines, commentary, and social media posts invokefears of Iranian sleeper cells waiting to attack in North America. The idea of a “sleeper” often evokes theimage of a Russian spy or terrorist living next door, laying low, blending in, and waiting to be called upon tocarry out an operation. This concept, and the fear of an enemy operating from within, is particularly jarringand plays on society’s perception of security. America’s fear of sleepers is primed by an historical sense ofbroader cultural fears of an enemy within, drawn particularly from the idea of a German Fifth Column in theSecond World War and Soviet deep cover illegal agents during the Cold War.After Gen. Soleimani’s assassination, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said the security threat to the city changedsignificantly. The escalation of tensions with Iran meant “a world of difference” and “we have to assume thisaction puts us in a de facto state of war.”3 Former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright told Fox News that potential

Not even to mention........
Whilst our intelligence agencies allow muslim operatives to sneak into America they focused instead on ghost threats that is the result of the insanity of wokeness...that our military and intelligencies are saturated with aka...white supremacists, militias...and or any organization or group that has not espoused the wokeness insanity.
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FOX may have told you to melt down, but don't worry, the grownups are in charge.

gaslighting commie.jpg
What this means to Iran, if it gets stupid, is turning greater Teheran into a huge volcanic glass parking lot.
Sure, the same adults that just happen to agree with the majority of 16 year olds. Forgive us for that not giving us a sense of security.
Then put yer finger back in yer ass to keep from exploding from all the excitement already.
The problem is that we Americans only know what what the media tells us and since the media is a willing propaganda arm of a corrupt administration we probably won't know shit.
The problem is that we Americans only know what what the media tells us and since the media is a willing propaganda arm of a corrupt administration we probably won't know shit.
We know Iran launched hundreds of missiles at Israel.

The terrorist state was emboldened by Biden’s support of the Muslims over the Jews. This is the price of a weak, demented old man with no principles.
We know Iran launched hundreds of missiles at Israel.

The terrorist state was emboldened by Biden’s support of the Muslims over the Jews. This is the price of a weak, demented old man with no principles.
It had something to do with an air strike killing an Iranian commander, not yer lies about Biden, you really do debase yerself.
We know Iran launched hundreds of missiles at Israel.

The terrorist state was emboldened by Biden’s support of the Muslims over the Jews. This is the price of a weak, demented old man with no principles.
It had something to do with an air strike killing an Iranian commander, not yer lies about Biden, you really do debase yerself.
Then put yer finger back in yer ass to keep from exploding from all the excitement already.

Just pointing out that the “adults “that are in charge now are no more capable of making good decisions than an average 16 year old.
Yeah, the mastermind behind the October 7 attack. Your boy Biden has done nothing but embolden terrorists since day 1 by showing weakness. They feed off that stuff.
Now Biden shows them what a REAL leader does. A bowl of ice cream and beddy bye.
Yeah, the mastermind behind the October 7 attack. Your boy Biden has done nothing but embolden terrorists since day 1 by showing weakness. They feed off that stuff.
Yeah it was Biden's fault for the last fifty years of emboldened terrorists attacks, stupid fucks.

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