What the left does not understand about Islam


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
the left fears capitalism more than Islamism...

The left has never adapted to the transition from nationalistic wars to ideological wars. It took the left a while to grasp that the Nazis were a fundamentally different foe than the Kaiser and that pretending that World War 2 was another war for the benefit of colonialists and arms dealers was the behavior of deluded lunatics. And yet much of the left insisted on approaching the war in just that fashion, and had Hitler not attacked Stalin, it might have remained stuck there.

The Cold War was even worse. The left never came to terms with Communism. From the Moscow Trials to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the moderate left slowly disavowed the USSR but refused to see it as anything more than a clumsy dictatorship. The only way that the left could reject the USSR was by overlooking its ideology and treating it as another backward Russian tyranny being needlessly provoked and pushed around by Western Europe and the United States.

Having failed the test twice, it is no wonder that the left has been unable to come to terms with Islam, or that it has resorted to insisting that, like Germany and Russia, the Muslim world is just another victim of imperialism and western warmongering in need of support and encouragement from the progressive camp.

The anti-war worldview is generations out of date. It is mired in an outdated analysis of imperial conflicts that ceased being relevant with the downfall of the nation-state and its replacement by international organizations and causes based around ideologies. Nazism could still loosely fit into the jackboots of the nation state. Communism was another creature entirely, a red virus floating around the world, embedding its ideas into organizations and using those organizations to take over nations.

Islam is even more untethered than Communism, loosely originating from powerful oil nations, but able to spring up anywhere in the world. Its proponents have even less use for the nation state than the Communists. What they want is a Caliphate ruled under Islamic law; a single unit of human organization extending across nations, regions and eventually the world.

The left is incapable of engaging with Islamism as an ideology, instead it reduces the conflict to a struggle between colonial and anti-colonial forces, showing once again that the left’s worldview is usually at least fifty years out of date. Mapping colonial and anti-colonial conflicts over a map of Mali, where the anti-colonial forces are represented by the slave-owning Tuaregs and the Arab and Pakistani Jihadis invading an African country, makes very little sense, but that is all that the left knows how to do.

Their response to the Clash of Civilizations has been to include Islamists in the global rainbow coalition of minorities, gays and gender theorists, indigent third world farmers, transsexuals, artists and poets, sex workers and terrorists; without considering what the Islamists were or how they would fit into this charmed circle.

The left views the Islamists as just another front group to be used. The Islamists see the left the same way and in Iran, Egypt and Tunisia, the Islamists have a better track record of getting the better of the left. But the left never learns from history. It never questions its outdated Marxist fisheye view of events or realizes that the Industrial Revolution, feudal peasants and the banks are not a metaphor for absolutely every struggle that takes place anywhere in the world. And so the left dooms itself to repeat again and again the history that it refuses to learn.

Rather than deal with Islamism, the left persists in fighting phantom wars against nationalism, capitalism, militarism, colonialism and imperialism; all things that are approaching extinction in its sphere of influence, while thriving outside its sphere of influence. The left is too busy fighting a civil war to see that if it wants to survive, it will have to fight a global war. True to its nature, it is determined to finish digesting the West before it is ready to defend it, and by the time that the left digests the West, with the help of its Islamist allies, the war will be over and the left will have lost.

What the Left Does Not Understand About Islam
Remember, kids, you heard it right here. All Muslims are evil. If the tolerant and inclusive people of the Right said so, it must be true.
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Remember, kids, you heard it right here. All Muslims are evil. If the tolerant and inclusive people of the Right said so, it must be true.

idiot.....obviously you don't understand what Islamic IDEOLOGY is about.....nor how those forces are a threat to our Western way of life...
Remember, kids, you heard it right here. All Muslims are evil. If the tolerant and inclusive people of the Right said so, it must be true.

idiot.....obviously you don't understand what Islamic IDEOLOGY is about.....nor how those forces are a threat to our Western way of life...

Are you in the market for some used gas ovens?

Anyone know what the shelf life of Zyklon B is?
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Remember, kids, you heard it right here. All Muslims are evil. If the tolerant and inclusive people of the Right said so, it must be true.

idiot.....obviously you don't understand what Islamic IDEOLOGY is about.....nor how those forces are a threat to our Western way of life...

Are you in the market for some used gas ovens?

What's the shelf life of Zyklon B anyway?

we are like in prewar Germany and you joke like a stupid German who doesn't know what's really going on....
I think it was bigreb who once asked me for examples of totalitarianism from the Right after I had said I see such tendencies from Right and Left these days. I pointed out a few then, and have since then, and here's another one:

Islam is even more untethered than Communism

The author and the originator of this topic do not separate out Muslim extremist ideology from the entire world following of Islam. They paint all Muslims as one and the same crazed destroyers of civilization.

So when you wonder why the Right is losing credibility with minorities, this is why. You don't have to be a Muslim to grok the full implications of this primitive way of thinking. If Righties hate all Muslims, it isn't a stretch to figure out how they feel about all darkies.

But, dear reader, please don't make the same mistake these jackwads do. Do not paint an entire group of people based on the extreme ignorance and vociferousness of a few. I am an old school conservative and detest these fucks with all my being for destroying the Republican party from within, just as I am sure many hundreds of millions of Muslims detest the extremists in their own faction destroying Islam from within.

Time to take out the trash.
I think it was bigreb who once asked me for examples of totalitarianism from the Right after I had said I see such tendencies from Right and Left these days. I pointed out a few then, and have since then, and here's another one:

Islam is even more untethered than Communism

The author and the originator of this topic do not separate out Muslim extremist ideology from the entire world following of Islam. They paint all Muslims as one and the same crazed destroyers of civilization.

So when you wonder why the Right is losing credibility with minorities, this is why. You don't have to be a Muslim to grok the full implications of this primitive way of thinking. If Righties hate all Muslims, it isn't a stretch to figure out how they feel about all darkies.

But, dear reader, please don't make the same mistake these jackwads do. Do not paint an entire group of people based on the extreme ignorance and vociferousness of a few. I am an old school conservative and detest these fucks with all my being for destroying the Republican party from within, just as I am sure many hundreds of millions of Muslims detest the extremists in their own faction destroying Islam from within.

Time to take out the trash.

the only trash talk is your stupid idea that Islam and Western Civilization are compatible...

idiot lefties like you ignore the real war and instead pursue your idiotic wars on Big Gulps and styrofoam cups...

your idiotic leftie leader pronounces Al Qaeda defeated and the war in Afghanistan won but Al Qaeda is spreading like wildfire and Afghanistan is lost as soon as the remaining soldiers finish what i guess is now their 'war-free vacation' in the country....meanwhile Israel is poised on the edge of extinction and the whole Middle East is burning while leftie leader BO pretends he is concerned about it...and Islam continues to spread its poison throughout Europe and the Americas while you leftie idiots talk about PCness...

it's amazing how you lefties get your panties in a wad whenever anybody says "God" in the public square.....yet you think Islam can be your friend....:cuckoo:
Remember, kids, you heard it right here. All Muslims are evil. If the tolerant and inclusive people of the Right said so, it must be true.

idiot.....obviously you don't understand what Islamic IDEOLOGY is about.....nor how those forces are a threat to our Western way of life...

Oh for Chrissake.....please tell me how the Islamists have hurt you or yours? Al-Queda has been the least of our worries for over 10 years now, and even then the best they could do was kill 3000. By military standards that's not even an act of war, that's an attack. There IS a difference.

If you were really paying attention you would know the biggest threat to the U.S. is a cyber-war. No idiots with box-cutter knives could ever reach the depth and despair that a clean, massive attack on our banks and power grids. We would ALL be like babes in the woods and utterly helpless.

And when that happens it won't be the Islamists.
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the left fears capitalism more than Islamism...

The left has never adapted to the transition from nationalistic wars to ideological wars. It took the left a while to grasp that the Nazis were a fundamentally different foe than the Kaiser and that pretending that World War 2 was another war for the benefit of colonialists and arms dealers was the behavior of deluded lunatics. And yet much of the left insisted on approaching the war in just that fashion, and had Hitler not attacked Stalin, it might have remained stuck there.

The Cold War was even worse. The left never came to terms with Communism. From the Moscow Trials to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the moderate left slowly disavowed the USSR but refused to see it as anything more than a clumsy dictatorship. The only way that the left could reject the USSR was by overlooking its ideology and treating it as another backward Russian tyranny being needlessly provoked and pushed around by Western Europe and the United States.

Having failed the test twice, it is no wonder that the left has been unable to come to terms with Islam, or that it has resorted to insisting that, like Germany and Russia, the Muslim world is just another victim of imperialism and western warmongering in need of support and encouragement from the progressive camp.

The anti-war worldview is generations out of date. It is mired in an outdated analysis of imperial conflicts that ceased being relevant with the downfall of the nation-state and its replacement by international organizations and causes based around ideologies. Nazism could still loosely fit into the jackboots of the nation state. Communism was another creature entirely, a red virus floating around the world, embedding its ideas into organizations and using those organizations to take over nations.

Islam is even more untethered than Communism, loosely originating from powerful oil nations, but able to spring up anywhere in the world. Its proponents have even less use for the nation state than the Communists. What they want is a Caliphate ruled under Islamic law; a single unit of human organization extending across nations, regions and eventually the world.

The left is incapable of engaging with Islamism as an ideology, instead it reduces the conflict to a struggle between colonial and anti-colonial forces, showing once again that the left’s worldview is usually at least fifty years out of date. Mapping colonial and anti-colonial conflicts over a map of Mali, where the anti-colonial forces are represented by the slave-owning Tuaregs and the Arab and Pakistani Jihadis invading an African country, makes very little sense, but that is all that the left knows how to do.

Their response to the Clash of Civilizations has been to include Islamists in the global rainbow coalition of minorities, gays and gender theorists, indigent third world farmers, transsexuals, artists and poets, sex workers and terrorists; without considering what the Islamists were or how they would fit into this charmed circle.

The left views the Islamists as just another front group to be used. The Islamists see the left the same way and in Iran, Egypt and Tunisia, the Islamists have a better track record of getting the better of the left. But the left never learns from history. It never questions its outdated Marxist fisheye view of events or realizes that the Industrial Revolution, feudal peasants and the banks are not a metaphor for absolutely every struggle that takes place anywhere in the world. And so the left dooms itself to repeat again and again the history that it refuses to learn.

Rather than deal with Islamism, the left persists in fighting phantom wars against nationalism, capitalism, militarism, colonialism and imperialism; all things that are approaching extinction in its sphere of influence, while thriving outside its sphere of influence. The left is too busy fighting a civil war to see that if it wants to survive, it will have to fight a global war. True to its nature, it is determined to finish digesting the West before it is ready to defend it, and by the time that the left digests the West, with the help of its Islamist allies, the war will be over and the left will have lost.

What the Left Does Not Understand About Islam

Godwin's Law in 1 post.

I think it was bigreb who once asked me for examples of totalitarianism from the Right after I had said I see such tendencies from Right and Left these days. I pointed out a few then, and have since then, and here's another one:

Islam is even more untethered than Communism

The author and the originator of this topic do not separate out Muslim extremist ideology from the entire world following of Islam. They paint all Muslims as one and the same crazed destroyers of civilization.

So when you wonder why the Right is losing credibility with minorities, this is why.

Yup. This Screaming Parakeet needs to visit the west side of the Hudson River...for starters.
the left fears capitalism more than Islamism...

The left has never adapted to the transition from nationalistic wars to ideological wars. It took the left a while to grasp that the Nazis were a fundamentally different foe than the Kaiser and that pretending that World War 2 was another war for the benefit of colonialists and arms dealers was the behavior of deluded lunatics. And yet much of the left insisted on approaching the war in just that fashion, and had Hitler not attacked Stalin, it might have remained stuck there.

The Cold War was even worse. The left never came to terms with Communism. From the Moscow Trials to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the moderate left slowly disavowed the USSR but refused to see it as anything more than a clumsy dictatorship. The only way that the left could reject the USSR was by overlooking its ideology and treating it as another backward Russian tyranny being needlessly provoked and pushed around by Western Europe and the United States.

Having failed the test twice, it is no wonder that the left has been unable to come to terms with Islam, or that it has resorted to insisting that, like Germany and Russia, the Muslim world is just another victim of imperialism and western warmongering in need of support and encouragement from the progressive camp.

The anti-war worldview is generations out of date. It is mired in an outdated analysis of imperial conflicts that ceased being relevant with the downfall of the nation-state and its replacement by international organizations and causes based around ideologies. Nazism could still loosely fit into the jackboots of the nation state. Communism was another creature entirely, a red virus floating around the world, embedding its ideas into organizations and using those organizations to take over nations.

Islam is even more untethered than Communism, loosely originating from powerful oil nations, but able to spring up anywhere in the world. Its proponents have even less use for the nation state than the Communists. What they want is a Caliphate ruled under Islamic law; a single unit of human organization extending across nations, regions and eventually the world.

The left is incapable of engaging with Islamism as an ideology, instead it reduces the conflict to a struggle between colonial and anti-colonial forces, showing once again that the left’s worldview is usually at least fifty years out of date. Mapping colonial and anti-colonial conflicts over a map of Mali, where the anti-colonial forces are represented by the slave-owning Tuaregs and the Arab and Pakistani Jihadis invading an African country, makes very little sense, but that is all that the left knows how to do.

Their response to the Clash of Civilizations has been to include Islamists in the global rainbow coalition of minorities, gays and gender theorists, indigent third world farmers, transsexuals, artists and poets, sex workers and terrorists; without considering what the Islamists were or how they would fit into this charmed circle.

The left views the Islamists as just another front group to be used. The Islamists see the left the same way and in Iran, Egypt and Tunisia, the Islamists have a better track record of getting the better of the left. But the left never learns from history. It never questions its outdated Marxist fisheye view of events or realizes that the Industrial Revolution, feudal peasants and the banks are not a metaphor for absolutely every struggle that takes place anywhere in the world. And so the left dooms itself to repeat again and again the history that it refuses to learn.

Rather than deal with Islamism, the left persists in fighting phantom wars against nationalism, capitalism, militarism, colonialism and imperialism; all things that are approaching extinction in its sphere of influence, while thriving outside its sphere of influence. The left is too busy fighting a civil war to see that if it wants to survive, it will have to fight a global war. True to its nature, it is determined to finish digesting the West before it is ready to defend it, and by the time that the left digests the West, with the help of its Islamist allies, the war will be over and the left will have lost.

What the Left Does Not Understand About Islam

What a load of pure horse manure. It's not surprising that it comes from Horowitz's loony rag.
I think it was bigreb who once asked me for examples of totalitarianism from the Right after I had said I see such tendencies from Right and Left these days. I pointed out a few then, and have since then, and here's another one:

Islam is even more untethered than Communism

The author and the originator of this topic do not separate out Muslim extremist ideology from the entire world following of Islam. They paint all Muslims as one and the same crazed destroyers of civilization.

So when you wonder why the Right is losing credibility with minorities, this is why.

Yup. This Screaming Parakeet needs to visit the west side of the Hudson River...for starters.

I think it was bigreb who once asked me for examples of totalitarianism from the Right after I had said I see such tendencies from Right and Left these days. I pointed out a few then, and have since then, and here's another one:

Islam is even more untethered than Communism

The author and the originator of this topic do not separate out Muslim extremist ideology from the entire world following of Islam. They paint all Muslims as one and the same crazed destroyers of civilization.

So when you wonder why the Right is losing credibility with minorities, this is why. You don't have to be a Muslim to grok the full implications of this primitive way of thinking. If Righties hate all Muslims, it isn't a stretch to figure out how they feel about all darkies.

But, dear reader, please don't make the same mistake these jackwads do. Do not paint an entire group of people based on the extreme ignorance and vociferousness of a few. I am an old school conservative and detest these fucks with all my being for destroying the Republican party from within, just as I am sure many hundreds of millions of Muslims detest the extremists in their own faction destroying Islam from within.

Time to take out the trash.

the only trash talk is your stupid idea that Islam and Western Civilization are compatible...

idiot lefties like you ignore the real war and instead pursue your idiotic wars on Big Gulps and styrofoam cups...

your idiotic leftie leader pronounces Al Qaeda defeated and the war in Afghanistan won but Al Qaeda is spreading like wildfire and Afghanistan is lost as soon as the remaining soldiers finish what i guess is now their 'war-free vacation' in the country....meanwhile Israel is poised on the edge of extinction and the whole Middle East is burning while leftie leader BO pretends he is concerned about it...and Islam continues to spread its poison throughout Europe and the Americas while you leftie idiots talk about PCness...

it's amazing how you lefties get your panties in a wad whenever anybody says "God" in the public square.....yet you think Islam can be your friend....:cuckoo:

OK, so if you can get out of rant mode for a moment, what is the solution to this?
Great video by CIA former bin Laden Unit Chief that will answer many questions.

[ame=http://youtu.be/jixt6F_lGCg]Michael Scheuer - U.S. Foreign Policy in the Islamic World - YouTube[/ame]
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the left fears capitalism more than Islamism...

The left has never adapted to the transition from nationalistic wars to ideological wars. It took the left a while to grasp that the Nazis were a fundamentally different foe than the Kaiser and that pretending that World War 2 was another war for the benefit of colonialists and arms dealers was the behavior of deluded lunatics. And yet much of the left insisted on approaching the war in just that fashion, and had Hitler not attacked Stalin, it might have remained stuck there.

The Cold War was even worse. The left never came to terms with Communism. From the Moscow Trials to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the moderate left slowly disavowed the USSR but refused to see it as anything more than a clumsy dictatorship. The only way that the left could reject the USSR was by overlooking its ideology and treating it as another backward Russian tyranny being needlessly provoked and pushed around by Western Europe and the United States.

Having failed the test twice, it is no wonder that the left has been unable to come to terms with Islam, or that it has resorted to insisting that, like Germany and Russia, the Muslim world is just another victim of imperialism and western warmongering in need of support and encouragement from the progressive camp.

The anti-war worldview is generations out of date. It is mired in an outdated analysis of imperial conflicts that ceased being relevant with the downfall of the nation-state and its replacement by international organizations and causes based around ideologies. Nazism could still loosely fit into the jackboots of the nation state. Communism was another creature entirely, a red virus floating around the world, embedding its ideas into organizations and using those organizations to take over nations.

Islam is even more untethered than Communism, loosely originating from powerful oil nations, but able to spring up anywhere in the world. Its proponents have even less use for the nation state than the Communists. What they want is a Caliphate ruled under Islamic law; a single unit of human organization extending across nations, regions and eventually the world.

The left is incapable of engaging with Islamism as an ideology, instead it reduces the conflict to a struggle between colonial and anti-colonial forces, showing once again that the left’s worldview is usually at least fifty years out of date. Mapping colonial and anti-colonial conflicts over a map of Mali, where the anti-colonial forces are represented by the slave-owning Tuaregs and the Arab and Pakistani Jihadis invading an African country, makes very little sense, but that is all that the left knows how to do.

Their response to the Clash of Civilizations has been to include Islamists in the global rainbow coalition of minorities, gays and gender theorists, indigent third world farmers, transsexuals, artists and poets, sex workers and terrorists; without considering what the Islamists were or how they would fit into this charmed circle.

The left views the Islamists as just another front group to be used. The Islamists see the left the same way and in Iran, Egypt and Tunisia, the Islamists have a better track record of getting the better of the left. But the left never learns from history. It never questions its outdated Marxist fisheye view of events or realizes that the Industrial Revolution, feudal peasants and the banks are not a metaphor for absolutely every struggle that takes place anywhere in the world. And so the left dooms itself to repeat again and again the history that it refuses to learn.

Rather than deal with Islamism, the left persists in fighting phantom wars against nationalism, capitalism, militarism, colonialism and imperialism; all things that are approaching extinction in its sphere of influence, while thriving outside its sphere of influence. The left is too busy fighting a civil war to see that if it wants to survive, it will have to fight a global war. True to its nature, it is determined to finish digesting the West before it is ready to defend it, and by the time that the left digests the West, with the help of its Islamist allies, the war will be over and the left will have lost.

What the Left Does Not Understand About Islam
iv'e noticed that lefts response to the OPs thread validates the claims of the OP.notice that not one vile,filthy,treasonous leftist has expressed concern about Islamist radicals !! one sack of leftwing shit actually stated that the death of 3,000 innocent Americans was not an act of war !!
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I think it was bigreb who once asked me for examples of totalitarianism from the Right after I had said I see such tendencies from Right and Left these days. I pointed out a few then, and have since then, and here's another one:

The author and the originator of this topic do not separate out Muslim extremist ideology from the entire world following of Islam. They paint all Muslims as one and the same crazed destroyers of civilization.

So when you wonder why the Right is losing credibility with minorities, this is why. You don't have to be a Muslim to grok the full implications of this primitive way of thinking. If Righties hate all Muslims, it isn't a stretch to figure out how they feel about all darkies.

But, dear reader, please don't make the same mistake these jackwads do. Do not paint an entire group of people based on the extreme ignorance and vociferousness of a few. I am an old school conservative and detest these fucks with all my being for destroying the Republican party from within, just as I am sure many hundreds of millions of Muslims detest the extremists in their own faction destroying Islam from within.

Time to take out the trash.

the only trash talk is your stupid idea that Islam and Western Civilization are compatible...

idiot lefties like you ignore the real war and instead pursue your idiotic wars on Big Gulps and styrofoam cups...

your idiotic leftie leader pronounces Al Qaeda defeated and the war in Afghanistan won but Al Qaeda is spreading like wildfire and Afghanistan is lost as soon as the remaining soldiers finish what i guess is now their 'war-free vacation' in the country....meanwhile Israel is poised on the edge of extinction and the whole Middle East is burning while leftie leader BO pretends he is concerned about it...and Islam continues to spread its poison throughout Europe and the Americas while you leftie idiots talk about PCness...

it's amazing how you lefties get your panties in a wad whenever anybody says "God" in the public square.....yet you think Islam can be your friend....:cuckoo:

OK, so if you can get out of rant mode for a moment, what is the solution to this?
some ideas...

declare Islam illegal and dangerous....
no more muslim immigration...
shut down the mosques...
shut down all Brotherhood-linked organizations such as CAIR, etc.
ban any Sharia in our courtrooms...
expose the lie and threat of Islam...
the only trash talk is your stupid idea that Islam and Western Civilization are compatible...

idiot lefties like you ignore the real war and instead pursue your idiotic wars on Big Gulps and styrofoam cups...

your idiotic leftie leader pronounces Al Qaeda defeated and the war in Afghanistan won but Al Qaeda is spreading like wildfire and Afghanistan is lost as soon as the remaining soldiers finish what i guess is now their 'war-free vacation' in the country....meanwhile Israel is poised on the edge of extinction and the whole Middle East is burning while leftie leader BO pretends he is concerned about it...and Islam continues to spread its poison throughout Europe and the Americas while you leftie idiots talk about PCness...

it's amazing how you lefties get your panties in a wad whenever anybody says "God" in the public square.....yet you think Islam can be your friend....:cuckoo:

OK, so if you can get out of rant mode for a moment, what is the solution to this?
some ideas...

declare Islam illegal and dangerous....
no more muslim immigration...
shut down the mosques...
shut down all Brotherhood-linked organizations such as CAIR, etc.
ban any Sharia in our courtrooms...
expose the lie and threat of Islam...


Youre just gonna toss out the constitution and not even worry about things like American rights?

And the right worries that the left is too totalitarian! :lmao:
the only trash talk is your stupid idea that Islam and Western Civilization are compatible...

idiot lefties like you ignore the real war and instead pursue your idiotic wars on Big Gulps and styrofoam cups...

your idiotic leftie leader pronounces Al Qaeda defeated and the war in Afghanistan won but Al Qaeda is spreading like wildfire and Afghanistan is lost as soon as the remaining soldiers finish what i guess is now their 'war-free vacation' in the country....meanwhile Israel is poised on the edge of extinction and the whole Middle East is burning while leftie leader BO pretends he is concerned about it...and Islam continues to spread its poison throughout Europe and the Americas while you leftie idiots talk about PCness...

it's amazing how you lefties get your panties in a wad whenever anybody says "God" in the public square.....yet you think Islam can be your friend....:cuckoo:

OK, so if you can get out of rant mode for a moment, what is the solution to this?
some ideas...

declare Islam illegal and dangerous....
no more muslim immigration...
shut down the mosques...
shut down all Brotherhood-linked organizations such as CAIR, etc.
ban any Sharia in our courtrooms...
expose the lie and threat of Islam...

having done business in the mid east for many years, I know a little about arabs and islam. The danger comes from the radical fringe that wants to take the words of the koran literally. The majority of muslims are good honorable people but they are held down and indoctrinated, and they are the real victims when a religion becomes the law of any country.

It is somewhat like Europe in the 1100s when the priests had more power than the kings.

I don't believe that declaring war on a religion is the right answer. We should find and destroy the radical cells that are determined to do us harm and we should cut off all aid to places like Pakistan and Egypt that are being dominated by radicals and using OUR money to further their cause.
declare Islam illegal and dangerous....
no more muslim immigration...
shut down the mosques...
shut down all Brotherhood-linked organizations such as CAIR, etc.
ban any Sharia in our courtrooms...
expose the lie and threat of Islam...
Yea, that will work ........ :cuckoo: :lol:

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