What the Media Doesn't Show

How exactly, is it "breaking in" when his daughter let the boy in?
It's not entirely clear that is what happened. Some reports claim he didn't have a daughter, and the boy broke in by pushing an air conditioner out of a window.

So one of two possibilities.

The 15 year old broke into this man's house, and he shot him out of a legitimate fear for his own safety.
Or this 15 year old was let in by the daughter, and he was shot because Dad didn't approve of him.

Neither of these cases are cases of racism, not that we'll see IM2 fess up to that and apologize.

If it was the second scenario, the man should be charged.

I would also probably hold him to a higher standard because as Ex-law enforcement, he should be better at evaluating what constitutes a legitimate threat.

I know internalized racism when I see it. And yes I did know the details. Simple minded whites like you don't have the first clue of the overall impact or complexity of what white racism does to people of color.

For example, there are Asians posters here who subscribe to the beliefs of white supremacists to get acceptance from whites here. Candace Owens is another poster child for this mental disorder. But to whites like you these people are great. And don't try that democrat crap when you're a virulent racist just like most of the republican members of this forum.

Except this isn't a case of "internalized racism". It's a case of a confrontation between two black people that resulted in a death. Depending on the circumstances, the man should be charged if he used deadly force in a non-deadly situation. But it had nothing to do with racism.

Do I think that there are people like Candace Owens who "sell out"? Sure. As for your claims of Asians, you seem to think Asians should have common cause with blacks, when they really don't have anywhere near the same experiences. In fact, for many of them America is a vast improvement.

For instance, in my side business, I deal with a lot of Indian people from the Gujarat region of India. In India, the Gujarat are a discriminated against minority. Here they have all sorts of opportunities. My fiance is an Asian woman in the hospitality industry. She hates getting black customers because they don't tip.

Now would you like to comment on the other examples? Or will you use the standard racist tactic of dnying modern examples of contunuing whites racism then claim it's a thing of the past?

Except you didn't start a thread on these other incidents. You took this case of neighborhood violence between black people and tried to paint is as White being Whitey.

Or are you going to tell me how we are just going to have to wait until whites don't feel like being racists anymore?
As I've said to you many times, if you expect people to act the way you want them to, that's going to be a long wait for a train that never comes.
Real life. There are going to be racists.
There are going to be white people who aren't racist, but also really can't be bothered with your problems, because they have plenty of their own to worry about.
And there are white people who sincerely want to help, but frankly, realize that they can't overcome that Mt. Everest-sized chip you carry on your shoulder.
What about all the other stories?

Or are we going to stay stuck on one?
I know internalized racism when I see it. And yes I did know the details. Simple minded whites like you don't have the first clue of the overall impact or complexity of what white racism does to people of color.

For example, there are Asians posters here who subscribe to the beliefs of white supremacists to get acceptance from whites here. Candace Owens is another poster child for this mental disorder. But to whites like you these people are great. And don't try that democrat crap when you're a virulent racist just like most of the republican members of this forum.

Now would you like to comment on the other examples? Or will you use the standard racist tactic of dnying modern examples of contunuing whites racism then claim it's a thing of the past?

Or are you going to tell me how we are just going to have to wait until whites don't feel like being racists anymore?

Black cop kills black burglar has nothing to do with your fictional racism, dumbass.
What about all the other stories?

Or are we going to stay stuck on one?

Hey, doofus, YOU are the one who posted up a bullshit OP, got proven epically wrong, and has been trying to dodge that FACT the rest of the thread!
What about all the other stories?

Or are we going to stay stuck on one?

It took me less than five minutes of research to debunk your OP. The OP you offered as proof of ongoing racism.

The ex-officer involved was also black.
The motivation wasn't racism.
And there's fairly strong evidence he was responding to this teen breaking into his house.

I mean, I guess I could research all the other ones and find they are equally dubious. But how about doing us the courtesy of admitting you jumped on a bandwagon without doing your own research.
What egg?

Internalized racism is a real psychological effect of white racism. Simple minded white racists know nothing aout it. But you support blacks with it and tell other blacks how blacks like Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and Ben Carson, all of them psychologically damage, are the blacks that represent sucess.

Karen Waltzes Into Black Neighbor's Home, Threatens To Call Cops​

Okay, so the incident here is that this person who was renting a house held a rooftop concert that probably violated HOA rules. Welcome to the world of living in HOA's. I also saw in the video that she threatened to report him to the owner, which tells me that this was a rental or maybe even a AirBNB.

A few years ago, my brother came over to do some work on my bathroom. City ordinances say you can't start work until 8 AM and we waited until 8 AM. Well, rest assured, the woman who lived upstairs started banging on my door complaining about the noise. I was very polite to her, but I didn't treat it as a federal case.

A few months later, I got to know her a bit better, and discovered she was also a recovering cancer patient.

Everyone has their own story... and a little consideration goes a long way.

But by all means, let's call everyone a Karen. Threaten these white women with life ruins.

Let's see what else you got.
Seems racism in law enforcement isn't just a matter of skin color. It's a matter of that blue uniform.
Yet we focus on perceived racial aspects over the whole issue of police abuses. African American just yell louder. And have an ear now. Unfortunately, the answers elected political people in Prog areas promote is not the prescription that heals the wounds.

Negligent Cops Handcuff Black 10-Year-Old In Her Pajamas​

Sacramento police immediately handcuffed a 10-year-old Black girl who they believed was related to a gang.

Read more here: https://www.rawstory.com/sacramento-p...

"Police in Sacramento, California, are under fire after body cam footage was obtained showing an officer handcuffing a crying 10-year-old girl who was in her pajamas, KCRA reported. Sacramento police said that the officer had “reasonable and articulable concerns for his safety, which justified the lawful detention" of the girl, who is Black."

Um, a 10 year old child can pick up a gun and shoot people.

So again, let's look at the rest of the story.

The investigation involved a known gang member who was on probation and posted both pictures and videos with firearms,” the document stated. “Upon announcing themselves, they saw people inside, but no one would answer the door. Officers saw a person running through the house turning off the lights. That person came to the door and was immediately detained. The officer asked how old they were, realized the person was only 10 and immediately unhandcuffed them. The duration was appx 30 seconds. The officer had reasonable and articulable concerns for his safety which justified the lawful detention ... no matter how legitimate the circumstances, and no matter the legal justification, SPD understands the sensitive nature of inadvertently creating harm. SPD values and strives to protect the physical and emotional safety of our community and children.”

You know, me, I'd be more concerned with the gang member who was leaving weapons lying around the house and posting himself with them on social media than the horror of being handcuffed for a whopping 30 seconds. So let's see what else you got.

Before lawsuit, Detroit police sgt. given ‘last chance’ after racist rant, domestic abuse​

So, um, he was dating a black officer, had an alcohol problem, and sought treatment.

Still, this sounds like a bad investigation. And, yes, given his history, this officer should have been fired.
Of course, the problem is, no one really wants to be a cop in Chicago or Detroit of Cleveland at this point.

Despite that, the police department is still 200 officers short of what its budget allows. The vast majority of the officers who are leaving are younger officers who attended the Detroit Police Academy free of charge, said Assistant Chief David LeValley.

Many police departments only hire officers who have already been certified, but Detroit has its own academy and trains the officers for free.

Hmmm... Detroit. Facing high crime and a shortage of police... what does that remind me of?


Cop Racially Profiles Lawyer, REGRETS It Immediately​

They... GASP... checked his ID!

That's...um... standard procedure.

The police have checked my id on almost every encounter I've had with them, including times I've reported an accident. (A car clipped my mirror, but they still ran my ID to make sure I was who I said I was.
I'm really not going to plow through the rest of them.
Frankly, the ones I've watched, the police are going out of their way to be polite in dealing with people.

You know, there's an old saying, be careful what you wish for. You might get to a point where NO ONE wants to be a police officer anymore, and the rest of us will just take to owning guns and resolving our own problems.

Loud party? Bang.
Gang Banger posting about his arsenal on Social Media? Bang.
Illegally dumping in my dumpster. Bang.
Um, a 10 year old child can pick up a gun and shoot people.

So again, let's look at the rest of the story.

The investigation involved a known gang member who was on probation and posted both pictures and videos with firearms,” the document stated. “Upon announcing themselves, they saw people inside, but no one would answer the door. Officers saw a person running through the house turning off the lights. That person came to the door and was immediately detained. The officer asked how old they were, realized the person was only 10 and immediately unhandcuffed them. The duration was appx 30 seconds. The officer had reasonable and articulable concerns for his safety which justified the lawful detention ... no matter how legitimate the circumstances, and no matter the legal justification, SPD understands the sensitive nature of inadvertently creating harm. SPD values and strives to protect the physical and emotional safety of our community and children.”

You know, me, I'd be more concerned with the gang member who was leaving weapons lying around the house and posting himself with them on social media than the horror of being handcuffed for a whopping 30 seconds. So let's see what else you got.
So how do you feel about the NRA backing gun nuts who are armed 24/7 and post countless pictures and videos of themselves with firearms?
Yet we focus on perceived racial aspects over the whole issue of police abuses. African American just yell louder. And have an ear now. Unfortunately, the answers elected political people in Prog areas promote is not the prescription that heals the wounds.
African Americans are victims of illegal actions by the cops much more frequently than whites.
So how do you feel about the NRA backing gun nuts who are armed 24/7 and post countless pictures and videos of themselves with firearms?

Post up links so we know what you are blabbering about
For those of you pretending that this kind of racism ended in the 60's or that the media sheild black crimes, these are examples of just how far the media goes to sheild the continuing problem of white racism

Ex-Cop Shoots Black Teen Dead For Visiting His Daughter​

"They shot him for visiting his daughter"? No one believes that. :cuckoo:
I know internalized racism when I see it. And yes I did know the details. Simple minded whites like you don't have the first clue of the overall impact or complexity of what white racism does to people of color.

For example, there are Asians posters here who subscribe to the beliefs of white supremacists to get acceptance from whites here. Candace Owens is another poster child for this mental disorder. But to whites like you these people are great. And don't try that democrat crap when you're a virulent racist just like most of the republican members of this forum.

Now would you like to comment on the other examples? Or will you use the standard racist tactic of dnying modern examples of contunuing whites racism then claim it's a thing of the past?

Or are you going to tell me how we are just going to have to wait until whites don't feel like being racists anymore?
It's called damage control from a black racist. Embrace it, you've earned it :smoke:
I know internalized racism when I see it. And yes I did know the details. Simple minded whites like you don't have the first clue of the overall impact or complexity of what white racism does to people of color.

For example, there are Asians posters here who subscribe to the beliefs of white supremacists to get acceptance from whites here. Candace Owens is another poster child for this mental disorder. But to whites like you these people are great. And don't try that democrat crap when you're a virulent racist just like most of the republican members of this forum.

Now would you like to comment on the other examples? Or will you use the standard racist tactic of dnying modern examples of contunuing whites racism then claim it's a thing of the past?

Or are you going to tell me how we are just going to have to wait until whites don't feel like being racists anymore?

I reiterate, "Racism" is anything you don't like about Whites. If you're told no it's "Racist". You said you were a Wrestler, if a questionable call doesn't go your way it's "Racist". ( I reffed for 34 years).
It’s the same posters on these boards always there to remind US how racist we are. I swear it gives them life.

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