What the Media Doesn't Show

Hey OP, did you get that egg off your face yet?
What egg?

Internalized racism is a real psychological effect of white racism. Simple minded white racists know nothing aout it. But you support blacks with it and tell other blacks how blacks like Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and Ben Carson, all of them psychologically damage, are the blacks that represent sucess.

Karen Waltzes Into Black Neighbor's Home, Threatens To Call Cops​


Dumb Cop Accuses Black Man of Stealing His OWN Bag​

He could only believe it when the white woman told him it was his bag.

Two police officers stop the head of Internal Affairs​

Another example of what internalized racism causes.
For those of you pretending that this kind of racism ended in the 60's or that the media sheild black crimes, these are examples of just how far the media goes to sheild the continuing problem of white racism

Ex-Cop Shoots Black Teen Dead For Visiting His Daughter​

He should have shot three more.

Before lawsuit, Detroit police sgt. given ‘last chance’ after racist rant, domestic abuse​


Racial Profiling Cops Pull Over State Attorney, Instantly Regret It​


Because this is what the media actually misses.
I'm not saying IM2 is not always wrong....................but most of the stuff posted by IM2 seems like race baiting to me.
Once in a while though, IM2 does post something thats worthy of taking time to stop and ponder the information.
If the race baiting were left out of it altogether, I think there would be a lot of good pieces of info posted for debate.

Racism is part of human nature, like it or not. Believe it or not.

As long as there are differences between people, no matter how large or how slight........there will ALWAYS be racism in some form.

Negligent Cops Handcuff Black 10-Year-Old In Her Pajamas​

Sacramento police immediately handcuffed a 10-year-old Black girl who they believed was related to a gang.

Read more here: https://www.rawstory.com/sacramento-p...

"Police in Sacramento, California, are under fire after body cam footage was obtained showing an officer handcuffing a crying 10-year-old girl who was in her pajamas, KCRA reported. Sacramento police said that the officer had “reasonable and articulable concerns for his safety, which justified the lawful detention" of the girl, who is Black."

Because this is what the media actually misses.

Unfortunately, profiling is what the "law" does now. Not just blacks, but ALL races and ALL colors.

It's just as racist to let a white go, because they are white, and then cite a black or Asian for the same thing the white was let go for doing.

Racism works both ways. Although, being "white" myself, I've never had any cop thats pulled me over, give me anything but a ticket.

I did have some black friends in California, the most "liberal" state........or so they claim. In Fairfield, CA, the "law" will literally tailgate black people on the roads, hoping to freak them out to the extent the drivers run a red light or make an illegal lane change or something to get pulled over for.

I personally saw the Fairfield cops SLAM on their brakes in heavy after noon traffic, jump out of their cruiser and literally POUNCE on this poor man just riding his bicycle!!! I mean, serioulsy, they couldn't have waited until he turned on side street and THEN pulled him over instead of literally POUNCING on him, throwing him off his bike and face planting him on the sidewalk????? Jesus fucking christ!

As I've stated before in other posts.......the corrupt pigs outnumber the honest good guys 1,000 to 1, as far as "law enforcement" goes.

The honest cops will be extra friendly, as they know you will be in a bad mood when pulled over. And an honest, good guy cop will TALK to you first. "How are you doing today"? "Is everything ok? I noticed you were a bit over the speed limit". Not jumping to conclusions and screaming in your face that you're going to jail if you don't do exactly what they tell you.

It's not fair, and it happens to everybody at some point in their lives. It's a sad fact of modern life.
I'm not saying IM2 is not always wrong....................but most of the stuff posted by IM2 seems like race baiting to me.
Once in a while though, IM2 does post something thats worthy of taking time to stop and ponder the information.
If the race baiting were left out of it altogether, I think there would be a lot of good pieces of info posted for debate.

Racism is part of human nature, like it or not. Believe it or not.

As long as there are differences between people, no matter how large or how slight........there will ALWAYS be racism in some form.
Everything showing white racism is race baiting to the white racist. Racism is not part of human nature. It is a learned behavior.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/cultural-psychology discrimination/202112/xenophobia-may-be-natural-racism-is-not

Funny how people like you ignore boatloads of white racism, including real race baiting to make claims like you do here.
Unfortunately, profiling is what the "law" does now. Not just blacks, but ALL races and ALL colors.

It's just as racist to let a white go, because they are white, and then cite a black or Asian for the same thing the white was let go for doing.

Racism works both ways. Although, being "white" myself, I've never had any cop thats pulled me over, give me anything but a ticket.

I did have some black friends in California, the most "liberal" state........or so they claim. In Fairfield, CA, the "law" will literally tailgate black people on the roads, hoping to freak them out to the extent the drivers run a red light or make an illegal lane change or something to get pulled over for.

I personally saw the Fairfield cops SLAM on their brakes in heavy after noon traffic, jump out of their cruiser and literally POUNCE on this poor man just riding his bicycle!!! I mean, serioulsy, they couldn't have waited until he turned on side street and THEN pulled him over instead of literally POUNCING on him, throwing him off his bike and face planting him on the sidewalk????? Jesus fucking christ!

As I've stated before in other posts.......the corrupt pigs outnumber the honest good guys 1,000 to 1, as far as "law enforcement" goes.

The honest cops will be extra friendly, as they know you will be in a bad mood when pulled over. And an honest, good guy cop will TALK to you first. "How are you doing today"? "Is everything ok? I noticed you were a bit over the speed limit". Not jumping to conclusions and screaming in your face that you're going to jail if you don't do exactly what they tell you.

It's not fair, and it happens to everybody at some point in their lives. It's a sad fact of modern life.
Tell these lies to someone else. These excuses are no good here.
Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white, and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college. Internalized racism is when people of color accept a racial hierarchy that includes white beliefs about black people. It is what caused the killing in Memphis.

So simple minded posts about how racism can't be part of a black person killing another black ignores the psychological impact of white racism on blacks, especially in places like Mississippi

Are the cops here black?

All I can say is...WOW! You didn't know the details in the OP, then called out on it and you posted this? :auiqs.jpg:
Was he a democrat?
All I can say is...WOW! You didn't know the details in the OP, then called out on it and you posted this? :auiqs.jpg:
Was he a democrat?
I know internalized racism when I see it. And yes I did know the details. Simple minded whites like you don't have the first clue of the overall impact or complexity of what white racism does to people of color.

For example, there are Asians posters here who subscribe to the beliefs of white supremacists to get acceptance from whites here. Candace Owens is another poster child for this mental disorder. But to whites like you these people are great. And don't try that democrat crap when you're a virulent racist just like most of the republican members of this forum.

Now would you like to comment on the other examples? Or will you use the standard racist tactic of dnying modern examples of contunuing whites racism then claim it's a thing of the past?

Or are you going to tell me how we are just going to have to wait until whites don't feel like being racists anymore?

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