What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.


With Saddam gone, Iran has moved into that power vacuum, and it has caused the rise of ISIS.

The only folks that have benefited are Israel and the Saudis. It has only led to chaos in the region.

He was tricked into invading Kuwait, b/c they wanted to invade him.

We have LOST freedom because of the Patriot Act, not gained it. It has not benefited America in any way.

Biden is no different than Republicans, no different.


Iran has not invaded or annexed any countries like Saddam did. Iran has not fired any ballistic missiles at other countries like Saddam did. Iran has not seized and destroyed oil wells of another country vital to the global economy like Saddam did.

That's why regime change was justified in Iraq but not in Iran. Iran is generally a paper tiger that hides behind proxy's when conducting its foreign policy.

The rise of ISIS was in part due to the premature pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq at the end of 2011. U.S. troops returned to Iraq in 2014, and ISIS was largely defeated in Iraq by mid-2017. The only remaining territory ISIS currently controls is in Syria. As of today they control a space of territory along the Euphrates River in Syria that is a little less than 500 meters long and 250 meters wide.

Kuwait, Bahrain, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Europe, Japan, the United Sates and the rest of the industrialized world all benefited from the removal of Saddam. Saddam was a threat to global energy supply and seized and sabotaged assets vital to global energy supply in the past setting off a global recession. You can't let someone like that remain in power. That's even before discussing is vast history with the production and use of WMD.

Nobody tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait on August 2, 1990. But even if they did, he was given a chance to leave Kuwait long before the operation to remove him from Kuwait began in January 1991. Instead of leaving Kuwait, Saddam ANNEXED Kuwait in mid-August 1990. NOBODY ever stated that Saddam had a right to ANNEX KUWAIT wiping it off the face of the map.

You would think that no one in the right mind would be willing to defend someone like SADDAM, but here you are doing just that. Wonder what you would say about Hitler.

Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. Their goal is to establish a Persian Empire in the Middle East. Add Russia who wants to establish a world empire and that spells danger for the US.


Could you be anymore a victim of propaganda?


NATO expansion map. (CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness
Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness

These countries are joining NATO voluntarily in response to the threat of Russian hegemony. Figures you would compare Iran to NATO.
Do you even KNOW what hegemony means?

Russia has no hegemony over anyone.

Germany has greater singular hegemony.

Britain has greater hegemony.

France has greater hegemony.

Hell, even Italy. :abgg2q.jpg:

"From now to 2020, slower growth developed countries those countries like France and Germany with 1.3 to 1.9% annual real GDP growth will lose ground to the USA (2.0-2.8% real GDP growth). Italy will really lag with about 1% annual real GDP growth. Japan could be really terrible with about 0.7% growth or could come in with just slow growth at 1.3% per year. Canada, Australia and the UK should be at the US level of growth or a little better. South Korea will move up with about 3.5% real GDP growth each year.

For developing countries, India and Indonesia should do well with 6-7% and possibly 8% real GDP growth."



Tell me, just where is Russia going to get this money to take over all the world?


Putin wants to restore the old USSR to its full glory. The USSR was a collection of countries enslaved by Russia. They clearly are interfering in other countries' elections to install leadership which is sympathetic to Russia.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
I think the polls are saying, anybody but Trump. The problem the democrats have is Biden is too old and Sanders is a full blown socialist. Neither will sit well with voters. What they need is a younger charismatic candidate with experience, maybe that black guy, named Barack something or another.

Trump is no spring chicken so I don't see age as a issue. Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. Charisma is not a factor here.
/-----/ " Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. "
Crazy Joe Biden who has never won a presidential primary? And what plans does Crazy Joe have to do an even better job than Trump on the economy and border security?

I'm not sure they do. I grew up in middle America, and back then working class whites were reliably Democrat. Now, they're not.

That's why Trump won. Democrats need to do some deep soul-searching on how that came about. And it's not happening. They assume that they just need to shovel more free stuff to the rednecks - that working class whites are upset because they've been left out of the welfare-state gravy train. And I think that radically misses the point.

Mostly, rednecks want the government to get out of their faces. Democrats need to give up on their "freak of the week" approach to civil rights. They need to understand that overbearing social engineering doesn't play well in the hinterland. People don't want to be told how to live.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
I think the polls are saying, anybody but Trump. The problem the democrats have is Biden is too old and Sanders is a full blown socialist. Neither will sit well with voters. What they need is a younger charismatic candidate with experience, maybe that black guy, named Barack something or another.

Trump is no spring chicken so I don't see age as a issue. Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. Charisma is not a factor here.
/-----/ " Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. "
Crazy Joe Biden who has never won a presidential primary? And what plans does Crazy Joe have to do an even better job than Trump on the economy and border security?

Biden reminds me of a baseball pitcher that does well enough in the regular season but has yet to win a post season game. Biden has never proven that he can win at the biggest stage. And, its getting late in his career now. Maybe he can do it. But, until we see him start beating out the others in actual debates and primaries, I would still bet against him based on past performance.
Rasmussen poll
Now has trumps approval as plus 8

That means it's over for the crooked democrats and deep state. Enough wise people have woke up to now totally stop this crooked and rigged system by high treason crooks

That's because Rasmussen is a right wing polling organization. There are out of step with every other major polling organization out there.

Just look at the following link to see that is so:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

On average, Trump is not up by 8, he is DOWN by 8 when looking at the average of 9 different polling organizations.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

-It certainly looks like Biden is running.
-The polls showed that Biden beat all of the GOP candidates while Clinton was behind or tied with Bush and Kasich
-His time is hardly over. He would be seen as honest and trustworthy while Trump is seen as dishonest and untrustworthy. Biden is center left. Trump is far right.

The polls mean quite a bit.

Yeah boy, those polls meant quite a bit in 2016! Worked out pretty well, didn't it?


Polling has a much longer history than just what happened in November 2016. Your going to find that out the hard way in November 2020.

Only a moron would make such predictions before November 2019.

With Saddam gone, Iran has moved into that power vacuum, and it has caused the rise of ISIS.

The only folks that have benefited are Israel and the Saudis. It has only led to chaos in the region.

He was tricked into invading Kuwait, b/c they wanted to invade him.

We have LOST freedom because of the Patriot Act, not gained it. It has not benefited America in any way.

Biden is no different than Republicans, no different.


Iran has not invaded or annexed any countries like Saddam did. Iran has not fired any ballistic missiles at other countries like Saddam did. Iran has not seized and destroyed oil wells of another country vital to the global economy like Saddam did.

That's why regime change was justified in Iraq but not in Iran. Iran is generally a paper tiger that hides behind proxy's when conducting its foreign policy.

The rise of ISIS was in part due to the premature pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq at the end of 2011. U.S. troops returned to Iraq in 2014, and ISIS was largely defeated in Iraq by mid-2017. The only remaining territory ISIS currently controls is in Syria. As of today they control a space of territory along the Euphrates River in Syria that is a little less than 500 meters long and 250 meters wide.

Kuwait, Bahrain, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Europe, Japan, the United Sates and the rest of the industrialized world all benefited from the removal of Saddam. Saddam was a threat to global energy supply and seized and sabotaged assets vital to global energy supply in the past setting off a global recession. You can't let someone like that remain in power. That's even before discussing is vast history with the production and use of WMD.

Nobody tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait on August 2, 1990. But even if they did, he was given a chance to leave Kuwait long before the operation to remove him from Kuwait began in January 1991. Instead of leaving Kuwait, Saddam ANNEXED Kuwait in mid-August 1990. NOBODY ever stated that Saddam had a right to ANNEX KUWAIT wiping it off the face of the map.

You would think that no one in the right mind would be willing to defend someone like SADDAM, but here you are doing just that. Wonder what you would say about Hitler.

Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. Their goal is to establish a Persian Empire in the Middle East. Add Russia who wants to establish a world empire and that spells danger for the US.


Could you be anymore a victim of propaganda?


NATO expansion map. (CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness
Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness

These countries are joining NATO voluntarily in response to the threat of Russian hegemony. Figures you would compare Iran to NATO.
Do you even KNOW what hegemony means?

Russia has no hegemony over anyone.

Germany has greater singular hegemony.

Britain has greater hegemony.

France has greater hegemony.

Hell, even Italy. :abgg2q.jpg:

"From now to 2020, slower growth developed countries those countries like France and Germany with 1.3 to 1.9% annual real GDP growth will lose ground to the USA (2.0-2.8% real GDP growth). Italy will really lag with about 1% annual real GDP growth. Japan could be really terrible with about 0.7% growth or could come in with just slow growth at 1.3% per year. Canada, Australia and the UK should be at the US level of growth or a little better. South Korea will move up with about 3.5% real GDP growth each year.

For developing countries, India and Indonesia should do well with 6-7% and possibly 8% real GDP growth."



Tell me, just where is Russia going to get this money to take over all the world?


Your GDP figures are inaccurate because they do NOT adjust for Purchasing Power Parity. The Russian Federation has the 6th largest economy in the world once you adjust for purchasing power parity. Its at #6, just a little behind Germany, an estimated $4,016,000,000 for 2017. In any event, military spending does not EQUAL military capability. Neither does GDP or population figures.

Military capability is about how many ground combat brigades you have. How many of those ground combat brigades are armored vs just mechanized or light infantry? It also involves combat aircraft numbers. Quality of tanks, armored personal carriers, artillery, and air defense artillery as well as those numbers. Then there are nuclear weapons. The Russian Federation has every class of Nuclear weapon and nearly half of the entire worlds stockpile of nuclear weapons.

Then there is geography and the hot spots where a conflict would be likely to occur. Many of these areas are close to the Russian Federation border which is an advantage for Russia because it makes it easier to supply military operations in such areas while its more difficult for its opponents in that respect.
Joey may be creepy but he ain't nuts. Well no moreso than the average Democrat....

But he's not suicidal. He will not risk becoming a suicide statistic by opposing Hillary - the inevitable Democrat candidate for 2020.

Hey, it's her turn!
Rasmussen poll
Now has trumps approval as plus 8

That means it's over for the crooked democrats and deep state. Enough wise people have woke up to now totally stop this crooked and rigged system by high treason crooks

That's because Rasmussen is a right wing polling organization. There are out of step with every other major polling organization out there.

Just look at the following link to see that is so:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

On average, Trump is not up by 8, he is DOWN by 8 when looking at the average of 9 different polling organizations.

Wrong dead wrong

Rasmussen checks likely voters

The others checks only adults

Others checks only registered voters

Rasmussen is the correct one for sure

And the rallies have the 5 swing states all locked up

The deep states dam is now breaking
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
I think the polls are saying, anybody but Trump. The problem the democrats have is Biden is too old and Sanders is a full blown socialist. Neither will sit well with voters. What they need is a younger charismatic candidate with experience, maybe that black guy, named Barack something or another.

Trump is no spring chicken so I don't see age as a issue. Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. Charisma is not a factor here.
/-----/ " Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. "
Crazy Joe Biden who has never won a presidential primary? And what plans does Crazy Joe have to do an even better job than Trump on the economy and border security?

Biden reminds me of a baseball pitcher that does well enough in the regular season but has yet to win a post season game. Biden has never proven that he can win at the biggest stage. And, its getting late in his career now. Maybe he can do it. But, until we see him start beating out the others in actual debates and primaries, I would still bet against him based on past performance.
/——/ Joe will wrap his hands around the primaries
Somehow the crazed democrats think that presidential elections are won by popular vote

Just foolish losers
Somehow the crazed democrats think that presidential elections are won by popular vote

Just foolish losers
/——/ Only when the popular vote means their guy/gal wins. It’s easier to stuff the ballot box when the popular vote determines the winner. The EC acts as a safety valve.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
Then add the electoral college slant and trump wins again in the face of popular choice...that would be 3rd or 4th time in recent history.

Hardly. Democrats did very well in Michigan and Pennsylvania. That brings them within a few votes of winning. Georgia and Arizona will be problem states for Republicans. All the Democrats need is 1 state to win.
Just one state, which state has 270 electoral votes?

Quit acting so stupid. Add Michigan and Pennsylvania, you get to around 266 electoral votes. Add 1 more state and you get 270.

Alot of assumptions....
not a good idea, but the HuffPo will have the Democrat at 97% on election day and you'll get hard, while I'll get hard when it counts, nighttime as the results flow in

I never get enough of watching CNN and MSNBC realize Trump won or the 3 hours prior when they knew it was going t mi happen. I spank it to that more than I do porn.
Another General Election poll where Biden beats Trump:

Politico/Morning Consult:

Biden: 42%

Trump: 34%

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