What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

I disagree.

Biden did very poorly in his prior attempts at becoming President.

Biden is almost 80 years old. Harris, Beto and others are much younger. Also, the evidence seems to point to the conclusion they hungrier, as Biden has spent years just trying to make up his mind. And still hasn't.

On Sanders, Clinton swatted him aside with little effort.

What other proof do you need?

But back in his prior attempts to become President he was not polling very well, and a lot less people knew who he was. Often times half of running for President and doing well or getting elected is being already well known by the public.

Joe Biden polled better than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 but did not run because of the loss of his son Bo Biden.

Joe Biden has served as the Vice President of the United States for 8 years. He was elected with Barack Obama in 2008 and then re-elected with Barack Obama in 2012. People know Joe Biden and like Joe Biden in ways they didn't before he became Vice President.

Now Biden is killing it in the polls, both when it comes to match up against Trump and match ups against the other nominees. Polling data is the hard data that I'm talking about. Not something that happened 30 years ago.

Donald Trump is almost 80 and so is Bernie Sanders. If being 80 or pushing 80 was something that would disqualify you, Trump would not be President and Sanders would not have the support he has received.

Joe Biden is younger in terms of his REAL AGE than either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. What I mean by that is that he has taken better care of himself than either Trump or Sanders. He looks younger, healthier and can actually run down the street as he recently did in a video from January. So in terms of health, which is what were really talking about when we talk about age, Biden is well ahead of Trump and Sanders.

Biden has not declared he is running yet because he does not have to. You need to get out there early when your an unknown and polling low. That's not Biden. Biden is well known and polling high, the highest in fact. He can take his time.

Again, the real data, hard data, proof if you will, is in the polling. That's tells you approximately where things are at. Biden is doing great.

Yep, the real data, hard data, is old data. Based on recent data my guess is Biden will be a no show.

I put a date on every poll I post. Its current. Do you have any polling data showing Biden losing the nomination or an election battle against Trump? Do you? Didn't think so.

The real polls are trumps rallies in the 5 swing states. Trump is winning easily

The rallies are meaningless because they represent a tiny minority of the voting public and primarily consist of only the most dedicated of followers. The fact that his hardcore base goes out to seem his speak when he is in town is not something that will save him in any general election anywhere.

Yet there are considerably more people at the rallies than there are that participate in polls...go figure, dumbass.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

Sure, is he the new most qualified candidate?

I'm still holding out hope that Democrats will find a great candidate, one who can guide enough sane Republicans back to the light to win the election. But I'm also still hoping those Republicans will rediscover their spines and run someone against Trump in the primaries. So much for hope.

Yikes, sure hope you're not holding your breath.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

Sure, is he the new most qualified candidate?

I'm still holding out hope that Democrats will find a great candidate, one who can guide enough sane Republicans back to the light to win the election. But I'm also still hoping those Republicans will rediscover their spines and run someone against Trump in the primaries. So much for hope.

A Primary run against Trump is unlikely give Trump's support within the Republican party. But, I think Biden will be able to peal of some Republicans who are tired of Trump or just plain shocked by what he has done as President and his behavior as President. The Democrats will concentrate 80% of their time and money getting out the vote in just three states which they neglected in 2016, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump won these states by TINY margins. Plus, when the democrats flip them blue, there are no other states Trump can take that went Blue in 2016 to make up for their losses. Once Trump loses Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania on November 3, 2020, its over for him. In Pennsylvania, the Democrats just need to flip three counties to take the state back, Erie, Northampton, and Luzerne. Luzerne is in the Scranton area where Joe Biden grew up.

Well, if nothing else Biden should sweep the child molester votes.
But back in his prior attempts to become President he was not polling very well, and a lot less people knew who he was. Often times half of running for President and doing well or getting elected is being already well known by the public.

Joe Biden polled better than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 but did not run because of the loss of his son Bo Biden.

Joe Biden has served as the Vice President of the United States for 8 years. He was elected with Barack Obama in 2008 and then re-elected with Barack Obama in 2012. People know Joe Biden and like Joe Biden in ways they didn't before he became Vice President.

Now Biden is killing it in the polls, both when it comes to match up against Trump and match ups against the other nominees. Polling data is the hard data that I'm talking about. Not something that happened 30 years ago.

Donald Trump is almost 80 and so is Bernie Sanders. If being 80 or pushing 80 was something that would disqualify you, Trump would not be President and Sanders would not have the support he has received.

Joe Biden is younger in terms of his REAL AGE than either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. What I mean by that is that he has taken better care of himself than either Trump or Sanders. He looks younger, healthier and can actually run down the street as he recently did in a video from January. So in terms of health, which is what were really talking about when we talk about age, Biden is well ahead of Trump and Sanders.

Biden has not declared he is running yet because he does not have to. You need to get out there early when your an unknown and polling low. That's not Biden. Biden is well known and polling high, the highest in fact. He can take his time.

Again, the real data, hard data, proof if you will, is in the polling. That's tells you approximately where things are at. Biden is doing great.

Yep, the real data, hard data, is old data. Based on recent data my guess is Biden will be a no show.

I put a date on every poll I post. Its current. Do you have any polling data showing Biden losing the nomination or an election battle against Trump? Do you? Didn't think so.

The real polls are trumps rallies in the 5 swing states. Trump is winning easily

The rallies are meaningless because they represent a tiny minority of the voting public and primarily consist of only the most dedicated of followers. The fact that his hardcore base goes out to seem his speak when he is in town is not something that will save him in any general election anywhere.

Yet there are considerably more people at the rallies than there are that participate in polls...go figure, dumbass.

Scientific polling uses a representative sample. That is for more accurate that then the skewed results you would get from a Trump rally.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

Sure, is he the new most qualified candidate?

I'm still holding out hope that Democrats will find a great candidate, one who can guide enough sane Republicans back to the light to win the election. But I'm also still hoping those Republicans will rediscover their spines and run someone against Trump in the primaries. So much for hope.

A Primary run against Trump is unlikely give Trump's support within the Republican party. But, I think Biden will be able to peal of some Republicans who are tired of Trump or just plain shocked by what he has done as President and his behavior as President. The Democrats will concentrate 80% of their time and money getting out the vote in just three states which they neglected in 2016, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump won these states by TINY margins. Plus, when the democrats flip them blue, there are no other states Trump can take that went Blue in 2016 to make up for their losses. Once Trump loses Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania on November 3, 2020, its over for him. In Pennsylvania, the Democrats just need to flip three counties to take the state back, Erie, Northampton, and Luzerne. Luzerne is in the Scranton area where Joe Biden grew up.

Well, if nothing else Biden should sweep the child molester votes.

Biden is not a criminal when it comes to his actions with women. Trump is though. Trump has been accused of rape by multiple women including his first wife. Trump is on tape bragging about assaulting women while talking with Billy Bush.
Yep, the real data, hard data, is old data. Based on recent data my guess is Biden will be a no show.

I put a date on every poll I post. Its current. Do you have any polling data showing Biden losing the nomination or an election battle against Trump? Do you? Didn't think so.

The real polls are trumps rallies in the 5 swing states. Trump is winning easily

The rallies are meaningless because they represent a tiny minority of the voting public and primarily consist of only the most dedicated of followers. The fact that his hardcore base goes out to seem his speak when he is in town is not something that will save him in any general election anywhere.

Yet there are considerably more people at the rallies than there are that participate in polls...go figure, dumbass.

Scientific polling uses a representative sample. That is for more accurate that then the skewed results you would get from a Trump rally.
/----/ "Scientific polling uses a representative sample. "
Maybe so, but that doesn't mean every poll you see in the news abides by the scientific guidelines.
10 Examples Of Biased Survey Questions
one example:
One of the biggest mistakes survey creators make is creating a question that leads respondents to give the “correct” answer. Leading questions negate your survey results, so you want to stay away from them at all costs.

You don’t want to word a survey question in a way that will sway your reader to a particular side. To do this, you must use neutral wording. Here are some examples of leading and biased questions:

  • Leading question: How dumb is (insert politician) when it comes to foreign policy? This immediately brings a negative connotation to the question. Instead, you might ask the question: Please describe your politician’s position on foreign policy.
Yep, the real data, hard data, is old data. Based on recent data my guess is Biden will be a no show.

I put a date on every poll I post. Its current. Do you have any polling data showing Biden losing the nomination or an election battle against Trump? Do you? Didn't think so.

The real polls are trumps rallies in the 5 swing states. Trump is winning easily

The rallies are meaningless because they represent a tiny minority of the voting public and primarily consist of only the most dedicated of followers. The fact that his hardcore base goes out to seem his speak when he is in town is not something that will save him in any general election anywhere.

Yet there are considerably more people at the rallies than there are that participate in polls...go figure, dumbass.

Scientific polling uses a representative sample. That is for more accurate that then the skewed results you would get from a Trump rally.

Get back to me when you learn how to speak English.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

Sure, is he the new most qualified candidate?

I'm still holding out hope that Democrats will find a great candidate, one who can guide enough sane Republicans back to the light to win the election. But I'm also still hoping those Republicans will rediscover their spines and run someone against Trump in the primaries. So much for hope.

A Primary run against Trump is unlikely give Trump's support within the Republican party. But, I think Biden will be able to peal of some Republicans who are tired of Trump or just plain shocked by what he has done as President and his behavior as President. The Democrats will concentrate 80% of their time and money getting out the vote in just three states which they neglected in 2016, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump won these states by TINY margins. Plus, when the democrats flip them blue, there are no other states Trump can take that went Blue in 2016 to make up for their losses. Once Trump loses Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania on November 3, 2020, its over for him. In Pennsylvania, the Democrats just need to flip three counties to take the state back, Erie, Northampton, and Luzerne. Luzerne is in the Scranton area where Joe Biden grew up.

Well, if nothing else Biden should sweep the child molester votes.

Biden is not a criminal when it comes to his actions with women. Trump is though. Trump has been accused of rape by multiple women including his first wife. Trump is on tape bragging about assaulting women while talking with Billy Bush.

Gee, child molestation is a crime...dumbass.
Sure, is he the new most qualified candidate?

I'm still holding out hope that Democrats will find a great candidate, one who can guide enough sane Republicans back to the light to win the election. But I'm also still hoping those Republicans will rediscover their spines and run someone against Trump in the primaries. So much for hope.

A Primary run against Trump is unlikely give Trump's support within the Republican party. But, I think Biden will be able to peal of some Republicans who are tired of Trump or just plain shocked by what he has done as President and his behavior as President. The Democrats will concentrate 80% of their time and money getting out the vote in just three states which they neglected in 2016, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump won these states by TINY margins. Plus, when the democrats flip them blue, there are no other states Trump can take that went Blue in 2016 to make up for their losses. Once Trump loses Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania on November 3, 2020, its over for him. In Pennsylvania, the Democrats just need to flip three counties to take the state back, Erie, Northampton, and Luzerne. Luzerne is in the Scranton area where Joe Biden grew up.

Well, if nothing else Biden should sweep the child molester votes.

Biden is not a criminal when it comes to his actions with women. Trump is though. Trump has been accused of rape by multiple women including his first wife. Trump is on tape bragging about assaulting women while talking with Billy Bush.

Gee, child molestation is a crime...dumbass.

Biden is not guilty of that. Touching someone does not equal molestation.
Rasmussen poll
Now has trumps approval as plus 8

That means it's over for the crooked democrats and deep state. Enough wise people have woke up to now totally stop this crooked and rigged system by high treason crooks
As was yours.

Everyone knows that the Iraq war was a mistake. Everyone knows that one of the prime causes of the 2008 depression was the repeal of the Steagall Act.

It is apparent from everyone of those stands that Biden took, that he is no different than any other corporate tool. There isn't a soul in America that REALLY understands that Patriot Act that supports it.

You are just an idiot that doesn't understand shit about politics and only parrots what you see on TEE VEE. The corporations tell you how to think, and you oblige them.

Removing SADDAM from power in Iraq was one of the best things the United States ever did for its security, the security of the region, and the world. It would be foolish to believe that things would be better off with Saddam in power, the man that invaded and annexed Kuwait resulting in a crises in the oil markets that caused the 1991 recession.

I agree that Biden was foolish to repeal glass Steagall. That's why I listed 1999 above.

Only extreme liberals and foolish libertarians oppose the patriot act.


With Saddam gone, Iran has moved into that power vacuum, and it has caused the rise of ISIS.

The only folks that have benefited are Israel and the Saudis. It has only led to chaos in the region.

He was tricked into invading Kuwait, b/c they wanted to invade him.

We have LOST freedom because of the Patriot Act, not gained it. It has not benefited America in any way.

Biden is no different than Republicans, no different.


Iran has not invaded or annexed any countries like Saddam did. Iran has not fired any ballistic missiles at other countries like Saddam did. Iran has not seized and destroyed oil wells of another country vital to the global economy like Saddam did.

That's why regime change was justified in Iraq but not in Iran. Iran is generally a paper tiger that hides behind proxy's when conducting its foreign policy.

The rise of ISIS was in part due to the premature pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq at the end of 2011. U.S. troops returned to Iraq in 2014, and ISIS was largely defeated in Iraq by mid-2017. The only remaining territory ISIS currently controls is in Syria. As of today they control a space of territory along the Euphrates River in Syria that is a little less than 500 meters long and 250 meters wide.

Kuwait, Bahrain, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Europe, Japan, the United Sates and the rest of the industrialized world all benefited from the removal of Saddam. Saddam was a threat to global energy supply and seized and sabotaged assets vital to global energy supply in the past setting off a global recession. You can't let someone like that remain in power. That's even before discussing is vast history with the production and use of WMD.

Nobody tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait on August 2, 1990. But even if they did, he was given a chance to leave Kuwait long before the operation to remove him from Kuwait began in January 1991. Instead of leaving Kuwait, Saddam ANNEXED Kuwait in mid-August 1990. NOBODY ever stated that Saddam had a right to ANNEX KUWAIT wiping it off the face of the map.

You would think that no one in the right mind would be willing to defend someone like SADDAM, but here you are doing just that. Wonder what you would say about Hitler.

Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. Their goal is to establish a Persian Empire in the Middle East. Add Russia who wants to establish a world empire and that spells danger for the US.


Could you be anymore a victim of propaganda?


NATO expansion map. (CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness
Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness

These countries are joining NATO voluntarily in response to the threat of Russian hegemony. Figures you would compare Iran to NATO.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
Then add the electoral college slant and trump wins again in the face of popular choice...that would be 3rd or 4th time in recent history.

Hardly. Democrats did very well in Michigan and Pennsylvania. That brings them within a few votes of winning. Georgia and Arizona will be problem states for Republicans. All the Democrats need is 1 state to win.
Just one state, which state has 270 electoral votes?

Quit acting so stupid. Add Michigan and Pennsylvania, you get to around 266 electoral votes. Add 1 more state and you get 270.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
I think the polls are saying, anybody but Trump. The problem the democrats have is Biden is too old and Sanders is a full blown socialist. Neither will sit well with voters. What they need is a younger charismatic candidate with experience, maybe that black guy, named Barack something or another.

Trump is no spring chicken so I don't see age as a issue. Biden will be more acceptable to voters than Trump. Charisma is not a factor here.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
Please, pretty please run that clown against Trump in 2020 and we'll see. Question is, how are you fools going to deal with the consequences when you lose yet again? Better than you have when the Hilda beast lost I hope.
Sanders? Didn't you see what Clinton and the DNC did to that guy? He was curled up in a ball and went away quietly. Honestly, I will debate Biden. But, Sanders is in it just for attention. He is a super lightweight and would be crushed by any number of the other candidates.

On to Biden, he has been a terrible national candidate his entire life. He is now pushing 80 and no longer relevant. At his peak, Biden wasn't winning nationally. He knew in 2016 that he could never beat Clinton and went away quietly as well. And that was when everyone was 99.9% sure that whomever won the Dem nomination was a shoe in to win the Presidency. Biden is a pushover.

I don't think any of the Dem candidates can beat Trump. But, I do know that many of them are much younger and hungrier than Biden. I also suspect that Harris a few others are a lot tougher than he is as well.

Nice opinion, but you have no data to support your conclusions.

I disagree.

Biden did very poorly in his prior attempts at becoming President.

Biden is almost 80 years old. Harris, Beto and others are much younger. Also, the evidence seems to point to the conclusion they hungrier, as Biden has spent years just trying to make up his mind. And still hasn't.

On Sanders, Clinton swatted him aside with little effort.

What other proof do you need?

Biden has never had the name recognition that he has now. He is also center-left. The trouble is that both Sanders and Biden ran better against Trump in 2016.
Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. Their goal is to establish a Persian Empire in the Middle East. Add Russia who wants to establish a world empire and that spells danger for the US.


Could you be anymore a victim of propaganda?


NATO expansion map. (CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness
Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness

There is nothing wrong with NATO expansion. It was important for NATO to take in as many countries as it could since the collapse of the Soviet Union, since it would be only a matter of time before the Russian Federation would recover and start up its aggressive policies towards the west and the world again. Europe, especially western Europe is much safer now that the line Russian tanks are not allowed to cross is hundreds of miles further to the east.

Notice, every country that joins NATO does so because they volunteer freely to do it. They also have to meet a number of conditions in terms of Democracy, government, human rights, stability etc.

"since it would be only a matter of time before the Russian Federation would recover and start up its aggressive policies towards the west and the world again."

The Soviet Union only ever had a defensive posture. Can you blame them after what happened to them after WWII? Or are you that dumb you don't know the history?

What makes you so sure Russia would be aggressive.

Who has a more aggressive stance? Who has whom encircled with bases and a global military presence?

Who spends the most on military expenditures?

You make a lot of unqualified and unsupported statements that are completely meaningless.

Do not these nations get some benefit from joining NATO?

Hasn't the president even carped on the free rider problem? If these nations actually had to contribute the same share of GDP that the US spends on defense, are you really so dumb as to believe they would still join?



Wow, your whole post was just nothing but parroting the false paradigm and propaganda of the CFR and the military industrial complex. HELLLO? D.C. is calling, the Mueller Report even said the whole Russiagate thing was a hOaX. . . . didn't you hear? They do not have an aggressive posture. GET OVER IT.

The Soviet Union NEVER had a defensive posture!

01. At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union crushed attempts at Democracy in the countries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and East Germany.

02. They imposed communist dictatorships in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and East Germany. These were puppet governments directly controlled by the Soviet Union.

03. When these countries or governments did not bend to the will of the Soviet Union, they would invade them and arrest or kill anyone that got in their way. They did this in 1956 in Hungary, 1968 in Czechoslovakia, and came close to doing it in Poland in 1981.

04. They put up walls around West Berlin to keep people from East Germany from escaping there. They tried multiple times to starve West Berlin into submission.

05. The Soviet Union supported communist revolution and take over all over the world from nearly half a century. They supported Mao's rise to power in China. Influenced North Korea into invading South Korea. Supported the Communist take over of Vietnam. In each case were talking about crushing democracy, killing freedom of religion, and imposing communist dictatorship and Atheism everywhere they could. The EVIL EMPIRE indeed.

06. The Soviet Union supported the Arab countries invasion of Israel and attempt to wipe Israel off the map in 1948. After that, they supported the Arabs action in every war against Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East.

07. Terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Humas were armed and equipped by the Soviet Union.

08. The Soviet Union followed by China were the biggest Supporters of SADDAM who invaded and attacked four different countries while he was in power.

09. If all that were not enough, the Soviets maintained a massive military force of over 5 million men under arms and often over 200 armored and mechanized divisions in its army alone.

10. In 1990, near the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had over 60,000 main battle tanks, while its client states in the Warsaw Pact had another 20,000. Main Battle Tanks are offensive weapons used for invasions. The Soviet and Warsaw Pact had nearly 4 times as many main battle tanks in their inventories than did NATO.

11. In terms of being able to defend Western Europe from a Warsaw Pact attack, nearly ever scenario run in their early days saw the Soviets and Warsaw Pact forces overrunning Western Europe in a matter of weeks unless NATO used nuclear weapons. But the use of nuclear weapons could bring about uncontrolled escalation and the destruction of the planet.

12. It was only in the 1980s that the United States and NATO were barley able to cobble together a conventional defense of Western Europe that might succeed in defending against a Soviet/Warsaw Pact attack without resorting to the use of Nuclear Weapons.

13. By the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had stockpiled more weapons of any kind than any country EVER in history. The Soviet Union had 220 total Divisions in its ground forces compared to only 44 divisions for the United States. Plus more than half of the United States divisions were reserves and stationed in the United States, a whole ocean away from where the front line would be in Europe. The Soviets had the advantage of being able to support a potential war effort only a few hundred miles from some of its major cities.

14. The Soviet Union was an aggressive communist dictatorship guilty of the worst human rights abuses, murdering millions of its own citizens. They were dedicated to imposing this communist dictatorship all over the world as well as destroying religion and imposing ATHEISM on the entire planet. You really don't get more evil than that.

Thankfully, the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s thanks to the weight of its cold war military spending and Saudi Arabia's pumping as much oil as possible to cut the price of oil in the 1980s crushing Soviet attempts to survive its economic troubles.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, countries that had long be controlled by first the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, like Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia and others finally became independent states. In Ukraine, the Soviets had attempted to wipe out Ukrainian language and culture. Luckily they failed.

The Russian Federations much weaker position in the 1990s and into the early 2000s allowed countries normally controlled or dominated by Moscow to escape and come under the protection of the western military alliance in NATO. A military alliance dedicated to democracy and freedom! Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all joined NATO because they NEVER wanted to experience the horror of occupation and control by Moscow ever again. Given what they had experienced previously, they wanted to be apart of the west and protected by its military alliance in NATO. They joined NATO because they no longer wanted to be controlled and raped repeatedly by Moscow.

But as Russia became stronger in the late 00s and into the 10s, they began to become more aggressive in their foreign policy. They invaded Georgia in 2008. Then in 2014, Russia invaded and then annexed Crimea from the Ukraine. This was the first invasion and annexation of another country, or part of another country, in Europe, since Adolf Hitler did it in the 1940s.

The Russians have launched a vast military build up of its armed forces over the last 10 years developing the most modern Tanks, armored personal carriers, Artillery and Air Defense Artillery the world has ever seen.

As far as current military spending is concerned, what you do not understand is that military spending does not equal military capability. Countries with highly developed economies naturally have higher defense budgets because they cost of competitively paying and training their forces is greater. But when you look at the actual forces these countries can put on the battle field, they are dwarfed by countries who only spend a tenth of what they do on defense at least In nominal terms.

So military spending does not equate to raw military capability.

As for most of the NATO countries being under the proposed idea of spending at least 2% of GDP on the military, NATO countries in Europe still make up the vast majority of the ground troops, and combat aircraft that would be immediately available to respond to a Russian invasion of NATO territory. The United States has only recently started to deploy more ground combat units in Europe since cutting way back on them after the end of the cold war. United States troops stationed in Europe are still, as of today heavily outnumbered, by their NATO allies.

The current fear in Europe is that that NATO does not have currently enough ground combat forces stationed in Eastern Europe, specifically Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in order to deter or defeat a Russian invasion of the Baltic States. The fear that Russia would invade Estonia or Latvia has been increased by the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in 2014. Countries like Estonia and Latvia fear that they are next. It was a shock to see Russia invade Ukraine and annex Crimea. Given that event, it makes it far more likely now that a similar Russian incursion could take place in the Baltic states leading to a war between NATO and Russia. It is Russian actions, Russian aggression that have created the current hostile environment. Its why Eastern Europe pushed hard to get into NATO back in the 1990s and 00s. They knew a day would come when Russia would rebuild itself from the Collapse of the Soviet Union and feared being overrun again by the Soviets as they had just after World War II.

I'm not going to debate any of that. Well, except that Crimea part, that is a lie.

. . . and yet, it seems, you are TOTALLY incapable of putting yourself in another's shoes. JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP.

DO you know what they call the quality of having no empathy? narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder.

If you do not understand the impetus for these policy directives of the Soviets, and afterwards, the Russians, Chinese and Iranians, you can never proceed to have a rational policy discussion. It is the actions of the Banking cartel which motivates all nations which oppose them. I suppose you also want to invade and oppress the poor and destitute of Venezuela too, eh?

Most nations only seek self-preservation from the hyper-imperialism of the raping of the planet.

Your blind jingoism and nationalism is juvenile and foolish. You have no idea how the world really works.

Evil is not a policy directive. Putin kills people who oppose him even if they live in another country. Putin jails his political opponents, You are what can be described as a nut.
Removing SADDAM from power in Iraq was one of the best things the United States ever did for its security, the security of the region, and the world. It would be foolish to believe that things would be better off with Saddam in power, the man that invaded and annexed Kuwait resulting in a crises in the oil markets that caused the 1991 recession.

I agree that Biden was foolish to repeal glass Steagall. That's why I listed 1999 above.

Only extreme liberals and foolish libertarians oppose the patriot act.


With Saddam gone, Iran has moved into that power vacuum, and it has caused the rise of ISIS.

The only folks that have benefited are Israel and the Saudis. It has only led to chaos in the region.

He was tricked into invading Kuwait, b/c they wanted to invade him.

We have LOST freedom because of the Patriot Act, not gained it. It has not benefited America in any way.

Biden is no different than Republicans, no different.


Iran has not invaded or annexed any countries like Saddam did. Iran has not fired any ballistic missiles at other countries like Saddam did. Iran has not seized and destroyed oil wells of another country vital to the global economy like Saddam did.

That's why regime change was justified in Iraq but not in Iran. Iran is generally a paper tiger that hides behind proxy's when conducting its foreign policy.

The rise of ISIS was in part due to the premature pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq at the end of 2011. U.S. troops returned to Iraq in 2014, and ISIS was largely defeated in Iraq by mid-2017. The only remaining territory ISIS currently controls is in Syria. As of today they control a space of territory along the Euphrates River in Syria that is a little less than 500 meters long and 250 meters wide.

Kuwait, Bahrain, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Europe, Japan, the United Sates and the rest of the industrialized world all benefited from the removal of Saddam. Saddam was a threat to global energy supply and seized and sabotaged assets vital to global energy supply in the past setting off a global recession. You can't let someone like that remain in power. That's even before discussing is vast history with the production and use of WMD.

Nobody tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait on August 2, 1990. But even if they did, he was given a chance to leave Kuwait long before the operation to remove him from Kuwait began in January 1991. Instead of leaving Kuwait, Saddam ANNEXED Kuwait in mid-August 1990. NOBODY ever stated that Saddam had a right to ANNEX KUWAIT wiping it off the face of the map.

You would think that no one in the right mind would be willing to defend someone like SADDAM, but here you are doing just that. Wonder what you would say about Hitler.

Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. Their goal is to establish a Persian Empire in the Middle East. Add Russia who wants to establish a world empire and that spells danger for the US.


Could you be anymore a victim of propaganda?


NATO expansion map. (CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness
Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness

These countries are joining NATO voluntarily in response to the threat of Russian hegemony. Figures you would compare Iran to NATO.
Do you even KNOW what hegemony means?

Russia has no hegemony over anyone.

Germany has greater singular hegemony.

Britain has greater hegemony.

France has greater hegemony.

Hell, even Italy. :abgg2q.jpg:

"From now to 2020, slower growth developed countries those countries like France and Germany with 1.3 to 1.9% annual real GDP growth will lose ground to the USA (2.0-2.8% real GDP growth). Italy will really lag with about 1% annual real GDP growth. Japan could be really terrible with about 0.7% growth or could come in with just slow growth at 1.3% per year. Canada, Australia and the UK should be at the US level of growth or a little better. South Korea will move up with about 3.5% real GDP growth each year.

For developing countries, India and Indonesia should do well with 6-7% and possibly 8% real GDP growth."



Tell me, just where is Russia going to get this money to take over all the world?


The winner of Florida wins the 2020
Election and may lose the popular vote because of so many conservatives fleeing New York and California to the swing states

Popular gov Desantis will bring Florida to trump

Pro-Trump DeSantis Has Highest Approval Of Any Florida Governor In A Decade

Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump

Suburban voters, especially women, will likely put the state back in the Democrat column. Also their far right wing extremism on abortion will hurt as well in the suburbs.

Them voting different from men will have men rise up and stop this system that destroys

Democrats have made inroads into the male vote. Suburban men and well educated men are moving to the Democrat Party.

"Still, Schnabel volunteered for a local Democratic legislative candidate last year because he was infuriated at his state representative's criticism of gay people, and his frustration at the GOP outweighs his concerns about Democrats. He chalks up his ability to evolve politically to his education.

"Going to college, I met people who were gay, people from other cultures," Schnabel said. "That stayed with me."

Mike Wessell is still a registered Republican but he was comfortable at the victory party last Tuesday night for the Democrat, Pam Iovino, who won the state Senate race comfortably.

"I'm not happy with the way President Trump has been running the country, or his ideology," said Wessell, a corporate lawyer. He cited Trump's immigration stance and denial of climate science."

After 2016 loss, Democrats know they need white male voters
Nice opinion, but you have no data to support your conclusions.

I disagree.

Biden did very poorly in his prior attempts at becoming President.

Biden is almost 80 years old. Harris, Beto and others are much younger. Also, the evidence seems to point to the conclusion they hungrier, as Biden has spent years just trying to make up his mind. And still hasn't.

On Sanders, Clinton swatted him aside with little effort.

What other proof do you need?

But back in his prior attempts to become President he was not polling very well, and a lot less people knew who he was. Often times half of running for President and doing well or getting elected is being already well known by the public.

Joe Biden polled better than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 but did not run because of the loss of his son Bo Biden.

Joe Biden has served as the Vice President of the United States for 8 years. He was elected with Barack Obama in 2008 and then re-elected with Barack Obama in 2012. People know Joe Biden and like Joe Biden in ways they didn't before he became Vice President.

Now Biden is killing it in the polls, both when it comes to match up against Trump and match ups against the other nominees. Polling data is the hard data that I'm talking about. Not something that happened 30 years ago.

Donald Trump is almost 80 and so is Bernie Sanders. If being 80 or pushing 80 was something that would disqualify you, Trump would not be President and Sanders would not have the support he has received.

Joe Biden is younger in terms of his REAL AGE than either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. What I mean by that is that he has taken better care of himself than either Trump or Sanders. He looks younger, healthier and can actually run down the street as he recently did in a video from January. So in terms of health, which is what were really talking about when we talk about age, Biden is well ahead of Trump and Sanders.

Biden has not declared he is running yet because he does not have to. You need to get out there early when your an unknown and polling low. That's not Biden. Biden is well known and polling high, the highest in fact. He can take his time.

Again, the real data, hard data, proof if you will, is in the polling. That's tells you approximately where things are at. Biden is doing great.

Yep, the real data, hard data, is old data. Based on recent data my guess is Biden will be a no show.

I put a date on every poll I post. Its current. Do you have any polling data showing Biden losing the nomination or an election battle against Trump? Do you? Didn't think so.

The real polls are trumps rallies in the 5 swing states. Trump is winning easily

Michigan had a rally for trump and the numbers were staggering

Vast numbers of Michigan voters became so energized and then will themselves rally more Michigan voters with their excitement

Now since trump has exposed the deep state as liars and totally dishonest people now will not believe anything the caught liars say. Including the polling companies that are tied to the deep state

Trump rallies are proving trump is winning

Rallies are no measure of who has the most support. Democrats won the House despite Trump's large rallies.

Could you be anymore a victim of propaganda?


NATO expansion map. (CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness
Pelosi and McConnell Crank Up NATO Madness

There is nothing wrong with NATO expansion. It was important for NATO to take in as many countries as it could since the collapse of the Soviet Union, since it would be only a matter of time before the Russian Federation would recover and start up its aggressive policies towards the west and the world again. Europe, especially western Europe is much safer now that the line Russian tanks are not allowed to cross is hundreds of miles further to the east.

Notice, every country that joins NATO does so because they volunteer freely to do it. They also have to meet a number of conditions in terms of Democracy, government, human rights, stability etc.

"since it would be only a matter of time before the Russian Federation would recover and start up its aggressive policies towards the west and the world again."

The Soviet Union only ever had a defensive posture. Can you blame them after what happened to them after WWII? Or are you that dumb you don't know the history?

What makes you so sure Russia would be aggressive.

Who has a more aggressive stance? Who has whom encircled with bases and a global military presence?

Who spends the most on military expenditures?

You make a lot of unqualified and unsupported statements that are completely meaningless.

Do not these nations get some benefit from joining NATO?

Hasn't the president even carped on the free rider problem? If these nations actually had to contribute the same share of GDP that the US spends on defense, are you really so dumb as to believe they would still join?



Wow, your whole post was just nothing but parroting the false paradigm and propaganda of the CFR and the military industrial complex. HELLLO? D.C. is calling, the Mueller Report even said the whole Russiagate thing was a hOaX. . . . didn't you hear? They do not have an aggressive posture. GET OVER IT.

The Soviet Union NEVER had a defensive posture!

01. At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union crushed attempts at Democracy in the countries of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and East Germany.

02. They imposed communist dictatorships in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and East Germany. These were puppet governments directly controlled by the Soviet Union.

03. When these countries or governments did not bend to the will of the Soviet Union, they would invade them and arrest or kill anyone that got in their way. They did this in 1956 in Hungary, 1968 in Czechoslovakia, and came close to doing it in Poland in 1981.

04. They put up walls around West Berlin to keep people from East Germany from escaping there. They tried multiple times to starve West Berlin into submission.

05. The Soviet Union supported communist revolution and take over all over the world from nearly half a century. They supported Mao's rise to power in China. Influenced North Korea into invading South Korea. Supported the Communist take over of Vietnam. In each case were talking about crushing democracy, killing freedom of religion, and imposing communist dictatorship and Atheism everywhere they could. The EVIL EMPIRE indeed.

06. The Soviet Union supported the Arab countries invasion of Israel and attempt to wipe Israel off the map in 1948. After that, they supported the Arabs action in every war against Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East.

07. Terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Humas were armed and equipped by the Soviet Union.

08. The Soviet Union followed by China were the biggest Supporters of SADDAM who invaded and attacked four different countries while he was in power.

09. If all that were not enough, the Soviets maintained a massive military force of over 5 million men under arms and often over 200 armored and mechanized divisions in its army alone.

10. In 1990, near the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had over 60,000 main battle tanks, while its client states in the Warsaw Pact had another 20,000. Main Battle Tanks are offensive weapons used for invasions. The Soviet and Warsaw Pact had nearly 4 times as many main battle tanks in their inventories than did NATO.

11. In terms of being able to defend Western Europe from a Warsaw Pact attack, nearly ever scenario run in their early days saw the Soviets and Warsaw Pact forces overrunning Western Europe in a matter of weeks unless NATO used nuclear weapons. But the use of nuclear weapons could bring about uncontrolled escalation and the destruction of the planet.

12. It was only in the 1980s that the United States and NATO were barley able to cobble together a conventional defense of Western Europe that might succeed in defending against a Soviet/Warsaw Pact attack without resorting to the use of Nuclear Weapons.

13. By the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had stockpiled more weapons of any kind than any country EVER in history. The Soviet Union had 220 total Divisions in its ground forces compared to only 44 divisions for the United States. Plus more than half of the United States divisions were reserves and stationed in the United States, a whole ocean away from where the front line would be in Europe. The Soviets had the advantage of being able to support a potential war effort only a few hundred miles from some of its major cities.

14. The Soviet Union was an aggressive communist dictatorship guilty of the worst human rights abuses, murdering millions of its own citizens. They were dedicated to imposing this communist dictatorship all over the world as well as destroying religion and imposing ATHEISM on the entire planet. You really don't get more evil than that.

Thankfully, the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s thanks to the weight of its cold war military spending and Saudi Arabia's pumping as much oil as possible to cut the price of oil in the 1980s crushing Soviet attempts to survive its economic troubles.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, countries that had long be controlled by first the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, like Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia and others finally became independent states. In Ukraine, the Soviets had attempted to wipe out Ukrainian language and culture. Luckily they failed.

The Russian Federations much weaker position in the 1990s and into the early 2000s allowed countries normally controlled or dominated by Moscow to escape and come under the protection of the western military alliance in NATO. A military alliance dedicated to democracy and freedom! Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all joined NATO because they NEVER wanted to experience the horror of occupation and control by Moscow ever again. Given what they had experienced previously, they wanted to be apart of the west and protected by its military alliance in NATO. They joined NATO because they no longer wanted to be controlled and raped repeatedly by Moscow.

But as Russia became stronger in the late 00s and into the 10s, they began to become more aggressive in their foreign policy. They invaded Georgia in 2008. Then in 2014, Russia invaded and then annexed Crimea from the Ukraine. This was the first invasion and annexation of another country, or part of another country, in Europe, since Adolf Hitler did it in the 1940s.

The Russians have launched a vast military build up of its armed forces over the last 10 years developing the most modern Tanks, armored personal carriers, Artillery and Air Defense Artillery the world has ever seen.

As far as current military spending is concerned, what you do not understand is that military spending does not equal military capability. Countries with highly developed economies naturally have higher defense budgets because they cost of competitively paying and training their forces is greater. But when you look at the actual forces these countries can put on the battle field, they are dwarfed by countries who only spend a tenth of what they do on defense at least In nominal terms.

So military spending does not equate to raw military capability.

As for most of the NATO countries being under the proposed idea of spending at least 2% of GDP on the military, NATO countries in Europe still make up the vast majority of the ground troops, and combat aircraft that would be immediately available to respond to a Russian invasion of NATO territory. The United States has only recently started to deploy more ground combat units in Europe since cutting way back on them after the end of the cold war. United States troops stationed in Europe are still, as of today heavily outnumbered, by their NATO allies.

The current fear in Europe is that that NATO does not have currently enough ground combat forces stationed in Eastern Europe, specifically Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in order to deter or defeat a Russian invasion of the Baltic States. The fear that Russia would invade Estonia or Latvia has been increased by the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in 2014. Countries like Estonia and Latvia fear that they are next. It was a shock to see Russia invade Ukraine and annex Crimea. Given that event, it makes it far more likely now that a similar Russian incursion could take place in the Baltic states leading to a war between NATO and Russia. It is Russian actions, Russian aggression that have created the current hostile environment. Its why Eastern Europe pushed hard to get into NATO back in the 1990s and 00s. They knew a day would come when Russia would rebuild itself from the Collapse of the Soviet Union and feared being overrun again by the Soviets as they had just after World War II.

I'm not going to debate any of that. Well, except that Crimea part, that is a lie.

. . . and yet, it seems, you are TOTALLY incapable of putting yourself in another's shoes. JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP.

DO you know what they call the quality of having no empathy? narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder.

If you do not understand the impetus for these policy directives of the Soviets, and afterwards, the Russians, Chinese and Iranians, you can never proceed to have a rational policy discussion. It is the actions of the Banking cartel which motivates all nations which oppose them. I suppose you also want to invade and oppress the poor and destitute of Venezuela too, eh?

Most nations only seek self-preservation from the hyper-imperialism of the raping of the planet.

Your blind jingoism and nationalism is juvenile and foolish. You have no idea how the world really works.

Evil is not a policy directive. Putin kills people who oppose him even if they live in another country. Putin jails his political opponents, You are what can be described as a nut.
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