What the science says

No, toddster thinks 757s can fly 8 feet off the ground while their engines are in the ground....

How did that cruise missile knock down those street lights? Wide wingspan, eh?
And why did the witnesses driving nearby say they saw a jumbo jet close to the ground moments before it hit?
Unless you think the missile was the size of a jumbo jet?
No way in hell can you compare temperature data of the 1900s to today's ultra modern ultra accurate data and say the earth warmed up .04 degree in a 100 years with a straight face.[/QUOTE]

no claim of .04 degrees, its a solid 2+ degrees

the same thermometers show 2 degrees higher, no matter how accurate absolute they are they are 2 degrees higher

and iff you think people who made thermometers 150 years ago couldn t hit a degree, your just dumb

ill elucitate your an idiot you have no clue about science, your just dumb
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It never fails to amuse me how some of you wackos believe that a theoretical particle...or any particle for that matter must be smart in order to obey the laws of physics....do you think electrons must possess some sort of intelligence to know which direction they must move along a wire?

It is particularly funny that you are willing to follow old rocks into his fantasy...of all the people to look to as a role model.

Just had to take the shot. Since we're onto electric impulses. that stuff that is the core of MOST human brains. .

"""""".do you think electrons must possess some sort of intelligence to know which direction they must move along a wire?"""""""

Actually in MOST people -- those electrons are what builds intelligence. And I did say --- "in most people".

Laws of physics DESCRIBE particle behavior. Not that particles are programmed to follow the laws of physics.
the same thermometers show 2 degrees higher, no matter how accurate absolute they are they are 2 degrees higher

The weather balloon thermometers showed no warming in the atmosphere, and your heroes had to FUDGE the data to "correct" that.

The "warming" is all from the surface of growing urban areas. There is on warming in the atmosphere, the oceans, or undeveloped land.
How did that cruise missile knock down those street lights?

The air "wake" sucked them out. Several have no "dent" or "bend," as if your phantom 757 wing knocked it down but left no mark...

You'll have to show how strong the "air wake" of a cruise missile (about 550 mph) is.
And why those drivers said it was a jumbo jet, not a less than 9 foot wingspan missile.
That the forces of Zionism have many lying is what Zionism has always been about, starting with "meeting God" on top of Mt. Sinai, a synonym for being killed and replaced with a levite who needed 40 days to grow a beard.

Yes, it is Moses

No it isn't.... levite swords out... nobody left saying it isn't Moses, so it must be...

I am not an expert on cruise missiles, but I have talked to some from the Navy and they told me the "air wake" would pick you up and throw you like Willie Mays used to throw a baseball.
That the forces of Zionism have many lying is what Zionism has always been about, starting with "meeting God" on top of Mt. Sinai, a synonym for being killed and replaced with a levite who needed 40 days to grow a beard.

Yes, it is Moses

No it isn't.... levite swords out... nobody left saying it isn't Moses, so it must be...

I am not an expert on cruise missiles, but I have talked to some from the Navy and they told me the "air wake" would pick you up and throw you like Willie Mays used to throw a baseball.

they told me the "air wake" would pick you up and throw you like Willie Mays used to throw a baseball.

At what distance?
A mile?
10 miles?
No way in hell can you compare temperature data of the 1900s to today's ultra modern ultra accurate data and say the earth warmed up .04 degree in a 100 years with a straight face.

no claim of .04 degrees, its a solid 2+ degrees

the same thermometers show 2 degrees higher, no matter how accurate absolute they are they are 2 degrees higher

and iff you think people who made thermometers 150 years ago couldn t hit a degree, your just dumb

ill elucitate your an idiot you have no clue about science, your just dumb[/QUOTE]

You have no idea of human psychology do you super shit for brains?

Again only a moron would take thermometer data plus sattelte data and think They have something over 100 years.

Again dumbo kraut 99.9% of the temperature data in the 1900s is from the northern hemisphere..

Nothing , zip, no data from the southern hemisphere in the 1900s ass hole.

Also with Michael Mann's tree ring data that fuck head got those specimens from Siberia.
Why do those "downed" poles have NO DENTS and NO BEND?

If a plane traveling at 400 mph clipped those with its wings, they would be dented and bent galore. They are NOT DENTED OR BENT, because no plane wing clipped them...
That the forces of Zionism have many lying is what Zionism has always been about, starting with "meeting God" on top of Mt. Sinai, a synonym for being killed and replaced with a levite who needed 40 days to grow a beard.

Yes, it is Moses

No it isn't.... levite swords out... nobody left saying it isn't Moses, so it must be...

I am not an expert on cruise missiles, but I have talked to some from the Navy and they told me the "air wake" would pick you up and throw you like Willie Mays used to throw a baseball.

I am with the Navy and you're full of shit, in every which way you can be.

The science says:

The world has been getting warmer for the last 150 years at a pace not seen in the history of human civilization and beyond.

That warming is being caused by increased CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere.

Those increased CO2 levels are decreasing the ocean's pH, affecting aragonite solubility and the life cycles of all carbonate-fixing organism (coral, molluscs) and causing biochemical effects on the reproductive cycles of numerous other species.

The source of that increased CO2 is the human combustion of fossil fuels and human deforestation of the planet.

That's what the science says.
The science says:

Let's just get one thing straight = YOU are not "the science"

You are a bigoted left wing parrot and blowhard who hates the truth I post.

The world has been getting warmer for the last 150 years

WRONG - the surface of growing urban areas has. The oceans, the atmosphere, and the non-urban land have not warmed at all.

That warming is being caused by increased CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere.

Laughable, since the highly correlated satellite and balloon raw data shows precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere

Those increased CO2 levels are decreasing the ocean's pH, affecting aragonite solubility and the life cycles of all carbonate-fixing organism (coral, molluscs) and causing biochemical effects on the reproductive cycles of numerous other species.


That's what the science says.

No, that is what a pathetic excuse of a human parrot endlessly parrots here at the expense of the US taxpayer.
The science says:

Let's just get one thing straight = YOU are not "the science"

I never said I was. My entire OP in this thread is a series of quotes from the IPCC's AR5

You are a bigoted left wing parrot and blowhard who hates the truth I post.

Despite your choice to call it "parroting", I am not in the least embarrassed to quote mainstream science here and I will continue to do so. I should think it would be embarrassing to try to uphold YOUR position - that all science is bad and that no one should make reference to it. That is the position of an insane person.

I am a liberal democrat but the only reason it's visible here is the frequent charges from deniers that AGW is a hoax of the left.

Where you get the idea that I am a bigot I haven't the faintest idea.

I do hate what you post, but not because it has the slightest inkling of "truth" in it.

The world has been getting warmer for the last 150 years

WRONG - the surface of growing urban areas has. The oceans, the atmosphere, and the non-urban land have not warmed at all.

So you've said. But so you've failed to demonstrate. You've provided ZERO actual data to support this oft-repeated claim. ZERO. Guess what claims with ZERO data are worth? Guess. Go on, guess?


That warming is being caused by increased CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere.

Laughable, since the highly correlated satellite and balloon raw data shows precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere

So you've said. But so you've failed to demonstrate. You've provided ZERO actual data to support this oft-repeated claim. ZERO. Guess what claims with ZERO data are worth? Guess. Go on, guess?


Those increased CO2 levels are decreasing the ocean's pH, affecting aragonite solubility and the life cycles of all carbonate-fixing organism (coral, molluscs) and causing biochemical effects on the reproductive cycles of numerous other species.

Why do you say that? Do you reject the increase in CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere? Do you reject the effect on pH of dissolving CO2 in water? Do you reject the effect of increased aragonite solubility on carbonate fixing organisms?

That's what the science says.

No, that is what a pathetic excuse of a human parrot endlessly parrots here at the expense of the US taxpayer.

Climate research is being done all over the world. The idea you've put out here over and over again that this is an entirely US issue is quite uninformed. The amount being spent by the US government on climate research is a pittance compared to the amounts spent on military research, on automobile development, on the search for more oil and gas, on a thousand other things that - it could be argued - are of less real worth to the human species at the moment. Here, from an opponent of climate change research (The Big Winners in the Climate Change Money Game | OilPrice.com), are the numbers for 2011 through 2015.


Total: $2.4811 billion.

Forbes magazine, another opponents of climate change research, says:

According to the GAO, annual federal climate spending has increased from $4.6 billion in 2003 to $8.8 billion in 2010, amounting to $106.7 billion over that period. The money was spent in four general categories: technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, science to understand climate changes, international assistance for developing countries, and wildlife adaptation to respond to actual or expected changes. Technology spending, the largest category, grew from $2.56 billion to $5.5 billion over this period, increasingly advancing over others in total share. Data compiled by Joanne Nova at the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn’t count about $79 billion more spent for climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for “green energy.”

Now, for comparison purposes, let's look at US government spending lat year:

ACTUAL total expenditures: $3.688 trillion. Climate change research made up 0.006437% of that amount. For every thousand dollars you paid in income taxes, six-tenths of one cent went to climate change research. Yeah... "the expense of the US taxpayer".
a series of quotes from the IPCC

The Clinton Foundation would be a more "credible" source...

I am not in the least embarrassed to quote mainstream science here

Quote = mindlessly repeat while never questioning = PARROTING

that all science is bad

Where did I ever say that, left wing liar???

Science is what I used to bust FRAUD, and FRAUD is not science....

I am a liberal democrat

a taxpayer funded one, no doubt....

I do hate what you post,

... because it is the TRUTH, it outs the Left as being engaged in FRAUD to BILK the TAXPAYER, and as a "liberal democrat" there is nothing you support more than FRAUD to BILK the TAXPAYER as long as YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK goes UP because of it...

According to the GAO, annual federal climate spending has increased from $4.6 billion in 2003 to $8.8 billion in 2010, amounting to $106.7 billion over that period.

That's over a hundred billion that was completely wasted on nothing that actually helped the real environment. If we had spent half of that on desalination, we would not have any problems with fresh water in CA and other areas, and wildlife would be thriving, not burning...

YOUR FRAUD harms the REAL ENVIRONMENT by intentionally misdiagnosing real problems and hence preventing solutions like massive desalination
That's the whole anti-American rant = the "settled" science, which isn't even science, it is a combination of cherry picking, fudging, and fraud.

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