What the science says

From your POV, that's correct. Are you like Ian and are God or the ultimate arbiter of the Universe?

From your POV, that's correct.

Yes, time exists from my POV. What about your POV?

Do you believe photons have tiny thermometers? Can they predict the future movements and temperatures of all matter across the Universe?

Are you like Ian and are God or the ultimate arbiter of the Universe?

Just because we understand the current human knowledge of physics? No.

Why should a photon share your notion of "future", that's a fiction of time

So a photon can tell, now, what the temperature of all matter, everywhere, will be at all points in the future?

That's some smart photon!

The future is your fiction, a photon has no time

In this no time "non-fiction", how does the photon "know" the temperature and location of all matter?

If from your point of view, the distance to anywhere was zero, and the time for you to get there was zero, how could you not know the temperature and location of all matter?...if "know" is the word you must use...It never ceases to amuse me that you and a few others seem to be under the impression that objects must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics...I guess you think rocks must know which way is down from our point of view in order to obey the demands placed on them by gravity also....
From your POV, that's correct.

Yes, time exists from my POV. What about your POV?

Do you believe photons have tiny thermometers? Can they predict the future movements and temperatures of all matter across the Universe?

Are you like Ian and are God or the ultimate arbiter of the Universe?

Just because we understand the current human knowledge of physics? No.

Why should a photon share your notion of "future", that's a fiction of time

So a photon can tell, now, what the temperature of all matter, everywhere, will be at all points in the future?

That's some smart photon!

The future is your fiction, a photon has no time

In this no time "non-fiction", how does the photon "know" the temperature and location of all matter?

If from your point of view, the distance to anywhere was zero, and the time for you to get there was zero, how could you not know the temperature and location of all matter?...if "know" is the word you must use...It never ceases to amuse me that you and a few others seem to be under the impression that objects must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics...I guess you think rocks must know which way is down from our point of view in order to obey the demands placed on them by gravity also....

If from your point of view, the distance to anywhere was zero, and the time for you to get there was zero, how could you not know the temperature and location of all matter?...

Okay, I can go anywhere in the Universe, and to me it feels instantaneous.
To the rest of the Universe, it takes me 1 million years to travel 1 million light years.
How does that help me know the location and temperature of all matter 1 million light years away 1 million years in the future?

It never ceases to amuse me that you and a few others seem to be under the impression that objects must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics.

Just as it amuses me that you think the temperature of a target changes the behavior of a photon.

...I guess you think rocks must know which way is down from our point of view in order to obey the demands placed on them by gravity also

Gravity curves time and space, according to current theory. Matter goes downhill.
What does that have to do with your omniscient photons?
From your POV, that's correct. Are you like Ian and are God or the ultimate arbiter of the Universe?

From your POV, that's correct.

Yes, time exists from my POV. What about your POV?

Do you believe photons have tiny thermometers? Can they predict the future movements and temperatures of all matter across the Universe?

Are you like Ian and are God or the ultimate arbiter of the Universe?

Just because we understand the current human knowledge of physics? No.

Are you playing the semantics game now Frank?

Point of view in this case means frame of reference. All six billion of us humans share the same reference frame when it come to the speed of light. Or do you disagree? If so, why do you disagree and explain your reasoning.

So what if 6B share the same POV on c? Why is that relevant to a photon?

Again using the example of an ant at the Hudson Yards, it's all just dirt to the ant. He lacks the perceptional capacity to see it any other way

Flip it the other way. We can't visit or even see into the world of the photons. Here in our universe it always travels at the speed of light. What it does in our world matters, the unknown and unknowable properties of what the universe looks like to a speed of light entity doesn't.

We're in flatlands. We lack the perceptional capabilities to relate to a reality where time and space are lower dimensions and time is our convenient fiction.

You can't will a photon to only experience our reality just because it's the only one we can experience. We are irrevocably divided, our perception limits us. limits us. limits us.

We're living in 4 dimension Flatlands

Cool! I can dig it.

Light is living in Pointland because it only shares one dimension with us in its reference frame. We can't see its other dimensions and it can't see ours. I like it!
if an object is cooler than another object, the warm object radiates to the cooler object and not any IR is received by the warmer object, just has never been proven. evah!!!!!! BTW, when a cooler object does radiate, it is at a much less rate than a warmer object and it all goes upwards out of the atmosphere due to the lapse rate.

the warm object radiates to the cooler object and not any IR is received by the warmer object

View attachment 97446

Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

when a cooler object does radiate, it is at a much less rate than a warmer object

Stop it, you almost sound like you understand the S-B Law.

and it all goes upwards

Why? Magic?
Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Why? Magic?
Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder. That's up!!

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm
the warm object radiates to the cooler object and not any IR is received by the warmer object

View attachment 97446

Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

when a cooler object does radiate, it is at a much less rate than a warmer object

Stop it, you almost sound like you understand the S-B Law.

and it all goes upwards

Why? Magic?
Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Why? Magic?
Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder. That's up!!

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
the warm object radiates to the cooler object and not any IR is received by the warmer object

View attachment 97446

Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

when a cooler object does radiate, it is at a much less rate than a warmer object

Stop it, you almost sound like you understand the S-B Law.

and it all goes upwards

Why? Magic?
Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Why? Magic?
Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder. That's up!!

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

What surprise! Another nonsensical comment from jc.
Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Why? Magic?
Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder. That's up!!

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.

The corona radiates in all directions

then why doesn't it double the heat at the surface? I mean that's what our atmosphere is supposedly doing according to you and Ian.
Here's measurement of IR moving downward from the cooler atmosphere toward the warmer surface.
What's your explanation?

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Why? Magic?
Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder. That's up!!

Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.
Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.

The corona radiates in all directions

then why doesn't it double the heat at the surface? I mean that's what our atmosphere is supposedly doing according to you and Ian.

then why doesn't it double the heat at the surface?

Why would it? Show your math if that's what you think.

I mean that's what our atmosphere is supposedly doing

Our atmosphere is "doubling the heat at the Earth's surface"?
Who said that? Where?
Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

All directions.
Just like the Sun's corona radiates in all directions.
Funny stuff right there, nice and made up.

Those instrument readings are made up? Why do you feel that?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?

Standing S-B Law warm moves to colder.

SB doesn't say photons only more from warmer to colder.
If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.

So you keep saying..but you can't measure it unless the instrument is cooled to a temperature lower than that of the atmosphere...and then you aren't really measuring downward radiation..you are only measuring energy movement from the warmer atmosphere to the cooler instrument.

Net energy movement is a fiction...it is only observed in mathematical models...never out in the real world.
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.
except that it does not radiate toward the surface based on temperature.
Are all measures of downward IR made up?
yes, did I stutter?

If that were true, why does the cooler surface of the Sun radiate toward the hotter corona?
I never said it did. The surface is the source, so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Since the corona is hotter, why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm? Any guesses? I bet you have no idea.

yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

All directions.
Just like the Sun's corona radiates in all directions.
or not!!
yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.
except that it does not radiate toward the surface based on temperature.

How, exactly, does the surface temperature affect the molecular collisions that cause the radiation but only in a fashion to stop downward photons?
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.
except that it does not radiate toward the surface based on temperature.

How, exactly, does the surface temperature affect the molecular collisions that cause the radiation but only in a fashion to stop downward photons?
Well, what happens in a collision?
yes, did I stutter?

No, you said something incredibly moronic, and I wanted to confirm that's what you meant.

I never said it did.

So no photons can leave the Sun, that's awesome!

The surface is the source

No, the core is the source.

so all surface heat is from the engine internally forced.

Again, in English?

why isn't the surface as hot as the corona if radiation will warm?

Because, physics. As explained by S-B.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.

So you keep saying..but you can't measure it unless the instrument is cooled to a temperature lower than that of the atmosphere...and then you aren't really measuring downward radiation..you are only measuring energy movement from the warmer atmosphere to the cooler instrument.

Net energy movement is a fiction...it is only observed in mathematical models...never out in the real world.

..you are only measuring energy movement from the warmer atmosphere to the cooler instrument.

How does the atmosphere know when it is safe to emit toward the instrument?
lock this thread s0ns!!!

After last night, nobody but nobody is caring about the science except the hard core religion. It is officially nothing more than a hobby topic of interest at this point.......not even debatable.:boobies::boobies::popcorn:
lock this thread s0ns!!!

After last night, nobody but nobody is caring about the science except the hard core religion. It is officially nothing more than a hobby topic of interest at this point.......not even debatable.:boobies::boobies::popcorn:

Sorry, until jc and ssdd pull their heads out, we'll keep pounding their ignorance.
the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter, btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface, the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface. hmmmm

the surface is a heat source powered by the hydrogen core.

And you've explained, heat doesn't go from colder to warmer.

You still didn't answer why the corona is hotter

Don't know, don't care and for the purposes of S-B, don't matter.

btw, the earth's atmosphere isn't hotter yet you believe it radiates to the surface,

The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the sun corona radiates but not back to the surface.

The corona radiates in all directions.
The Earth's atmosphere radiates in all directions, it's what matter above 0K does.

the earth atmosphere radiates up.

Up, down and sideways.

Net radiative flow is from the solar heated surface through the atmosphere to the sink of space. There is no restriction on direction.

So you keep saying..but you can't measure it unless the instrument is cooled to a temperature lower than that of the atmosphere...and then you aren't really measuring downward radiation..you are only measuring energy movement from the warmer atmosphere to the cooler instrument.

Net energy movement is a fiction...it is only observed in mathematical models...never out in the real world.

..you are only measuring energy movement from the warmer atmosphere to the cooler instrument.

How does the atmosphere know when it is safe to emit toward the instrument?

How does a rock know to fall towards the mass of the earth? How do oxygen and water know that together they can cause iron to rust? How do ice bergs know to float? When you rock back in a rocking chair, how does the chair know to bring you forward again? How does any non sentient object know what to do toddster? Do you really believe that things must know what to do rather than simply obey the laws of physics...or is a logical fallacy known as argument to ridicule really the only response you have since you clearly can't bring any real evidence to support your position to the table.

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