What The Supreme Court Should Decide.Make Obama-Care Optional.End The Mandate Already.

how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

Liberals are fine with failure, look the liberals goal is 100% single payer government healthcare where every last person in the US is forced to pay into it and liberals control all that money and our healthcare system. That my friend is how you grow big government.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

I think the idea was based on good intentions. Unfortunately for the country the thing was passed with only liberal support. As we all know the outcome of anything liberal is always the opposite of the stated intent and we are seeing that now.

I am all for everyone having access to healthcare.

I think most people should have a stake in the game.

I think making the health care we receive affordable is the ultimate goal. You know, like back in the olden days when you could afford to pay the hospital for delivering your baby. Now it would bankrupt a lot of people.
and the primary thing we kept hearing from advocates, but it covered pre-exsisting condidtions, then the host says, yah, But Who Pays For It? they may as well had answered, "The Middle Class Pays" F the Middle Class, they all got too much money anwyay.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

I think the idea was based on good intentions. Unfortunately for the country the thing was passed with only liberal support. As we all know the outcome of anything liberal is always the opposite of the stated intent and we are seeing that now.

I am all for everyone having access to healthcare.

I think most people should have a stake in the game.

I think making the health care we receive affordable is the ultimate goal. You know, like back in the olden days when you could afford to pay the hospital for delivering your baby. Now it would bankrupt a lot of people.
and the primary thing we kept hearing from advocates, but it covered pre-exsisting condidtions, then the host says, yah, But Who Pays For It? they may as well had answered, "The Middle Class Pays" F the Middle Class, they all got too much money anwyay.

To cover pre-existing conditions thing could have been covered with a one sentence bill, not what we got.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

Liberals are fine with failure, look the liberals goal is 100% single payer government healthcare where every last person in the US is forced to pay into it and liberals control all that money and our healthcare system. That my friend is how you grow big government.
but wouldnt single payer have to pass thru congress first? oops
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

Liberals are fine with failure, look the liberals goal is 100% single payer government healthcare where every last person in the US is forced to pay into it and liberals control all that money and our healthcare system. That my friend is how you grow big government.
but wouldnt single payer have to pass thru congress first? oops

Don't be too sure, Obama has already made law, Congress seems more then happy to keep giving him more power.
:afro: This is the only fair conclusion as we come close to the decision of what to do about subsidies. Let the states who don't want anything to do with Obama-Care proceed with Republican plan to allow anyone to buy policies within or over state lines. Pretty much just bring back the health-care system we had before the democrats screwed it up big time!!
What is the problem of just making Obama-Care Optional? :dunno:

The individual mandate isn't being debated at all in the Supreme Court, that was back in 2012 and it was already ruled constitutional.

The system we had before was a complete mess, especially for people who couldn't get access to coverage due to pre-existing conditions. The reason for the individual mandate (A right wing Heritage Foundation idea...) is to avoid a death spiral of just having sick, disabled people buying insurance and driving insurance companies bankrupt since they can't turn them down anymore. It's also a tax against people who gamble their health and then just rely on ER care to fix any problems, costing taxpayers money anyway.

Me thinks the threat of losing all of a person's life saving in the case of an accident or sickness is enough of a mandate to buy insurance, just like all other insurances. What I think should have been done is as much as possible for cost containment. And not doing it so most people are on medicaid or medicare and the government dictates prices. That only drives the cost up for everyone else.

It actually is debatable if the mandate is redundant if you make the insurance affordable, but it's understandable that the risk is there nonetheless.

My opinion, it is not debatable. I certainly would not leave an escape clause that allows someone to skate until they are sick then just buy in.

They can't, you can only purchase insurance with the exchanges during the open enrollment period.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

I think the idea was based on good intentions. Unfortunately for the country the thing was passed with only liberal support. As we all know the outcome of anything liberals is always the opposite of the stated intent and we are seeing that now.

I am all for everyone having access to healthcare.

I think most people should have a stake in the game.

I think making the health care we receive affordable is the ultimate goal. You know, like back in the olden days when you could afford to pay the hospital for delivering your baby. Now it would bankrupt a lot of people.
the idea would of worked if we had full employment! they passed the bill when we already had about 15/20 per-cent unemployed and small businesses shutting down at an alarming rate. so where would the money come from in the middle of the Obama-Recession?

Are you just babbling off random topics in the hope of forming together some kind of argument?
The Court will strike down Obama's illegal payments to people on the federal exchanges.
Obama will demand a "clean bill" that restores those subsidies.
The GOP will cavil, carp, debate, bitch, piss, and moan. And then do what he wants. Because it's just easier.
What they ought to do is put the subsidies in but take out all the other crap, like the mandates, the guaranteed issue and the other crap. And allow policies to be sold across state lines.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

Liberals are fine with failure, look the liberals goal is 100% single payer government healthcare where every last person in the US is forced to pay into it and liberals control all that money and our healthcare system. That my friend is how you grow big government.
but wouldnt single payer have to pass thru congress first? oops

Don't be too sure, Obama has already made law, Congress seems more then happy to keep giving him more power.
its going down anyway, when we hit 20 trillion in debt, obama care goes down the toilet.
The Court will strike down Obama's illegal payments to people on the federal exchanges.
Obama will demand a "clean bill" that restores those subsidies.
The GOP will cavil, carp, debate, bitch, piss, and moan. And then do what he wants. Because it's just easier.
What they ought to do is put the subsidies in but take out all the other crap, like the mandates, the guaranteed issue and the other crap. And allow policies to be sold across state lines.

And rein in the drug companies.
The Court will strike down Obama's illegal payments to people on the federal exchanges.
Obama will demand a "clean bill" that restores those subsidies.
The GOP will cavil, carp, debate, bitch, piss, and moan. And then do what he wants. Because it's just easier.
What they ought to do is put the subsidies in but take out all the other crap, like the mandates, the guaranteed issue and the other crap. And allow policies to be sold across state lines.

And rein in the drug companies.
WTF? Do you understand the economics of drug production?
:afro: This is the only fair conclusion as we come close to the decision of what to do about subsidies. Let the states who don't want anything to do with Obama-Care proceed with Republican plan to allow anyone to buy policies within or over state lines. Pretty much just bring back the health-care system we had before the democrats screwed it up big time!!
What is the problem of just making Obama-Care Optional? :dunno:

The individual mandate isn't being debated at all in the Supreme Court, that was back in 2012 and it was already ruled constitutional.

The system we had before was a complete mess, especially for people who couldn't get access to coverage due to pre-existing conditions. The reason for the individual mandate (A right wing Heritage Foundation idea...) is to avoid a death spiral of just having sick, disabled people buying insurance and driving insurance companies bankrupt since they can't turn them down anymore. It's also a tax against people who gamble their health and then just rely on ER care to fix any problems, costing taxpayers money anyway.

Me thinks the threat of losing all of a person's life saving in the case of an accident or sickness is enough of a mandate to buy insurance, just like all other insurances. What I think should have been done is as much as possible for cost containment. And not doing it so most people are on medicaid or medicare and the government dictates prices. That only drives the cost up for everyone else.

It actually is debatable if the mandate is redundant if you make the insurance affordable, but it's understandable that the risk is there nonetheless.

My opinion, it is not debatable. I certainly would not leave an escape clause that allows someone to skate until they are sick then just buy in.

They can't, you can only purchase insurance with the exchanges during the open enrollment period.

Sounds like they would be denying a person coverage.
The Court will strike down Obama's illegal payments to people on the federal exchanges.
Obama will demand a "clean bill" that restores those subsidies.
The GOP will cavil, carp, debate, bitch, piss, and moan. And then do what he wants. Because it's just easier.
What they ought to do is put the subsidies in but take out all the other crap, like the mandates, the guaranteed issue and the other crap. And allow policies to be sold across state lines.

And rein in the drug companies.
WTF? Do you understand the economics of drug production?

I do understand that the same drugs in Canada and Mexico cost a whole lot less. I also understand that Obama went behind closed doors to make a deal with the drug companies. So yeah I think I see what went on.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

Liberals are fine with failure, look the liberals goal is 100% single payer government healthcare where every last person in the US is forced to pay into it and liberals control all that money and our healthcare system. That my friend is how you grow big government.
but wouldnt single payer have to pass thru congress first? oops

Yes, hence creating a crisis and chaos with Obamacare.
how could they even have thought this bill would work when we had about 15 trillion in debt? this is like going on a 4 million dollar vacation with one thousand in your pocket and charging the rest.

Liberals are fine with failure, look the liberals goal is 100% single payer government healthcare where every last person in the US is forced to pay into it and liberals control all that money and our healthcare system. That my friend is how you grow big government.
but wouldnt single payer have to pass thru congress first? oops

Yes, hence creating a crisis and chaos with Obamacare.
i wonder how many people have to die before they repeal this thing
The Court will strike down Obama's illegal payments to people on the federal exchanges.
Obama will demand a "clean bill" that restores those subsidies.
The GOP will cavil, carp, debate, bitch, piss, and moan. And then do what he wants. Because it's just easier.
What they ought to do is put the subsidies in but take out all the other crap, like the mandates, the guaranteed issue and the other crap. And allow policies to be sold across state lines.

And rein in the drug companies.
WTF? Do you understand the economics of drug production?

I do understand that the same drugs in Canada and Mexico cost a whole lot less. I also understand that Obama went behind closed doors to make a deal with the drug companies. So yeah I think I see what went on.
OK so the answer is No, you dont understand the ecoomics of it.
Let me explain this:
The US is virtually the only country that produces innovative drugs. Yeah, maybe some others liek Israel do too but the bulk of the business is in the US.
Every drug must go through extensive FDA trials. The total cost to develop a new drug is about $1B. Once the drug gets approved the company has a maximum of 5 years to recoup its billion dollar investment and turn a profit. And they have to pay for all the other drugs that didnt make it through the trials.
Other countries pay less for drugs because they have negotiated with the drug companies for lower prices. The drug companies agree because the US will bear the cost of development while they can make some money on production of the drug sold to other countries.
If you limit drug prices, you destroy any incentive for companies to product cutting edge life saving drugs.
If Obama made a deal with the drug companies, he didnt do a very good job since they continue pretty much like they did.
Now do you understand?

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