What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Marxist socialist should not be used together. They are different.

Levin is one of the most vile stupidest “lawyers” I have ever seen.

thanks for playing
What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Marxist socialist should not be used together. They are different.

Levin is one of the most vile stupidest “lawyers” I have ever seen.

thanks for playing

Au Contraire:
"Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development to understand class relations and social conflict, as well as a dialectical perspective to view social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As Marxism has developed over time into various branches and schools of thought, there is currently no single definitive Marxist theory".
Socialist mode of production
The socialist mode of production, also referred to as the lower-stage of communism[1] or simply socialism[2] as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the terms communism and socialism interchangeably,[3] is a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that emerge from capitalism in the schema of historical materialism within Marxist theory.

The Marxist definition of socialism is that of an economic transition. In this transition, the sole criterion for production is use-value (i.e. direct satisfaction of human needs, or economic demands), therefore the law of value no longer directs economic activity. Marxist production for use is coordinated through conscious economic planning. Distribution of products is based on the principle of "to each according to his contribution". The social relations of socialism are characterized by the proletariat effectively controlling the means of production, either through cooperative enterprises or by public ownership or private artisanal tools and self-management. Surplus value goes to the working class and hence society as a whole.[4]
The Marxian conception of socialism stands in contrast to other early conceptions of socialism, most notably early forms of market socialism based on classical economics such as mutualism and Ricardian socialism. Unlike the Marxian conception, these conceptions of socialism retained commodity exchange (markets) for labour and the means of production seeking to perfect the market process.[5] The Marxist idea of socialism was also heavily opposed to utopian socialism. Although Marx and Engels wrote very little on socialism and neglected to provide any details on how it might be organized,[6] numerous social scientists and neoclassical economists have used Marx's theory as a basis for developing their own models of socialist economic systems. The Marxist view of socialism served as a point of reference during the socialist calculation debate.
Role of the state[edit]
In Marxist theory, the state is "the institution of organised violence which is used by the ruling class of a country to maintain the conditions of its rule. Thus, it is only in a society which is divided between hostile social classes that the state exists".[13] The state is seen as a mechanism dominated by the interests of the ruling class. It subjugates other classes, to protect and legitimize the existing economic system.
After a proletarian revolution, the state would initially become the instrument of the proletariat. Conquest of the state by the proletariat is a prerequisite to establishing a socialist system. As socialism is built, the role and scope of the state changes. Class distinctions, based on ownership of the means of production, gradually deteriorate. The concentration of means of production increasingly falls into state hands. Once all means of production become state property, the primary function of the state changes. Political rule via coercion over men diminishes through the creation and enforcement of laws, scientific administration and the direction of the processes of production. As a result, the state becomes an entity of economic coordination rather than a mechanism of class or political control and is no longer a state in the Marxian sense.[14]
Point of no return..? But, to "what" should we aspire to return to? Serious question...

The country as it was prior to 1900. After 1900 there has been a concentration of power in the hands of the political class.

They need to be destroyed and the country returned to the original intent of the Founders.
Attention Democrats:

You have made a terrible mess. Please put everything back the way it was, mmmkay?
Nice try. But Conservs always have to fix libturd messes.
Care to explain why Massachusetts...one of the most liberal States in the entire country regularly elects Republican Governors, POM?

The answer is quite simple really...those liberals need an "adult" in charge of things because the liberals screw it up so bad! Nice try though...
What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Marxist socialist should not be used together. They are different.

Levin is one of the most vile stupidest “lawyers” I have ever seen.

thanks for playing

Jillian is one of the most vile stupidest “Progs” I have ever seen.

thanks for playing...
Point of no return..? But, to "what" should we aspire to return to? Serious question...

The country as it was prior to 1900. After 1900 there has been a concentration of power in the hands of the political class.

They need to be destroyed and the country returned to the original intent of the Founders.
Before the 1900 Congress didnt get paid by the government, but had to have a job in their district that they represented. Before 1900 Senators were appointed by the Governor of the state they represented, and if the Governor was booted, the next governor came in and replaced the two senators with fresh ones. Also it was the state that paid for the salary of the Senators. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The shit on the hill , know that if they are kicked out of office, they dont have the skills to do something on the outside, except bartending or baristas....
What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Marxist socialist should not be used together. They are different.

Levin is one of the most vile stupidest “lawyers” I have ever seen.

thanks for playing

You ARE the weakest link...good bye
Thanks for playing
What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Excellent post, thank you. And yet, no one seems to see it, not yet, not even now after the democrat psycho-circus we've lived through these past few years. Still, no one sees it. When the shit truly hits the fan, when average American citizens are mass murdered in the streets, neither soy-boy stick men nor BLM thugs nor mobs of misled children will be the ones doing all the killing. Who will be killing thousands if not millions of Americans?

Our own fucking government.

Look at all the recent cases of average American citizens defending themselves, their property; their homes and their neighborhoods from BLM/Antifa terrorist mobs. In nearly every last case the police did not pin medals on these people's chests, they came and confiscated their weapons or arrested them.

I'll say it again. The machine that is the governmental system of our nation was PRECISELY designed for one specific purpose above all others: to annihilate ALL threats to its well-oiled clockwork function. So, what that means is, when the very laws and court decisions We The People depend on as the glue to hold our civilization together become lace with and born of pure anti-American evil, and after us common folk decide we must break those laws we've always followed to prevent America's collapse into medievalism, our own governmental machine will do to us what it has always done best: kill all of us who fight back against radical leftism in order to protect its well-oiled functioning, no matter how corrupt that functioning has become.

In essence, the democrats are setting us up to be mass slaughtered by our own government.
What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Excellent post, thank you. And yet, no one seems to see it, not yet, not even now after the democrat psycho-circus we've lived through these past few years. Still, no one sees it. When the shit truly hits the fan, when average American citizens are mass murdered in the streets, neither soy-boy stick men nor BLM thugs nor mobs of misled children will be the ones doing all the killing. Who will be killing thousands if not millions of Americans?

Our own fucking government.

Look at all the recent cases of average American citizens defending themselves, their property; their homes and their neighborhoods from BLM/Antifa terrorist mobs. In nearly every last case the police did not pin medals on these people's chests, they came and confiscated their weapons or arrested them.

I'll say it again. The machine that is the governmental system of our nation was PRECISELY designed for one specific purpose above all others: to annihilate ALL threats to its well-oiled clockwork function. So, what that means is, when the very laws and court decisions We The People depend on as the glue to hold our civilization together become lace with and born of pure anti-American evil, and after us common folk decide we must break those laws we've always followed to prevent America's collapse into medievalism, our own governmental machine will do to us what it has always done best: kill all of us who fight back against radical leftism in order to protect its well-oiled functioning, no matter how corrupt that functioning has become.

In essence, the democrats are setting us up to be mass slaughtered by our own government.
Hmmm, there is one thing the Democrats(Cockroaches) dont understand.

What Thomas Sowell Believes May Be the 'Point of No Return in This Country'

13 Jul 2020 ~~ By Leah Barkoukis
Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin,” described the 2020 election on Sunday as one of the most important in American history.
Beyond looking at the candidates, Levin said the election pits the ideologies behind the 1619 project against the 1776 project, “and you can see where the Democrats have tied into the 1619 project, and many of the Republicans are trying to defend the founding in the 1776 project.”
Speaking with economist Thomas Sowell, Levin asked if he saw the election that way.
“What I see is if the election goes to Biden then there is a good chance that the Democrats will then control all two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they are proposing, that can well mean the point of no return for this country.”
Sowell said phrases used by the left, such as 'systemic racism' and 'system oppression' don't really mean anything.
"You hear it on our college campuses. You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars. What does that mean? And whatever it means, is it true?" Levin asked.

It appears that the radical Marxist Socialist leftists running our systems of education and succeeded in producing several generations of morons who are too ignorant, lazy and disinterested in critical and analytical thinking. They've been fed a steady diet of "America is evil" nonsense by and with the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in full agreement.
We are beginning to reap what they have sown.
Follow the money. We are heading into a conflict with an army of "woke" pajama boy neanderthals.
They think they are intellectually superior. But, therein lies the problem. They've been fed a pack of lies. People who are stupid never realize it.
Lest we forget the the Soviets had 70 years to brainwash and inculcate Russians in Marxist Socialist Communist ideology, yet Communism ultimately was rejected. Those countries that have adopted Msrxist Socialis have failed miserably their citizens should never give up hope to become free. In our case, we must fight to defeat the Democrat left here and now.
Unfortunately there are many of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets spewing leftwing propaganda. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents told me that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. My father even became a union representative for the TWU-CIO during the 1930's to the 1950's. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler,Waters, Booker, Biden and now others like Alexandria (Sandy) Ocasio-Cortez have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embraced Marxist Socialism. Our now Fifth Column, the Media is perpetuating this deception. We have to educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters.

View attachment 362992

Excellent post, thank you. And yet, no one seems to see it, not yet, not even now after the democrat psycho-circus we've lived through these past few years. Still, no one sees it. When the shit truly hits the fan, when average American citizens are mass murdered in the streets, neither soy-boy stick men nor BLM thugs nor mobs of misled children will be the ones doing all the killing. Who will be killing thousands if not millions of Americans?

Our own fucking government.

Look at all the recent cases of average American citizens defending themselves, their property; their homes and their neighborhoods from BLM/Antifa terrorist mobs. In nearly every last case the police did not pin medals on these people's chests, they came and confiscated their weapons or arrested them.

I'll say it again. The machine that is the governmental system of our nation was PRECISELY designed for one specific purpose above all others: to annihilate ALL threats to its well-oiled clockwork function. So, what that means is, when the very laws and court decisions We The People depend on as the glue to hold our civilization together become lace with and born of pure anti-American evil, and after us common folk decide we must break those laws we've always followed to prevent America's collapse into medievalism, our own governmental machine will do to us what it has always done best: kill all of us who fight back against radical leftism in order to protect its well-oiled functioning, no matter how corrupt that functioning has become.

In essence, the democrats are setting us up to be mass slaughtered by our own government.

Social Justice all along was the set up used as the cover for the realities. The evidence has always been there but the control of the media back then with the entertainers now shown to be what they are now is a true barometer of that reality. Very few of media/entertainer class live the socialist way. That is the tip off to the truth.

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