What three food staples have you been unable to buy in Biden’s America.

I have zero problems buying what I want at the store.
Me too.

I have a theory. All these businesses closing early because they “can’t find help” are full of shit. I think they all figured it’s not worth staying open late. But they are republicans and stubborn about keeping wages low so they choose to only b open during prime hours.

In other words they too got soft during Covid.
We didn’t even have this type of food scarcity at the height of the COVID pandemic, in Spring 2020! With that said, what three basics were you unable to get at your most recent adventure to the grocery store now that Biden has made such improvements to our country?

I‘ll start. At my grocery run this afternoon, I wanted and could not get….

1. Cream cheese - the entire shelf was bare except for one tub of strawberry flavored
2. Eggs - again, cleared out
3. Plain bottled water - not a one
I can buy whatever I want; the prices have more than doubled and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.
Couldn't find meat one day: the whole entire meat shelving at BJs Warehouse Store was completely empty.

Made me pretty nervous. After that, we made sure that our freezers were full, from other stores.

Milk in half-gallons has been hard to get for weeks.

Italian sausage! Couldn't find that at Wegmans, and there used to be a whole cooler wall full of just that.
Ahhhh, Wegmans. :adoreheart::adoreheart::adoreheart:
Me too.

I have a theory. All these businesses closing early because they “can’t find help” are full of shit. I think they all figured it’s not worth staying open late. But they are republicans and stubborn about keeping wages low so they choose to only b open during prime hours.

In other words they too got soft during Covid.
Yeah...there's not a shortage of workers...there's a shortage of workers willing to work for crap.
Yeah...there's not a shortage of workers...there's a shortage of workers willing to work for crap.
Even if it means fewer workers, I’d like to see all these people making $20 hr. And McDonald’s can get robots like they’ve been threatening. Do it! But the two or three humans that work there should make a decent living
We didn’t even have this type of food scarcity at the height of the COVID pandemic, in Spring 2020! With that said, what three basics were you unable to get at your most recent adventure to the grocery store now that Biden has made such improvements to our country?

I‘ll start. At my grocery run this afternoon, I wanted and could not get….

1. Cream cheese - the entire shelf was bare except for one tub of strawberry flavored
2. Eggs - again, cleared out
3. Plain bottled water - not a one
Depends on your location. Our local store is still well stocked. Chicken has been shorter supply than usual but that is because producers sued because outfits like Tyson were starving them out. They were not getting a profit at all after feed cost, etc...

Our state isn't closed either so I am sure that makes a difference.
We didn’t even have this type of food scarcity at the height of the COVID pandemic, in Spring 2020! With that said, what three basics were you unable to get at your most recent adventure to the grocery store now that Biden has made such improvements to our country?

I‘ll start. At my grocery run this afternoon, I wanted and could not get….

1. Cream cheese - the entire shelf was bare except for one tub of strawberry flavored
2. Eggs - again, cleared out
3. Plain bottled water - not a one
1. ammo
2. Cars
3. semiconductors
I had to stop feeding cats. I started taking care of one stray, and ended up with more than a dozen hanging around on my porch within a couple of months. I might be a grumpy old guy, but I refuse to become the neighborhood cat lady.

That happened with us when I first moved in. The neighborhood (along with the rest of the city) was overrun with strays when the city decided it didn't really need the animal control people on the police force. That lasted about 8 months and took 5 years to get under control. There were literally over 20 on my property. I TNR'd the females and the boys eventually spread around or died off. A few were taken in by others on my street. I have 3 that are my facebook official pets that have been spayed, vaxxed, etc and stay in the house at night, then the old gray one, and a couple toms that still hide on the property. I put food out once a day for the field tom cats. They are a little elusive so as long as they aren't bothering us or our pet ones, I don't much care if they live out their lives in my woods.
You have no links to prove anything just"your word" which doesn't jibe with our words. You play stupid when ask where you live so we can confirm yer story...
I just want to know if this is due to too many regulations or what happens when you let the free market decide.
Basics are no problem. Even during the height of the lunatic hoarders in 2020, the stores kept the basics on the shelves.......

Well, except one day I went to the store. It must have been payday too. No bread. No bread of ANY kind!!
No butter. Which is fine for me, I use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. But this year? Not really any problems.

Have not been able to get any Ozarka bottled fizzy water though. Have not been able to find that since last summer. They got the shit from Mexico though. No thanks.

Now this year, there's the holidays coming up, and the Dem's got that scaredemic going around about not getting supplies in off those boats. What these dimwits don't understand is, all that is garbage from China. Most of it is Christmas decorations. Michaels lost most of their Christmas supplies.......as their stores are fucking BARE this year!!! The dollar stores lost some ships, but not enough to really affect them filling up the shelves.

As far as food basics and toilet paper is concerned..............if the hoarders wouldn't hoard, there would NOT be any problems!!!
Its not a food, but I was at one of my local General Dollar stores on Sunday and they had absolutely zero Angel Soft toilet paper which is what I get. Thankfully I don't need any just yet. If this issue isn't due to price, its due to the stores not being able to get their deliveries soon enough for whatever reason.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The Deer Park water has become more of a challenge, especially when my local Wal-Mart stores do not even carry it anymore. On Sunday I went into another store that we have here named Ingle's and they have the bottled water, but the pack of 24 is currently $6.48 plus the 9.75% tax of course.
Since when is cream cheese a staple food?

I have no trouble finding anything.

I make almost everything I eat from scratch anyway so I buy staples like flour, sugar, and other unprocessed ingredients
We didn’t even have this type of food scarcity at the height of the COVID pandemic, in Spring 2020! With that said, what three basics were you unable to get at your most recent adventure to the grocery store now that Biden has made such improvements to our country?

I‘ll start. At my grocery run this afternoon, I wanted and could not get….

1. Cream cheese - the entire shelf was bare except for one tub of strawberry flavored
2. Eggs - again, cleared out
3. Plain bottled water - not a one
Bought all three at HEB yesterday, but other stuff have been out of stock!

So tell the truck drivers to stop smoking pot, and tell all those that are sitting at home and able to get up and work!

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