What To Do About New York State?

Under Governor Cuomo, New York State has been in fantastic shape
How? NYS has been hurting for decades and the Democrat party is no friend to the private sector. As far as I am concerned, if New York Shitty got hit with a 50MT nuke, I would not weep.

A nuke on New York?

Enemies of the US want to destroy the US, not save it.

Hmm, yet my area of New York has a ton more flags, and bumper stickers of Right-Wing ordeals, like NRA, Don't tread on me, POW MIA, Marine Corps, American flags, pro-Hunting emblems, and big pick ups, than I ever saw in Florida.

We're probably more "Conservative" & "Rural like" than most of Florida, from what I've seen.

I do think we're a lot more racist, most people here are all anti-Illegal, including Democrats.
Under Governor Cuomo, New York State has been in fantastic shape
How? NYS has been hurting for decades and the Democrat party is no friend to the private sector. As far as I am concerned, if New York Shitty got hit with a 50MT nuke, I would not weep.

Enemies of the US want to destroy the US, not save it.

It's not New York that's the enemy, it's actually Liberal Jews, Liberal Blacks, Liberal Hispanics.

Irish Catholics are largely centrist.

But, Italians, and Poles here, are probably nearly as Republican as the South, and probably a lot more anti-Gay, and Racist.

The big difference is Italians, and Poles tend to support Unions, good schools, and some social programs, opposed to Southerners.

But, socially Conservative speaking, the Italians, and Poles here are probably to the Right of the South on Social issues, and Patriotism.
Move new york to kalifornia and let it burn.

I've heard from people from the South, that my region of New York is way, way more racist, and intolerant of Gays, than places like North Carolina.

Keep in mind my Pawling voted 70% Republican for the Mayor race, but has over $10,000 a year property tax.

They're not fiscally Republican, they're actually that much more Socially Conservative than the South.

My guess is there's 2 - 3 times more die-hard racists here, than the South.

Which is great, why is racism so bad, again???

Why do we have to like everybody, to hell with that... Be a scumbag on your own terms, leave me out of it.
Under Governor Cuomo, New York State has been in fantastic shape
How? NYS has been hurting for decades and the Democrat party is no friend to the private sector. As far as I am concerned, if New York Shitty got hit with a 50MT nuke, I would not weep.
New York is one of our wealthiest states

Why don't you move to Oklahoma?

Not particularly, actually.

Connecticut, and New Jersey are much wealthier than New York.

But, guess what the bastids take a ton of jobs in NYC, take away NYC proximity, and Connecticut, and New Jersey would fall apart half way at least.
Upstate (Red) NY is bringing down the average

Eh, NYC pays more taxes by businesses, by a long shot.
They also take more welfare, and section 8, by a long shot.
The wealth of NYC has always supported the state. The Empire in Empire State is NYC
Under Governor Cuomo, New York State has been in fantastic shape
How? NYS has been hurting for decades and the Democrat party is no friend to the private sector. As far as I am concerned, if New York Shitty got hit with a 50MT nuke, I would not weep.
Nuke NYC?

Were you one of those Trump saw dancing on roof tops on 9-11?
We've got a solution.
How? NYS has been hurting for decades and the Democrat party is no friend to the private sector. As far as I am concerned, if New York Shitty got hit with a 50MT nuke, I would not weep.
New York is one of our wealthiest states

Why don't you move to Oklahoma?

Not particularly, actually.

Connecticut, and New Jersey are much wealthier than New York.

But, guess what the bastids take a ton of jobs in NYC, take away NYC proximity, and Connecticut, and New Jersey would fall apart half way at least.
Upstate (Red) NY is bringing down the average

Eh, NYC pays more taxes by businesses, by a long shot.
They also take more welfare, and section 8, by a long shot.
The wealth of NYC has always supported the state. The Empire in Empire State is NYC

What percentage of New York's best, and brightest live in the suburban, metro, as opposed to NYC?????
Well Libbies, you got your wish, at least as far as the People's Republik of New Yorkistan is concerned. The entire State Government will be under one party Democrat control for at least the next two years. Let's see how much damage the New York City gang can cause the state before the impotent GOP finally grow a pair of solid brass ones and begin to fight the Democrats, and fight them dirty if they have to. And these particular Democrats are dangerous Uber-Leftwing radicals, starting with Prince Andrew SonOfACuomo who is no friend to anyone except Downstate. In the meantime, more people will move out of New York and no business with an ounce of sanity would want to set up shop here. To those of you Downstate? Screw you and your governor, asswads! California is just a sneak peek as to the devastation one party Democrat rule brings.
Hey, Boris! You're from my old stomping grounds, West end of the Erie Canal. I keep telling folks that not everyone in New York is a Democrat--you are my evidence.

And you think giving the amount of money tha new pork is from the taxpayers back will help, hahahahaha oh shit if they get 5000 jobs at 100 dollars an hour it will take fifteen years at 100 percent tax rate to get even. Some deal for youse goys. Oh you fucking asshole it’s Trumps fault!!! Haha no way to fix stupid.

Dummy, the claim was that New York is somehow bad bussiness. It's clearly not considering how much bussiness gets done out here.
Yes and no

After-tax real income is growing at less than the national average.

Deferred infrastructure maintenance is probably in the low single digit trillions. (The Amazon location is at ground zero for flooding because Long Island is a barrier island with the same problems seen in Miami Beach, Galveston, LA and the Carolina barrier islands.)

Real estate values are declining

And the people leaving are disproportionately higher income than those who are staying or coming in.

The other side of the NY economy is

That tourism is doing well.

Start-ups are encouraged.

The financial sector has not yet left the jurisdiction.

Real estate values declining? You are smoking crack, my house value went up ~30% in the past few years. Inventory is a big problem in New York.
Well Libbies, you got your wish, at least as far as the People's Republik of New Yorkistan is concerned. The entire State Government will be under one party Democrat control for at least the next two years. Let's see how much damage the New York City gang can cause the state before the impotent GOP finally grow a pair of solid brass ones and begin to fight the Democrats, and fight them dirty if they have to. And these particular Democrats are dangerous Uber-Leftwing radicals, starting with Prince Andrew SonOfACuomo who is no friend to anyone except Downstate. In the meantime, more people will move out of New York and no business with an ounce of sanity would want to set up shop here. To those of you Downstate? Screw you and your governor, asswads! California is just a sneak peek as to the devastation one party Democrat rule brings.
Hey, Boris! You're from my old stomping grounds, West end of the Erie Canal. I keep telling folks that not everyone in New York is a Democrat--you are my evidence.
Upstate has always been red
Well Libbies, you got your wish, at least as far as the People's Republik of New Yorkistan is concerned. The entire State Government will be under one party Democrat control for at least the next two years. Let's see how much damage the New York City gang can cause the state before the impotent GOP finally grow a pair of solid brass ones and begin to fight the Democrats, and fight them dirty if they have to. And these particular Democrats are dangerous Uber-Leftwing radicals, starting with Prince Andrew SonOfACuomo who is no friend to anyone except Downstate. In the meantime, more people will move out of New York and no business with an ounce of sanity would want to set up shop here. To those of you Downstate? Screw you and your governor, asswads! California is just a sneak peek as to the devastation one party Democrat rule brings.
Hey, Boris! You're from my old stomping grounds, West end of the Erie Canal. I keep telling folks that not everyone in New York is a Democrat--you are my evidence.
Upstate has always been red

Because we lack Jews, otherwise hardly a difference between upstate NY
Well Libbies, you got your wish, at least as far as the People's Republik of New Yorkistan is concerned. The entire State Government will be under one party Democrat control for at least the next two years. Let's see how much damage the New York City gang can cause the state before the impotent GOP finally grow a pair of solid brass ones and begin to fight the Democrats, and fight them dirty if they have to. And these particular Democrats are dangerous Uber-Leftwing radicals, starting with Prince Andrew SonOfACuomo who is no friend to anyone except Downstate. In the meantime, more people will move out of New York and no business with an ounce of sanity would want to set up shop here. To those of you Downstate? Screw you and your governor, asswads! California is just a sneak peek as to the devastation one party Democrat rule brings.
Hey, Boris! You're from my old stomping grounds, West end of the Erie Canal. I keep telling folks that not everyone in New York is a Democrat--you are my evidence.

Boris is evidence of Russian collusion in NY.
Well Libbies, you got your wish, at least as far as the People's Republik of New Yorkistan is concerned. The entire State Government will be under one party Democrat control for at least the next two years. Let's see how much damage the New York City gang can cause the state before the impotent GOP finally grow a pair of solid brass ones and begin to fight the Democrats, and fight them dirty if they have to. And these particular Democrats are dangerous Uber-Leftwing radicals, starting with Prince Andrew SonOfACuomo who is no friend to anyone except Downstate. In the meantime, more people will move out of New York and no business with an ounce of sanity would want to set up shop here. To those of you Downstate? Screw you and your governor, asswads! California is just a sneak peek as to the devastation one party Democrat rule brings.
Hey, Boris! You're from my old stomping grounds, West end of the Erie Canal. I keep telling folks that not everyone in New York is a Democrat--you are my evidence.
Upstate has always been red

Because we lack Jews, otherwise hardly a difference between upstate NY
Israelis are better?
...Nebraska, South Dakota and Tennessee are the top three. States that do shit for their people
Or are those States full of people for whom The State does not need to do much... you know... self-sufficient folk.

( as opposed to States with one of more gigantic megapolii full of welfare teat-sucking chimpanzees, who bleed the Treasury dry )
...Nebraska, South Dakota and Tennessee are the top three. States that do shit for their people
Or are those States full of people for whom The State does not need to do much... you know... self-sufficient folk.

( as opposed to States with one of more gigantic megapolii full of welfare teat-sucking chimpanzees )

LOL, The South takes more from the Feds, and pay less taxes to the Feds.

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