What To Do About New York State?

Well Libbies, you got your wish, at least as far as the People's Republik of New Yorkistan is concerned. The entire State Government will be under one party Democrat control for at least the next two years. Let's see how much damage the New York City gang can cause the state before the impotent GOP finally grow a pair of solid brass ones and begin to fight the Democrats, and fight them dirty if they have to. And these particular Democrats are dangerous Uber-Leftwing radicals, starting with Prince Andrew SonOfACuomo who is no friend to anyone except Downstate. In the meantime, more people will move out of New York and no business with an ounce of sanity would want to set up shop here. To those of you Downstate? Screw you and your governor, asswads! California is just a sneak peek as to the devastation one party Democrat rule brings.
Hey, Boris! You're from my old stomping grounds, West end of the Erie Canal. I keep telling folks that not everyone in New York is a Democrat--you are my evidence.
Upstate has always been red
Not Cities of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, and Syracuse.

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