Zone1 What to do with bogus steal threads

I dont think they really believe it. Its just a hook to hang their frustration on. Nobody is that stupid.
They didn't believe the Russian Dossier either, and low and behold....look how that ended up.
Believing a lawyer, believing a used car salesman, or believing a politician, it's a crap shoot on
who lies the most. :dunno:
What the hell are "steal threads"? All you ever see from the left these days are lame left wing op-eds from lame left wing blogs. Is that what you call "steal threads"? Here's a suggestion for foreign (english speaking) posters, why not find some UK or Aussie or Kiwi or Canuk forums and leave the USMB for American posters?
Tommy is a living example of what often happens with exceptionally dull, unappealing children. They don't possess any qualities for which they receive any positive attention so turn to irritating others in order to get any attention at all.

Some mature and grow out of the acting out stage, but as we can see here, some never do.
Now that the dust has settled on the 2020 election and all has been proven to be above board. Now I say is the time to banish any "steal threads" to the conspiracy theory forum.

Prez Trump surrounded himself with the finest legal minds in the nation. viz - Sydney Powell and Rudy Guiliani, and could not present a coherent argument in over 60 cases.

What hope have the citizen lawyers of USMB in presenting anything of value ? I mean, come on ?

I have toyed with the suggestion that these threads should just be deleted but hesitate to put that forward. this is a caring community and we need to make provision for those of delicate disposition.

So all steal threads default to Con Theories and the kids can throw shit at the wall all day long.

What say you my fellow posters ?

Go start your own board and quit trying to moderate this one.

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