Zone1 What to do with bogus steal threads

Now that the dust has settled on the 2020 election and all has been proven to be above board. Now I say is the time to banish any "steal threads" to the conspiracy theory forum.

Prez Trump surrounded himself with the finest legal minds in the nation. viz - Sydney Powell and Rudy Guiliani, and could not present a coherent argument in over 60 cases.

What hope have the citizen lawyers of USMB in presenting anything of value ? I mean, come on ?

I have toyed with the suggestion that these threads should just be deleted but hesitate to put that forward. this is a caring community and we need to make provision for those of delicate disposition.

So all steal threads default to Con Theories andn the kids can throw shit at the wall all day long.

What say you my fellow posters ?
Wouldn't we all be better off if we simply banished your threads?
Now that the dust has settled on the 2020 election and all has been proven to be above board. Now I say is the time to banish any "steal threads" to the conspiracy theory forum.

Prez Trump surrounded himself with the finest legal minds in the nation. viz - Sydney Powell and Rudy Guiliani, and could not present a coherent argument in over 60 cases.

What hope have the citizen lawyers of USMB in presenting anything of value ? I mean, come on ?

I have toyed with the suggestion that these threads should just be deleted but hesitate to put that forward. this is a caring community and we need to make provision for those of delicate disposition.

So all steal threads default to Con Theories and the kids can throw shit at the wall all day long.

What say you my fellow posters ?
I say you’re xx xxxxxxx. [Edited by BackAgain.] And if you don’t care for such threads, don’t open them.

The first instinct of the modern day so-called liberal and “progressive” [sic] is for censorship.
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Wouldn't we all be better off if we simply banished your threads?
See my reply to Blaylock.
Will many of you remain faithful to those enumerated rights and freedoms?

Or will there be reasons and excuses manufactured to make them unapplicable to foreigners?
That's all I'm asking for and all I'll ever ask for.
It's only asking that Americans take their 1st. amendment seriously and that it also applies tro unpopular opinions of others.

See my reply to Blaylock.
Will many of you remain faithful to those enumerated rights and freedoms?

Or will there be reasons and excuses manufactured to make them unapplicable to foreigners?

We've seen how those rights, and the underlying principles, are upheld in your degenerate, tyrannical shithole of a country.

Your government made a big, shameful show of it earlier this year, during the truckers' protest.
Tommy has touched your nerves, but will your pleas for help be heeded?
Nah. None of the usual suspects touch m nerves. You don’t have any such powers.

I just can’t help but notice how libs are forever vigilant to suppress free speech of all who don’t agree with their orthodoxies.
Nah. None of the usual suspects touch m nerves. You don’t have any such powers.

I just can’t help but notice how libs are forever vigilant to suppress free speech of all who don’t agree with their orthodoxies.
Fascism can't succeed in America without the participation of those who are pretending to be liberals.

Fascism must by necessity, cross all conventional party lines.

There is a point of no return which is drawing closer, but is still uncertain, due to Trump's final effort to stop the FBI/DOJ.
Fascism can't succeed in America without the participation of those who are pretending to be liberals.

Fascism must by necessity, cross all conventional party lines.

There is a point of no return which is drawing closer, but is still uncertain, due to Trump's final effort to stop the FBI/DOJ.
Never a coherent thought from you. Go censor yourself own people, ya jerkoff.
See my reply to Blaylock.
Will many of you remain faithful to those enumerated rights and freedoms?

Or will there be reasons and excuses manufactured to make them unapplicable to foreigners?
Its a common retort when they feel uncomfortable.They lack the tools to debate.
Where do I impact that ?
You are a big opponent of freedom of speech. You close multiple threads critical of trump and his nonsense.
And you will close this thread shortly.
I only close threads that are non compliant, for Trump, and against Trump.
Start them in the right forums and they won't be closed.
Now, what were you saying?
Hey Meister can you please move this thread downstairs so I can tell the OP to go fuck himself? Go screw yourself doesn't quite have the same ring to it when it has to do with trying to take away our right of free speech and to spread the truth. (If I get an infraction for this I'll take it like a lady.)

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