Zone1 What to do with bogus steal threads

The time will never come Tommy, when they can admit that there was no steal involved in their election. The idea has been reinforced by Trump's use of 'crowd mentality'.

That means simply that the crowd is willing to accept any lies the fascist leader puts to them and it overrules the ability of logical thinking of the individual.

There's no historic evidence that can suggest that 'crowd mentality' can be defeated by an opponent.

Your logical approach will just fall on deaf ears, and the best you'll get is accusations of trolling. Let's just hope you're not censored for your views when that's not necessary, as they will accept no logic now.
My views get censored by trumpy mods most days.
You sure want to shut down opposing views. Just leave them alone, quit talking about it and it will take care of it's self.
No it won't, it will only harden their resolve and their devotion to the lie of electoral fraud that never happened.

Now that the dust has settled on the 2020 election and all has been proven to be above board. Now I say is the time to banish any "steal threads" to the conspiracy theory forum.

Prez Trump surrounded himself with the finest legal minds in the nation. viz - Sydney Powell and Rudy Guiliani, and could not present a coherent argument in over 60 cases.

What hope have the citizen lawyers of USMB in presenting anything of value ? I mean, come on ?

I have toyed with the suggestion that these threads should just be deleted but hesitate to put that forward. this is a caring community and we need to make provision for those of delicate disposition.

So all steal threads default to Con Theories and the kids can throw shit at the wall all day long.

What say you my fellow posters ?
Ban free speech? Disrespect the First Amendment of the Constitution? Cancel culture?

Democrats! 😒
Just like the idea that 2000, 2004 and 2016 were stolen. Two parties and both believe nonsense.
The tactic is familiar to the fascist element. I'm not trying to invent something new. There has always been a large fascism supporting element in America and it was revealed by the large presence of racism.

America's fall to fascism can't happen unless it crosses party lines. History tells us that there were no conventional party lines playing a part in Hitler's rise. The July 20 plot would have had very little support, had it succeeded.

Would it have been celebrated by even 5% of the German people. It's more likely that it would have resulted in mass suicides.
Ban free speech? Disrespect the First Amendment of the Constitution? Cancel culture?

Democrats! 😒

Tainted Tommy is not a Democrap. He's not even an American. He's British. Not only is he unbelievably ignorant (even for a Brit) about anything to do with American politics, but being British, nothing about American politics is any of his business in the first place. He has no say, no standing, and no useful knowledge on the subject, yet he delusionally feels entitled to preach to us Americans about how we should run our country.
Tainted Tommy is not a Democrap. He's not even an American. He's British. Not only is he unbelievably ignorant (even for a Brit) about anything to do with American politics, but being British, nothing about American politics is any of his business in the first place. He has no say, no standing, and no useful knowledge on the subject, yet he delusionally feels entitled to preach to us Americans about how we should run our country.
Leftist, I assume? He's for authoritarianism and censorship of speech... and child seduction, which I observed in a different thread.
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Now that the dust has settled on the 2020 election and all has been proven to be above board. Now I say is the time to banish any "steal threads" to the conspiracy theory forum.

Prez Trump surrounded himself with the finest legal minds in the nation. viz - Sydney Powell and Rudy Guiliani, and could not present a coherent argument in over 60 cases.

What hope have the citizen lawyers of USMB in presenting anything of value ? I mean, come on ?

I have toyed with the suggestion that these threads should just be deleted but hesitate to put that forward. this is a caring community and we need to make provision for those of delicate disposition.

So all steal threads default to Con Theories and the kids can throw shit at the wall all day long.

What say you my fellow posters ?

Tainted Tommy is not a Democrap. He's not even an American. He's British. Not only is he unbelievably ignorant (even for a Brit) about anything to do with American politics, but being British, nothing about American politics is any of his business in the first place. He has no say, no standing, and no useful knowledge on the subject, yet he delusionally feels entitled to preach to us Americans about how we should run our country.
Then you should just not pay any attention to the posts of any foreigners.
We'll accomplish little at this stage, but there is still a possibility of stopping Trump.

Allow us to speak out, if only for our satisfaction of being able to predict what is now so close to happening to democracy in America.

Spam, throw profanity, insults, and threats too. It doesn't prevent the facts from being heard.

America's Trump supporters haven't dealt with their 1st. amendment yet! And I trust that none of the moderators are ready to discard it.
Then you should just not pay any attention to the posts of any foreigners.
We'll accomplish little at this stage, but there is still a possibility of stopping Trump.

Allow us to speak out, if only for our satisfaction of being able to predict what is now so close to happening to democracy in America.

Spam, throw profanity, insults, and threats too. It doesn't prevent the facts from being heard.

America's Trump supporters haven't dealt with their 1st. amendment yet! And I trust that none of the moderators are ready to discard it.
Some of them dont really care about democracy and decency. They dont care about the constitution.
They want an authoritarian white nationalist America where they are top dogs and everyone else can go and fuck themselves.
Some of them dont really care about democracy and decency. They dont care about the constitution.
They want an authoritarian white nationalist America where they are top dogs and everyone else can go and fuck themselves.
Waah waah waah cries the Commie Polly Parrot
Leftist, I assume? He's for authoritationism [sic] and censorship of speech... and child seduction, which I observed in a different thread.

I see that you're relatively new, here.

Tainted Tommy is on of the longstanding “village idiots” of this site. Always pontificating on subjects about which he knows nothing useful, and sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, and never contributing anything positive to any discussion. He's been more prolific, the last couple years, since he had part of a leg amputated. I don't know that he had any job before that, but now, he apparently spends his days at home, on the couch, getting drunk, and posting bullshit that even another drunk would recognize as bullshit.

A favorite topic of his is to tell us Americans how we should run our country. Of course, he comes at this from a position of being deeply ignorant and malinformed about everything that he thinks he knows about American culture and governance, as well as of having no standing or say whatsoever, due to two wars that we Americans fought and won against British in the past few centuries to establish once and for all that how we run our country is none of their business.
Then you should just not pay any attention to the posts of any foreigners.
We'll accomplish little at this stage, but there is still a possibility of stopping Trump.

Allow us to speak out, if only for our satisfaction of being able to predict what is now so close to happening to democracy in America.

Spam, throw profanity, insults, and threats too. It doesn't prevent the facts from being heard.

America's Trump supporters haven't dealt with their 1st. amendment yet! And I trust that none of the moderators are ready to discard it.

You have no facts.

As a subject of Canaduh, you are almost as irrelevant as Tainted Tommy. You're a shameful relic of those who cowered and groveled before George III, even as we Americans were violently rebelling against him to establish us as an independent and sovereign nation..

You can say what you want, but there is no reason why any real American would treat anything you have to say about our country as being worthy of anything better than mockery and scorn.
Some of them dont [sic] really care about democracy and decency. They dont [sic] care about the constitution.
They want an authoritarian white nationalist America where they are top dogs and everyone else can go and fuck themselves.

You do not know anything about any of that, and none of it is any of your fucking business anyway.

Nearly everything that you think you know about America is bullshit.
Some of them dont really care about democracy and decency. They dont care about the constitution.
They want an authoritarian white nationalist America where they are top dogs and everyone else can go and fuck themselves.
Be content with being ignored. Allow them to perceive that we're being ignored and this can be a more peaceful and agreeable place.

Predictions will only annoy those who hear some truth in our predictions.
Now that the dust has settled on the 2020 election and all has been proven to be above board. Now I say is the time to banish any "steal threads" to the conspiracy theory forum.

Prez Trump surrounded himself with the finest legal minds in the nation. viz - Sydney Powell and Rudy Guiliani, and could not present a coherent argument in over 60 cases.

What hope have the citizen lawyers of USMB in presenting anything of value ? I mean, come on ?

I have toyed with the suggestion that these threads should just be deleted but hesitate to put that forward. this is a caring community and we need to make provision for those of delicate disposition.

So all steal threads default to Con Theories and the kids can throw shit at the wall all day long.

What say you my fellow posters ?
Me: First Amendment

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