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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

What are you even ranting about? I just finished telling you why I gave you a fake news emoticon. For those specific comments, which are NOT "facts."

And again, if I have posted something false, then be specific and use the quote feature to post a specific statement of mine that is false. Then refute it. Foaming at the mouth and ranting and raving that I'm a "propagandist" is just you trying to attack me personally while not backing yourself up.
I will let you know when you do it again which is inevitable---my slightly general description of your posts should have been SUFFICIENT----Your
description of my posts as "rant and rave" is a personal attack---and not
Ok, it's becoming increasingly clear that you're just a flat out liar. In addition to most of the time posting nonsensical rantings and ravings. Please don't post to me any more. I have zero interest in posting with dishonest and unreasonable people.

The world is waking up. These ZioFascists aren't going to be able to function according to their typical standard operating procedure. That's not going to fly anymore, especially with the younger generation here in the US. The more they extend their psychopathic genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza the deeper in the ditch they're forcing Israel, politically and strategically.
Or any at all in the sense of depriving people of water or justifying the water shortage situation which Todd disingenuously blames Hamas for. Again, this situation wouldn't exist if the Zionist apartheid state wasn't illegally besieging Gaza and occupying Palestinian territory. So your criticism is moot.
Hamas has been given FIVE BILLION dollars in the last decade to build infrastructure like desalinization and power plants. Instead it stole the money and used it to build tunnels that Hamas excludes the Gazan civilians from using. The Palestinians are the only eternal refugees on earth, all the others have been integrated into the societies they sought refuge in.
Hamas has been given FIVE BILLION dollars in the last decade to build infrastructure like desalinization and power plants. Instead it stole the money and used it to build tunnels that Hamas excludes the Gazan civilians from using. The Palestinians are the only eternal refugees on earth, all the others have been integrated into the societies they sought refuge in.
the tunnels which have been so far revealed are REMARKABLE feats for a
people DYING OF STARVATION as are the incessant bombings lobbed against
Israel------whilst the kids of gaza are supposedly dying of malnutrition. For the record---GAZA was, back in the day, a very PROSPEROUS land---agriculturally and whatever were its natural resources-----somehow the HAMAS RULE ---ISRAEL OBSESSED Gaza cannot make a go of it despite endless financial support
Hamas has been given FIVE BILLION dollars in the last decade to build infrastructure like desalinization and power plants. Instead it stole the money and used it to build tunnels that Hamas excludes the Gazan civilians from using. The Palestinians are the only eternal refugees on earth, all the others have been integrated into the societies they sought refuge in.

Where is the evidence that they took five billion dollars and just used it to build tunnels to fight your ZioFascist friends? Unlike other refugees the Palestinians that stayed in their homeland are fighting to get their territory back and establish their state. Looking at how Israel is exposing itself to the world as a genocidal psycho, the Palestinian state might come sooner than expected.
the tunnels which have been so far revealed are REMARKABLE feats for a
people DYING OF STARVATION as are the incessant bombings lobbed against
Israel------whilst the kids of gaza are supposedly dying of malnutrition. For the record---GAZA was, back in the day, a very PROSPEROUS land---agriculturally and whatever were its natural resources-----somehow the HAMAS RULE ---ISRAEL OBSESSED Gaza cannot make a go of it despite endless financial support

The Blockade in Gaza since 2006, is a war crime:

Where is the evidence that they took five billion dollars and just used it to build tunnels to fight your ZioFascist friends? Unlike other refugees the Palestinians that stayed in their homeland are fighting to get their territory back and establish their state. Looking at how Israel is exposing itself to the world as a genocidal psycho, the Palestinian state might come sooner than expected.
the evidence of the tunnels is their existence and the evidence of the bombs is their existence and the lobbing thereof on Israel. To whose "HOMELAND" do you refer? Gaza is "homeland" to whom? Jordan is "homeland" to whom?
Israel/Judea aka PALESTINE is homeland to WHOM? Guess what---BETHLEHEM IS NOT HOMELAND TO CHRISTIANS----it is the birthplace of DAVID, KING OF ISRAEL. Hebron was PURCHASED by Abraham---founder of
the HEBREW NATION-----Jerusalem was PURCHASED by David KING OF ISRAEL. The rapist dog of arabia was born in Mecca under questionable circumstances
the evidence of the tunnels is their existence and the evidence of the bombs is their existence and the lobbing thereof on Israel. To whose "HOMELAND" do you refer? Gaza is "homeland" to whom? Jordan is "homeland" to whom?
Israel/Judea aka PALESTINE is homeland to WHOM? Guess what---BETHLEHEM IS NOT HOMELAND TO CHRISTIANS----it is the birthplace of DAVID, KING OF ISRAEL. Hebron was PURCHASED by Abraham---founder of
the HEBREW NATION-----Jerusalem was PURCHASED by David KING OF ISRAEL. The rapist dog of arabia was born in Mecca under questionable circumstances
The land doesn't just belong to Jews but to Christians and Muslims as well. If you can't accept that, too bad. The world is now sick and tired of you ZioFascists. You've done yourselves in, no one did it, but you. You've destroyed yourselves with your racist psycho-genocidal evil.
the evidence of the tunnels is their existence and the evidence of the bombs is their existence and the lobbing thereof on Israel. To whose "HOMELAND" do you refer? Gaza is "homeland" to whom? Jordan is "homeland" to whom?
Israel/Judea aka PALESTINE is homeland to WHOM? Guess what---BETHLEHEM IS NOT HOMELAND TO CHRISTIANS----it is the birthplace of DAVID, KING OF ISRAEL. Hebron was PURCHASED by Abraham---founder of
the HEBREW NATION-----Jerusalem was PURCHASED by David KING OF ISRAEL. The rapist dog of arabia was born in Mecca under questionable circumstances

1922 Palestine

The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans
You're confused. Islam is evil and of the devil.
So is ZioFascism. Jews today aren't "Israel". They're an evil counterfeit.


They have nothing to do with the true Israel.

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Thread Locked, while I do some clean up.
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White 6/Out
The Blockade in Gaza since 2006, is a war crime:

The BDS movement dates back to BEFORE 1948 and was a concerted effort to STARVE DA JOOOS out of existence. The JEWISH OWNED BY PURCHASE --east Jerusalem was subjected to a STARVATION SIEGE by muslim forces in 1947 leaving children dead ----the remnants salvaged by force of arms.
the tunnels which have been so far revealed are REMARKABLE feats for a
people DYING OF STARVATION as are the incessant bombings lobbed against
Israel------whilst the kids of gaza are supposedly dying of malnutrition. For the record---GAZA was, back in the day, a very PROSPEROUS land---agriculturally and whatever were its natural resources-----somehow the HAMAS RULE ---ISRAEL OBSESSED Gaza cannot make a go of it despite endless financial support
surada LAUGHS she is so happy that Gazans put all their money and efforts into terrorism rather than feeding their children
What is the "true Israel "?

Rom 2:27-29 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? (28) For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: (29) But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Now one is of the true “Israel of God” not because of physical birth and circumcision, but by being a “new creature” (Gal 6:16). Exod 19:5-6 said about the Jews “ye shall be a peculiar … people … a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.” Of course this was always conditioned upon the Jews’ obedience (Exod 19:5). Their disobedience would lead to them being “plucked from off the land” (Deut 28:58,63). Now that the Jews have lost their status, I Pet 2:5,9 says the exact same thing about Christians “ye … are … a spiritual house, an holy priesthood … a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people.”

Christians are God’s chosen people now; it doesn’t matter anymore if one is Jew or Gentile (Acts 10:34-35). Spiritual birth is now the entrance to the kingdom (John 3:3,5). Those who say they're Jews and are not, due to not being in Jesus Christ, are the "synagogue of Satan":

Rev_2:9 I know thy tribulation, and thy poverty (but thou art rich), and the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Rev_3:9 Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them which say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Jesus will take those who claim to be Jews without being in Christ Jesus, and they will bow before Him and the born-again, spirit-filled Christians (the disciples of Jesus Christ are the true Israel, the genuine Israelites, and Jews, not the anti-Christ, carnal Jews, who in YHWH's eyes, aren't really Jews). The born-again believer in Jesus Christ is the TRUE JEW.

1Jn 2:21-25 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and because no lie is of the truth. (22) Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the Son. (23) Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that confesseth the Son hath the Father also. (24) As for you, let that abide in you which ye heard from the beginning. If that which ye heard from the beginning abide in you, ye also shall abide in the Son, and in the Father. (25) And this is the promise which he promised us, even the life eternal.

Without the Son, one doesn't have the heavenly Father. The carnal, anti-Christ Jews think they're worshiping the heavenly Father, but they've rejected His Son, Jesus Christ, hence they lack both. They need to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Without that they remain spiritually dead in their sins, and will never be true Jews and Israelites. That's God's Word, and whoever denies it, is anti-Christ.
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The BDS movement dates back to BEFORE 1948 and was a concerted effort to STARVE DA JOOOS out of existence. The JEWISH OWNED BY PURCHASE --east Jerusalem was subjected to a STARVATION SIEGE by muslim forces in 1947 leaving children dead ----the remnants salvaged by force of arms.

surada LAUGHS she is so happy that Gazans put all their money and efforts into terrorism rather than feeding their children

Your lies are endless.. you're such a pitiful old woman.

The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
Your lies are endless.. you're such a pitiful old woman.

The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
I wonder what the old slut imagines are "MY LIES" ---she will not answer. As to the "before 1967 "BORDERS" " there were none---there was just an ARMISTICE LINE------the "transitional" means---more terrorism and murder of infants for the GLORY OF ALLAH and his BBF ----muhummad the rapist of arabia

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