What To Expect In 2020.More Fake/Rigged Polls From ABC/CNN/NBC & The Rest?

You are too ignorant to have a conversation with. I may understand why you have such struggles in your work environment. It is partly that wonderful "woe is me" attitude liberals are all too famous for and partly just lack of overall intelligence.

I've had quite a successful career and I'd put my resume up against yours any day of the week, Cleetus.

(This is your new name, by the way, Cleetus.)

The thing is, I realize the One Percenter in the Corner office is not my friend.

LOL...you can call me whatever you would like. This Cleetus has and continues to do very well. Imagine that, working hard, in a non-union job, for a big bad corporation, in a red-state and doing well. It just can't be in your liberal fantasy world. The problem with most liberals in envy.

BTW, I haven't made any references to race, but you are now starting to bring up "darkies" as you call them. I know you are at the end of your rope when the race card is played.
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You should read Trump's entire comment that day. You should also listen to his comments in the following days. He clearly and repeatedly said the "the both sides" were those that were there to peacefully protest. The media just can't see it that way because racism is there favorite(and only) go to political point.

Yeah, I read his comments, and he pretty much stuck up for the White Supremacists who wanted to keep the statue of Traitor and Slave Rapist Lee up.

To answer your question, yes, I have flipped burgers...in HIGH SCHOOL and freshman year in college. Maybe it was hard work for you, maybe it even push the limits of your intellectual abilities, but it the pay was in line with how easy the work was both mentally and physically. Granted,. you do have to stand up the entire shiift, but it was air conditioned and I wasn't exactly digging ditches. There is no way that that ob should pay 30k/yr.

That's your opinion. I haven't had to flip burgers, ever. (I did work in a Pizza Place and as a bus-boy, however.) I'd never want to do that again, no matter how much you paid me.

The thing is, when I did those things, minimum wage was 2.90 in 1979. If it had kept up with inflation, we'd be at 10.25 now. That's not quite 30K, but it's better than the starvation wages the poor make now.

then being the manager of that establishment(Wendys in my case), should be making around 300/yr because their job is at least 10x as difficult and they actually have to think a little.

Naw, I think the problem is not only do working people make too little, but managers and owners make too much.

Back in those wonderful days of the 1970's, CEO's only made 40 times what a worker made... Today it's 271 times. Not as bad as the 400 times of the early oughts, but still pretty fucking bad.


So here's a solution. Let's tie CEO pay to worker pay.

Yes, eventually everyone will be on the dole. Democrats promise free stuff, promise to force ridiculous wages for non-skilled labor and the lower end of society will all go your way. Most already are. The poor and uneducated are overwhelmingly Democrats for that reason.

Naw, man, the poor and uneducated are the dumb-ass white trash in Jesus-land who keep letting the rich SHIT on them as long as they talk about Gods, Gays and Guns. If we ever had a real discussion about the economy, where the lower 60% has less than 5% of all the wealth in this country, this wouldn't be a discussion at all.


Now, if you are in the 60% where you only have that little >5% of the wealth, why would you vote for more of that.

The more you can pull down(and let in illegally in hopes of gettying amnesty), the more votes they will get. Your candiates act as if they are running for middle school president. Offer free pizza on Wednesdays and win every time. Most of the Democratic constituents are no more emotionally mature than those middle schoolers.

So what is your alternative... "Keep working very hard and let the rich cheat you!"

Here's the thing, I do very well, because I work very hard all the time. But the one thing I learned in 2008 was that for most of us, we are one medical crisis or one stock market crash from being completely wiped out. You might be fine with living in the Casino Economy, but I'd rather not.

Here's the ironic thing.... You whine about assistance to the poor to get Democratic votes, but the biggest expenditures are for what I like to call "White People Welfare" - Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Benefits, Veteran's Benefits. (Not because they are exclusive to white folks, but because white people are all for them.)

The Republican Party will often try to cut these things quietly, but they never run on eliminating them. At least, not since Ike used the cartoon you use as an AVI and admitted those things were here to stay.

No, the problem is not that the Democrats have changed. We won the argument of the role of government a long time ago, back in the 1930's. The problem is that you guys use racism to tell poor white trash that those darkies want half their cookie after the rich have wolfed down the other 10.
LOL...you can call me whatever you would like. This Cleetus is much closer to the top 1 percent than the top 5 percent. (past that many years ago) Imagine that, working hard, in a non-union job, for a big bad corporation, in a red-state and doing well. It just can't be in your liberal fantasy world.

You've also got a 12 inch dick, a sports car and are dating a super-model... whatever.

BTW, I haven't made any references to race, but you are now starting to bring up "darkies" as you call them. I know you are at the end of your rope when the race card is played.

You don't have to. If the GOP didn't have racism, they'd have nothing to talk about. The Poor dumb white trash would realize what they are getting, which is screwed.
LOL...you can call me whatever you would like. This Cleetus is much closer to the top 1 percent than the top 5 percent. (past that many years ago) Imagine that, working hard, in a non-union job, for a big bad corporation, in a red-state and doing well. It just can't be in your liberal fantasy world.

You've also got a 12 inch dick, a sports car and are dating a super-model... whatever.

BTW, I haven't made any references to race, but you are now starting to bring up "darkies" as you call them. I know you are at the end of your rope when the race card is played.

You don't have to. If the GOP didn't have racism, they'd have nothing to talk about. The Poor dumb white trash would realize what they are getting, which is screwed.

You are an imbecile. This conversation had nothing to do with race, but you made it into race. Again, I don't care what you believe about my family's economic stature. We laugh at people like you here in these uneducated red states. It becomes even funnier when I visit a blue state and see the virtual poverty the middle class must endure as the housing costs and taxes weigh you down. Like I have said before, unfortunately, even some of the useful idiots are starting to move to red states because of this, but they aren't quite intelligent enough to figure out that the reason they are leaving is because of the idiotic policies they support. My hope is they don't bring their misery to our states and continue voting the same way. Democrats are pretty set in their ways and stubborn overall, so I don't hold out a lot of hope.

I can't imagine what you dolts are thinking when you come to my state in droves on vacation. What a crappy place, lets go there on vacation. LOL...
You don't have to. If the GOP didn't have racism, they'd have nothing to talk about. The Poor dumb white trash would realize what they are getting, which is screwed.

You have got to be kidding. The left are kings of race baiting. It is all they have. Who do poor black "trash' vote for? Are they on a higher plane than the "poor white trash" of which you speak?
You are an imbecile. This conversation had nothing to do with race, but you made it into race. Again, I don't care what you believe about my family's economic stature. We laugh at people like you here in these uneducated red states. It becomes even funnier when I visit a blue state and see the virtual poverty the middle class must endure as the housing costs and taxes weigh you down. Like I have said before, unfortunately, even some of the useful idiots are starting to move to red states because of this, but they aren't quite intelligent enough to figure out that the reason they are leaving is because of the idiotic policies they support. My hope is they don't bring their misery to our states and continue voting the same way. Democrats are pretty set in their ways and stubborn overall, so I don't hold out a lot of hope.

Actually, they probably will, because they remember, "Oh, yeah, civilization doesn't happen without government"... so expect your Red State to turn blue, soon enough Cleetus.

Most people who move to the red states do so because of the weather, not because they need more inbred Jesus bible thumpers making decisions for them.

Yes, this conversation has EVERYTHING to do with race.

Again, please look at the chart I posted in post #82. 80% of the population shares less than 13% of the wealth. 60% of the population holds 5% of the wealth. 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth.

How do you get all those people in the bottom to keep voting for more of that?

Sexual fears

The GOP has been playing this game since 1968, ever since Barry Goldwater tried to sell the Republican Rat Poison straight up. Since then, the GOP has been wrapping the rat poison up in the juicy bacon of racism.
You have got to be kidding. The left are kings of race baiting. It is all they have. Who do poor black "trash' vote for? Are they on a higher plane than the "poor white trash" of which you speak?

Actually, they kind of are.

Black people are poor because they've endured a systematic regime of racism and second class citizenship since the first of them were brought over in chains... So when they do make it, it is quite an accomplishment. Just don't celebrate by driving too slow through a white neighborhood, because the cops might still shoot your ass.

If you are white, you end up poor, you have no one to blame but yourself, especially when you vote in the people who bust up your union, give your boss the right to fire you at will, and give big corporations the ability to screw you with impunity.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
2020 will be like no election before it. The left is so unhinged their lies and spin will be off the charts. Their cheating will be off the charts. Ballot 'harvesting' will be off the charts. Fake news, fake bombshells at the 11th hour, smear campaigns, its all on the table.

2020 will be a election like no other. Republicans will pull every dirty trick in the book to prevent people from voting and ensuring their votes are not counted. Trump will have to run huge smear campaigns because his only hope is to drive the negatives of the Democrat candidate.

So, do you require a tissue snowflake?

You are the one who is going to need tissue. It is not going to work.

That's tough talk after we just whooped your asses in 2016. :21:
You are an imbecile. This conversation had nothing to do with race, but you made it into race. Again, I don't care what you believe about my family's economic stature. We laugh at people like you here in these uneducated red states. It becomes even funnier when I visit a blue state and see the virtual poverty the middle class must endure as the housing costs and taxes weigh you down. Like I have said before, unfortunately, even some of the useful idiots are starting to move to red states because of this, but they aren't quite intelligent enough to figure out that the reason they are leaving is because of the idiotic policies they support. My hope is they don't bring their misery to our states and continue voting the same way. Democrats are pretty set in their ways and stubborn overall, so I don't hold out a lot of hope.

Actually, they probably will, because they remember, "Oh, yeah, civilization doesn't happen without government"... so expect your Red State to turn blue, soon enough Cleetus.

Most people who move to the red states do so because of the weather, not because they need more inbred Jesus bible thumpers making decisions for them.

Yes, this conversation has EVERYTHING to do with race.

Again, please look at the chart I posted in post #82. 80% of the population shares less than 13% of the wealth. 60% of the population holds 5% of the wealth. 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth.

How do you get all those people in the bottom to keep voting for more of that?

Sexual fears

The GOP has been playing this game since 1968, ever since Barry Goldwater tried to sell the Republican Rat Poison straight up. Since then, the GOP has been wrapping the rat poison up in the juicy bacon of racism.

Sorry dude, people don't move simply because of the weather. They have a much higher standard of living in the blue states. My standard of living would take a big hit if I moved to the NE or California.

It has nothing to do with race, but by all means, continue to talk about it. That is all you have.
You have got to be kidding. The left are kings of race baiting. It is all they have. Who do poor black "trash' vote for? Are they on a higher plane than the "poor white trash" of which you speak?

Actually, they kind of are.

Black people are poor because they've endured a systematic regime of racism and second class citizenship since the first of them were brought over in chains... So when they do make it, it is quite an accomplishment. Just don't celebrate by driving too slow through a white neighborhood, because the cops might still shoot your ass.

If you are white, you end up poor, you have no one to blame but yourself, especially when you vote in the people who bust up your union, give your boss the right to fire you at will, and give big corporations the ability to screw you with impunity.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

So racism prevents poor black folks from making it but just idiocy is what is preventing poor white folks from making it. Gotcha.

Let me tell you what is really happening. Black people vote overwhelmingly Democratic because they have been duped into buying into the Democratic ideal, which is that your plight is ALWAYS somebody elses fault. Woe is me. How do explain black people who have succeeded? Have them simply been able to avoid this systematic racism somehow? Where is this racism of which you speak? Many poor white kids go to equally bad schools as poor black kids. If a poor white kid and a poor black kid have the same credentials in high school, who do you think is more likely to get into college? I can answer that for you...the black kid, NOT the white kid. Who is more likely to get a scholarship? I can answer that for you too...the black kid. If both do equally well in college, who is more likely to get into grad school. Same answer. What if they both start a business and bid on a government contract. Which company is likely to win the bid? I think you can guess. You see, if the problem is racism, it certainly isn't against black person, but that doesn't fit the narrative the Democrats need to keep getting the votes. They must continue to push the racism and it is not your fault narrative. They WANT to keep people on the dole, This is exactly why they vilify any black Republican and whey they despise people like Ben Carson. I dare him actually succeed as a black person coming from a poor household. Who does he think he is working hard and making good grades. People like that are threat.

On your union rant...they aren't necessary. My red state is right to work. We have more and more large corporations coming in daily and moving from the union states. Unions will implode because companies can't compete. Without corporations, nobody has a job, except those that work for the government. The more we have working for the government, the less tax revenue we have. Many European economies are slowly dying because they are further down the road with this type of thinking. The people are dependant and spoiled and it is hard for them to switch gears. People like you evidently want to see our country go the same way and have the same fate.
Sorry dude, people don't move simply because of the weather. They have a much higher standard of living in the blue states. My standard of living would take a big hit if I moved to the NE or California.

I'm sure we could find a trailer park just as nice as the one you live in now, Cleetus.
So racism prevents poor black folks from making it but just idiocy is what is preventing poor white folks from making it. Gotcha.

Let me tell you what is really happening. Black people vote overwhelmingly Democratic because they have been duped into buying into the Democratic ideal, which is that your plight is ALWAYS somebody elses fault. Woe is me. How do explain black people who have succeeded? Have them simply been able to avoid this systematic racism somehow? Where is this racism of which you speak?

When you try to pretend racism isn't a thing in America, you lose all credibility. Yes, you can overcome it with hard work. Or just dumb luck.

Many poor white kids go to equally bad schools as poor black kids. If a poor white kid and a poor black kid have the same credentials in high school, who do you think is more likely to get into college? I can answer that for you...the black kid, NOT the white kid.

I love watching you guys pretend that racism begins and ends in College, probably one of the few places making it equal.

So let's take your example. Jamal and Greg both graduate from college despite their poor backgrounds, but when they send their resumes out, which one is more likely to get that good job? Yup. Greg is. A study in 2005 found that merely having a white sounding name increased your chances of getting an interview by 50%.

What if they both start a business and bid on a government contract. Which company is likely to win the bid? I think you can guess.

Usuall, the white run business that puts up a minority as a front. The reality- the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have always been White Women, not black men.

This is exactly why they vilify any black Republican and whey they despise people like Ben Carson. I dare him actually succeed as a black person coming from a poor household. Who does he think he is working hard and making good grades. People like that are threat.

Actually, we despise Ben Carson because he's a phony and a hypocrite and a religious nut. He also thought the Pyramids were Biblical Grain Silos..
Sorry dude, people don't move simply because of the weather. They have a much higher standard of living in the blue states. My standard of living would take a big hit if I moved to the NE or California.

I'm sure we could find a trailer park just as nice as the one you live in now, Cleetus.

If you only knew...Funny stuff.
You should read Trump's entire comment that day. You should also listen to his comments in the following days. He clearly and repeatedly said the "the both sides" were those that were there to peacefully protest. The media just can't see it that way because racism is there favorite(and only) go to political point.

Yeah, I read his comments, and he pretty much stuck up for the White Supremacists who wanted to keep the statue of Traitor and Slave Rapist Lee up.

To answer your question, yes, I have flipped burgers...in HIGH SCHOOL and freshman year in college. Maybe it was hard work for you, maybe it even push the limits of your intellectual abilities, but it the pay was in line with how easy the work was both mentally and physically. Granted,. you do have to stand up the entire shiift, but it was air conditioned and I wasn't exactly digging ditches. There is no way that that ob should pay 30k/yr.

That's your opinion. I haven't had to flip burgers, ever. (I did work in a Pizza Place and as a bus-boy, however.) I'd never want to do that again, no matter how much you paid me.

The thing is, when I did those things, minimum wage was 2.90 in 1979. If it had kept up with inflation, we'd be at 10.25 now. That's not quite 30K, but it's better than the starvation wages the poor make now.

then being the manager of that establishment(Wendys in my case), should be making around 300/yr because their job is at least 10x as difficult and they actually have to think a little.

Naw, I think the problem is not only do working people make too little, but managers and owners make too much.

Back in those wonderful days of the 1970's, CEO's only made 40 times what a worker made... Today it's 271 times. Not as bad as the 400 times of the early oughts, but still pretty fucking bad.


So here's a solution. Let's tie CEO pay to worker pay.

Yes, eventually everyone will be on the dole. Democrats promise free stuff, promise to force ridiculous wages for non-skilled labor and the lower end of society will all go your way. Most already are. The poor and uneducated are overwhelmingly Democrats for that reason.

Naw, man, the poor and uneducated are the dumb-ass white trash in Jesus-land who keep letting the rich SHIT on them as long as they talk about Gods, Gays and Guns. If we ever had a real discussion about the economy, where the lower 60% has less than 5% of all the wealth in this country, this wouldn't be a discussion at all.


Now, if you are in the 60% where you only have that little >5% of the wealth, why would you vote for more of that.

The more you can pull down(and let in illegally in hopes of gettying amnesty), the more votes they will get. Your candiates act as if they are running for middle school president. Offer free pizza on Wednesdays and win every time. Most of the Democratic constituents are no more emotionally mature than those middle schoolers.

So what is your alternative... "Keep working very hard and let the rich cheat you!"

Here's the thing, I do very well, because I work very hard all the time. But the one thing I learned in 2008 was that for most of us, we are one medical crisis or one stock market crash from being completely wiped out. You might be fine with living in the Casino Economy, but I'd rather not.

Here's the ironic thing.... You whine about assistance to the poor to get Democratic votes, but the biggest expenditures are for what I like to call "White People Welfare" - Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Benefits, Veteran's Benefits. (Not because they are exclusive to white folks, but because white people are all for them.)

The Republican Party will often try to cut these things quietly, but they never run on eliminating them. At least, not since Ike used the cartoon you use as an AVI and admitted those things were here to stay.

No, the problem is not that the Democrats have changed. We won the argument of the role of government a long time ago, back in the 1930's. The problem is that you guys use racism to tell poor white trash that those darkies want half their cookie after the rich have wolfed down the other 10.
So you are saying CEO pay is on a downward trend in relation to worker pay. Who would have thought.

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