What To Expect In 2020.More Fake/Rigged Polls From ABC/CNN/NBC & The Rest?

So everyone that votes for Trump is an asshole? LOL..you ignorant leftist will never get it. I will say it again...get out of your big cities bubbles. They are brainwashing you at an astounding rate.

I've talked to Trump supporters.

Most out themselves as racists within a few minutes.
Most of the rest blame everyone for their problems but themselves.

In short. Assholes.

Yanno, of all the leftarded yokels here it is your face I'd most like to see - a picture will do - the minute you learn Trump has been reelected and carried both houses of congress. A morning after pic would do just as well.

Keep deluding yourself

Here's why Trump won't win a second term.

1) The economy is going to be fully in the shitter by the time November rolls around.
2) All the dummies who voted third party won't make that mistake again.
3) All the people who stayed home won't make that mistake again.

I'm sorry you don't get the fact that Trump got elected by a fluke, not by the will of the people.

Now, if he had played it smart like George W. Bush did, and worked on expanding his base and reaching across the aisle, he might have stood a chance.

But he has done pretty much the opposite of that. He's kept most of the people who voted against him angry and he's managed to alienate the people who supported him thinking he'd grow into the role, when clearly he hasn't.

I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?
I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?

Actually, it's hard to say if that is the case... Florida is trying to foil the intent by saying that ex-felons voting rights can't be restored until they pay back all their court costs, which most of them don't.
I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?

Actually, it's hard to say if that is the case... Florida is trying to foil the intent by saying that ex-felons voting rights can't be restored until they pay back all their court costs, which most of them don't.

Why do you assume felons will overwhelmingly vote for Democrats? LOL...that is a rhetorical question. We all know criminals vote for Democrats.
Here's one for DBA Double Wide


Do you really want to see old posters from Democrats?
I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?

Actually, it's hard to say if that is the case... Florida is trying to foil the intent by saying that ex-felons voting rights can't be restored until they pay back all their court costs, which most of them don't.

Why do you assume felons will overwhelmingly vote for Democrats? LOL...that is a rhetorical question. We all know criminals vote for Democrats.
I am a felon and I am conservative. Tim Allen, whom the right love, is a conservative.

Broad brushes.....should be a country song.
If you only knew...Funny stuff.

Aw, you got the delux double wide? Isn't that special, Cleetus.

Sure, all of us folks living in the South, especially those of us that are well educated and religious live in trailer parks. You may want to visit the South East coast sometime. You would be very jealous, especially if you live in one of the liberal cesspools. e.g. NY, Chicago.
I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?

Actually, it's hard to say if that is the case... Florida is trying to foil the intent by saying that ex-felons voting rights can't be restored until they pay back all their court costs, which most of them don't.

Why do you assume felons will overwhelmingly vote for Democrats? LOL...that is a rhetorical question. We all know criminals vote for Democrats.
I am a felon and I am conservative. Tim Allen, whom the right love, is a conservative.

Broad brushes.....should be a country song.

Violent or non-violent crime? I would agree, may felons who committed white-collar felonies could likely be Republican.
So everyone that votes for Trump is an asshole? LOL..you ignorant leftist will never get it. I will say it again...get out of your big cities bubbles. They are brainwashing you at an astounding rate.

I've talked to Trump supporters.

Most out themselves as racists within a few minutes.
Most of the rest blame everyone for their problems but themselves.

In short. Assholes.

Yanno, of all the leftarded yokels here it is your face I'd most like to see - a picture will do - the minute you learn Trump has been reelected and carried both houses of congress. A morning after pic would do just as well.

Keep deluding yourself

Here's why Trump won't win a second term.

1) The economy is going to be fully in the shitter by the time November rolls around.
2) All the dummies who voted third party won't make that mistake again.
3) All the people who stayed home won't make that mistake again.

I'm sorry you don't get the fact that Trump got elected by a fluke, not by the will of the people.

Now, if he had played it smart like George W. Bush did, and worked on expanding his base and reaching across the aisle, he might have stood a chance.

But he has done pretty much the opposite of that. He's kept most of the people who voted against him angry and he's managed to alienate the people who supported him thinking he'd grow into the role, when clearly he hasn't.

I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?
Trump seems to act in the best interests of most Americans and I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Trump seems to act in the best interests of most Americans and I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:

Next year, the economy will be in recession, and Trump won't be able to take credit for Obama's acheivements.
Sure, all of us folks living in the South, especially those of us that are well educated and religious live in trailer parks. You may want to visit the South East coast sometime. You would be very jealous, especially if you live in one of the liberal cesspools. e.g. NY, Chicago.

Naw, I've been to the South... I couldn't get the fuck out fast enough. What centuries of inbreeding does is sad.
Trump seems to act in the best interests of most Americans and I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:

Next year, the economy will be in recession, and Trump won't be able to take credit for Obama's acheivements.

Obama's achievement. Man, you are stupid.

Anyhow, which one of the morons do you plan on voting for? Will you vote for any Democrat if your pick of the litter doesn't win the nomination?
Sure, all of us folks living in the South, especially those of us that are well educated and religious live in trailer parks. You may want to visit the South East coast sometime. You would be very jealous, especially if you live in one of the liberal cesspools. e.g. NY, Chicago.

Naw, I've been to the South... I couldn't get the fuck out fast enough. What centuries of inbreeding does is sad.

Yeah, ok. Those of us who have actually travelled know better.

I will say, I have been to several liberal cities and how people live in those cesspools I have no idea. I guess you guys are just used to the mess, the rude people and the overall lack of class. Oh well, to each his own.
Obama's achievement. Man, you are stupid.

Anyhow, which one of the morons do you plan on voting for? Will you vote for any Democrat if your pick of the litter doesn't win the nomination?

Yes, I would because I think Trump is that dangerous.

Right now, I'm leaning towards Warren... but I'm good with any of them except Commie Bernie.

Yeah, ok. Those of us who have actually travelled know better.

I will say, I have been to several liberal cities and how people live in those cesspools I have no idea. I guess you guys are just used to the mess, the rude people and the overall lack of class. Oh well, to each his own.

Did the scary dark people not riding on the back of the bus frighten you, Cleetus?
Obama's achievement. Man, you are stupid.

Anyhow, which one of the morons do you plan on voting for? Will you vote for any Democrat if your pick of the litter doesn't win the nomination?

Yes, I would because I think Trump is that dangerous.

Right now, I'm leaning towards Warren... but I'm good with any of them except Commie Bernie.

Yeah, ok. Those of us who have actually travelled know better.

I will say, I have been to several liberal cities and how people live in those cesspools I have no idea. I guess you guys are just used to the mess, the rude people and the overall lack of class. Oh well, to each his own.

Did the scary dark people not riding on the back of the bus frighten you, Cleetus?

Warren...Oh you mindless fool. She would absolutely ruin our country economically. I mean ruin. Yes, the scary, boogey man big corporations and small businesses would be ruined, which in turn would ruin YOUR job too.. You blockheads are just dumb enough to think the government will be able to provide everything for everybody. It is unfortunate that all of us would have to go down with the sinking ship that our residence indoctrinated dolts put into office. I certainly hope the majority of voters are so duped.

There are more black people in the South per capita, so no, the "darkies" as you call them, didn't scare me. It was more of the filth, the over-crowded cities, the high taxes, the poor standard of living and the amount of brainwashed lefties that turned me off.
Warren...Oh you mindless fool. She would absolutely ruin our country economically. I mean ruin. Yes, the scary, boogey man big corporations and small businesses would be ruined, which in turn would ruin YOUR job too.. You blockheads are just dumb enough to think the government will be able to provide everything for everybody. It is unfortunate that all of us would have to go down with the sinking ship that our residence indoctrinated dolts put into office. I certainly hope the majority of voters are so duped.

Yawn, Frankly, guy, you sing this song every year... Funny thing is, the economy grows more when Democrats are in charge than Republicans, who brought us 9 of the last 10 recessions.

Again, there would be no problem providing basic services... WE ALREADY spend more than any other country on health care. Just less money for CEO salaries and stockholder payouts, and more for you know, treating sick people. What a crazy idea!!!

So crazy every other industrialized country does it that way, gets better results, spend less, live longer, have less babies die in infancy.

There are more black people in the South per capita, so no, the "darkies" as you call them, didn't scare me. It was more of the filth, the over-crowded cities, the high taxes, the poor standard of living and the amount of brainwashed lefties that turned me off.

Yeah, that and the Darkies don' t know their place... Or do you think it's just a coincidence that the Confederacy and Red states are all the same states?
Warren...Oh you mindless fool. She would absolutely ruin our country economically. I mean ruin. Yes, the scary, boogey man big corporations and small businesses would be ruined, which in turn would ruin YOUR job too.. You blockheads are just dumb enough to think the government will be able to provide everything for everybody. It is unfortunate that all of us would have to go down with the sinking ship that our residence indoctrinated dolts put into office. I certainly hope the majority of voters are so duped.

Yawn, Frankly, guy, you sing this song every year... Funny thing is, the economy grows more when Democrats are in charge than Republicans, who brought us 9 of the last 10 recessions.

Again, there would be no problem providing basic services... WE ALREADY spend more than any other country on health care. Just less money for CEO salaries and stockholder payouts, and more for you know, treating sick people. What a crazy idea!!!

So crazy every other industrialized country does it that way, gets better results, spend less, live longer, have less babies die in infancy.

There are more black people in the South per capita, so no, the "darkies" as you call them, didn't scare me. It was more of the filth, the over-crowded cities, the high taxes, the poor standard of living and the amount of brainwashed lefties that turned me off.

Yeah, that and the Darkies don' t know their place... Or do you think it's just a coincidence that the Confederacy and Red states are all the same states?

I see you are one of those dupes who have bought into the idea that everything is better in every industrialized country. Then why do people come here for life saving healthcare. You are a mindless idiot. Socialized medicine sucks. The reason people live longer in SOME other countries has more to do with our diet and lifestyle than healthcare.

You don't have enough intelligence and maybe not enough money to make decisiions regarding the economy. You probably shouldn't be voting at all for this reason.

You keep trying to convey your racism on me. Won't work. I have no problem with people from other races. I do have a problem with ignorance and the Democratic Party is the poster child for it.
I see you are one of those dupes who have bought into the idea that everything is better in every industrialized country. Then why do people come here for life saving healthcare.

They don't. In fact, MORE Americans go to Mexico for affordable heathcare than citizens of the rest of the G-7 come here for procedures. Medical Tourism to the US is a myth, which I've debunked many times.

Socialized medicine sucks. The reason people live longer in SOME other countries has more to do with our diet and lifestyle than healthcare.

The Canadians and British have the same shitty lifestyle we do... And have you actually SEEN German Food? Want to talk about unhealthy.

the main reason all those people live longer on average is that they don't have to choose between medicine and food like some Americans do. They don't have to put off a doctor's visit they probably needed to go to like Americans do because they can't afford it or their insurance won't cover it.

You don't have enough intelligence and maybe not enough money to make decisiions regarding the economy. You probably shouldn't be voting at all for this reason.

My income would have put me in the top 40% of wage earners, so no... I do fine, thanks.

More to the point, half of your electorate believes in talking snakes and angels.... so you probably shouldn't be talking about intelligence.

You keep trying to convey your racism on me. Won't work. I have no problem with people from other races. I do have a problem with ignorance and the Democratic Party is the poster child for it.

I'm sure you think the Darkies are just fine as long as they don't ask you for stuff.

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