What To Expect In 2020.More Fake/Rigged Polls From ABC/CNN/NBC & The Rest?

There is zero chance he gets removed from office on what has been released so far. ZERO

You tell yourself that. I remember when people said the same thing about Nixon.

I have already explained to you that neither my wife nor I have been "screwed" by the 1% despite working for very large corporations for many years. If it weren't for the corporations, we would not have been able to invest and save as we have. I am beginnning to think that you are a middle-aged guy still working a min-wage job, which is why you complain so much about "the man".

Naw, like I said, I currently run a business that pays quite a lot and before that I was a supply chain professional. Up until 2008, I probably would have said the same shit you did.

Then I looked at my boss who screwed me over after I had a medical issue, and after Bush's recession, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and took a hit to my salary and the rich all got bailouts...

That's when I realized that the corner office IS THE ENEMY.
There is zero chance he gets removed from office on what has been released so far. ZERO

You tell yourself that. I remember when people said the same thing about Nixon.

I have already explained to you that neither my wife nor I have been "screwed" by the 1% despite working for very large corporations for many years. If it weren't for the corporations, we would not have been able to invest and save as we have. I am beginnning to think that you are a middle-aged guy still working a min-wage job, which is why you complain so much about "the man".

Naw, like I said, I currently run a business that pays quite a lot and before that I was a supply chain professional. Up until 2008, I probably would have said the same shit you did.

Then I looked at my boss who screwed me over after I had a medical issue, and after Bush's recession, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and took a hit to my salary and the rich all got bailouts...

That's when I realized that the corner office IS THE ENEMY.

When did you realize that you weren't an American, but a standard variety far leftist?

Have you always known or did CNN have to tell you?
When did you realize that you weren't an American, but a standard variety far leftist?

Have you always known or did CNN have to tell you?

If American mean, "Taking any abuse the Rich inflict on us", then no, most of us aren't.

When did you realize that you weren't an American, but a standard variety far leftist?

Have you always known or did CNN have to tell you?

If American mean, "Taking any abuse the Rich inflict on us", then no, most of us aren't.

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Most of the people in America actually are Americans.

It's just you, the far left communist, who is not. And should withdraw your citizenship.
Thank God most of the military doesn't share your point of view.

True, that's why they recruit 18 year olds, who don't know any better.

Here's a crazy idea. Next time we have a war, let's make all the rich people fight it. Take all the rich people, put them in an elite airborne unit, and make it the first one you drop into a hot zone.

Betcha we never get into an unnecessary war over oil again.
Thank God most of the military doesn't share your point of view.

True, that's why they recruit 18 year olds, who don't know any better.

Here's a crazy idea. Next time we have a war, let's make all the rich people fight it. Take all the rich people, put them in an elite airborne unit, and make it the first one you drop into a hot zone.

Betcha we never get into an unnecessary war over oil again.

Sure, that and they are physically more capable at 18. You are correct about 18 year old's being naive, which is why the vast majority of young folks are Democrats. They get older and wiser and learn how things actually work vs. the ideological utopia they have been spoon fed their entire lives and the smart ones become Republicans. That's how it goes.
There is zero chance he gets removed from office on what has been released so far. ZERO

You tell yourself that. I remember when people said the same thing about Nixon.

I have already explained to you that neither my wife nor I have been "screwed" by the 1% despite working for very large corporations for many years. If it weren't for the corporations, we would not have been able to invest and save as we have. I am beginnning to think that you are a middle-aged guy still working a min-wage job, which is why you complain so much about "the man".

Naw, like I said, I currently run a business that pays quite a lot and before that I was a supply chain professional. Up until 2008, I probably would have said the same shit you did.

Then I looked at my boss who screwed me over after I had a medical issue, and after Bush's recession, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and took a hit to my salary and the rich all got bailouts...

That's when I realized that the corner office IS THE ENEMY.

Maybe instead of hating so much you should strive for that corner office yourself. You won't ever get there with the "hate for the man" attitude, that's for sure.
Sure, that and they are physically more capable at 18. You are correct about 18 year old's being naive, which is why the vast majority of young folks are Democrats. They get older and wiser and learn how things actually work vs. the ideological utopia they have been spoon fed their entire lives and the smart ones become Republicans. That's how it goes.

Well, when I was 18, I voted Republican. Even kind of made sense. I was in the military and Reagan was lavishing money on the military.

Then the Religious Crazies, the Gun Nuts and the Libertarian Idiots took over the GOP... To the point where Ronald Reagan would be considered as much of a "RINO CUCK!!!" as McCain and Romney are now.

No, the smart ones don't keep voting against their own economic interests and become Republicans.

When 20% of the population controls 87% of the wealth, and the other 80% of us are fighting over the 13% that remains, that just isn't smart.
Maybe instead of hating so much you should strive for that corner office yourself. You won't ever get there with the "hate for the man" attitude, that's for sure.

That's like telling a rape victim what she really needs to do is get a strap-on Dildo and go out and rape some other women to feel better about herself.

It's a fucked up attitude to respond to bullies by wanting to be a bully.
Maybe instead of hating so much you should strive for that corner office yourself. You won't ever get there with the "hate for the man" attitude, that's for sure.

That's like telling a rape victim what she really needs to do is get a strap-on Dildo and go out and rape some other women to feel better about herself.

It's a fucked up attitude to respond to bullies by wanting to be a bully.

Except that guy in the corner office isn't a bully, in fact, he is the one that is paying you. If they (rich) are so well off, if the government put more constrains and regulatios on them, including higher taxes, both personal and corporate and add in a weatlh(confiscation) tax too boot, they could shut their business down now and fire you. They would spend the rest of their lives on a foreign beach drinking Mai Tais. What would you do? Wait on a government job? Wait on a government handout? You sure as heck wouldn't start your own business since it would not longer be worth the risk. What would happen to the country? Do you think innovation would suffer? Do you think our government would pick up the slack? Our stock market would crash for sure.
Except that guy in the corner office isn't a bully, in fact, he is the one that is paying you.

Nope, he's still a bully. Most of the bad behavior I've seen from the corner office both personally and to my peers had NOTHING TO DO with whether or not they were doing the job they were paid to do.

If they (rich) are so well off, if the government put more constrains and regulatios on them, including higher taxes, both personal and corporate and add in a weatlh(confiscation) tax too boot, they could shut their business down now and fire you.

Again, buddy, your Stockholm syndrome is kicking in, and you are mistaking parasites for vital organs. We had our greatest prosperity in the period when the Rich paid confiscatory tax rates, 33% of the workforce was unionized and government ran a lot of stuff.

What would you do? Wait on a government job?

Best job I ever had was a government job.

Wait on a government handout?

You see, this is where you are confused. Because the rich have stolen so much of the wealth, too many people ALREADY rely on government handouts.... In short, your greed has made socialism INEVITABLE, because no one is going to watch their children starve so you can pretend you are better.

My ideal world, everyone has a fair remunerative job that pays a living wage. Then you wouldn't need government except for the true charity cases.

Instead, what you have is people busting their asses to merely get access to the middle class, and being one setback away from being poor. If you can't see why that makes people uncomfortable, I'm not sure how much there is to talk to you.

You sure as heck wouldn't start your own business since it would not longer be worth the risk.

I did start my own business in 2010 because the One Percenters used the Recession of 2008 to drive down all our wages.

I just shouldn't have had to, but I'm glad I did, because I do a lot of good with it and help a lot of people.

What would happen to the country? Do you think innovation would suffer? Do you think our government would pick up the slack? Our stock market would crash for sure.

Again, you work on the assumption we have to pander to the rich and their whims because they are holding so many of us hostage... Most of us are sick of that.

One bad enough recession, you'll end up with Commie Bernie.
Except that guy in the corner office isn't a bully, in fact, he is the one that is paying you.

Nope, he's still a bully. Most of the bad behavior I've seen from the corner office both personally and to my peers had NOTHING TO DO with whether or not they were doing the job they were paid to do.

If they (rich) are so well off, if the government put more constrains and regulatios on them, including higher taxes, both personal and corporate and add in a weatlh(confiscation) tax too boot, they could shut their business down now and fire you.

Again, buddy, your Stockholm syndrome is kicking in, and you are mistaking parasites for vital organs. We had our greatest prosperity in the period when the Rich paid confiscatory tax rates, 33% of the workforce was unionized and government ran a lot of stuff.

What would you do? Wait on a government job?

Best job I ever had was a government job.

Wait on a government handout?

You see, this is where you are confused. Because the rich have stolen so much of the wealth, too many people ALREADY rely on government handouts.... In short, your greed has made socialism INEVITABLE, because no one is going to watch their children starve so you can pretend you are better.

My ideal world, everyone has a fair remunerative job that pays a living wage. Then you wouldn't need government except for the true charity cases.

Instead, what you have is people busting their asses to merely get access to the middle class, and being one setback away from being poor. If you can't see why that makes people uncomfortable, I'm not sure how much there is to talk to you.

You sure as heck wouldn't start your own business since it would not longer be worth the risk.

I did start my own business in 2010 because the One Percenters used the Recession of 2008 to drive down all our wages.

I just shouldn't have had to, but I'm glad I did, because I do a lot of good with it and help a lot of people.

What would happen to the country? Do you think innovation would suffer? Do you think our government would pick up the slack? Our stock market would crash for sure.

Again, you work on the assumption we have to pander to the rich and their whims because they are holding so many of us hostage... Most of us are sick of that.

One bad enough recession, you'll end up with Commie Bernie.
/——-/ “I did start my own business in 2010 ”
So you admit you were a corner office bully too. You disgusting pig.
So are we gonna go thru this again all next year? Just like we did in 2016 when most leftist polls had Hillary between 10 and 15 points ahead of Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
Well so far, they were way off in North Carolina.
But what we have to look for, and obviously, who is taking the polls.
ABC/Compost? yah. didnt they already declare Hillary the winner in early 2016?

You don't know a thing about polling, it's math. As a good liberal I'm always willing to educate the ignorant, here's a primer just for you:


Making the statement that polling is faked or rigged is nothing more than an echo of one of many of Trump's Lies.
So everyone that votes for Trump is an asshole? LOL..you ignorant leftist will never get it. I will say it again...get out of your big cities bubbles. They are brainwashing you at an astounding rate.

I've talked to Trump supporters.

Most out themselves as racists within a few minutes.
Most of the rest blame everyone for their problems but themselves.

In short. Assholes.

Yanno, of all the leftarded yokels here it is your face I'd most like to see - a picture will do - the minute you learn Trump has been reelected and carried both houses of congress. A morning after pic would do just as well.

Keep deluding yourself

Here's why Trump won't win a second term.

1) The economy is going to be fully in the shitter by the time November rolls around.
2) All the dummies who voted third party won't make that mistake again.
3) All the people who stayed home won't make that mistake again.

I'm sorry you don't get the fact that Trump got elected by a fluke, not by the will of the people.

Now, if he had played it smart like George W. Bush did, and worked on expanding his base and reaching across the aisle, he might have stood a chance.

But he has done pretty much the opposite of that. He's kept most of the people who voted against him angry and he's managed to alienate the people who supported him thinking he'd grow into the role, when clearly he hasn't.

I will add:

Flordia has just got 1.5m voters who GOP has being stopping for decades. Payback will be a bitch.

What has Trump actually done for the rust belt?
Trump seems to act in the best interests of most Americans and I'd hate to be a Democrat Socialist who must run against all of our winning:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D


The economy was expanding under Obama as well as Trump and unemployment under all sub-groups was dropping as well.

Trump does not want a strong dollar. He has been urging the Fed to cut rates which would weaken the dollar.

Now we have a Republican Supreme Court. Justice Scalia was a constitutionalist. There is no way he would allow Trump to rewrite immigration laws or ignore Congress' power of the purse.

Trump is refilling the swamp with his creatures. Trump has all kinds of lobbyists running agencies in the very areas they lobbied. Some of them are making decisions involving companies they worked for.

Trump will lose in 2020.

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