What Trump has accomplished already, that Hillary never could have

Bush will always be blamed for the Great Recession, by fair minded and objective people. They will also praise Obama for the economic rise in the last six months.

first of all, the so-called great recession is a figment of left wing imagination-------------it never happened. There was no recession in 2008, there was a market correction driven by terrible mortgage policies that resulted in millions of foreclosures by people who never should have been given mortgages.

secondly, tell us exactly what Obama did personally to cause the market rise in the last 6 months. no talking points, what specific policies or laws did HE pass that caused the market to rise?

There was no recession in 2008?

Do you even know what a recession is?

We have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

Every conservative economist in the US calls the 2008 recession a recession.

Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.
Bush will always be blamed for the Great Recession, by fair minded and objective people. They will also praise Obama for the economic rise in the last six months.

first of all, the so-called great recession is a figment of left wing imagination-------------it never happened. There was no recession in 2008, there was a market correction driven by terrible mortgage policies that resulted in millions of foreclosures by people who never should have been given mortgages.

secondly, tell us exactly what Obama did personally to cause the market rise in the last 6 months. no talking points, what specific policies or laws did HE pass that caused the market to rise?

There was no recession in 2008?

Do you even know what a recession is?

We have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.

So Americans have been anticipating the Trump presidency for 7 years?

Bush will always be blamed for the Great Recession, by fair minded and objective people. They will also praise Obama for the economic rise in the last six months.

first of all, the so-called great recession is a figment of left wing imagination-------------it never happened. There was no recession in 2008, there was a market correction driven by terrible mortgage policies that resulted in millions of foreclosures by people who never should have been given mortgages.

secondly, tell us exactly what Obama did personally to cause the market rise in the last 6 months. no talking points, what specific policies or laws did HE pass that caused the market to rise?

There was no recession in 2008?

Do you even know what a recession is?

We have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

Like I said. Redfish doesn't even know what a recession is. He can't even name them.

ok, then you name them for us, NY. list them and list the "cause" of each one and the president who "caused" it.
first of all, the so-called great recession is a figment of left wing imagination-------------it never happened. There was no recession in 2008, there was a market correction driven by terrible mortgage policies that resulted in millions of foreclosures by people who never should have been given mortgages.

secondly, tell us exactly what Obama did personally to cause the market rise in the last 6 months. no talking points, what specific policies or laws did HE pass that caused the market to rise?

There was no recession in 2008?

Do you even know what a recession is?

We have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.
'What Trump has accomplished already, that Hillary never could have'

He won the Presidency! :p
He restored convidence in the future, Hillary would have just been more of the same. Everything, EVERYTHING that the liberal left said would happen, the opposite has happened. Who could ever believe another word from the mouths of liberals? I hope that the liberals get their way and there is a recount. History will prove once again that the opposite of the stated intent will be the outcome. Recount, I look forward to Hillary and her team going to jail.

The biggest holiday splurge in HISTORY: Sales surge 13% as stores take a record $2BILLION on Thanksgiving and hope for $3.1billion on Black Friday amid post-election spending boom

  • The first Black Friday sales have got underway at some stores across the country on Thursday night
  • Department store J.C Penney was one of the first major chains to kick-off the sales offering huge discounts
  • Shoppers were seen rushing through the doors at J.C Penney stores across the country, including Tyler, Tx
  • Others were seen patiently waiting outside Best Buy shops - with some even camping out in small tents
  • Sales get underway at Macy's, Kmart, Target, Walmart and other stores in just a few hours time
  • Online shoppers charged out of the gate, spending more than $1.15billion between midnight and 5pm
  • Forecasters expect the total value of Thanksgiving Day purchases to be more than $2billion

Read more: Black Friday sales get underway at stores across the country | Daily Mail Online
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Stocks post 3-week win streak as major indexes post record highs

Stocks post 3-week win streak as major indexes post record highs

Trump isn't president.

And yet he has instilled hope for the future, something even Obama didn't do. You have to be impressed or simply repressed.

Obama's Presidency was a triumph. Everyone is better off. Less Bush Recession and Less Bush War Monkey = Better off. You dumb bumpkins didn't get YER GUNS GRABBED, you got your cheap gas back, unemployment is under 5%. None of this would be possible with McCain or Mitt, Wall Street and Big Oill's number one butt boys. We'd be at war with Iran by now (and Trump will be too) if Mittins or Panama John had won. You're better off. Get over yourself.

Let's dissect your talking points, shall we.

"Everyone is better off" - How can that be with millions more people out of work. The workforce participation rate is is at its lowest in over 40 years.

"Less Bush recession" - That's debatable, but I will admit there may be a slight recovery. There is liable to be a massive depression when the consequences come due for the trillions in un-backed money his Federal Bank printed

"Less war monkey" - You are the first to inform us that the U.S. even had and War Monkeys.

"YER GUNS GRABBED" - No, but our right to purchase and own the weapon of our choice has been infringed. It's equivalent to outlawing certain types of automobiles.

"you got your cheap gas back" - That has nothing to do with Obama. We have cheap gas because we are producing more crude. How, when Obama cancelled truckloads of drilling leases on public lands? By finding massive deposits of oil on private lands that the government has no control over. We gone from being one of the largest importers of oil to one of the largest exporters.

"unemployment is under 5%" - Only because a very large percent of the people unemployed ran out of benefits and were dropped from the roles even though they still can't find work. Simply, the unemployment rate is figured by the NUMBER OF PEOPLE RECEIVING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS.

"We'd be at war with Iran by now" - With world security possibly in the balance that might not be a bad thing. If Iran manages to get nuclear weapons you will rue the day we didn't take action sooner.

"You're better off". - This is right off the front page of Democrat Dreamland Daily News. With more people on food stamps, under the poverty level, applying for Social Security Disability, etc., how can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Your celebration of mis-information is astonishing.
Bush will always be blamed for the Great Recession, by fair minded and objective people. They will also praise Obama for the economic rise in the last six months.

first of all, the so-called great recession is a figment of left wing imagination-------------it never happened. There was no recession in 2008, there was a market correction driven by terrible mortgage policies that resulted in millions of foreclosures by people who never should have been given mortgages.

secondly, tell us exactly what Obama did personally to cause the market rise in the last 6 months. no talking points, what specific policies or laws did HE pass that caused the market to rise?

There was no recession in 2008?

Do you even know what a recession is?

We have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

Interesting claim. Especially since 2 years ago you called the 2008 recession a recession:

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Post 36

Your own words in 2014:

"...you have zero understanding of what caused the recession, or why it continues today..."
There was no recession in 2008?

Do you even know what a recession is?

We have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.
Trump won't be doing anything. His right wing posse will be doing all of the work of destroying this country.

*Gasp* You said "posse"! How dare you use a racist term to describe Trump's cabinet!?!?!?

I am reporting you to the ACLU and the PC Police!

Using the term PC police is played out. Come up with a different insult.

The PC Police are alive and well in America. That thing with LeBron James and the "posse" comment is a prime example. The hijacking of common words to mean something racist or derogatory to someone is happening every day, and is an act of the "PC Police".
The country is better off than in 2008, even though the work force participation rate is lower because of the many more retirees.

Yes, there was the "Bush recession," it was rought, and, yes, we are better off today.

No, our gun rights have not been infringed unconstitutionally.

Cheap gas everything to do with the Obama administration.

Unemployment is down because jobs are up. To somehow say UE is bad because so many baby boomers are retiring is the reflection of a 7th grade understanding.

War with Iran would be a bad thing. Anyone who thinks differently is an idiot.

Most Americans are better off, and those who are not working are better off with ACA and other assistance.

The far right window of observation is narrow and opaque.
uWe have been through this before. Yes, I know what a recession is, you and your left wing friends in the media do not. 2008 was not a recession. You are free to buy into the left wing bullshit if it helps with your Bush-hate. But you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. Its amazing that you are so desperate that you would go back 2 years to find and misquote something I said.

But if you were honest and read the entire exchange you would have to admit that I was responding to a claim by you or some other fool that Bush caused and Obama fixed, a "recession" that never actually happened.

I am quite aware of how academic intellectuals who do not live in the real world characterized the market correction of 2008-------------------------But its bullshit.
The country is better off than in 2008, even though the work force participation rate is lower because of the many more retirees.

Yes, there was the "Bush recession," it was rought, and, yes, we are better off today.

No, our gun rights have not been infringed unconstitutionally.

Cheap gas everything to do with the Obama administration.

Unemployment is down because jobs are up. To somehow say UE is bad because so many baby boomers are retiring is the reflection of a 7th grade understanding.

War with Iran would be a bad thing. Anyone who thinks differently is an idiot.

Most Americans are better off, and those who are not working are better off with ACA and other assistance.

The far right window of observation is narrow and opaque.

you are one funny dude, jakey boy. your view of the world is straight out of fantasy land. Do you sleep with your Mickey ears on? Is your wife named Minnie?

Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.

So Americans have been anticipating the Trump presidency for 7 years?


most were anticipating Obama leaving office and intelligent people taking over.
Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. Its amazing that you are so desperate that you would go back 2 years to find and misquote something I said.

But if you were honest and read the entire exchange you would have to admit that I was responding to a claim by you or some other fool that Bush caused and Obama fixed, a "recession" that never actually happened.

I am quite aware of how academic intellectuals who do not live in the real world characterized the market correction of 2008-------------------------But its bullshit.


You claimed today there was no recession in 2008. two years ago you were calling it a recession.

that is indisputable.

Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.

So Americans have been anticipating the Trump presidency for 7 years?


most were anticipating Obama leaving office and intelligent people taking over.

So you're claiming you've had 7 bad Christmases in a row with your family because Obama's been president. Funny.
Why does everyone but you say 2008 was a recession?

Can you name 3 recessions?

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. .

Go ahead. Put it into any legitimate context you want, if you can prove you didn't call the recession a recession.
in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. Its amazing that you are so desperate that you would go back 2 years to find and misquote something I said.

But if you were honest and read the entire exchange you would have to admit that I was responding to a claim by you or some other fool that Bush caused and Obama fixed, a "recession" that never actually happened.

I am quite aware of how academic intellectuals who do not live in the real world characterized the market correction of 2008-------------------------But its bullshit.


You claimed today there was no recession in 2008. two years ago you were calling it a recession.

that is indisputable.

I was addressing a post that called it a recession. I used the same words as the other poster, may have been you. I don't really care. Spin away, you fools lost. Hillary, Obama, democrats, liberalism, and PC were rejected by the American voters. Your biased attempt to rewrite history so you don't melt like the other snowflakes is quite pathetic.



Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.

So Americans have been anticipating the Trump presidency for 7 years?


most were anticipating Obama leaving office and intelligent people taking over.

So you're claiming you've had 7 bad Christmases in a row with your family because Obama's been president. Funny.

Not me personally, I have been just fine. Others have not been so fortunate. Why do you liberals hate poor americans?

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