What Trump has accomplished already, that Hillary never could have

in US history the only real one was in 1929, the others were temporary market swings that had zero affect on the majority of americans.

But, as I said, you are free to believe whatever your masters pump into your tiny brain.

So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. .

Go ahead. Put it into any legitimate context you want, if you can prove you didn't call the recession a recession.

Yes, I used those words when responding to someone else who used those words. Happy now? it doesn't mean I agreed with the other poster, but you are too stupid to understand that.
So the only recession in the history of the US occurred on a conservative Republican's watch.


history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. .

Go ahead. Put it into any legitimate context you want, if you can prove you didn't call the recession a recession.

Yes, I used those words when responding to someone else who used those words. Happy now? it doesn't mean I agreed with the other poster, but you are too stupid to understand that.

I used the word and you didn't feel compelled to use the same word.

You called it a recession because you were trying to blame it on Obama. In fact you claimed Obama was still prolonging the recession in 2014,

5 years after it ended. lol, goddam you have no integrity whatsoever.


Redfish 100 TIME LIAR.

NY carbonhead = chief moron of USMB. Credibility zero. A tool of the radical left with no capacity for original thought. a parrot. dumb as 3 day old road kill on a hot summer highway.

but I fully support her rights to post stupid far left wing propaganda and continue to make a complete fool of herself.
history is always interesting. as is the interpretation given to it by someone with a partisan agenda.

here's a hint for you NY girl. not everything that happens has a partisan cause.

Let me quote you again - you, the guy who says there was no recession in 2008:

"...obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies..."

Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I think you need to apologize for lying.

you need to apologize for taking something out of context. .

Go ahead. Put it into any legitimate context you want, if you can prove you didn't call the recession a recession.

Yes, I used those words when responding to someone else who used those words. Happy now? it doesn't mean I agreed with the other poster, but you are too stupid to understand that.

I used the word and you didn't feel compelled to use the same word.

You called it a recession because you were trying to blame it on Obama. In fact you claimed Obama was still prolonging the recession in 2014,

5 years after it ended. lol, goddam you have no integrity whatsoever.

If you bothered to go back and look you would have understood that the discussion was about an economic downturn, not whether is was called a "recession" "market correction" or "reaction to sunspots".

Everyone who reads your stupid posts knows what you are. a far left parrot.

Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.

So Americans have been anticipating the Trump presidency for 7 years?


Yup they have been.. Jesus..

They all held back with Obama
Redfish will lie just to lie. Yes, he admitted for years that there was a recession. He blamed it on Obama rather than Bush, than denied that during Obama's admin life got better for scores of million.

Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

consumer confidence and the stock market are both always forward looking, not back looking. People are having positive views of the future with Trump as president.

So Americans have been anticipating the Trump presidency for 7 years?


Yup they have been.. Jesus..

They all held back with Obama
Trump won't be doing anything. His right wing posse will be doing all of the work of destroying this country.

*Gasp* You said "posse"! How dare you use a racist term to describe Trump's cabinet!?!?!?

I am reporting you to the ACLU and the PC Police!

Using the term PC police is played out. Come up with a different insult.
Hillary's defeat was a repudiation of the Obama years. No, not everyone is better off even Obama will say that.
The same people who refuse to blame GW Bush for 2 recessions on his watch are now trying to give Donald Trump credit for Christmas shopping before he's even president.

Big surprise.

Oh, so now the Clinton recession is Bush's. Wow.

The president can't make recession they can only effect the recovery. Bush's actions made Clinton's recession recovery fast and painless. Obama on the other hand made the one he inherited both drawn out, painful and expensive. Which if done properly he could have came out like a rose instead of a mule turd.

You lie.

Honestly, why do you have to be that way? has the election brought you to this level of despair? I feel badly for you, seek help.

Consumer confidence has been in a rising trend since 2009. That would explain improving consumption,

not Donald Trump being selected president.

That's interesting because prior to the election I swear you and your ilk were predicting a stock market crash and people wantonly cutting the tags off their mattresses if Trump won.
The same people who refuse to blame GW Bush for 2 recessions on his watch are now trying to give Donald Trump credit for Christmas shopping before he's even president.

Big surprise.

Oh, so now the Clinton recession is Bush's. Wow.

The president can't make recession they can only effect the recovery. Bush's actions made Clinton's recession recovery fast and painless. Obama on the other hand made the one he inherited both drawn out, painful and expensive. Which if done properly he could have came out like a rose instead of a mule turd.
Bush's actions? You mean the deficit creating Bush tax cuts?
And I had no Idea the country was losing 750,000 a month when Bush became president. How long did that go on? How many months?
i am already designing the "Trump Library of Accomplishments",,so far I have 40,000 sq ft. in comparison to the Barry Library, of which so far i have at 32 sq ft.
The country is better off than in 2008, even though the work force participation rate is lower because of the many more retirees.

Yes, there was the "Bush recession," it was rought, and, yes, we are better off today.

No, our gun rights have not been infringed unconstitutionally.

Cheap gas everything to do with the Obama administration.

Unemployment is down because jobs are up. To somehow say UE is bad because so many baby boomers are retiring is the reflection of a 7th grade understanding.

War with Iran would be a bad thing. Anyone who thinks differently is an idiot.

Most Americans are better off, and those who are not working are better off with ACA and other assistance.

The far right window of observation is narrow and opaque.
Cheap gas everything to do with the Obama administration.

The country is better off than in 2008, even though the work force participation rate is lower because of the many more retirees.

Yes, there was the "Bush recession," it was rought, and, yes, we are better off today.

No, our gun rights have not been infringed unconstitutionally.

Cheap gas everything to do with the Obama administration.

Unemployment is down because jobs are up. To somehow say UE is bad because so many baby boomers are retiring is the reflection of a 7th grade understanding.

War with Iran would be a bad thing. Anyone who thinks differently is an idiot.

Most Americans are better off, and those who are not working are better off with ACA and other assistance.

The far right window of observation is narrow and opaque.
Cheap gas everything to do with the Obama administration.


I have to hear this one Jake the fake..
Hillary's defeat was a repudiation of the Obama years. No, not everyone is better off even Obama will say that.

More people voted for Hillary, and it's looking like the only reason Trump won the rest best states was because of Russian hacking.

So, no, the people got this right.

What does hacking have to do with Hillary being a stuck up snob?

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