What 'type' of Caucasian should vote Democrat...haven't Dems completely exposed themselves as the party committed to bringing whitey down?

In your pea brain won't allow you to accept the basic truths upon which the Republic rests. People who care about fundamental Liberty know the value in maintaining the means necessary to repel it.

Uh, sorry, guy...

When I walk past the security guard in the morning who is at my workplace because there are too many nuts with guns out there... when I have to practice an active shooter drill, or walk through a metal detector, or send Little Billy off to school with a bullet-proof backpack, I'm not feeling the "liberty". When we have trigger happy cops out there because they never know if a traffic stop is going to turn into a shootout... Im not feeling any safer.

I'm feeling like a prisoner in an armed camp.
Well...you would do well to revisit your early American history. 1) Many of the signers were strict abolitionists. The fight between Anti and Pro-slavery almost doomed our country before it was even formed. Oh..and not all slave owners were rapists..and many felt that sex with a slave was akin to fucking your horse. Somehow, I think you might be zeroing in on Thomas Jefferson--but whatever.

1) They didn't abolish slavery. All that evil needs to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
2) Check out the fact that black people have about 20 different shades of skin, that's proof they were raping the shit out of their slaves back in the day.

Taxes? Most of the signers of the DOI would have had no problem paying taxes..not sure just what 'fair share' would constitute....but the colonies were taxed to a great degree. It was the fact that these great men were not allowed to participate in the splitting of the loot that gave them the red-ass. No taxation without representation, ya know?

Which again, was horseshit. The main reason WHY those taxes were necessary was the expense of the French and Indian War a decade before. A war the colonists largely instigated by invading French and Indian territory. (England was at War with France in Europe, but they really didn't want another front in America.)

Had King George not been mad...and his advisors short-sighted..we would still be British...LOL!~

King George was barely a figurehead at that point. In fact, the Monarchs lost most of their real power back with Queen Anne. It was a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PARLIAMENT that decided that they weren't going to put up with the Slave Rapists and their shit. And, yes, as the 1619 Project is showing, a lot of that was a fear that British would abolish slavery. (Which they did long before we did.)

The Whiskey Rebellion...the only time a sitting President commanded troops in the field---and. eventually the tax was repealed--and the US would subsist off of import tariffs alone.

It wasn't the policy that was my point, buddy. It was the fact that 'nuts with gun' took on the government, the government smacked them down, hard.

BTW..Washington sympathized with the Rebels..and eventually pardoned those who had been set to hang.

Probably should have hanged them. That'd be a lesson. Should have hanged the Confederate leaders, too.
In your pea brain won't allow you to accept the basic truths upon which the Republic rests. People who care about fundamental Liberty know the value in maintaining the means necessary to repel it.

Uh, sorry, guy...

When I walk past the security guard in the morning who is at my workplace because there are too many nuts with guns out there... when I have to practice an active shooter drill, or walk through a metal detector, or send Little Billy off to school with a bullet-proof backpack, I'm not feeling the "liberty". When we have trigger happy cops out there because they never know if a traffic stop is going to turn into a shootout... Im not feeling any safer.

I'm feeling like a prisoner in an armed camp.

There would be no trigger happy cops if not for liberals and the Nanny State or the MAGA types and their POLICE STATE. If where you work doesn't allow you to carry, find another job or go to work for yourself.
Well...you would do well to revisit your early American history. 1) Many of the signers were strict abolitionists. The fight between Anti and Pro-slavery almost doomed our country before it was even formed. Oh..and not all slave owners were rapists..and many felt that sex with a slave was akin to fucking your horse. Somehow, I think you might be zeroing in on Thomas Jefferson--but whatever.

1) They didn't abolish slavery. All that evil needs to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
2) Check out the fact that black people have about 20 different shades of skin, that's proof they were raping the shit out of their slaves back in the day.

Taxes? Most of the signers of the DOI would have had no problem paying taxes..not sure just what 'fair share' would constitute....but the colonies were taxed to a great degree. It was the fact that these great men were not allowed to participate in the splitting of the loot that gave them the red-ass. No taxation without representation, ya know?

Which again, was horseshit. The main reason WHY those taxes were necessary was the expense of the French and Indian War a decade before. A war the colonists largely instigated by invading French and Indian territory. (England was at War with France in Europe, but they really didn't want another front in America.)

Had King George not been mad...and his advisors short-sighted..we would still be British...LOL!~

King George was barely a figurehead at that point. In fact, the Monarchs lost most of their real power back with Queen Anne. It was a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PARLIAMENT that decided that they weren't going to put up with the Slave Rapists and their shit. And, yes, as the 1619 Project is showing, a lot of that was a fear that British would abolish slavery. (Which they did long before we did.)

The Whiskey Rebellion...the only time a sitting President commanded troops in the field---and. eventually the tax was repealed--and the US would subsist off of import tariffs alone.

It wasn't the policy that was my point, buddy. It was the fact that 'nuts with gun' took on the government, the government smacked them down, hard.

BTW..Washington sympathized with the Rebels..and eventually pardoned those who had been set to hang.

Probably should have hanged them. That'd be a lesson. Should have hanged the Confederate leaders, too.
You're an idiot Joe:
1) Judging history without allowing for context is a fool's game. Had the abolitionists drawn a line..there would have been no US. The south would have formed its own country..codified slavery..and there would have been no civil war and no emancipation. '
2) Shades of color...you don't think that more than a few of those shades were formed by unions stretching from 1865 to the present? How do various shades prove anything? Are you actually saying that a majority of mixed children were a result of slave rape? Because that is simply not the case. Try to be bit more nuanced in your reasoning.

Your take on the French and Indian war is..in your words..bullshit. That the txes were needed for the war effort in Europe is true..although the most egregious of the taxes...such as the Stamp Act...were strictly punitive in nature. The British positively ached to open a front in North America...mostly with an eye towards Canada.

Oh...as for British monarchs..you might want to reflect of the difference between power and influence.

Nuts with guns eh? you do know that all the leaders of the Whiskey Rebellion were never caught right? They just fled West...and rocked on. Those that got sentenced to hang included a mentally deficient man who was tricked into robbing a mail carrier ...and one guy who beat up a tax collector and burned down his house. Oh..and the tax WAS repealed.

The insurrection collapsed as the federal army marched west into western Pennsylvania in October 1794. Some of the most prominent leaders of the insurrection, such as David Bradford, fled westward to safety. It took six months for those who were charged to be tried. Most were acquitted due to mistaken identity, unreliable testimony and lack of witnesses. Two were sentenced to hang, see below.

Immediately before the arrests "... as many as 2,000 of [the rebels]...had fled into the mountains, beyond the reach of the militia. It was a great disappointment to Hamilton, who had hoped to bring rebel leaders such as David Bradford to trial in Philadelphia...and possibly see them hanged for treason. Instead, when the militia at last turned back, out of all the suspects they had seized a mere twenty were selected to serve as examples, They were at worst bit players in the uprising, but they were better than nothing."[108]

The captured participants and the Federal militia arrived in Philadelphia on Christmas Day. Some artillery was fired and church bells were heard as "... a huge throng lined Broad Street to cheer the troops and mock the rebels ... [Presley] Neville said he 'could not help feeling sorry for them. The captured rebels were paraded down Broad Street being 'humiliated, bedragged, [and] half-starved ...' "[108]

Other accounts describe the indictment of 24 men for high treason.[109] Most of the accused had eluded capture, so only ten men stood trial for treason in federal court.[110] Of these, only Philip Wigle[113] and John Mitchell were convicted. Wigle had beaten up a tax collector and burned his house; Mitchell was a simpleton who had been convinced by David Bradford to rob the U.S. mail. These, the only two convicted of treason and sentenced to death by hanging, were later pardoned by President Washington.[108][114][115] Pennsylvania state courts were more successful in prosecuting lawbreakers, securing numerous convictions for assault and rioting.[116]

In his seventh State of the Union Address, Washington explained his decision to pardon Mitchell and Weige. Hamilton and John Jay drafted the address, as they had others, before Washington made the final edit:-

"The misled have abandoned their errors," he stated. "For though I shall always think it a sacred duty to exercise with firmness and energy the constitutional powers with which I am vested, yet it appears to me no less consistent with the public good than it is with my personal feelings to mingle in the operations of Government every degree of moderation and tenderness which the national justice, dignity, and safety may permit"[117][118]

While violent opposition to the whiskey tax ended, political opposition to the tax continued. Opponents of internal taxes rallied around the candidacy of Thomas Jefferson and helped him defeat President John Adams in the election of 1800. By 1802, Congress repealed the distilled spirits excise tax and all other internal Federal taxes. Until the War of 1812, the Federal government would rely solely on import tariffs for revenue, which quickly grew with the Nation's expanding foreign trade.[24]

You could have read all that with a easy search..but instead you chose to put forth your mistaken viewpoint.

this makes you exactly the same as those on the right who insist that the Democrats of today are the same as the Democrats of the Civil War and Nazi's are leftists.

How funny eh?
There would be no trigger happy cops if not for liberals and the Nanny State or the MAGA types and their POLICE STATE. If where you work doesn't allow you to carry, find another job or go to work for yourself.

Uh, guy, we have trigger happy cops out there because there are 300 million guns and no standards on who gets to have them. That's why we have 300 million guns. And, no, I'm HAPPY that my job doesn't let my coworkers walk about with guns. The last thing I want is a coworker shooting up the place because he just got fired.

It would be easier to poke melting butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker than to get you to admit that you are wrong.

I'm never wrong.

You are still crazy, though. As I always say, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.
You're an idiot Joe:
1) Judging history without allowing for context is a fool's game. Had the abolitionists drawn a line..there would have been no US. The south would have formed its own country..codified slavery..and there would have been no civil war and no emancipation. '

Guy, in context, the Holocaust was acceptable. I mean, they were ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS.

The point was, a bunch of guys talked a lot of smack about "All Men are Created Equal" and "Liberty", but at the end of the day, they still let slavery continue as a thing.

Oh, additional point, In 1776, there wasn't as clear a line drawn between North and South. There were just as many slaves in New York as there were in Georgia in 1776, about 25,000.

2) Shades of color...you don't think that more than a few of those shades were formed by unions stretching from 1865 to the present? How do various shades prove anything? Are you actually saying that a majority of mixed children were a result of slave rape? Because that is simply not the case. Try to be bit more nuanced in your reasoning.

Naw,man, quite the contrary. AFTER slavery ended in 1865, the first thing the white crackers in the South did was pass miscegenation laws to make sure that the Darkies weren't interbreeding with good decent white folks. They didn't strike those laws down until 1969. You see, funny thing. When you own a good looking woman as property, you have no problem having your way with her.

But the minute black men could legally have sex with your daughter or sister, they needed to pass laws to keep that stuff from happening, less she come home with a big silly smile on her face.

Your take on the French and Indian war is..in your words..bullshit. That the txes were needed for the war effort in Europe is true..although the most egregious of the taxes...such as the Stamp Act...were strictly punitive in nature. The British positively ached to open a front in North America...mostly with an eye towards Canada.

Actually, the British didn't want another front in that war, because they didn't have the resources to colonize west of the Appalachians, and they didn't want yet MORE trouble with the Native Americans. In addition to the fear the Founding Slave Rapists had with the possibility of London doing the decent thing and abolishing slavery, they also whined about how they took the side of Native Americans.

The part of the Declaration of Independence they DON'T teach you in school.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

Whites have been leaving the Dimocrat party for some time now. More need to follow.

Actually, the percentage of white people who vote Democratic has stayed consistent for years.

There would be no trigger happy cops if not for liberals and the Nanny State or the MAGA types and their POLICE STATE. If where you work doesn't allow you to carry, find another job or go to work for yourself.

Uh, guy, we have trigger happy cops out there because there are 300 million guns and no standards on who gets to have them. That's why we have 300 million guns. And, no, I'm HAPPY that my job doesn't let my coworkers walk about with guns. The last thing I want is a coworker shooting up the place because he just got fired.

It would be easier to poke melting butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker than to get you to admit that you are wrong.

I'm never wrong.

You are still crazy, though. As I always say, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

The fact that you are both wrong on a consistent basis AND so arrogant so as to believe you are never wrong makes you one of the more entertaining comedians on USM. In case you got lost in your narcissistic B.S., this is not a thread about gun control. Focus Angry Joe. Focus.
The fact that you are both wrong on a consistent basis AND so arrogant so as to believe you are never wrong makes you one of the more entertaining comedians on USM. In case you got lost in your narcissistic B.S., this is not a thread about gun control. Focus Angry Joe. Focus.

You're the one who was whining because the government shot some white trash gun nut like a rabid dog.

I cheer whenever that happens.
There is no reason for any white person to vote democrat. None whatsoever. They hate you.

yeah, here's where you get confused.

The reason why there is a white middle class at all is because of Democrats. Republicans have been trying to dismantle it for the last 40 years, and you dumb-asses keep falling for it.
The fact that you are both wrong on a consistent basis AND so arrogant so as to believe you are never wrong makes you one of the more entertaining comedians on USM. In case you got lost in your narcissistic B.S., this is not a thread about gun control. Focus Angry Joe. Focus.

You're the one who was whining because the government shot some white trash gun nut like a rabid dog.

I cheer whenever that happens.

And we can pray that someone who thinks like you takes you out as well.
I’m thinking we’ll see a race war at the polls this November...I just can’t see any legitimate, we’ll put together, normal white person voting against themselves by casting a vote for the party of filth.
I’m thinking we’ll see a race war at the polls this November...I just can’t see any legitimate, we’ll put together, normal white person voting against themselves by casting a vote for the party of filth.

Where I live is a must win state for Trump. In the last governor's race, a fat, overweight left wing liberal got over 48 percent of the vote. The county I live in is LARGE... 925,000 plus residents. Ever since the last election, the Dems have been building up. We've been Republican since Reagan, rarely ever losing any seat at any level. Last week, after the numbers came in, the Democrats cast more that TWO TIMES the ballots that Republicans did. With the left wing, ass kissing media being propagandists for Joe Biden, this election may be a wash. Barring a miracle, the Dems are going for a sweep at all levels in this state.
If we are supposed to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Believe it or not, contrary to what conservatives believe, most American do not vote based on solely their personal interest. Many Americans vote for a candidate they believe will best serve the interest of the nation.

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