What unemployment? I've received 840 job offers since 1/1/2010

The total number of job openings in August was 3.2 million. From the August Current Population Survey, we know that the total number of unemployed workers was 14.9 million. This means that the ratio of unemployed workers to job openings was 4.6-to-1 in August, unchanged from the revised July ratio. It is important to note that this ratio does not measure the number of applicants for each job. There may be throngs of applicants for every job posting, since job seekers apply for multiple jobs. The 4.6-to-1 ratio means that for every 46 unemployed workers, there are only 10 available job openings.

Far more unemployed workers than job openings | Economic Policy Institute

It does appear that the data suggests otherwise, however I suppose there is always exceptions to the rule. The general consensus is though that there are many many more applicants.

The amount of time the unemployed spent hunting for jobs rose sharply last year. Those out of work tended to search for about 20 weeks before quitting in 2010, compared to 8.5 weeks in 2007, according to a recent Labor Department report. The report studied how long unemployed workers took to either find a new job or quit looking.
Average Job Seeker Gives Up After 5 Months - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Many jobs available are part-time, no benefits, minimum wage. While it is a start, taking a job like that does not make a person fully employed. In many cases, it just costs them any benefits they might be receiving while limiting their time to find full-time employment.
This is hilarious.

You think my father would actively chose to give up a 110k job for just around 20k a year in unemployment benefits?

No, you're a liar.

Actually.....that is an unfair comparison.

I'll tell you what is happening here in NYC daily for me in my business....(recruiting is a major part of it).

We get an offer...say for 35K a year for a candidate.

The candidate does the math.

S/he gets 405 a week unemployment.
His brother in law also pays him 100 a day cash to bang up sheetrock for his contracting business.

That gives him an income of 905/week...or about 46K a year of which only 20K is taxable....so he takes home about 43K.

So the math is...take a job for a take home of about 26K or continue taking home 43K.

And yes...we get it ALL the time.

Those side jobs are

1) working for a local contractor
2) child care for friends that are employed
3) part time work in a friends office for cash

and there have been others as well.
They just love to blame other people for their own messes.

They refuse any responsibility and blame those who point out they fucked up for anything and everything they fuck up.

Comepletely failed party.

The Bush administration told a thousand lies about Iraq in order to get support for an invasion. Colin Powell told a bunch of lies to the whole world testifying to the United Nations. Check this little Jewel:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4RZO8y-R9k]WMD Lies - (Bush Administration) George W. Bush and his Lying Friends - YouTube[/ame]
This is hilarious.

You think my father would actively chose to give up a 110k job for just around 20k a year in unemployment benefits?

No, you're a liar.

Actually.....that is an unfair comparison.

I'll tell you what is happening here in NYC daily for me in my business....(recruiting is a major part of it).

We get an offer...say for 35K a year for a candidate.

The candidate does the math.

S/he gets 405 a week unemployment.
His brother in law also pays him 100 a day cash to bang up sheetrock for his contracting business.

That gives him an income of 905/week...or about 46K a year of which only 20K is taxable....so he takes home about 43K.

So the math is...take a job for a take home of about 26K or continue taking home 43K.

And yes...we get it ALL the time.

Those side jobs are

1) working for a local contractor
2) child care for friends that are employed
3) part time work in a friends office for cash

and there have been others as well.

And you don't turn them in? That makes you complicit in the problem of people taking advantage of Unemployment.
This is hilarious.

You think my father would actively chose to give up a 110k job for just around 20k a year in unemployment benefits?

No, you're a liar.

Actually.....that is an unfair comparison.

I'll tell you what is happening here in NYC daily for me in my business....(recruiting is a major part of it).

We get an offer...say for 35K a year for a candidate.

The candidate does the math.

S/he gets 405 a week unemployment.
His brother in law also pays him 100 a day cash to bang up sheetrock for his contracting business.

That gives him an income of 905/week...or about 46K a year of which only 20K is taxable....so he takes home about 43K.

So the math is...take a job for a take home of about 26K or continue taking home 43K.

And yes...we get it ALL the time.

Those side jobs are

1) working for a local contractor
2) child care for friends that are employed
3) part time work in a friends office for cash

and there have been others as well.

And you don't turn them in? That makes you complicit in the problem of people taking advantage of Unemployment.

It gets worse GT....

I have people cancel interviews all the time and then ask for me to confirm with unemployment that they are actively seeking a job.

I discussed this scenario (growing in frequency) with my attorney and he advised I simply give them my card and let them say whatever they want to unemployment and if unemployment calls my office (and they do), to simply say you are doing what you can to find them a job.

According to my attorney (he specializes in my industry in NYC), those that have "turned in" people that are gaming the game have a mutitude of law suits against them for "slander" and "discrimination"....and he said it just isnt worth it.

People willing to game the game are also willing to try to get you to settle on a frivalous lawsuit.
The total number of job openings in August was 3.2 million. From the August Current Population Survey, we know that the total number of unemployed workers was 14.9 million. This means that the ratio of unemployed workers to job openings was 4.6-to-1 in August, unchanged from the revised July ratio. It is important to note that this ratio does not measure the number of applicants for each job. There may be throngs of applicants for every job posting, since job seekers apply for multiple jobs. The 4.6-to-1 ratio means that for every 46 unemployed workers, there are only 10 available job openings.

Far more unemployed workers than job openings | Economic Policy Institute

It does appear that the data suggests otherwise, however I suppose there is always exceptions to the rule. The general consensus is though that there are many many more applicants.

The amount of time the unemployed spent hunting for jobs rose sharply last year. Those out of work tended to search for about 20 weeks before quitting in 2010, compared to 8.5 weeks in 2007, according to a recent Labor Department report. The report studied how long unemployed workers took to either find a new job or quit looking.
Average Job Seeker Gives Up After 5 Months - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Many jobs available are part-time, no benefits, minimum wage. While it is a start, taking a job like that does not make a person fully employed. In many cases, it just costs them any benefits they might be receiving while limiting their time to find full-time employment.

On a personal level, I believe it's easy for someone to say " go get a job", however, if you worked let's say at Textile plant all your life, supported you family, paid your taxes. and are a good citizen and now are on unemployment because your job was shipped overseas, because lets face we now live in a Wal-Mart culture, where we the consumer demand everything cheap, and the producer demands ever increasing profits, leading to Americans getting caught in a catch 22. It's unfair to just tell these people, go take a part time job while they are just surviving on unemployment , often time for the first time in their lives, and this is mind you insurance they paid for through tax withholdings. So to demonize these people serves nothing. It's high time this nation get off its collective backside and start demanding from its retailers, it's producers "American Made", and personally I don't care if it's Union or non-union or your grandmother made it. We need to demand from our own Govt. that those companies who wish to take advantage of being an American company be give them, (deductions, tax breaks etc), and those that don't its simple, those breaks don't apply. The most important thing though, is we need to stop this judgement of our own people, because they are just as American as we are and live by the motto "There but for the grace of God, go I ".
Actually.....that is an unfair comparison.

I'll tell you what is happening here in NYC daily for me in my business....(recruiting is a major part of it).

We get an offer...say for 35K a year for a candidate.

The candidate does the math.

S/he gets 405 a week unemployment.
His brother in law also pays him 100 a day cash to bang up sheetrock for his contracting business.

That gives him an income of 905/week...or about 46K a year of which only 20K is taxable....so he takes home about 43K.

So the math is...take a job for a take home of about 26K or continue taking home 43K.

And yes...we get it ALL the time.

Those side jobs are

1) working for a local contractor
2) child care for friends that are employed
3) part time work in a friends office for cash

and there have been others as well.

And you don't turn them in? That makes you complicit in the problem of people taking advantage of Unemployment.

It gets worse GT....

I have people cancel interviews all the time and then ask for me to confirm with unemployment that they are actively seeking a job.

I discussed this scenario (growing in frequency) with my attorney and he advised I simply give them my card and let them say whatever they want to unemployment and if unemployment calls my office (and they do), to simply say you are doing what you can to find them a job.

According to my attorney (he specializes in my industry in NYC), those that have "turned in" people that are gaming the game have a mutitude of law suits against them for "slander" and "discrimination"....and he said it just isnt worth it.

People willing to game the game are also willing to try to get you to settle on a frivalous lawsuit.

There are plenty of those out there. Unfortunately, it gives everyone in need of those benefits a bad name.
And you don't turn them in? That makes you complicit in the problem of people taking advantage of Unemployment.

It gets worse GT....

I have people cancel interviews all the time and then ask for me to confirm with unemployment that they are actively seeking a job.

I discussed this scenario (growing in frequency) with my attorney and he advised I simply give them my card and let them say whatever they want to unemployment and if unemployment calls my office (and they do), to simply say you are doing what you can to find them a job.

According to my attorney (he specializes in my industry in NYC), those that have "turned in" people that are gaming the game have a mutitude of law suits against them for "slander" and "discrimination"....and he said it just isnt worth it.

People willing to game the game are also willing to try to get you to settle on a frivalous lawsuit.

There are plenty of those out there. Unfortunately, it gives everyone in need of those benefits a bad name.

Exactly. I say, let's not blame the Benefits.

What unemployment? I've received 840 job offers since 1/1/2010

We'll take your word for that.

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Sounds like your Lawyer is also a part of the problem.

Interesting how you try to drag me AND my attorney into the problem.

The problem are attorney's out there who are willing to offer "no charge" for their services and only a percentage of the "winnings".

And I am left with a decision....spend 15K to defend myself...and yes, likely win....or just let the system take over.

And yes...I asked my attorney why I cant simply counter for my legal costs...

and he said I can....and then asked if I would want to deal with the adverse reputation I would get for demanding payment from an unemployed individual.

It is an issue with our legal system....not with me.....but if you want to blame me....fucking go for it. But it is pretty fucking lame if you ask me.
Well, that settles it. I'm convinced. However, we'll need to check the unemployment rate in...Florida was it? I can tell you that Michigan would not fare as well. I lived there from '02-'03. When you have wildlife taking back over abandoned subdivisions of Detroit, one could say that the economy isn't doing very well.

Most of my friends in family in MI are business owners. They too are barely making ends meet for their businesses.

What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander.
It gets worse GT....

I have people cancel interviews all the time and then ask for me to confirm with unemployment that they are actively seeking a job.

I discussed this scenario (growing in frequency) with my attorney and he advised I simply give them my card and let them say whatever they want to unemployment and if unemployment calls my office (and they do), to simply say you are doing what you can to find them a job.

According to my attorney (he specializes in my industry in NYC), those that have "turned in" people that are gaming the game have a mutitude of law suits against them for "slander" and "discrimination"....and he said it just isnt worth it.

People willing to game the game are also willing to try to get you to settle on a frivalous lawsuit.

There are plenty of those out there. Unfortunately, it gives everyone in need of those benefits a bad name.

Exactly. I say, let's not blame the Benefits.

I never DID blame the benefits.

I support unemployment...it is a need and most that get it, need it but dont want it.

I support welfare...it is a need...and most that get it need it but dont want it

And I say dont end these programs just becuase a small minority game the game.

But it goes both ways...dont villify all business owners just becuase a few game the game. Dont force MY clinet to widen his loading bay at a cost of 75K becuase of the few that dont follow OSHA rules.

DOnt make MY Client spend an extra 20K a month in carting fees becuase of the few that try to get away with improper dumping.
I love people who think just because they are doing well in this economy everyone else should be able to as well otherwise they are no good lazy fuck heads.
I love people who think just because they are doing well in this economy everyone else should be able to as well otherwise they are no good lazy fuck heads.

I am not saying this.

I struggled all of last year.
This year was better.
I could have given up last year....but I stuck with it......didnt make any money whatsoever....actually had a negative RE's shown on my K-1...

I dont like what I am seeing right now here in NYC.....too many people seem to be gaming the game.
Sounds like your Lawyer is also a part of the problem.

Interesting how you try to drag me AND my attorney into the problem.

The problem are attorney's out there who are willing to offer "no charge" for their services and only a percentage of the "winnings".

And I am left with a decision....spend 15K to defend myself...and yes, likely win....or just let the system take over.

And yes...I asked my attorney why I cant simply counter for my legal costs...

and he said I can....and then asked if I would want to deal with the adverse reputation I would get for demanding payment from an unemployed individual.

It is an issue with our legal system....not with me.....but if you want to blame me....fucking go for it. But it is pretty fucking lame if you ask me.

I think it's pretty lame to be upset about people gaming the system and you don't do shit in your power to stop them because of these frivolous "this and that" reasons your Lawyer says.

If you have proof, you have proof. There's no phony guarantee you'll then be magically sued, and if you are sued and can't afford one then Public defendors are also afforded to you.
The ratio of 4.5 unemployed people per job opening remains the bottom line. All anecdotes about people gaming the system or people refusing to take jobs below their grade or whatever does not change that statistic. There are not enough job openings for everyone who is currently unemployed to have one. And that's that.
Sounds like your Lawyer is also a part of the problem.

Interesting how you try to drag me AND my attorney into the problem.

The problem are attorney's out there who are willing to offer "no charge" for their services and only a percentage of the "winnings".

And I am left with a decision....spend 15K to defend myself...and yes, likely win....or just let the system take over.

And yes...I asked my attorney why I cant simply counter for my legal costs...

and he said I can....and then asked if I would want to deal with the adverse reputation I would get for demanding payment from an unemployed individual.

It is an issue with our legal system....not with me.....but if you want to blame me....fucking go for it. But it is pretty fucking lame if you ask me.

I think it's pretty lame to be upset about people gaming the system and you don't do shit in your power to stop them because of these frivolous "this and that" reasons your Lawyer says.

If you have proof, you have proof. There's no phony guarantee you'll then be magically sued, and if you are sued and can't afford one then Public defendors are also afforded to you.

you are quite naive.

No...you are VERY naive.

This post above?

Childsih response. Learn what it is like to run a business, protect your employees, protect your position in the marketplace...then get back to me with your holier than though attitude....

Dam...you really are naive.
Sounds like your Lawyer is also a part of the problem.

Interesting how you try to drag me AND my attorney into the problem.

The problem are attorney's out there who are willing to offer "no charge" for their services and only a percentage of the "winnings".

And I am left with a decision....spend 15K to defend myself...and yes, likely win....or just let the system take over.

And yes...I asked my attorney why I cant simply counter for my legal costs...

and he said I can....and then asked if I would want to deal with the adverse reputation I would get for demanding payment from an unemployed individual.

It is an issue with our legal system....not with me.....but if you want to blame me....fucking go for it. But it is pretty fucking lame if you ask me.

I think it's pretty lame to be upset about people gaming the system and you don't do shit in your power to stop them because of these frivolous "this and that" reasons your Lawyer says.

If you have proof, you have proof. There's no phony guarantee you'll then be magically sued, and if you are sued and can't afford one then Public defendors are also afforded to you.

if this is the way people see business owners...no wonder you think they are all greedy SOB's.

Jeeze...to you guys, things are so cut and dry.

Got news for ya buddy......I would be out of business in a week if I turned in every person who gamed the game. My legal costs would put me out of business.

And if I didnt do it to EVERY ONE...I would likely lose a suit as it would appear to be discriminatyion...

For if the one I decide to report is black, a woman, a man over the age of 40, a Jew, a Muslim, shoirt, tall, fat, thin...I would be told I dont like "that group"..

SO I would have to report everyone.

You think I have the money to defend against all of those slander suits?
I don't understand how ANYONE can be unemployed in America.
I am not interested in any of these as I own my own business but if I wanted a job every day since 1/1/2010 I received email notifications about jobs in my area of Florida. Hertz, Crab Shack, Manorcare, Dunkin Donuts, Kohl's,Outback, AMC theatres,Enterprise, Dollar, CarMaxTruBlue, Aerotek...
Just to name a few of the 840 distinct emails with job offers!

840 jobs all for one person!

In addition in Washington State apple pickers are desperately needed and they pay $150/day almost $50,000 a year.. and these jobs are available right now!

The problem is NOT available JOBS..
It's people that want to work!

For someone who owns his/her own business, you are incredibly stupid. First of all, just because you receive notifications about jobs doesn't mean they actually exist. Some of it is most likely lead in advertising just looking for a response from desperate job seekers. As for any legitimate positions, I'm willing to bet they receive hundreds of applications for each position, so just because you see a job is available doesn't mean that everyone unemployed is going to get it.

But what I really want to address is your statement that apple pickers in Washington are paid close to $50,000 per year. Actually, they only make around $8000 per year.


Farm Jobs

These people are lucky to make minimum wage, housing is not always provided, and the work is seasonal.

You should fit in well here with your tales from fantasy land. It seems to be an ongoing theme in these parts.

What about the hundreds of jobs I see advertised daily in our local paper?

We are small to medium county so I have to assume across the whole state of Florida there are thousands upon thousands of jobs advertised every day.

If people were so desperate for work I would think these employers woudn't have to spend the money to advertise.

how many people are applying for each job?

and how many of those jobs say "don't apply if you're unemployed" or have credit problems?

try again.

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