what war since WWII protected our freedoms?

Again. Fuck you. You know what you did and all of this bluster is just an attempt to deflect shit on me. You fucked up Gunny.

You ain't big nor bad enough to fuck me, little man. I DO know exactly what I did. YOU apparently can't take your partisan blinders off long enough to figure it out.

YOU fucked up and you're acting like a little bitch. You want to discuss this like a man, you know which forum to use or you can PM me. Until then, fuck off.

Here's what you said.

We need another war. To get rid of titsuckers like you and that fuckwit blu. You and your ilk have turned this nation into something it was never meant to be.

Own up to it. Explain yourself

I did explain myself. Go back and re-read it as many times as you feel necessary. In the meantime could you please stop fucking up this thread? It's one of the few decent ones around here minus the meltdown.
How many "Liberty Ships" were sunk by the Germans before the attack on Pearl Harbor? We had plenty of reasons to fight the Germans independant of anything Hitler did in Europe or Britain. The main problem is that we were not geared up for a war with Germany like we were when the Japs attacked us and made it a no brainer. . Plus many of our most beloved movie stars social heros and titans of industry were suckin Hitlers dick. It was almost as if Fox television had gone back in time ...uncanny!
How many "Liberty Ships" were sunk by the Germans before the attack on Pearl Harbor? We had plenty of reasons to fight the Germans independant of anything Hitler did in Europe or Britain. The main problem is that we were not geared up for a war with Germany like we were when the Japs attacked us and made it a no brainer. . Plus many of our most beloved movie stars social heros and titans of industry were suckin Hitlers dick. It was almost as if Fox television had gone back in time ...uncanny!

I agree that a lot of people agreed with Hitler. Joseph Kennedy being the most notable since he was our Ambassador to England until recalled for supporting Hitler. The American NAZI party was also a rather large player during the 30s.

Which just supports my statement rather than refute it. The American people did not want to go to war even with liberty ships being sunk. We have to be attacked before anyone wants to pull their heads out of the sand.
if russia and us did not confront hilter would he have not come after us like he already said he would?

Unlikely. Hitler didn't want to fight the U.K., why would we want to fight the U.S.?

You are brain dead. Too much Ron Paul foreign policy propaganda on the brain. If you want to argue we should have stayed the hell out of WW I, I would agree with you, but if you want to argue we should have stayed out of War of 1812, WW II and Afghanistan, I will call you an idiot!

I'm of the opinion that nobody cares what you would call anyone or anything.
Adolf fucked up by attacking Russia and he didn't count on the resolve of the Brits. They're a strange mob the Brits when it comes to war. Very fiesty. Haven't lost too many....
Adolf fucked up by attacking Russia and he didn't count on the resolve of the Brits. They're a strange mob the Brits when it comes to war. Very fiesty. Haven't lost too many....

And the Japanese fucked themselves and Germany by getting the US involved
Germany failed to crush the British at Dunkirk, instead allowing the entire BEF to escape to England. That was a HUGE mistake, The German ability to invade England was very limited. They had as invasion craft mostly Rhine river barges, barely sea worthy and no way to protect them from the British Navy.

The second German mistake was in the Battle of the Air. They were crushing the British fighters with concentrated attacks on their bases. Two things happened to change the win to a loss. One they never understood the Importance of the Radar stations and failed to target them and 2 Hitler pulled the air attacks off the fighter bases and started bombing London.
We need another war. To get rid of titsuckers like you and that fuckwit blu. You and your ilk have turned this nation into something it was never meant to be.

:clap2:Real mature of you Gunny. How adult. :cuckoo:
How many "Liberty Ships" were sunk by the Germans before the attack on Pearl Harbor? We had plenty of reasons to fight the Germans independant of anything Hitler did in Europe or Britain. The main problem is that we were not geared up for a war with Germany like we were when the Japs attacked us and made it a no brainer. . Plus many of our most beloved movie stars social heros and titans of industry were suckin Hitlers dick. It was almost as if Fox television had gone back in time ...uncanny!

I agree that a lot of people agreed with Hitler. Joseph Kennedy being the most notable since he was our Ambassador to England until recalled for supporting Hitler. The American NAZI party was also a rather large player during the 30s.

Which just supports my statement rather than refute it. The American people did not want to go to war even with liberty ships being sunk. We have to be attacked before anyone wants to pull their heads out of the sand.

Charles Lindberg was another famous Nazi lover.

My all time favorites were the American Communists. After the Nazi/Soviet aliance they were out picketing every day for the US not to aid Britain in fighting Germany. The day after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, they were protesting that the US MUST enter the war
In other news....

Democrats try to limit Tea Party activities and silence them because of what "they might do" and because their "rhetoric" might lead to violence.

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In other news....

Democrats try to limit Tea Party activities and silence them because of what "they might do" and because their "rhetoric" might lead to violence.


What's this got to do with this thread?
The Cold War. Reagan led the West in taking down the Soviet Union. Too bad we're now squandering that progress.
Fuck off, asshole.

yeah, one of the few words in Gunny's vocabulary

Address the topic, junior. In case you missed it, I can go whatever level you want to play. You're a leftwingnut parrot indistinguishable from about a dozen other leftwingnuts on this board.

You're just "another" 'tard.

:lol: most of your posts are name calling, you ignore whenever anybody addresses a post,. And I've posted many times in this thread if you had any reading comprehension and even know what addressing a topic is

YOu are such a piece of shit who threatens and name calls anybody that calls you out on the bullshit you spout. I supposed in your warped mind "fuck off asshole" is addressing the thread.
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You ain't big nor bad enough to fuck me, little man. I DO know exactly what I did. YOU apparently can't take your partisan blinders off long enough to figure it out.

YOU fucked up and you're acting like a little bitch. You want to discuss this like a man, you know which forum to use or you can PM me. Until then, fuck off.

Here's what you said.

We need another war. To get rid of titsuckers like you and that fuckwit blu. You and your ilk have turned this nation into something it was never meant to be.

Own up to it. Explain yourself

I did explain myself. Go back and re-read it as many times as you feel necessary. In the meantime could you please stop fucking up this thread? It's one of the few decent ones around here minus the meltdown.
follow your own advice asshole and address the thread:cuckoo:
In other news....

Democrats try to limit Tea Party activities and silence them because of what "they might do" and because their "rhetoric" might lead to violence.


What's this got to do with this thread?

You libs think Tea Party "rhetoric" is going to lead to violence and so want the Tea Party to go away.
That is preemptive.

You don't think the same about terrorist. You want them to strike first and then deal with them.

That is self serving hypocrisy.
In other news....

Democrats try to limit Tea Party activities and silence them because of what "they might do" and because their "rhetoric" might lead to violence.


What's this got to do with this thread?

You libs think Tea Party "rhetoric" is going to lead to violence and so want the Tea Party to go away.
That is preemptive.

You don't think the same about terrorist. You want them to strike first and then deal with them.

That is self serving hypocrisy.

Still don't get it

What does your response have to do with...

what war since WWII protected our freedoms?

The Tea Party now considers itself a war??? How lame

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