What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.

a few alterations and errors to fit false council teachings to mislead by satans will.
So you agree that the bible ISN'T god's word, good for you.

The bible is Gods word. My teachers studied very hard and corrected the errors here in these last days. Otherwise this could never be a truth-Daniel 12:4)

The encyclopedias( facts of history)-- clearly show of the pagan additives off the table of Demons in both Easter and Christmas( 1Cor 10:21)-- If ones teacher isn't warning them of those additives--they are teachers of darkness--all who listen to them have lost.
So it's written in the bible that the bible is god's words. Ummm... no, that makes no sense.

There is a lot of proof God inspired the bible. There are things in the OT about outer space( true things) no one could possibly know back then. As well archeologists dug many sights the bible said God destroyed those civilizations--They were wicked. 99.9% in Noahs day were wicked--Yet they were human, I would say they love their family and friends. Mislead into false god worship and pagan practices off the table of demons( 1Corinthians 10:21)---- I can clearly see revelation passing before the worlds eyes, it has been for many years.
Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...

Few even know what Jesus actually taught. I share 6 really important teachings of his in every sight like this--Rejected by every Trinitarian that reads them. The strange fact is that all 6 teachings are in their bibles as well. They outright refuse to believe Jesus over the dogmas most teachers are paid to teach.
Here is a really important one--Jesus said ones eternal life depends on these things. In prayer to his Father in heaven, Jesus at John 17:1-6,26-- clearly teaches--The one who sent him( Father-John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. And one must know him and know Jesus--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)-- errors in translation cause them not to listen.
So it's written in a book who the real god is so that's it? Geez, not much critical thinking going on there.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
How do you know you've got the right one because everyone says they alone have the right one, so how do you tell?

The teachings of Jesus prove who is who.
But those stories were written several generations after the events supposedly happened, so we don't really know what Jesus actually said.

God preserved the teachings of Jesus--They are the same in every translation on earth--( with the exception of a word--Earth-Land-Matt 5:5)-- There Jesus speaking about-the great multitude which no man can #--Will inherit the EARTH--- they do not go to heaven. Proverbs 2:21-22,, Matthew 24:22)-- the new earth= Gods kingdom in full control. No matter where one stands they will stand before Gods throne--The only ruling power to exist forever-Daniel 2:44)
That's not proof that Jesus said what's written in the bible that he said.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?
His own, of course.

I say the teachings of Jesus prove who is who. I share 6 important ones with others that claim to serve Jesus--they reject those teachings even though all 6 are in their bibles to--strange huh? Few know what Jesus actually taught.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.

a few alterations and errors to fit false council teachings to mislead by satans will.
So you agree that the bible ISN'T god's word, good for you.

The bible is Gods word. My teachers studied very hard and corrected the errors here in these last days. Otherwise this could never be a truth-Daniel 12:4)

The encyclopedias( facts of history)-- clearly show of the pagan additives off the table of Demons in both Easter and Christmas( 1Cor 10:21)-- If ones teacher isn't warning them of those additives--they are teachers of darkness--all who listen to them have lost.
So it's written in the bible that the bible is god's words. Ummm... no, that makes no sense.

There is a lot of proof God inspired the bible. There are things in the OT about outer space( true things) no one could possibly know back then. As well archeologists dug many sights the bible said God destroyed those civilizations--They were wicked. 99.9% in Noahs day were wicked--Yet they were human, I would say they love their family and friends. Mislead into false god worship and pagan practices off the table of demons( 1Corinthians 10:21)---- I can clearly see revelation passing before the worlds eyes, it has been for many years.
What do they know about outer space in the OT?

So the babies in Noah's day were wicked?

And please leave archeologists out of it, none ever said any civilizations were wicked, you know that that's nonsense.
The 66 books of the bible.
So god wrote those?

God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.

a few alterations and errors to fit false council teachings to mislead by satans will.

Such as???

The greek word Proskenaue--5 different meanings from Greek to English- 1)worship to God- 2) obeisance to a king-3) honor to a judge--plus 2 others.
Gods word is clear--no worship to even an angel-only to God--Jesus was a mortal while on Earth, trinity based translations give worship to a mortal Jesus= error. Obesiance to our king would be correct translating. (Hebrews 2:7-9) made lower than the angels while on earth)

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.= error
Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise= correct
Jesus was in Hades( grave) for 3 days--impossible to be in paradise the first day.
John 1:1--a god is correct in the last line-- otherwise in the 2nd line if the Word was God( capitol G) it reads-- and God was with God= impossible--there is one God--Rev 3:12--God has a God= impossible. There is one God--1Cor 8:6
Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?
His own, of course.
Don't be silly. That would not be mathematically likely. Most likely he meant people.

Both is truth. Satan beat 99% living now centuries ago--All through the bible= 99% mislead--the only time maybe not, when Israel stood strong, they fell over and over though. Few know what Jesus actually taught. In every church on earth, the teachers are paid to teach that religions dogmas. A little of what Jesus taught, but not correctly either. Jesus clearly did away with the tithe, yet some fall for it and think they are listening to Jesus real teachers. They are being mislead. Ear ticklers for the tithe I call them.
He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?
Are we all god's children?

Few are Gods children--1John 3
So who is?

1John 3 is a mirror for all to peer into. It says--- Its impossible for a child of God to practice even 1 sin.--- means if one practices a sin they are not a child of God.
So god has no children, not even Jesus.

Jesus never sinned. The remaining angels in heaven never sinned. The righteous mortal ones wash their robes-WHITE. It is the hardest accomplishment a mortal will ever achieve in a satan ruled system of things. They still do a sin here or there, they do not practice them. Those that loved Jesus enough to listen to his words have learned, and keep on learning-EVERY utterance from God and applying them. These are the righteous, the ones living now to do Gods will over themselves( Matthew 7:21-23)--No man has the right to tell another--you are saved or born again--they do not know in reality.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...

Few even know what Jesus actually taught. I share 6 really important teachings of his in every sight like this--Rejected by every Trinitarian that reads them. The strange fact is that all 6 teachings are in their bibles as well. They outright refuse to believe Jesus over the dogmas most teachers are paid to teach.
Here is a really important one--Jesus said ones eternal life depends on these things. In prayer to his Father in heaven, Jesus at John 17:1-6,26-- clearly teaches--The one who sent him( Father-John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. And one must know him and know Jesus--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)-- errors in translation cause them not to listen.
So it's written in a book who the real god is so that's it? Geez, not much critical thinking going on there.

If you could see how deep into revelation we are as we speak, you wouldn't say that. Rev 16 will be a disaster for this earth. The righteous will be brought through-Prov 2:21-22,, Matt 24:22)= FEW Jesus said. He compared these last days to Noahs day= 99% mislead or more. People wont believe that # when I say it.
99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
How do you know you've got the right one because everyone says they alone have the right one, so how do you tell?

The teachings of Jesus prove who is who.
But those stories were written several generations after the events supposedly happened, so we don't really know what Jesus actually said.

God preserved the teachings of Jesus--They are the same in every translation on earth--( with the exception of a word--Earth-Land-Matt 5:5)-- There Jesus speaking about-the great multitude which no man can #--Will inherit the EARTH--- they do not go to heaven. Proverbs 2:21-22,, Matthew 24:22)-- the new earth= Gods kingdom in full control. No matter where one stands they will stand before Gods throne--The only ruling power to exist forever-Daniel 2:44)
That's not proof that Jesus said what's written in the bible that he said.

The OT was written thousands of years before Jesus, yet there are many things taught about him in those writings. The foretold Messiah- Gods appointed king. Daniel 7:13-15)--If youtruly desire to find God--do as Jesus said--Our Father who art in heaven--Through Jesus name at the end. Put your whole being into it. He will reveal himself. But be careful. Its easy to be believe untrue things.( Jeremiah 17:9)
a few alterations and errors to fit false council teachings to mislead by satans will.
So you agree that the bible ISN'T god's word, good for you.

The bible is Gods word. My teachers studied very hard and corrected the errors here in these last days. Otherwise this could never be a truth-Daniel 12:4)

The encyclopedias( facts of history)-- clearly show of the pagan additives off the table of Demons in both Easter and Christmas( 1Cor 10:21)-- If ones teacher isn't warning them of those additives--they are teachers of darkness--all who listen to them have lost.
So it's written in the bible that the bible is god's words. Ummm... no, that makes no sense.

There is a lot of proof God inspired the bible. There are things in the OT about outer space( true things) no one could possibly know back then. As well archeologists dug many sights the bible said God destroyed those civilizations--They were wicked. 99.9% in Noahs day were wicked--Yet they were human, I would say they love their family and friends. Mislead into false god worship and pagan practices off the table of demons( 1Corinthians 10:21)---- I can clearly see revelation passing before the worlds eyes, it has been for many years.
What do they know about outer space in the OT?

So the babies in Noah's day were wicked?

And please leave archeologists out of it, none ever said any civilizations were wicked, you know that that's nonsense.

Unfortunately God showed the parents that their children ride on their shoulders. In reality-- God destroyed the parents because they were wicked. Satans #1 tool= from generation to generation from parent to child--false god worship and pagan practices off the table of demons handed down-- Those children were actually spared from living totally wicked existences facing a bad judgement--instead they will be given the opportunity to learn and apply Gods will and gain life everlasting in Gods kingdom. Unless they choose wrong after satan is loosed for a little while. Which would you choose for your children?
Many complain about disfellowshipping of a family member, but in the ot--being stoned to death on the spot was judgement--which would they choose for their family member?
Few realize this reality--- I have heard many say how detestable God was for asking Abraham to kill Issac. Because of a lack of knowledge on that matter.
First of all, God made a promise to Abraham prior to that event concerning future events with Issac involved. So God was not really asking Abraham to kill Issac. He was showing mortals how detestable that it was we were asking him perse to kill his son on our behalfs. All because of one lie--this satan ruled system has evolved--it is almost done.
Everything we know about god comes from a book. Most books are fiction. The Bible has a lot of total fiction, including Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, etc. There is nothing to indicate that the entire book isn't fiction, especially since it was written generations after the events described by people we do not know. Even if we put the bible in the nonfiction category, that would put it on the same shelf with books written by people we know who wrote self serving untrue histories and autobiographies. (No, Betsey Ross did not design and make the flag, and Washington did not cut down a cherry tree). Having walked through that chain of logic, I have reached the end of the train of thought.

As said prior to this, by someone else, people do not want to have to think too hard about their faith. Logically, it makes no sense, so they want you to abandon logic like they have. Also, they have an agenda, which others do not follow. I remember decades ago that I struck up a conversation with a lady at a Singles party. She turned the conversation to religion, and after identifying herself as a Charismatic Catholic (whatever that is) she wanted to save me. Just for the hell of it, I told her that I was already saved. She instantly lost all interest in the conversation, and went elsewhere to save someone else (I guess). I found the experience amusing.
Not true.

We can know about God by what he created.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...
You shouldn't go out when thunder storms are in your area.
Why? You've been struck by lightning? How many times?
Zero. :smile:
Nope. Try again. I know you can do this.
"before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place" I have to believe in god first for any of this to work?
Yes. They are two separate and distinct questions.

1. Does God exist?
2. Who is God?

Now do you understand? If you need some more help, I am always here for you.
So to ask those questions and go further, I have to believe in god already. Does it matter which god?
You won't be able to determine who God is until you believe he exists. The first part informs the second part.

There is only one Creator, Taz. You are confusing many different perceptions of God with many different Gods. There is only one. And you aren't interested in finding him.
I'm not worried, you haven't found him either.

So I have to believe in god for him to exist. Um... no.
Sure I have. It wasn't very hard either.

No. You have to believe in God to find out who he is.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?

Jesus started one single religion( Acts 24:5)1Cor 1:10)

Its not that difficult to find his real teachers--Jesus said--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--- thus his real teachers make 100% sure a steady bible reading every week is read at home and discussed in the congregation so all benefit from Gods will. Week after week, year after year--it does not stop. All can look at their teachers.
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?
His own, of course.
Don't be silly. That would not be mathematically likely. Most likely he meant people.

Both is truth. Satan beat 99% living now centuries ago--All through the bible= 99% mislead--the only time maybe not, when Israel stood strong, they fell over and over though. Few know what Jesus actually taught. In every church on earth, the teachers are paid to teach that religions dogmas. A little of what Jesus taught, but not correctly either. Jesus clearly did away with the tithe, yet some fall for it and think they are listening to Jesus real teachers. They are being mislead. Ear ticklers for the tithe I call them.
Sounds like you are judging them.
Everything we know about god comes from a book. Most books are fiction. The Bible has a lot of total fiction, including Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, etc. There is nothing to indicate that the entire book isn't fiction, especially since it was written generations after the events described by people we do not know. Even if we put the bible in the nonfiction category, that would put it on the same shelf with books written by people we know who wrote self serving untrue histories and autobiographies. (No, Betsey Ross did not design and make the flag, and Washington did not cut down a cherry tree). Having walked through that chain of logic, I have reached the end of the train of thought.

As said prior to this, by someone else, people do not want to have to think too hard about their faith. Logically, it makes no sense, so they want you to abandon logic like they have. Also, they have an agenda, which others do not follow. I remember decades ago that I struck up a conversation with a lady at a Singles party. She turned the conversation to religion, and after identifying herself as a Charismatic Catholic (whatever that is) she wanted to save me. Just for the hell of it, I told her that I was already saved. She instantly lost all interest in the conversation, and went elsewhere to save someone else (I guess). I found the experience amusing.
Not true.

We can know about God by what he created.

Mosquitoes and dung beetles?

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