What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?


What a weird and convoluted story it is. First god rapes an unmarried virgin and dumps her when she gets pregnant with god. A nice itinerant carpenter raises the Jesus who is also god.

Jesus (god) doesn't do much but hang out with his buds for about 30ish years and then god (who is Jesus) arranges for Jesus (god) to be tortured and killed but Jesus (who is god) is dead for only three days then comes back and that's how we got chocolate bunnies.

Now if I could just figure out who the holy ghost is.

Caspar, wearing a tattered garment. From the above tale you constructed, I have no doubt you can construct an entertaining account on how Caspar tore his clothes.

Sorry but I don't believe in ghosts.

Not even the friendly ones.

Yes, and both Luke and Acts are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Why can't you acknowledge that fact?

I doubt that. It was wrote my men, and Acts is historical to the point it explains about Pauls and his journeys and letters. Paul spent most of his time in now known as Turkey and Greece, and some time in Palestine, not much. Romans was probably one of his last letters and he was planning on going to Spain and trying to make money for his trip. (so it's said)
Since you doubt Scripture, there's really no purpose in continuing.

BS Filter

I always wonder why christians believe their belief and their bible and their god/Jesus are so weak that they cannot withstand having to explain themselves to a nonbeliever.

in my experience, they either thump their bible and copy/paste miles of bible or they turn tale and run, like you did.

Why is that?
You're confused. I am willing to explain the Scriptures to anyone that wants to know. However, I've learned from experience to not waste my precious time with those that only want to play games. Jesus told us when people won't listen, shake the dust off your feet and leave. In other words, don't waste your time. There are plenty of people that need to hear and want to listen.

Very wise of you to turn tail and run but would you mind telling us what your qualifications are to "explain the Scriptures"?

I'm asking because it took ten years for Meriweather to get his brain completely washed. Apparently, he/she/it now believes he/she/it is as qualified as you.

And here, I thought thumpers had to go to some sort of special brain washing theo school.
Naw, I don't think I'll waste my precious time with you.
Sorry but I don't believe in ghosts.

Not even the friendly ones.

I'm asking because it took ten years for Meriweather to get his brain completely washed. Apparently, he/she/it now believes he/she/it is as qualified as you.

And here, I thought thumpers had to go to some sort of special brain washing theo school.

I take it you believe that a person is made up of body and a neuro-system/mind that makes all decisions for the individual as opposed to the belief that a person is made up of body, mind, and spirit/soul? In other words, we are little more than animated rocks, and the end result for both human and rock is to be ground back into dust where no spirit remains? Does it really matter, then, that I and others have defective brains? Hmm. Makes me wonder why I am spending so much time filling young brains with math and grammar when it the end it is all dust. Wonder why we weep over children who die.
What is he asking of me? And where did you hear that god is asking something of me?

I was chatting with God the other day and he told me in no uncertain terms that if you wanted to see God even from a distance or to stand close enough to hear his words, you are going to have to learn some manners.

Your mind is full of crap. Thats why you are in such distress. Thats why you are in such despair. Thats why every degenerate comment you make is repulsive to others...and you wonder why when you look around you see nothing?

Is this really a surprise to you?

If you want to see God you will stop with all the games, purify and refine your own mind, and go back to the drawing board and humble yourself like a little child start from the beginning and ask an elder to explain to you the deep and mysterious meaning behind the talking donkeys in scripture.
So you hear another voice in your head? Why does that not surprise me? :3:

So every time you try to say something clever all that comes out is hee haw.. Do you think that surprises me?
You're a very angry person, and feel the need to insult all the time, why is that?

I am not angry about anything...Its really hard not to notice the addled produce of your mind so generously put on full display by you.

If you don't want me to point out the stupid things you say, don't say stupid things..If you have noting intelligent to say, say nothing.

You feel insulted. You wouldn't if what I said did not apply.
See? You're doing it again. You're so full of hate that all you can do is insult. What is it that I say that brings out such childishness in you? If you don't want to discuss the subject, why come here in the first place? it's obvious that all you want to do is belittle others, presumably because it makes you feel better. And I'm supposed to think that you've found the ultimate truth about god? Um... no.
You're just pissed because I confront your beliefs and make you think hard about them. Now where is my eye of newt that you promised me?

Taz, it is not Cecilie who comes across as someone who has not thought hard about her beliefs. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say it is you who have given little thought to her beliefs, but simply dismiss them?
No, I question her on them, and that's makes her uncomfortable, so she lashes out.
I don't mind what you are doing. God is using you.

Which makes sense, since he's definitely a tool.
Sorry but I don't believe in ghosts.

Not even the friendly ones.

I'm asking because it took ten years for Meriweather to get his brain completely washed. Apparently, he/she/it now believes he/she/it is as qualified as you.

And here, I thought thumpers had to go to some sort of special brain washing theo school.

I take it you believe that a person is made up of body and a neuro-system/mind that makes all decisions for the individual as opposed to the belief that a person is made up of body, mind, and spirit/soul? In other words, we are little more than animated rocks, and the end result for both human and rock is to be ground back into dust where no spirit remains? Does it really matter, then, that I and others have defective brains? Hmm. Makes me wonder why I am spending so much time filling young brains with math and grammar when it the end it is all dust. Wonder why we weep over children who die.
If the only purpose of man was to be happy we would never die.
So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...
You shouldn't go out when thunder storms are in your area.
You mean the allegorical accounts of actual events?

They only seem contradictory to people who want to confirm their biases like you.

Again, before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place. Luckily for us he has given us the moral law as evidence for his existence. That and Creation.
So for me to get to the point where I believe that god exists I first have to believe that god exists.
Nope. Try again. I know you can do this.
"before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place" I have to believe in god first for any of this to work?
Yes. They are two separate and distinct questions.

1. Does God exist?
2. Who is God?

Now do you understand? If you need some more help, I am always here for you.
So to ask those questions and go further, I have to believe in god already. Does it matter which god?
You won't be able to determine who God is until you believe he exists. The first part informs the second part.

There is only one Creator, Taz. You are confusing many different perceptions of God with many different Gods. There is only one. And you aren't interested in finding him.
So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?
Are we all god's children?
Not yet. We are all God's creatures.
So why do I always hear that we're all god's children?
Because you have ears?

And because they don't understand that they are part of creation. Which is where the word creature comes from.
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Not quite. It's when you reject his love. But I'm sure he will listen intently to our argument that it was his fault.

So if I reject god's love I can't get sent to hell?

Not quite. You should avoid using double negatives in the future.

So what is it? Please explain.

What is what?
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?
His own, of course.
Don't be silly. That would not be mathematically likely. Most likely he meant people.
Everything we know about god comes from a book. Most books are fiction. The Bible has a lot of total fiction, including Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, etc. There is nothing to indicate that the entire book isn't fiction, especially since it was written generations after the events described by people we do not know. Even if we put the bible in the nonfiction category, that would put it on the same shelf with books written by people we know who wrote self serving untrue histories and autobiographies. (No, Betsey Ross did not design and make the flag, and Washington did not cut down a cherry tree). Having walked through that chain of logic, I have reached the end of the train of thought.

As said prior to this, by someone else, people do not want to have to think too hard about their faith. Logically, it makes no sense, so they want you to abandon logic like they have. Also, they have an agenda, which others do not follow. I remember decades ago that I struck up a conversation with a lady at a Singles party. She turned the conversation to religion, and after identifying herself as a Charismatic Catholic (whatever that is) she wanted to save me. Just for the hell of it, I told her that I was already saved. She instantly lost all interest in the conversation, and went elsewhere to save someone else (I guess). I found the experience amusing.
You're just pissed because I confront your beliefs and make you think hard about them. Now where is my eye of newt that you promised me?

Taz, it is not Cecilie who comes across as someone who has not thought hard about her beliefs. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say it is you who have given little thought to her beliefs, but simply dismiss them?
No, I question her on them, and that's makes her uncomfortable, so she lashes out.
I don't mind what you are doing. God is using you.

Which makes sense, since he's definitely a tool.
You're my groupie, nice to have you aboard!!!
Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...
You shouldn't go out when thunder storms are in your area.
Why? You've been struck by lightning? How many times?
So for me to get to the point where I believe that god exists I first have to believe that god exists.
Nope. Try again. I know you can do this.
"before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place" I have to believe in god first for any of this to work?
Yes. They are two separate and distinct questions.

1. Does God exist?
2. Who is God?

Now do you understand? If you need some more help, I am always here for you.
So to ask those questions and go further, I have to believe in god already. Does it matter which god?
You won't be able to determine who God is until you believe he exists. The first part informs the second part.

There is only one Creator, Taz. You are confusing many different perceptions of God with many different Gods. There is only one. And you aren't interested in finding him.
I'm not worried, you haven't found him either.

So I have to believe in god for him to exist. Um... no.
The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?

Jesus started one single religion( Acts 24:5)1Cor 1:10)

Its not that difficult to find his real teachers--Jesus said--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--- thus his real teachers make 100% sure a steady bible reading every week is read at home and discussed in the congregation so all benefit from Gods will. Week after week, year after year--it does not stop. All can look at their teachers.
So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?
Are we all god's children?

Few are Gods children--1John 3
So who is?

1John 3 is a mirror for all to peer into. It says--- Its impossible for a child of God to practice even 1 sin.--- means if one practices a sin they are not a child of God.
So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...
So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.
I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...

Few even know what Jesus actually taught. I share 6 really important teachings of his in every sight like this--Rejected by every Trinitarian that reads them. The strange fact is that all 6 teachings are in their bibles as well. They outright refuse to believe Jesus over the dogmas most teachers are paid to teach.
Here is a really important one--Jesus said ones eternal life depends on these things. In prayer to his Father in heaven, Jesus at John 17:1-6,26-- clearly teaches--The one who sent him( Father-John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. And one must know him and know Jesus--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)-- errors in translation cause them not to listen.
Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
How do you know you've got the right one because everyone says they alone have the right one, so how do you tell?

The teachings of Jesus prove who is who.
But those stories were written several generations after the events supposedly happened, so we don't really know what Jesus actually said.

God preserved the teachings of Jesus--They are the same in every translation on earth--( with the exception of a word--Earth-Land-Matt 5:5)-- There Jesus speaking about-the great multitude which no man can #--Will inherit the EARTH--- they do not go to heaven. Proverbs 2:21-22,, Matthew 24:22)-- the new earth= Gods kingdom in full control. No matter where one stands they will stand before Gods throne--The only ruling power to exist forever-Daniel 2:44)
Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.
He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?
Are we all god's children?

Few are Gods children--1John 3
So who is?

1John 3 is a mirror for all to peer into. It says--- Its impossible for a child of God to practice even 1 sin.--- means if one practices a sin they are not a child of God.
So god has no children, not even Jesus.

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