What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
How do you know you've got the right one because everyone says they alone have the right one, so how do you tell?

The teachings of Jesus prove who is who.
The 66 books of the bible.
So god wrote those?

God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.

a few alterations and errors to fit false council teachings to mislead by satans will.
So you agree that the bible ISN'T god's word, good for you.

The bible is Gods word. My teachers studied very hard and corrected the errors here in these last days. Otherwise this could never be a truth-Daniel 12:4)

The encyclopedias( facts of history)-- clearly show of the pagan additives off the table of Demons in both Easter and Christmas( 1Cor 10:21)-- If ones teacher isn't warning them of those additives--they are teachers of darkness--all who listen to them have lost.
Yes, left to themselves. Like I have told you before, go lock yourself in a totally dark room for three days with no light or any contact with anyone but yourself and then you will know exactly what hell is like.

Yes, it is all real. The Bible is full of wisdom on how to live life and how not to live life. I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
It’s just that I’ve never met a bunch of people who don’t believe the stories in the bible are true, but still believe in the god of the bible. The two seem contradictory because if you don’t believe the stories about god in the bible then how can you believe that the god of the bible exists?
You mean the allegorical accounts of actual events?

They only seem contradictory to people who want to confirm their biases like you.

Again, before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place. Luckily for us he has given us the moral law as evidence for his existence. That and Creation.
So for me to get to the point where I believe that god exists I first have to believe that god exists.
Nope. Try again. I know you can do this.
"before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place" I have to believe in god first for any of this to work?
Yes. They are two separate and distinct questions.

1. Does God exist?
2. Who is God?

Now do you understand? If you need some more help, I am always here for you.
So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.

He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?

Are we all god's children?

Not yet. We are all God's creatures.
I don't mind what you are doing. God is using you.
So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Not quite. It's when you reject his love. But I'm sure he will listen intently to our argument that it was his fault.

So if I reject god's love I can't get sent to hell?

Not quite. You should avoid using double negatives in the future.
So what happens to my soul if i don't follow jesus?

The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?
So if I reject god's love I can't get sent to hell?

Correct. You will not be sent. You elected to spend eternity in hell away from the love of God, which you reject. God does not force Himself on us.
My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

Too many words from your heart make that statement a flat out lie. God abides in truth.
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.

He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?

Are we all god's children?

Few are Gods children--1John 3

So who is?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.

God will reveal Himself if you seek him with your whole heart. Millions of people over history can attest to that.

My whole heart has wanted Him to reveal Himself to me for like forever. So far nothing. That's one of the reasons I ask everyone so many questions...

good to hear you seek him. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father-- that entails learning and applying every teaching he gave. Obeying him is proof of ones love.

I'm down with Jesus, his philosophy of life pretty much aligns with mine: be nice, kind, helpful, peaceful...
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
How do you know you've got the right one because everyone says they alone have the right one, so how do you tell?

The teachings of Jesus prove who is who.
But those stories were written several generations after the events supposedly happened, so we don't really know what Jesus actually said.
So god wrote those?

God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.

a few alterations and errors to fit false council teachings to mislead by satans will.
So you agree that the bible ISN'T god's word, good for you.

The bible is Gods word. My teachers studied very hard and corrected the errors here in these last days. Otherwise this could never be a truth-Daniel 12:4)

The encyclopedias( facts of history)-- clearly show of the pagan additives off the table of Demons in both Easter and Christmas( 1Cor 10:21)-- If ones teacher isn't warning them of those additives--they are teachers of darkness--all who listen to them have lost.
So it's written in the bible that the bible is god's words. Ummm... no, that makes no sense.
It’s just that I’ve never met a bunch of people who don’t believe the stories in the bible are true, but still believe in the god of the bible. The two seem contradictory because if you don’t believe the stories about god in the bible then how can you believe that the god of the bible exists?
You mean the allegorical accounts of actual events?

They only seem contradictory to people who want to confirm their biases like you.

Again, before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place. Luckily for us he has given us the moral law as evidence for his existence. That and Creation.
So for me to get to the point where I believe that god exists I first have to believe that god exists.
Nope. Try again. I know you can do this.
"before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place" I have to believe in god first for any of this to work?
Yes. They are two separate and distinct questions.

1. Does God exist?
2. Who is God?

Now do you understand? If you need some more help, I am always here for you.
So to ask those questions and go further, I have to believe in god already. Does it matter which god?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Actually, that pretty much sums it up. God demands that you believe in him, even though he won't reveal himself. Frankly, I think Santa Clause is more reasonable in that respect.

He sent his son. Isn't that enough? What more do you want?

Are we all god's children?

Not yet. We are all God's creatures.

So why do I always hear that we're all god's children?
So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Not quite. It's when you reject his love. But I'm sure he will listen intently to our argument that it was his fault.

So if I reject god's love I can't get sent to hell?

Not quite. You should avoid using double negatives in the future.

So what is it? Please explain.
The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?

99% of all religion on earth is in darkness
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?
His own, of course.
So if I reject god's love I can't get sent to hell?

Correct. You will not be sent. You elected to spend eternity in hell away from the love of God, which you reject. God does not force Himself on us.
So there's no burning fire and stuff? No devil with a pitchfork flipping me over so I cook evenly on both sides? Geez, what a letdown. :biggrin:
Are we all god's children?

Jesus taught that an enemy sewed weeds among the wheat. He flat out told some that their Father was not God, but the devil.
So god makes some people, and the devil makes the others? Why doesn't god just drown the devil or some other sort of death that god inflicts? i thought god was the man. Another major disappointment.

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