What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
I can testify that God honors free will. God can work within people without them being aware, but that would be over issues they are working on within themselves as well. When it comes to choice, that decision comes from the individual conscience, not a direction from God.

How is it that some know what and how and when and the rest?

Does god tell you this stuff? Does god tell you how he handles these "issues" and then how he handles the other issues differently?

Also, "god honors free will". I have to say, that's a new way of giving god a pass when he doesn't do anything you pray for.
You don't believe in God. So you don't believe you will be threatened with roasting, now do you?

You conflate the question of does God exist with who is God. You argue that since God can't be who Judaeo-Christianity reveals him to be then he can't possibly exist. That's disingenuous. They are two separate questions and logically cannot be evaluated out of sequence.

Furthermore, you reveal your intentions when you habitually misrepresent the beliefs of Judaeo-Christianity.
I say god has not been proven to exist, and has not be proven to not be possible to exist. You stand corrected.

So only those who believe in god can get roasted?
Saying you are agnostic does not make you agnostic.

Do you mean metaphorically roasted? No one knows who will be and who won't be left to themselves.
Left to themselves? You mean there's no roasting in hell? Is anything real in the bible?
Yes, left to themselves. Like I have told you before, go lock yourself in a totally dark room for three days with no light or any contact with anyone but yourself and then you will know exactly what hell is like.

Yes, it is all real. The Bible is full of wisdom on how to live life and how not to live life. I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
It’s just that I’ve never met a bunch of people who don’t believe the stories in the bible are true, but still believe in the god of the bible. The two seem contradictory because if you don’t believe the stories about god in the bible then how can you believe that the god of the bible exists?
You mean the allegorical accounts of actual events?

They only seem contradictory to people who want to confirm their biases like you.

Again, before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place. Luckily for us he has given us the moral law as evidence for his existence. That and Creation.
God told me that I would find salvation on this thread...I think. My hearing is pretty bad. Maybe he told me that I will find salvation on an NRA thread. Or, maybe he told me that my salvation is hanging by a thread.
The 66 books of the bible.
So god wrote those?

God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.
Pretty much. And they were given latitude in doing so.

Of course, you need to recognize the context of those times for it to make sense which is something you never do.
So why should I believe some guy who wrote “god said this... did that...”?
Don't. I couldn't care less. Why should I believe you? What evidence do you have that God doesn't exist?
The lake of fire= the 2nd death--death everlasting--not eternal suffering. Gods justice scales make that an impossible reality.
So god is going to roast me for eternity? What a nice guy!

Its impossible, I told you for eternal suffering to be a reality-- Teachers of darkness teach it.
Who is a teacher of darkness?
I’m trying to figure out wtf he’s talking about. :biggrin:
No. You'e not. You are trolling.
Is that a serious question?

Are you saying it takes years?


Yes, it is a serious question. And yes, it can take years. For me, nothing out of the ordinary happened for ten years. I can't answer why, but I like the analogy of when God makes a radish, He takes thirty days. For an oak tree, He takes a hundred years. Or, take a look at the ages of people in the Bible when they had their first experiences of God. Samuel was fairly young, Jeremiah a bit older, but the rest were well into adulthood.
Sure. Go lock yourself in a totally dark room for three days with no contact with anyone but yourself.

Then come back and tell me that wasn't hell.
So the hell described in the bible doesn't exist? (which is what Ceci is talking about.)
Go lock yourself in a totally dark room for three days with no contact with anyone but yourself and then come back and tell me that hell doesn't exist.
Does the room have to be burning like in the bible?
No. Just dark and by yourself. You can even bring food and water. After three days you will know exactly what hell is like. Give it a try and get back to me.
So that’s the only hell there is?
You mean being separated from God? That's what hell is. It will be just like being locked in a totally dark room all by yourself. You should try it out. You might like it.
How is it that some know what and how and when and the rest?

Does god tell you this stuff? Does god tell you how he handles these "issues" and then how he handles the other issues differently?

Also, "god honors free will". I have to say, that's a new way of giving god a pass when he doesn't do anything you pray for.

I am speaking of a personal experience of God which involved free will. I can testify as to free will from personal experience, but that does not mean I have personal testimony that God created the earth.
You're just pissed because I confront your beliefs and make you think hard about them. Now where is my eye of newt that you promised me?

Taz, it is not Cecilie who comes across as someone who has not thought hard about her beliefs. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say it is you who have given little thought to her beliefs, but simply dismiss them?
No, I question her on them, and that's makes her uncomfortable, so she lashes out.
I don't mind what you are doing. God is using you.
So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

God told me that I would find salvation on this thread...I think. My hearing is pretty bad. Maybe he told me that I will find salvation on an NRA thread. Or, maybe he told me that my salvation is hanging by a thread.
Probably the latter, but I leave that to you and him to figure out.

Just remember that laughing leads to crying.
It’s just that I’ve never met a bunch of people who don’t believe the stories in the bible are true, but still believe in the god of the bible. The two seem contradictory because if you don’t believe the stories about god in the bible then how can you believe that the god of the bible exists?

We believe truth is illustrated in Bible narratives. The Bible presents truths and lessons in story form.
So none of the stories are true?
I say god has not been proven to exist, and has not be proven to not be possible to exist. You stand corrected.

So only those who believe in god can get roasted?
Saying you are agnostic does not make you agnostic.

Do you mean metaphorically roasted? No one knows who will be and who won't be left to themselves.
Left to themselves? You mean there's no roasting in hell? Is anything real in the bible?
Yes, left to themselves. Like I have told you before, go lock yourself in a totally dark room for three days with no light or any contact with anyone but yourself and then you will know exactly what hell is like.

Yes, it is all real. The Bible is full of wisdom on how to live life and how not to live life. I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
It’s just that I’ve never met a bunch of people who don’t believe the stories in the bible are true, but still believe in the god of the bible. The two seem contradictory because if you don’t believe the stories about god in the bible then how can you believe that the god of the bible exists?
You mean the allegorical accounts of actual events?

They only seem contradictory to people who want to confirm their biases like you.

Again, before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place. Luckily for us he has given us the moral law as evidence for his existence. That and Creation.
So for me to get to the point where I believe that god exists I first have to believe that god exists.
So god wrote those?

God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.
Pretty much. And they were given latitude in doing so.

Of course, you need to recognize the context of those times for it to make sense which is something you never do.
So why should I believe some guy who wrote “god said this... did that...”?
Don't. I couldn't care less. Why should I believe you? What evidence do you have that God doesn't exist?
None, that’s why I’m agnostic.
You're just pissed because I confront your beliefs and make you think hard about them. Now where is my eye of newt that you promised me?

Taz, it is not Cecilie who comes across as someone who has not thought hard about her beliefs. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say it is you who have given little thought to her beliefs, but simply dismiss them?
No, I question her on them, and that's makes her uncomfortable, so she lashes out.
I don't mind what you are doing. God is using you.
So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?
Lots. What’s first?

Prayer and an open spirit is a good first step. Other Biblical nuggets I found are:

1. Do not test the Lord Your God. (In other words if you are simply after God proving something to you, you may as well not bother.)

2. Here I am Lord. Send me. (Do not go searching for things to do, but rather keep your eyes and mind open at everyday opportunities that present themselves in your life.)

3. Elijah found God in the tiny whispering sound--not in powerful events.

4. Observe the Ten Commandments and practice the Beatitudes.

5. Considering the troubles you are having with the Bible, perhaps limit yourself a few of the Wisdom Books: The Book of Proverbs, the Book of Wisdom, the Book of Sirach may be a good start.

I don't know if it will be the same for you, but my experiences of God have come about when I have run into difficulties in helping someone else.

Also be forewarned or cautioned about seeking an experience of God. There is a great sense of loss when it is finished--on the order of what an individual goes through after losing the person they love most. This sense of loss does not ever go away, and there is tremendous sorrow. Indeed blessed are those who walk in faith without such experiences.
Have you ever read the book of Acts?

Which was wrote by the same pen as Luke, so the books say, somewhere about 80- 90 Ad.
Yes, and both Luke and Acts are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Why can't you acknowledge that fact?

I doubt that. It was wrote my men, and Acts is historical to the point it explains about Pauls and his journeys and letters. Paul spent most of his time in now known as Turkey and Greece, and some time in Palestine, not much. Romans was probably one of his last letters and he was planning on going to Spain and trying to make money for his trip. (so it's said)
Since you doubt Scripture, there's really no purpose in continuing.

BS Filter

I always wonder why christians believe their belief and their bible and their god/Jesus are so weak that they cannot withstand having to explain themselves to a nonbeliever.

in my experience, they either thump their bible and copy/paste miles of bible or they turn tale and run, like you did.

Why is that?
You're confused. I am willing to explain the Scriptures to anyone that wants to know. However, I've learned from experience to not waste my precious time with those that only want to play games. Jesus told us when people won't listen, shake the dust off your feet and leave. In other words, don't waste your time. There are plenty of people that need to hear and want to listen.
Saying you are agnostic does not make you agnostic.

Do you mean metaphorically roasted? No one knows who will be and who won't be left to themselves.
Left to themselves? You mean there's no roasting in hell? Is anything real in the bible?
Yes, left to themselves. Like I have told you before, go lock yourself in a totally dark room for three days with no light or any contact with anyone but yourself and then you will know exactly what hell is like.

Yes, it is all real. The Bible is full of wisdom on how to live life and how not to live life. I can't help it if you read it to confirm your bias.
It’s just that I’ve never met a bunch of people who don’t believe the stories in the bible are true, but still believe in the god of the bible. The two seem contradictory because if you don’t believe the stories about god in the bible then how can you believe that the god of the bible exists?
You mean the allegorical accounts of actual events?

They only seem contradictory to people who want to confirm their biases like you.

Again, before you can figure out who God is, you have to believe God exists in the first place. Luckily for us he has given us the moral law as evidence for his existence. That and Creation.
So for me to get to the point where I believe that god exists I first have to believe that god exists.
Nope. Try again. I know you can do this.
God inspired the original writings. Once the religion that came out of Rome translated--they translated to fit in false council teachings. Every trinity translation on earth is altered and error filled.
So it's not god's word, god just inspire some guy to write that.
Pretty much. And they were given latitude in doing so.

Of course, you need to recognize the context of those times for it to make sense which is something you never do.
So why should I believe some guy who wrote “god said this... did that...”?
Don't. I couldn't care less. Why should I believe you? What evidence do you have that God doesn't exist?
None, that’s why I’m agnostic.
That's why I win. I have evidence that God does exist. So do you.
Taz, it is not Cecilie who comes across as someone who has not thought hard about her beliefs. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say it is you who have given little thought to her beliefs, but simply dismiss them?
No, I question her on them, and that's makes her uncomfortable, so she lashes out.
I don't mind what you are doing. God is using you.
So god is using me without my consent or knowledge? That sounds pretty underhanded. Or is it like a hypnotist?
It can only sound underhanded to you if you actually believed he existed, right?

No, it is not like a hypnotist. We live in a deterministic universe where every cause has an effect. Everything is connected.

Your disbelief and trolling is serving a purpose. Kind of like this.

So if I don’t believe that god exists, I can’t get sent to hell?

Not quite. It's when you reject his love. But I'm sure he will listen intently to our argument that it was his fault.

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