What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

I've always wondered why the God of Abraham would send his son (the idea of this god having a son is worrisome enough) to be tortured and killed as a sacrifice to his own self. Unless there was another god out there who was pissed and the God of Abraham had to make some sort of sacrifice to this other god. Otherwise, the God of Abraham could merely have written a note to himself to remind him to forgive the idiots below for failing to carry out his orders.

How many Gods were there?

Don't know. Nobody does. The commandments given in Hebrew scripture include "you shall have no other gods before me," which could be interpreted to mean that it is quite populated up there. Of course, those who think that they are "in the know," which is impossible, have other interpretations.

Hebrew------not English. There are people right now on television "interpreting"--the Hebrew scriptural writings AS IF they were written
in English---------HAPPY JELLY BEAN DAY (no---the bunny is not divine----
but chocolate is CLOSE)
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

God told Satan that he would "put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman". The woman to who he referred was Mary, who was without sin.
Can you provide a passage from the Bible where this is said? Especially a part where Mary's sinless is mentioned.
To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."…

When you read things in context, things become clear. The Woman referred to was Eve. Not Mary.
All seems a a bit extreme.

Why couldn't He have just snapped His fingers and eliminated evil?

Doesn't seem like He really thought this human thing all the way through.
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)
It would be okay to me if mainstream Christian tradition put it this way. But according to this tradition Jesus' sufferings and death are a sacrifice of God to himself. It doesnt make sense to me.
Man sinned against God, and there must be a penalty for sin. God requires shedding of innocent blood. Since there is none on earth because everyone is a sinner, the only perfect sacrifice was Jesus.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Yes those are Christian beliefs. People didn’t listen to God’s prophets and they couldn’t follow instructions to save themselves. They were in sin.
Many things have changed since then? People arent in sin now?
Yeah things changed dramatically. Our time is based on the change. BC and AD. Our savior came so we don’t have to stay in sin.
I've always wondered why the God of Abraham would send his son (the idea of this god having a son is worrisome enough) to be tortured and killed as a sacrifice to his own self. Unless there was another god out there who was pissed and the God of Abraham had to make some sort of sacrifice to this other god. Otherwise, the God of Abraham could merely have written a note to himself to remind him to forgive the idiots below for failing to carry out his orders.

How many Gods were there?

Don't know. Nobody does. The commandments given in Hebrew scripture include "you shall have no other gods before me," which could be interpreted to mean that it is quite populated up there. Of course, those who think that they are "in the know," which is impossible, have other interpretations.
Unfortunately, that commandment completely overshadows Isaiah in the modern church.

YHWH was God of Israel, greater than all other gods. But after the Babylonian conquest, Isaiah asks if other gods existed at all. "I know not any," he says (44:8).

This is the peak of Old Testament monotheism, implicit in the Torah but now fully expressed.
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)
It would be okay to me if mainstream Christian tradition put it this way. But according to this tradition Jesus' sufferings and death are a sacrifice of God to himself. It doesnt make sense to me.
It is a sacrifice of the cult of Temple, really. Read the book of Hebrews. The Temple was a copy of the real thing. The Temple veil was torn when Christ's flesh was torn. The Temple Age came to an end. The sacrifice once for all made it so. Enter the New Covenant Age.
All seems a a bit extreme.

Why couldn't He have just snapped His fingers and eliminated evil?

Doesn't seem like He really thought this human thing all the way through.
Yeah, God is kinda dumb and you're smart, huh!
How was it a sacrifice, if Jesus did not die?

The Resurrection is central to the belief in Christianity.
He suffered death and then defeated it. He still died.

That doesn't make sense.
The wages of sin is death. Man dies because of sin. Jesus took our sin, died, and rose from the grave. Jesus defeated death. We will die, but rise again in the resurrection.
How was it a sacrifice, if Jesus did not die?

The Resurrection is central to the belief in Christianity.
He suffered death and then defeated it. He still died.

That doesn't make sense.
Why not?

Are you sure you want to change subjects? There is only so much time before Homeland.

I can handle several subjects at the same time.
Your call.

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