What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)

Can you define 'sin'?
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)

Can you define 'sin'?
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?

Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)

Can you define 'sin'?
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?

Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
I see.

If you don't need to ask questions anymore, then why did you ask what sin is?
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)

Can you define 'sin'?
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?

Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
I see.

If you don't need to ask questions anymore, then why did you ask what sin is?

I asked in the context of what that guy meant by it.

What's your thinking about it?
Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)

Can you define 'sin'?
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?

Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
I see.

If you don't need to ask questions anymore, then why did you ask what sin is?

I asked in the context of what that guy meant by it.

What's your thinking about it?
Anything which distances one from God.
Can you define 'sin'?
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?

Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
I see.

If you don't need to ask questions anymore, then why did you ask what sin is?

I asked in the context of what that guy meant by it.

What's your thinking about it?
Anything which distances one from God.

I have a close relationship with God.

I don't need an intermediary.
I can, but it would be rude of me to steal his thunder.

Can you define sin?

Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
I see.

If you don't need to ask questions anymore, then why did you ask what sin is?

I asked in the context of what that guy meant by it.

What's your thinking about it?
Anything which distances one from God.

I have a close relationship with God.

I don't need an intermediary.
What does an intermediary have to do with what I wrote?

What do you believe sin is?
Not really.

I used to parrot out the usual platitudes.
I see.

If you don't need to ask questions anymore, then why did you ask what sin is?

I asked in the context of what that guy meant by it.

What's your thinking about it?
Anything which distances one from God.

I have a close relationship with God.

I don't need an intermediary.
What does an intermediary have to do with what I wrote?

What do you believe sin is?

You mentioned God.

If you are a Christian, you have an intermediary, don't you?

Sin? What we do to animals is some of it.
I need to run off for a bit, but I will be back later.

I'm enjoying this conversation.

I hope you are too.
Because I kind of 'know'.
Please tell me.

I'd like to kind of know too.

I can't impregnate you with my thinking.

Just a stage I got to, I guess.
I'm wearing protection.

Please tell me more about this stage you got to.

I won't bite, I promise. :wink:

Going through the fire moved me on.
How so?

Then I'd have to bare my soul.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

It makes churches richer.
I've attended many churches. None of them were rich.

Collectively in the United States of America, 68 billion dollars a year tax free.
There are 320,000 churches in America. That equates to around 200,000 per year per church. If you exclude the mega churches, the average is much less. This covers the cost of building and maintaining the Church, salaries (many churches have private schools they run) and property taxes. There is also the cost of expansion, repairs, supporting missionaries overseas, not to mention local charities.

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